Stone Prophet - Episode 18 - Another Restart!

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Retro Gaming - PC DOS - AD&D - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons - 2nd Edition - Ravenloft - Stone Prophet - Let's Play
00:00 All right everybody out there all of you in Radioland. So I have an outtake
00:10 file and that outtake file will be somewhere. Without modifying
00:17 my game file I want... how do I put this? I actually discovered that there are two
00:29 items in the wall of fire and I have no idea how to get to them. The outtake file
00:39 is me remarking about how they're out in the middle of nowhere. Now granted 99%
00:44 chance they are both water or maybe it's part of the game that I don't remember.
00:51 It might be part of the game that I don't remember which is entirely
00:55 possible. It's been a while since I played this game. So I don't know exactly
01:01 what I'm going to do. I think that in episode 17, let me put it this way, let me
01:12 put it any number of ways, but the direct way is best. I died or rather Mr. Tubbs
01:19 died. And so this is technically, well I guess it could be considered my fourth
01:26 restart although my third in the outtakes file I died while trying to
01:35 receive or while trying to get the two special items out in the middle of the
01:42 wall of fire. I think they are waters and knowing the devs for this game they're
01:53 probably, they probably put that there on purpose just to screw with people to see
01:59 if they could get somebody waste time trying to get two things of water. That
02:03 would be really funny. It would also be very appropriate for this game. So what
02:08 I'm gonna do, you know originally I was going to play through and then edit and
02:12 have some sort of funny sound of me going through the entire game. That would
02:17 require me recording for like four hours straight. I have limited, because I record
02:23 a lot of things and I save them. I do a kind of have limited disk space in the
02:29 idea of a few thousand videos starts to take up space and the shorter the videos
02:35 are the less space I'll need to get in the future. So you saw me take out those
02:47 two dungeons. The only two dungeons that I'm going to go for that I'll show you
02:56 are going to be like the well and then the other, well no that's that's basically
03:03 it. Like the well, oh I think I have to do the the set dungeon. The dungeon or the
03:10 temple of set. So I'll do the wall, the temple of set and then I'll like pause it
03:14 and I'll go save the troll and everything like that and then I'll be
03:18 back. As I mentioned in the other video there is no magic user, non-player
03:25 character. So yeah I kind of screwed up. I should have had a magic user. I
03:33 absolutely should have had a magic user. So there are the two dungeons I'm not
03:40 going to show are like the temple of raw, unless I find out a way to get into the
03:46 middle of that one area. Temple of raw and and the troll cave. Since you guys
03:57 already saw that there's no need for me to rerecord it and I'm probably not
04:02 going to get it all done in a single session. So on to playing the game,
04:08 continuing game. I'm just going to continue from the redo save and let's
04:13 have some fun.
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05:36 Just for the heck of it I'll go ahead and I'll show you the... I'll show you
05:46 the where the items are. I'll mute that. But yeah I'll show you where the items are.
05:52 The items are right there. 90% chance. See there's no way for me to make it. 90%
06:04 chance those are... that's water. Let's see if I could rest through here actually. Oh
06:10 it won't let me. Yeah. Okay so I'm gonna go ahead load. Anyway so yeah let's get on
06:19 to it.
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08:03 Yeah I'm gonna pause here until I find the husband. One second. There we go. Jump
08:23 cut. Here's the husband. I'm not gonna reread his... I don't know maybe I'll
08:28 reread his stuff.
08:30 By the gods may we be spared from such a fate as this. Wait listen some breath
08:38 remains blah blah blah blah blah and then Abby says might we face this... free the soul
08:42 from the sandy grave perhaps heal him. Okay I'll try Abby first. No. Too late for
08:51 me. Yeah I've recorded this already. You must go to her. Yes. Listen to me.
09:00 All right now to go get the wife.
09:18 [Music]
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09:45 Oh I'm looking at the ghost too. Forgot to mark the ghost. A ghostly figure. At our
09:54 approach she vanishes. How curious. Is this the vision of shyness or veiled
09:59 secrets?
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10:50 Blah blah blah hospitality blah blah blah. If you would have kind words then join
11:05 with me in asking the gods to spare my husband.
11:11 I
11:17 We found him toots. He dead. The sand shall be the grave of us all. Oh my dear sweet
11:28 fool. My husband. And stranger though you be you have given me back a chance at
11:37 life as would he if only. I shall set my prayers before the gods that you may
11:45 escape this horrid land. Oh the fate of strangers in Harakir.
11:54 [Music]
11:57 I had better fucking gear I could have just totally outfitted her and put her in
12:05 my party. Literally I would have done that. Oh well. Okay so I'm going to oh let me
12:14 talk to her again let me see if she says something else.
12:21 Once again we've stopped by to see how you fare dear. Well thanks to the
12:27 supplies you brought me from my husband I am well. I have as much chance to
12:33 survive as any in Harakir. Now go please though I appreciate your concern. Your
12:40 very presence may turn the villagers against me. Fuck you bitch. Dear God why
12:48 don't you just come with me Jesus Christ. Never mind anyway uh whatever. Okay now
12:56 let me oh the boy. I'll go ahead and pause and get through this. Although the
13:03 boy is kind of cute. Okay all right over here all right.
13:15 Don't know. Where'd you come from? You're not from here. Those are strange clothes
13:22 aren't they? Not like ours. Is the sun bright like ours where you come from?
13:27 Don't know. Nothing like that here. Don't you know they're talking about you?
