Scientists Warn Warming Oceans Are Responsible for More Intense Hurricanes

  • 8 months ago
Scientists Warn Warming Oceans , Are Responsible for More Intense Hurricanes.
'Time' reports that a recent study suggests that
warming oceans will fuel more powerful and
catastrophic Atlantic hurricane seasons in the future.
The study examined data from
830 tropical cyclones in
the Atlantic since 1971. .
According to the findings, over the last 20 years,
8.1% of Category 1 minor storms transformed
into major hurricanes within 24 hours.
Between 1971 and 1990, that
only occurred 3.2% of the time.
Study author Andra Garner, a climate scientist
at Rowan University in New Jersey, says that the
rate at which storms are intensifying is alarming.
We know that our strongest,
most damaging storms very
often do intensify very quickly
at some point in their lifetimes. , Andra Garner, study author and climate scientist
at Rowan University in New Jersey, via 'Time'.
We’re talking about
something that’s hard to
predict that certainly can lead
to a more destructive storm, Andra Garner, study author and climate scientist
at Rowan University in New Jersey, via 'Time'.
According to Garner, these destructive storms have , "become more common in the last 50 years.".
This has all happened over a time period
when we’ve seen ocean waters get warmer, Andra Garner, study author and climate scientist
at Rowan University in New Jersey, via 'Time'.
If we don't work to lower our
(carbon) emissions, then that's
a trend that we likely could
expect to see continue
to happen in the future, Andra Garner, study author and climate scientist
at Rowan University in New Jersey, via 'Time'
