• 2 years ago
Die Europäische Kommission hat vorgeschlagen, die Regeln für die Aussetzung der Visumpflicht zu verschärfen, um den "Missbrauch" der Visumfreiheit in Europa zu bekämpfen.

Die überarbeiteten Regeln würden der EU mehr Flexibilität bei der vorübergehenden Aussetzung ihrer visafreien Reiseregelungen geben, auch wenn sie der Meinung ist, dass die Politik von Drittländern zu einem erhöhten Zustrom von Migranten in die EU führen könnte.

Margaritis Schinas, Vizepräsident der Europäischen Kommission, sagte am Mittwoch, dass die EU-Regelung für visumfreies Reisen "enorme Vorteile" mit sich bringe, dass die EU aber auch sicherstellen müsse, dass ihr visumpolitischer Rahmen nicht "missbraucht" werde und dass sie "die Macht habe, zu handeln, wenn dies der Fall ist".

Die EU befürchtet, dass einige der sechzig Länder, die visumfreien Zugang zur Europäischen Union haben, als Transitknotenpunkt für irreguläre Migranten genutzt werden könnten, um in die 27 Länder umfassende EU einzureisen.

"Letztes Jahr hatten wir etwa 150.000 Asylanträge von Bürgern aus visumfreien Ländern, und das ist natürlich enorm.
Die Nachrichten kontinuierlich https://buzzngo.org/de
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00:00 The European Commission has proposed to strengthen the rules for the issuance of the visa obligation
00:06 to combat the abuse of visa freedom in Europe.
00:09 The revised rules would give the EU more flexibility in the ongoing issuance of its visa-free
00:17 travel regulations, even if it is of the opinion that the policy of third countries could lead
00:21 to an increased influx of migrants into the EU.
00:26 Margaritis Schieners, Vice President of the European Commission, said on Wednesday that
00:32 the EU regulations for visa-free travel would bring enormous benefits, but that the EU would
00:37 also have to ensure that its visa-free framework would not be abused and that it would have
00:42 the power to act if this were to be the case.
00:45 The EU fears that some of the 60 countries that have visa-free access to the European
00:52 Union could be used as a transit hub for irregular migrants to enter the EU, which
00:59 includes 27 countries.
01:01 "Last year we had about 150,000 asylum applications from citizens from visa-free countries, and
01:08 that is of course enormous.
01:10 And that is of course not the way visa-free travel should be used," said EU Commissioner
01:18 Ilva Johansson.
01:19 The announcement came at a time when the EU was struggling with a strong increase in
01:25 irregular arrivals, especially in Mediterranean countries such as Italy and Greece.
01:30 On Wednesday, the EU executive also proposed an action plan to counter the increasing number
01:37 of irregular migrants arriving via the eastern Mediterranean route to Europe.
01:43 This includes strengthened border protection and closer cooperation with transit and destination
01:50 countries.
01:51 The tightened rules for the issuance of visa obligations also aim to take action against
01:57 so-called investor citizenship programs offered by third countries to deal with the EU's
02:03 visa policy.
02:04 There are countries that have a visa-free regulation with the EU that pass state citizenships
02:12 and sell them to people at a fairly low price, which represents a security risk or a potential
02:17 security risk for the European Union, said Johansson.
02:22 The Chinese and Johansson commissioners also confirmed on Wednesday how important it is
02:28 to ensure the rapid return of irregular migrants, which represents a security risk for transit
02:34 or destination countries.
02:36 They said two days after Abdel Salem El, who was irregularly staying in Belgium and was
02:43 asked to return to his homeland Tunisia, had killed two Swedish state members in a terrorist
02:50 attack in Brussels.
02:51 "We have to strengthen our efforts to send people back to their homeland," Johansson
02:59 said.
03:00 "There will be no migration and asylum policy in the European Union without a meaningful
03:06 return culture," said Chinas.
03:08 "Europe will always remain a place of asylum for those who flee war, persecution and discrimination.
03:16 But those who have no reason to stand under the protection of the European Union cannot
03:23 stay with us," he added.