13:32 Nobody likes the people from outside. Well I like. I mean you don't look so bad.
13:38 Not like they say. I think you're braver than any of them.
13:42 Mendeer says you came to fulfill the prophecy. Is that true?
13:48 Dead. Both dead. The disease took them. Look out for it. I think it's following
13:55 you. The others say you brought it with you. Some of them anyway. They'd rather
14:00 drink from the old beggars cup than talk to you. Did you come through the fire? You
14:05 know the wall of Ra? The blind lady. She lives alone. When I go there she she
14:14 knows it's me. She draws pictures in the sand cuz cuz she can't talk either.
14:19 That's how she tells me stories. Told me the prophecy she did.
14:26 You know all around. Walk this way or over that way. Anyway when you reach it
14:34 burns you up. That's how you know. When you reach it the wall of Ra burns you up.
14:38 You can't get past it. Nobody can. The gypsies who came tried. The others.
14:44 Strangers always try to get out. But how do you get in? Oh yes I'm sure she would
14:52 like you. I wish you could talk to her. It's so hard to learn the pictures she
14:57 draws. There's a drawing I have. Found it once and well I know all this stuff. You
15:06 can have it. It it's a map I think.
15:10 I just had to listen to that kid because whoever did the voice acting for that
15:24 kid. Primo. Primo voice acting. Especially for the 90s. Pretty cool. Anyway so uh
15:33 yeah I'm going to pause here. So I'm just gonna jump cut all the way through and
15:37 I'm gonna check the walkthrough. So for those of you watching on Twitch you're
15:42 seeing an uncut version. For those of you watching on YouTube you're really not
15:46 missing much as far as I know. All right.
15:51 Oh time for the old man again. All right and I'll go speed through this.
16:06 Ohms for the poor. A cruel remark. Huh no my friend. I wish you well. Though it is
16:24 said that such a fate does sometimes pass from one man to another. A crippling
16:32 twisting.
16:40 Who are you to say which fate is crueler then? To have the pain twist inside you
16:49 like a knife? You deny.
16:54 Huh? Who are you to say which fate is crueler then? Honest words and kind after a fashion. What the villagers would give they throw to me as if I were a dog passing among the tents. You have met me eye to eye.
17:24 May the gods speed you on your way.
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18:02 All right family again. Let me speed through this real quick.
18:08 Reach out no hand to me or I shall strike it from you. Hand and foot you
18:23 have no business here nor does my heart have room enough for welcome. Be gone
18:28 strangers in Harakir. Always the cursed strangers come. Then the storms rise, the
18:36 sand blade like whirls and death comes. The flesh corrupts and falls away.
18:44 [Music]
18:56 Harakir holds no place for the likes of you. Go find shelter beneath the
19:03 desert stones. Pay your gold to the scorpions your hosts. The wrath of
19:10 Angtapod settles round you like a shroud. Its shadows touch us all. In the shadow of
19:17 that shroud, in the cloth itself, my wife lies dying. See your handiwork. The
19:26 dark corruption your open hand offers.
19:31 Harakir, offer aid. You whose very appearance shall destroy us all. How is it you
19:45 might offer aid? You have awakened the wrath of Angtapod and he punishes us all
19:52 for it. My daughter, you have frightened her.
19:58 Mother is sick. Papa says you, you brought the sick, you brought the sick.
20:07 [Music]
20:26 Papa, Mama, please make the strangers go away. Make the sickness go away. Make it
20:31 go away. Make it go away. I won't listen anymore. I won't listen. I won't. You can't
20:37 make me. You can't catch me. No, you can't catch me.
20:42 Little one, Kineta, my precious, where are you going? Come back. Oh, by the gods, what
20:53 have you done to me? Destroyer of families.
20:59 [Music]
21:03 Will she return? Would you hurry back to a house touched by plague? Here her mother
21:10 lies stricken by the wrath of Angtapod and you the cause. This house is cursed.
21:17 She shall run until the desert greets her and cuts her down. My precious, my
21:25 daughter, lost to me. Leave here. Go or may all the evils of Har'Akir descend upon you.
21:35 [Music]
21:49 And what you just heard was my internet disconnecting and the stupid sounds. That
21:57 wasn't you guys. If you're wondering if your, if your sound was giving you a
22:05 warning, my sound enabled the system sounds again. The settings. So that, oh
22:15 that pisses me off. See? And there the sound goes again. Apparently I'm
22:20 reconnected back on the internet. Let me, let me disable the sounds here. Let me
22:24 figure out where it is. God, I hate it when they do that.
22:33 [Music]
22:35 Must be mixer.
22:37 [Music]
22:42 There we go. Screw you system sounds. I turn you off for a reason. I really do.
22:49 And it always, it always comes back. Windows does not allow you to
22:52 permanently disable system sounds. Some sort of setting, stupid setting. Safety
23:02 setting. Okay, so this video ends here. I wanted to trigger the girl again. Next
23:10 video I'm going to begin it after I grab Mr. Troll and Mr. Wemmick. Actually not
23:19 Wemmick. I'll grab the troll, but I'll go back and I'll take care of, I'll take
23:31 care of rescuing the girl and all that good stuff. And I'm sorry about that. I
23:37 didn't realize the sound was so loud. Anyway, so yeah, next video I'm going to
23:42 rescue the girl, all that good stuff with the troll, and I believe we have to go
23:48 into the well. So, see you then.
23:51 [Music]