Shocking My Kids With This Insane Tattoo Cover-Up | TRANSFORMED

  • last year
ANDI Doherty, from Kent, UK, has tattooed over 80% of his body and says that his family haven't seen his face in over 20 years. Andi told Truly: "I got my very first tattoo when I was 14, a bleeding love heart on my ankle. After I got that first tattoo there was no stopping me! I like the fact that they're bold, they're in your face, it's a conversation starter and it makes you stick out from the crowd." Tragically, Andi's young daughter passed away six years ago and ever since then a lot of his tattoos have been a tribute to her; so they mean a great deal to him. Today, with the help of makeup artist Aylish, Andi will be having all of his tattoos covered up and giving his family the surprise of a lifetime. Will Andi's family prefer his look without the ink? Or will they realise that they prefer him with all of his tattoos?

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00:00 My family haven't seen my face in 20 years.
00:03 Today, I'm gonna get all of my tattoos covered up.
00:05 I'm gonna be revealing myself to my sister.
00:08 Oh, that sounded really pervy, didn't it?
00:10 (upbeat music)
00:13 Oh, I don't know how I feel about that.
00:15 (upbeat music)
00:18 (laughing)
00:21 - It was quite awing.
00:22 (upbeat music)
00:26 - My name is Andy, and I've been getting
00:28 and collecting tattoos now for 20 years.
00:30 - Come on, Andy, I know you're a guy that smiles, man.
00:32 Come on, give me a smile.
00:33 - I don't really smile.
00:34 - Do you not? - No, no, man.
00:36 My name's Andy, and I've tattooed over 80% of my body.
00:39 I got my very first tattoo when I was 14.
00:42 So this is my very first tattoo,
00:44 a bleeding love heart on my ankle.
00:46 After I got that first tattoo,
00:48 it was, there was no stopping me after that.
00:50 It was always gonna be the first of many.
00:53 I like the fact that tattoos, they're bold,
00:55 they're in your face, it's a conversation starter,
00:58 and it just makes you stick out from the crowd.
01:00 Can't say how many tattoos I've got.
01:02 It could be a hundred, and it could be one,
01:04 'cause they all blended into one at this point.
01:06 The first one I got on my face,
01:08 I got a little lightning bolt underneath my eye,
01:11 and I knew it wouldn't be the last one.
01:13 I would say, if I'm being very honest,
01:15 50% of them have got real meaning to me.
01:18 50% of them I got 'cause I thought they looked rad.
01:21 I would say my favorite tattoo,
01:23 'cause it means the most to me,
01:24 is the portrait of my daughter, Winter Rose,
01:28 that's on my back.
01:29 It's around here, I hope you guys can see it.
01:32 I lost a daughter six years ago,
01:35 and ever since then, I've had a lot of tattoos
01:40 as a tribute to her,
01:42 so obviously, they mean a great deal to me.
01:45 This is my bereavement band.
01:47 This is to signify that I am in a state of mourning.
01:50 One of the first tattoos I got
01:52 to commemorate my daughter, Winter's, passing
01:54 was this big black band I have here.
01:57 This is me mourning forever,
01:59 and then it's never gonna stop,
02:00 and that's how I keep her alive.
02:02 Today, I'm gonna get all of my tattoos covered up,
02:06 which is gonna be a nice surprise for my family.
02:09 My family haven't seen my face in 20 years,
02:12 and today, I'm gonna be revealing myself to my sister.
02:15 Oh, that sounded really pervy, didn't it?
02:18 I'm gonna get my (beep) out.
02:19 - Maybe, maybe, maybe. (laughing)
02:21 - Today, I'm gonna be revealing my makeover
02:24 to my children and my sister.
02:25 Guys, what do you think about my tattoos?
02:28 - The hammerhead shark is my favorite.
02:32 - You like that one?
02:33 - Yeah. - What about you, Skylar?
02:35 - I don't like all of them.
02:37 - What do you reckon later,
02:38 when you see my face with absolutely no tattoos?
02:41 - Weird.
02:45 - Weird?
02:46 It might look weird.
02:47 What do you reckon, Skylar?
02:48 - I think it'll be really weird
02:50 'cause I've never seen you without tattoos.
02:52 - It's exciting, though, yeah?
02:53 Yeah.
02:55 (knocking)
02:57 - Hello, makeup?
03:04 - Yeah, I'm Andy.
03:04 - Yeah, I'm Andy, nice to meet you.
03:06 - How are you?
03:07 - Yeah, good, good, good, come on through.
03:08 The only thing I think I'd be apprehensive about today
03:11 is seeing me without tattoos
03:13 and realizing I prefer it and I can't go back.
03:17 I think it's gonna be really fascinating
03:20 to see, A, how I look
03:23 and how people are gonna take how I look
03:28 and if they're gonna prefer it or not.
03:30 - First, I'll have to use a orangey-red color concealer
03:33 to get rid of the black and the blue ink.
