Aide humanitaire à Gaza : un défi logistique et diplomatique via l’Égypte.

  • last year
Les présidents américain et égyptien ont annoncé, jeudi, qu’un accord avait été trouvé pour permettre l’acheminement d’aide humanitaire dans le sud de Gaza via le poste-frontière de Rafah.
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00:00 The American and Egyptian presidents announced, on Thursday, that an agreement had been found
00:04 to allow humanitarian aid to be sent to southern Gaza via the Rafah border post.
00:08 An operation that presents an important logistical challenge, due to the destruction caused by
00:13 Israeli bombings in the area, but also diplomatic, the United States and Israel fear that the
00:18 aid may be confiscated by Hamas.
00:20 It is the only gateway to the enclave that is not controlled by Israel.
00:25 Since the start of the Israeli strike campaign in Gaza, on October 7, in retaliation for
00:30 the Hamas' murderous attack on the Hebrew state, the Rafah crossing point, at the Egyptian
00:35 border, has been the subject of all attention.
00:37 While tens of thousands of Gazans fled to the south, fearing the imminence of an Israeli
00:43 terrestrial operation in the enclave, the United States and Egypt finally announced,
00:47 Thursday, October 19, an agreement aimed at allowing humanitarian aid to be sent via
00:51 Egypt.
00:52 This announcement comes on the eve of Joe Biden's visit to Israel and while many
00:56 international organizations, and in particular the WHO, are warning of the catastrophic situation
01:01 in Gaza, which is estimated to have displaced nearly half of the population in 13 days of
01:06 conflict.
01:07 Nearly 3,500 people were killed in Gaza in Israeli strikes, according to the Palestinian
01:12 Ministry of Health, controlled by Hamas.
01:15 Entire neighborhoods were razed and are without water, food or electricity.
01:20 Up to 20 trucks will leave on Friday.
01:23 The American president has claimed to have obtained Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
01:29 to let up to 20 trucks cross, first of all, at the Rafah crossing.
01:33 A figure much lower than the demand of the head of the United Nations' Emergency Humanitarian
01:38 Situations, Martin Griffiths, who had demanded substantial aid, of the order of 100 trucks
01:43 a day.
01:44 For several days, some 150 trucks containing 300 tons of international aid have been positioned
01:50 near the Egyptian border post, waiting for the green light of the authorities.
01:54 The UN and the humanitarian organizations of the emergency are prepared to position medical
01:58 equipment, water and food from Egypt to be ready to enter, but the Rafah crossing
02:04 remains closed and is being deplored by Jean-François Corti, vice president of the World Health Organization.
02:08 The total blockade exerted on Gaza could not be anticipated so there was no
02:12 reserve in water or food, the humanitarian, qualifying the situation for the civilians
02:17 of Eucataclismic.
02:18 On Sunday, Israel announced the resumption of water distribution in the south of the
02:22 Gaza Strip but, according to the humanitarian organizations present there, supply
02:27 remains very difficult.
02:28 Despite the emergency, the aid process will probably not be able to begin before Friday
02:34 due to the significant damage caused by the Israeli strikes in the area, warned Egypt.
02:39 The road allowing the aid process between Gaza and the Rafah crossing point has been
02:43 destroyed, explained the head of Egyptian diplomacy, Sameh Shoukry, on the Al-Gad channel
02:48 based in Cairo, indicating that work is necessary.
02:51 This was to take 8 hours, estimated, Wednesday, Joe Biden.
02:57 Minute 34.
02:58 The spokesperson for the Egyptian presidency, moreover, confirmed that Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
03:04 and Joe Biden had agreed on the proceedings of aid via the Rafah terminal, in a
03:08 sustainable way.
03:09 The United States in the mediator.
03:11 The agreement on the proceedings of humanitarian aid is crowned by a sequence of intense diplomatic
03:16 negotiations between the United States, Egypt and Israel.
03:20 While the subject had already been addressed by the Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken,
03:25 during his marathon tour in the Middle East, Joe Biden struck the nail on Saturday,
03:30 underlining, with the Israeli president, to work with the UN and regional powers to provide
03:35 "innocent civilians" access to water, food and medical care, cut off by the Hebrew
03:40 after the attack on Hamas on his ground.
03:42 The opening of the Rafah gate was a major issue for Joe Biden and American diplomacy,
03:48 underlined Matthew Mabin, correspondent to France 24 in Washington.
03:52 For researcher Pascal Boniface, Washington hopes to avoid a humanitarian disaster that
03:57 would have a destructive impact on Israel and its allies.
04:00 The fear of a detour by Hamas.
04:03 On the Israeli side, the government has indicated that it would not oppose the proceedings of
04:08 aid via Egypt as long as it is food, water and medicine for the civilian population
04:12 in the south of the Gaza Strip, confirmed the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
04:17 Netanyahu.
04:18 The Hebrew state has warned, on the other hand, that this aid will not pass through its territory
04:23 as long as the hostages of Hamas are not released.
04:26 The Palestinian movement claims to have detained between 200 and 250 people.
04:30 Israel estimates that 203 of them are Israeli, according to a new report published on Thursday.
04:36 Finally, the passage of aid is a matter of concern for the Hebrew state, which fears
04:41 to see its hostages captured by Hamas at the expense of civilians.
04:44 Any supplies that arrive to Hamas will be neutralized, the government has warned.
04:49 On the same line, the American president mentioned this risk aboard Air Force One on Wednesday
04:55 when he left Tel Aviv.
04:57 "If Hamas confiscates aid and does not let it pass, then it will stop, because we will
05:01 not see any humanitarian aid to Hamas.
05:04 Tension around a possible exodus.
05:06 If it is considered acquired, no official announcement has been made to them regarding
05:11 the American request to Egypt to allow the evacuation of the few 600 Americans by the
05:16 Rafah border post.
05:17 It must be said that the issue is particularly sensitive because the Cairo has been firmly
05:21 opposed, since the beginning of the crisis, to the massive entry of Palestinian refugees
05:25 on its soil.
05:26 In addition to the risk of an internal destabilization caused by such an influx, the Egyptian president
05:32 estimated that pushing the Palestinians to leave their land is a way to end it
05:35 with the Palestinian cause.
05:37 For France 24 Correspondent at the Cairo, Edouard Dropsy, the war between Israel and
05:42 Hamas highlights the tensions between the two countries, which have been objective allies
05:46 since the Camp David agreements in 1978 and which are at a critical moment.
05:50 On Wednesday, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that any forced movement of Palestinians
05:56 into the Sinai would be rejected by millions of Egyptians.
05:58 A warning barely veiled in the place of Israel.
06:02 1h28. With AFP and Reuters.
