Islam aur Tasawar e Walayat - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - Episode 4 - 20 Oct 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Islam aur Tasawar e Walayat - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - ARY Qtv

Topic: Karamat e Auliya

Host: Prof. Sumair Ahmed

Scholer: Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi

Guest: Muhammad Aqeel Siddiqui, Muhammad Kafeel Siddiqui, Muhammad Imran Chori

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00:00 [Arabic]
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00:22 [Arabic]
00:33 You are watching right now on ARYQ TV
00:36 a very exclusive program, Islam or Tassawur-e-Wilayat
00:40 It is very important to correct the misconceptions
00:45 that are found in our society.
00:48 And you know, this is a tradition, a trend of ARYQ TV
00:52 that whatever concept, whatever concept of Islam
00:56 we see that there is a lack on the social level,
00:59 there is a need for correction, there is a need for improvement.
01:01 So, by the grace of Allah, ARYQ TV played its role.
01:06 And it is the reason for this, this is the reason
01:10 that you are watching this program.
01:12 Islam or Tassawur-e-Wilayat, this series.
01:14 Today is the fourth episode, you are watching.
01:18 And the topic chosen by the viewers today
01:20 is very interesting and at least my favorite topic.
01:24 The Karamat-e-Auliya-Allah.
01:26 There is going to be a lot of discussion
01:28 because the excellent personality of the Islamic world
01:31 with whom I have always been very inspired
01:34 whatever I say to you in this regard,
01:36 it is not an exaggeration.
01:38 It is the voice of the heart because Allah has really
01:41 blessed you with this.
01:43 You are not dependent on any introduction.
01:45 You benefit from their conversation in countless programs.
01:47 The one and only Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niyadi Sahib.
01:50 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:53 Wa Alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
01:55 Sir, your welcome and Mufti Sahib,
01:57 today is also such an interesting topic.
01:59 I hope that the conversation that will be held today
02:01 will be of the best quality, by our viewers.
02:03 I will remember it.
02:04 You know that our format is very unique and unique.
02:06 Three guests are present,
02:08 ask questions and Mufti Sahib,
02:10 in the light of the Quran and Hadith,
02:12 answers and comforts us and clarifies us.
02:14 Yes, today we have with us
02:16 Muhammad Aqeel Siddiqi.
02:17 How are you? Are you fine?
02:18 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:20 Alhamdulillah.
02:21 Your welcome. JazakAllah.
02:22 Please come with you.
02:23 Muhammad Kafeel Siddiqi,
02:24 your welcome as well.
02:25 JazakAllah.
02:26 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:27 Wa Alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:29 And with you is present
02:31 Muhammad Imran Chudhi Sahib.
02:33 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:34 Wa Alaikum Assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
02:36 And I thank these three personalities
02:38 in the beginning,
02:40 because all the questions that have been asked
02:42 by these three personalities in this program,
02:44 Alhamdulillah, are very important topics,
02:46 very important questions,
02:48 whose answer, in the light of the Quran and Hadith,
02:50 is a great service by RYQ TV.
02:54 May Allah keep everyone safe.
02:56 Without any further delay, I want
02:58 that Muhammad Aqeel Siddiqi Sahib,
03:00 will present the program to Mufti Sahib.
03:02 Yes, Sir.
03:03 Mufti Sahib, my first question to you is
03:05 what is the Shariah status in the Karamat-e-Auliyah?
03:09 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
03:10 Sallallahu ala Habibi Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barakatuhu.
03:13 See, Karamat is the Khark-e-Adat.
03:15 The Khark-e-Adat is the matter which is issued
03:17 in the right of a Wali of Allah.
03:20 Khark-e-Adat means to break the habit.
03:24 That is, against the habit.
03:26 In this world, the habit of God is present
03:29 and the causes are connected to the causes.
03:32 This is a world of cause and effect.
03:34 So, there are some external causes and some hidden ones.
03:39 The work that is done without the external causes
03:43 is called the Khark-e-Adat.
03:45 That is, it is done against the habit.
03:47 Now, the Khark-e-Adat, if it is issued from the Prophet
03:52 and it is issued before the announcement of Prophethood,
03:55 it is called Irhas.
03:57 Alif, Re, He, the two eyes, Alif and Sa, Irhas.
04:01 And if it is issued after the announcement of Prophethood,
04:04 it is called Mujiza.
04:06 And if it is issued from a Wali of Allah,
04:09 it is called Karamat.
04:11 And if it is issued from a common believer,
04:14 it is called Maunat.
04:16 Maunat, with 'Ayn' and at the end, 'Teh' with the sword.
04:19 And if it is issued from a Fasiq or a Kafir,
04:24 it is called Istidraaj.
