Camel peeps through car window at safari park and chomped on grandma's arm

  • last year
This is the hilarious moment a camel peaked through a car window at a safari park - and chomped on a grandma's arm.

Jan Vorgitch, 79, visited the Tennessee Safari Park in Crockett County with her granddaughter Gracie Vorgitch, 22.

The video shows a camel peaking its huge head through the window and biting Jan's right arm, leaving Gracie in fits of laughter.

According to Gracie, the camel had been running with the car throughout the tour and stuck its head through the window - every chance it got.

Gracie, a nanny from Warren, Michigan, said: "We were the last car to be admitted into the zoo and it was just our car and one other car ahead of us.

"The camel had been stalking us for the majority of our drive"

When Jan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, thought the camel had finally left them alone, she tried to feed the ostrich and stuck a bucket out the window.

But little did she know, the camel wasn't far behind and came running to the car.

Gracie said: "Gramma stuck her food bucket out the window and said 'Hi baby' to the ostrich. The camel shows up out of no where and starts eating the food.

"Gramma didn’t want to feed the camel because she was scared of them so she put the bucket inside the car.

"That was a big mistake!"

The camel started biting her arm as a substitute for the food and slobbering all over her, prompting Jan to scream in fear.

Thankfully, Jan wasn't harmed and Gracie and her aunt, who was also in the car, found the incident hilarious.

She said: "I was laughing and recording in the back sea. My aunt was laughing in the driver's seat.

"I knew the camel wasn’t actually hurting her and we couldn’t drive away because we didn’t want to hurt its head. And it was too hysterical to drive away!"

The video was filmed on September 25, 2023.


00:10 [LAUGH]
