Met Police ‘shut down vans showing pictures of children kidnapped by Hamas’

  • last year
Met Police ‘shut down vans showing pictures of children kidnapped by Hamas’
00:00 You're the one who funded this.
00:02 Yeah, we're the charity, yeah.
00:04 We're the charity that's organising this.
00:06 Yeah.
00:08 What's the problem with it?
00:10 Excuse me, why has the guy been told to turn it off yet?
00:14 Why has he been told to turn it off?
00:16 On what legal basis has he been asked to do that?
00:18 I don't want you to get run over by police.
00:20 You're holding me back.
00:22 I'm stopping you from walking in.
00:24 You just told him to turn that off.
00:26 You just told him to turn that off.
00:28 Why are the police holding me back and telling them to turn the vans off?
00:32 Why are they doing that?
00:34 I'll talk to you in a second.
00:36 Why have they just been...
00:38 I'd like to speak to the person who's giving instructions.
00:40 Come out of the road.
00:42 Someone is giving instructions to turn off our vans.
00:44 They're private property.
00:46 They're entitled to do what they're doing.
00:48 Why are they being told to do that?
00:50 They are entitled to, but at the same time,
00:52 we want to make sure that they're safe,
00:54 their property is safe.
00:56 We don't want to have people coming this way
00:58 and doing any damage to their vans.
01:00 Right, so if they're happy to drive around London,
01:02 which they were, until you pulled them over and stopped them...
01:04 We haven't pulled them over.
01:06 You've told them to stop.
01:08 The police officer there has told them to stop.