04:27 And if it is issued against it, it is called Ihanat.
04:31 That is, if it is issued against a Kafir or a Fasiq,
04:33 it is Istidraaj, and if it is issued against it, it is Ihanat.
04:36 I have told you about the different categories of Khark-e-Adat.
04:40 That is how it is categorized.
04:42 Khark-e-Adat is Irhas, Khark-e-Adat is Mujiza,
04:46 Khark-e-Adat is Karamat, Khark-e-Adat is Maunat,
04:49 Khark-e-Adat is Istidraaj, and Khark-e-Adat is Ihanat.
04:53 That is, there are six categories of Khark-e-Adat.
04:55 As you said, Mashallah, I remembered.
04:57 Alhamdulillah.
04:58 Now, this Karamat that is issued against the Auliya-e-Kiram,
05:02 this is also a proof of the Karamat.
05:06 It is possible by reason, and it is also proven by Shara'ah,
05:10 it is also an incident, it has happened.
05:12 And see, the books that are written on the Aqaid,
05:14 the books about Fiqh are written, the books of Fiqh.
05:17 So, the knowledge of Aqaid is called Ilm-ul-Kalam,
05:20 in our terminology.
05:22 So, the books that are written, those books are called Kutub-e-Kalamiyah.
05:26 So, the books that are written on our Aqaid,
05:28 in those books, not from today, but for centuries,
05:31 by establishing a proper chapter, the scholars mention this,
05:36 that the Karamat-ul-Auliya-e-Haqqun,
05:39 the Karamat of the Auliya-e-Kiram are Haq, that is, they are proven.
05:43 Haq means proven, and the Karamat of the Auliya-e-Kiram are proven.
05:46 And see, even from the book of Sunnah, the Karamat of the Auliya-e-Kiram are proven.
05:52 You see, in the Quran, where the mention of Hazrat Bibi Maryam (RA) is present,
05:58 that Hazrat Zakariya (RA) when he used to see,
06:01 the fruits of the seasonless,
06:03 and he used to ask from where,
06:05 so Hazrat Maryam (RA) is not a prophet,
06:08 she is not a messenger, a prophet and a messenger are men among humans.
06:12 She was a Waliya of Allah.
06:14 So, for her to have the fruits of the seasonless is a Karamat.
06:17 The incident of Ashab-e-Kahf which is mentioned in the Quran,
06:21 and Ashab-e-Kahf was not a prophet, this is also a Karamat.
06:25 Similarly, the incident of Hazrat Asaf bin Barkhiyah (RA),
06:29 the courtier of Hazrat Sulaiman (RA) and his companions,
06:34 the throne of Malika-e-Bilqis,
06:38 the bringing of that throne, this is also a Karamat.
06:42 So, Karamat is proven,
06:44 their existence is proven from the book of Sunnah.
06:47 And Karamat is also proven from the companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW)
06:50 and books have been written on this.
06:52 The book of Allama Abdul Mustafa Adli Rahimullah is Karamat-e-Sahaba.
06:56 But here it is mentioned that one is the provenness of Karamat,
07:00 and the other is that we assume something from ourselves as a Karamat.
07:04 This is a different thing.
07:05 Many things are such that they have nothing to do with Karamat,
07:08 people assume it themselves and make it a Karamat.
07:11 This is also not right.
07:12 The real Karamat should be accepted,
07:15 and those Karamat will also be tested on the scale of the book of Sunnah.
07:19 How authentic it is.
07:20 If there is any aspect of opposition to the book of Sunnah,
07:23 then it is not Karamat, then we will not accept it.
07:26 If it is in accordance with the book of Sunnah, then it is Karamat.
07:29 And it is also necessary to maintain their authenticity.
07:31 Mashallah, the Karamat of the saints is the topic of today.
07:34 And now we will see what questions are being asked by Muhammad Kafil Siddiq.
07:38 What do you have to say?
07:39 Mufti Sahib, my question is that in this day and age,
07:42 some people have issues with the presence of a Hazrat or a Pir or a Zam,
07:47 and they say that you should show your Karamat.
07:50 They have a desire and their demands are such.
07:53 So what do you say about this?
07:55 Look, it is a misunderstanding to make such demands.
07:58 It is a misconception that people think that
08:02 perhaps the apparent Karamat for a saint is necessary.
08:06 That is why they make such demands.
08:08 There are two types of Karamat.
08:10 One is the Karamat-e-Hissi, which is commonly known as Karamat.
08:15 The other is the Karamat-e-Manvi.
08:17 What is the Karamat-e-Manvi?
08:19 It is to be steadfast in following the Shariah.
08:22 To be steadfast in following the Sunnah.
08:25 This is also a great Karamat.
08:27 This is the Karamat-e-Manvi.
