Taiwan's Ambassador to Tuvalu: We Are Friend to All, Enemy to None

  • last year
Four of Taiwan's 13 remaining diplomatic allies are Pacific island nations. How worried is Taipei about losing them? Louise Watt speaks to the country's ambassador to Tuvalu, Andrew Lin.


00:00 Four of Taiwan's remaining 13 diplomatic allies are in the Pacific region.
00:05 How concerned is the Taiwan government about losing these allies?
00:10 Over the past four decades, we adopted an approach to engage with Tuvaluan.
00:18 This approach is a friend to all, enemy to none.
00:23 So at least I think that of course we have concern that we are going to,
00:27 maybe we are going to lose another diplomatic ally, but at least in Tuvalu.
00:32 Because Taiwan's dedication and contribution,
00:34 I think is deeply rooted in all Tuvaluans.
00:38 So we have no enemy here.
00:41 China has been attempting to grow its influence in the Pacific region.
00:45 How successful do you think it's been?
00:48 Given the strategic importance of the help by the Pacific island nations,
00:56 in terms of security, defence and vast maritime resources,
01:02 so it's a must for China to penetrate their influence into the Pacific.
01:10 And of course, according to some political analysis,
01:15 China's aggressive exertion into the Pacific poised to potential risk.
01:21 Why they can undermine the democratic system and good governance,
01:26 because they are through their early captures and high level corruption.
01:32 And another risk is, I think is China would like to maybe use its leverage,
01:40 such as trade diplomacy and permanent facility,
01:46 such as military base in the region.
01:49 So as to ensure their presence in the region.
01:54 And not to our surprise,
01:56 China already show political motivated intention in South Pacific.
02:02 And currently, I think most of the South Pacific island nation,
02:08 they already have some awareness regarding China's aggressive behaviour in this region,
02:15 which will undermine the region's peace and stability.
