• 2 years ago
Character: Ryu

Main story and arcade run of all modes from Street Fighter I all the way till Street Fighter V as main protagonist of the series, Ryu, in English.
All final bosses in arcade mode are a little bullshit, but amongst them, the most bullshit final boss is Street Fighter III mode, Gill. That bullshit boss is SNK level of bullshit just like KOF series. Whatever resurrection move he had, is nothing but sore loser way of not admitting defeat after having no health.
Since Dailymotion has time limit, I had to split into 2. Part 1 contains Main Story, SF1 Arcade, SF2 Arcade & SFA Arcade. Part 2 contains SF3 Arcade, SF4 Arcade & SF5 Arcade.

0:00 - SFV Main Story
7:33 - SFI Arcade
17:00 - SFII Arcade
37:15 - SFA Arcade
Part 2 - SFIII Arcade
Part 2 - SFIV Arcade
Part 2 - SFV Arcade

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