08:28 This is the Karamat for which it is said,
08:30 "Al-istiqama fa-uqal karama"
08:33 that steadfastness is greater than Karamat.
08:35 That is, the human Karamat is greater than the Karamat-e-Hissi.
08:38 So for a saint, the Karamat-e-Hissi is not necessary.
08:43 It can be and it has been.
08:45 But it is not necessary that every saint should attain the Karamat-e-Hissi.
08:49 The Karamat-e-Manvi will be attained.
08:51 That is, he will follow the Shariah,
08:53 he will follow the Sunnah and he will attain steadfastness in it.
08:57 This should be seen.
08:59 When you form a relationship with someone,
09:01 or you want to take Bai'at from someone,
09:03 you should see how much knowledge he has of the Shariah,
09:06 how much he has of his actions on the Shariah,
09:09 how much Taqwa and Prehisgary he has.
09:11 This is the Karamat-e-Manvi.
09:13 This is the real Karamat which is greater than that.
09:15 And in this Karamat-e-Manvi, steadfastness is not an obstacle.
09:19 In the Karamat-e-Hissi, it is possible that he is steadfast.
09:22 We feel that a good person is not good in reality.
09:25 But the person who is constantly following the Shariah,
09:28 who is a scholar of the book of Sunnah,
09:30 then there is no aspect of steadfastness in this.
09:33 This is absolutely obvious.
09:34 And this is the speech of Ibn-e-Arabi,
09:36 who is the leader of the Sufis himself.
09:38 He is Sheikh-e-Akbar.
09:39 Ibn-e-Arabi is the title of Sheikh-e-Akbar.
09:41 He has classified the Karamat himself.
09:43 He has said that the Karamat-e-Hissi,
09:45 the Karamat-e-Manvi,
09:46 and has said that it is possible to be steadfast in the Karamat-e-Hissi.
09:49 That is not the standard.
09:50 There is no steadfastness in the Karamat-e-Manvi.
09:52 This is the standard of being right, the Karamat-e-Manvi.
09:55 So, such demands should not be made.
09:58 And when people made these demands to the Prophets,
10:01 then the Quran has also described it in such a way
10:03 that it was not liked.
10:05 That when they repeatedly asked for miracles,
10:08 then not every person's demand was fulfilled.
10:11 The miracles of the Prophets have been shown by the permission of Allah,
10:15 but not every person.
10:17 Not every person's demand was fulfilled.
10:19 That is, this is not a game.
10:21 That miracle is issued by the permission of Allah.
10:24 The Prophet of Allah is issued in His right.
10:26 When the Prophet of Allah shows a miracle,
10:28 with the power given by Allah,
10:30 then that miracle is "makroon bi daawa-e-nabuwa".
10:34 It is associated with the claim of prophethood.
10:36 He is presenting it as an argument
10:38 that no one can do this except the Prophet.
10:41 But the saint,
10:43 because he does not want to make any claim of prophethood,
10:45 nor does the saint want to challenge anything,
10:47 there is no aspect of challenge,
10:49 so he does not have this command,
10:51 nor does the saint do such things that he is saying and showing miracles.
10:54 He does not have any request to be made.
10:56 There is no request program.
10:58 Nor does he say that I will show you miracles.
11:01 And nor does a true saint sit and do this.
11:03 Nor does a true saint do this,
11:05 that he is being challenged by the law of nature or shown.
11:09 So this is not the standard.
11:11 The standard is to follow the book of Sunnah,
11:13 to have knowledge of the book of Sunnah,
11:15 to be steadfast in the Shariah.
11:17 This is the standard.
11:19 And we will demand this anyway.
11:21 If you want to establish a relationship with someone,
11:23 then you have to have knowledge of the book of Sunnah,
11:25 and to follow the book of Sunnah.
11:27 How much does this stand on this standard?
11:29 Subhanallah, subhanallah.
11:31 And the summary of the speech,
11:33 the viewers, is that to test the fact that
11:35 the one who is a saint of Allah,
11:37 then the physical actions of that person,
11:39 how is he steadfast in the Shariah,
11:41 and with what steadfastness is he steadfast in the Shariah,
11:43 Musti Sahib was saying, there is no greater miracle than this.
11:45 And this is the thing that then takes people to Allah's friends,
11:48 to Allah's saints,
11:50 and then they feel that
11:52 they are in a state where
11:54 their hearts are being purified,
11:56 their souls are being purified,
11:58 and then Inshallah,
12:00 they follow their teachings and
12:02 they live their life.
12:04 In the end, I want that,
12:06 Mohammad Imran Sahib, you also ask a question in today's context.
12:08 Mufti Sahib, my question is that
12:10 some people, more than the teachings of the saints,
12:12 talk about their miracles.