03:37 - I've had plenty of negative comments
03:44 about my face tattoos.
03:46 When I'm out and about, even sometimes in the supermarket,
03:49 I'll get someone to say something,
03:50 someone to shout at me sometimes.
03:52 When I did a school run and my daughter said to me,
03:56 "My friends are scared of you, you look scary."
03:58 And I was like, "I'm so sorry, baby."
04:00 If they knew me, they'd know I'm nice, wouldn't they?
04:01 And at that point, as a father, I feel a bit bad,
04:04 but what can I really do?
04:06 - How do you think you're going to feel
04:09 when you see yourself with no tattoos?
04:12 - I think I'm maybe a little bit amused, I don't know.
04:15 My sister, I'd love to see her reaction.
04:19 Charlie does not like my tattoos.
04:21 I think in her heart, she thinks you would look
04:24 so much better if you didn't have all of them
04:26 and you could present yourself better.
04:28 - Okay, so I've finished correcting
04:30 all of the black and the blue ink,
04:32 and now I'm applying the body foundation.
04:35 Okay, so now that's all the tattoos covered,
04:41 I'm just gonna blend it all together with powder
04:44 and set it all in place.
04:47 (upbeat music)
04:50 - We're done, are you ready?
04:53 - I'm ready, yeah, I'm excited.
04:54 Feeling a little bit nervous.
04:56 I have a feeling I'm gonna look extremely tanned.
05:00 (laughing)
05:02 Oh!
05:08 I don't know how I feel about it.
05:15 I kind of look a bit muscly now.
05:19 (laughing)
05:20 I don't know if the tattoos are,
05:21 I don't know how I feel about that.
05:23 (upbeat music)
05:26 - What do you think?
05:33 - Do you know what, I don't even know what I think.
05:35 I'm so stunned by it.
05:37 I look like, I look like an Essex boy.
05:41 I'm tan and beautiful, I don't know.
05:43 I like it, I prefer my tattoos, but I like it.
05:48 I don't like being this tan, but no, I like it.
05:52 I think I look a little bit, a little bit tasty,
05:55 a little bit good looking, actually.
05:56 For me, it's like a very normal version of myself.
05:58 It's just, it's surreal to see it.
06:01 I can't quite get my head around
06:03 what I'm looking at, actually.
06:05 - My brother's tattoos are his own sort of thing.
06:08 They're not really my taste.
06:09 I mean, I know I've got tattoos,
06:11 but I think he's gone a little bit too extreme.
06:13 I'm not really into face tattoos
06:14 and all of that sort of stuff.
06:16 I like to be able to see a face.
06:18 - How do you think you'll feel when you see him
06:20 with all of his tattoos gone?
06:22 - Probably impressed, I reckon.
06:24 He'll probably look like the brother I saw
06:26 when he was like 14, 15, but just a bit chubbier.
06:28 (upbeat music)
06:31 - Open your eyes.
06:32 (laughing)
06:34 - Oh my God.
06:37 (laughing)
06:39 - Oh God.
06:40 - Do you like it?
06:42 - No.
06:43 - No?
06:44 No?
06:45 - You look weird.
06:46 - Huh?
06:46 - You look weird.
06:47 - I look weird?
06:49 - You don't look like the skin that you had the first time.
06:53 - But no, the skin I had the first time
06:55 was my tattoos, wasn't it?
06:56 (laughing)
06:58 - Yeah, well some.
06:59 - You're bright orange.
07:01 - Was.
07:02 - Go on.
07:02 - You're bright orange.
07:04 - I actually prefer you with tattoos.
07:04 - I thought you was a different person.
07:07 - Now this is a shock to me
07:08 because I was certain I was gonna get
07:11 better, better, better, better.
07:13 What do you guys say?
07:14 For or afterwards?
07:15 - I mean I like the orange.
07:18 - Tattoos or not?
07:18 - Without tattoos, but for some reason.
07:20 - Tattoos.
07:21 - For your face with them.
07:23 - The look we've got here, it's not my son.
07:29 It's, I always thought, I really did,
07:32 that you'd look so much better without your tattoos.
07:36 But I think, no.
07:38 - Is this the same daddy you know and love?
07:40 - No.
07:41 - You wouldn't love this pa?
07:44 (laughing)
07:47 - Did you what?
07:48 - My family's reaction, I'm completely shocked.
07:52 Absolutely stunned by it and quite happy with it actually
07:57 because, well as I said before,
08:00 I predicted that every single one of them
08:02 would like me without the tattoos.
08:05 I like how I look and it's rad.
08:07 I'm gonna take all the pics I can of it while I've got it.
08:10 But it's not me.
08:12 It hasn't changed the way I feel about my tattoos.
08:13 It made me question it,
08:15 but it hasn't changed the way I feel about my tattoos.
08:18 It is really nice to see normal Andy,
08:24 but I'd like to go back to tattooing Andy.
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