12:14 Is this correct?
12:16 Very important.
12:18 Good question.
12:20 I don't think so.
12:22 We should promote the teachings of the saints more.
12:24 We should talk more about them.
12:26 If miracles are mentioned as needed,
12:28 if they are read,
12:30 if they are heard,
12:32 then it is not a problem.
12:34 But to focus on miracles
12:36 and to put the teachings aside,
12:38 this is absolutely wrong.
12:40 Mufti Sahib, this is a betrayal with their service.
12:42 Yes, absolutely.
12:44 The saints, who are the saints of Allah,
12:46 we love them because they are the beloved of Allah.
12:48 We love them because
12:50 they know the books and the Sunnah.
12:52 We love them because
12:54 they follow the books and the Sunnah.
12:56 We love them because
12:58 they are the ones who are righteous.
13:00 So, the demand of this is
13:02 that their teachings should be distributed.
13:04 In which the people's relationship with the books and the Sunnah
13:06 should be strong.
13:08 In which the people's relationship
13:10 with Allah should be strong.
13:12 They should have the nearness of Allah.
13:14 These things will be achieved through their teachings.
13:16 So, our efforts are
13:18 on Alamdolil Airy Q TV.
13:20 Now, see our programs,
13:22 in which we focus on
13:24 teachings instead of miracles.
13:26 Meaning, we don't focus on
13:28 the miracles of the parts,
13:30 but on the miracles of the human beings.
13:32 We focus on this,
13:34 that in this, the benefit of the Ummah,
13:36 the creation of Allah is at stake.
13:38 Anyway, see, miracles are temporary.
13:40 It is beneficial in the time of time.
13:42 When it is manifest.
13:44 Teachings are temporary.
13:46 Teachings are effective.
13:48 Teachings are the most influential.
13:50 So, we have to focus on
13:52 teachings.
13:54 Then, in miracles,
13:56 people have attributed
13:58 many false things
14:00 to the saints.
14:02 People have written in the books.
14:04 I had said that
14:06 the books are not
14:08 of the same standard
14:10 as the books of Hadith.
14:12 So, in the books of Hadith,
14:14 people sometimes write
14:16 things that are not true,
14:18 that are false,
14:20 that are against the Sunnah.
14:22 So, those things should not
14:24 be attributed to miracles.
14:26 First, see,
14:28 is the miracle proven by them?
14:30 Its authenticity,
14:32 its credibility.
14:34 First, it is necessary to be proven by them.
14:36 To know that it is proven.
14:38 Then, that there is some benefit
14:40 to it. If there is some benefit
14:42 to it, then it is fine.
14:44 But, if instead of the statement
14:46 of that miracle,
14:48 people start making fun of it
14:50 instead of getting benefit of it,
14:52 and start making memes on it,
14:54 then it is not good.
14:56 In such a situation, you should
14:58 give people a chance to insult
15:00 those saints.
15:02 So, the authenticity of the relationship
15:04 with those saints is also dependent
15:06 on this that you become
15:08 a reason for their insult.
15:10 And, whatever things are
15:12 wrongly attributed to them,
15:14 we should reject them.
15:16 We should reject them instead of
15:18 stating them. We do not believe them.
15:20 Disowning is enough.
15:22 You should not discuss
15:24 anything with anyone.
15:26 And, the obvious thing is that
15:28 through the books,
15:30 through other sources,
15:32 the authentic miracles that
15:34 we can trust,
15:36 we should accept them.
15:38 But, the miracles that
15:40 Mufti Sahib has given,
15:42 and with every angle,
15:44 with such shortness,
15:46 you have tried to make
15:48 that aspect evident,
15:50 that it is necessary to believe
15:52 any miracle. So, this is our
15:54 objective, to convey this authentic
15:56 information, Islamic teachings to you,
15:58 reference-based Islamic teaching,
16:00 with the Quran and Sunnah reference,
16:02 and in the light of Quran and Sunnah,
16:04 this is the trend that has been
16:06 set by ARYQ TV.
16:08 And, this is our objective,
16:10 that all these services will continue.
16:12 May Allah enable us to act,
16:14 and may He enable us to follow
16:16 the teachings that
16:18 the saints of Allah have left for us.
16:20 May He enable us to live our life
16:22 in the hereafter. Mufti Sahib,
16:24 thank you very much. May Allah
16:26 keep your shadow safe on us.
16:28 May Allah grant you health.
16:30 I thank you very much.
16:32 I hope that you have included
16:34 some very interesting questions
16:36 and we have learned a lot.
16:38 The miracles of the saints of Allah
16:40 were the topic of today.
16:42 With the next topic,
16:44 InshaAllah, we will be back.
16:46 Till then, I will take leave.
16:48 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
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