• 2 years ago
Surviving 24 hours on FRASER ISLAND - Catch and Cook CHALLENGE!


00:00 cook up some lunch. Let's get this fire going and cook up these pippies.
00:05 Look at this down here. I think I'm gonna get in the water and see what it is.
00:08 It's changed into a completely different shape.
00:11 Just down there, freshwater stonefish. There we go. You can see them flapping
00:17 around in there. We've made a deadliest freshwater fish tank that you can get
00:22 here in Australia.
00:25 [Music]
00:41 What's going on everyone? Welcome back to another video. So we're currently on an
00:46 island just off the east coast of Australia and me and my mates are camping
00:50 here over the next couple weeks. But what I told them this morning is for the next
00:54 24 hours I'm gonna be walking off by myself, living off the land off this
00:59 island, sleeping out here and seeing what cool animals I can find along the way.
01:03 Now we decided to start this video at this massive sand dune right here and I
01:08 reckon it's gonna be a real tough environment to survive in. Now we're
01:11 actually on Fraser Island at the moment, the biggest sand island in the world.
01:15 There's so many cool animals here. Dingoes, venomous snakes, echidnas,
01:20 kangaroos and over this next time period I'm gonna be living with all of them,
01:25 sleeping out here in the wild. It's gonna be pretty cool. But what I'm gonna do
01:28 first, because this sun's getting so hot already, I'm gonna start heading down
01:32 these sand dunes and try to find some water because that's where the animals
01:36 are gonna be hiding. So let's start hunting around. 24 hours on Fraser
01:40 Island, solo survival. Let's go.
01:49 So what we're doing right now is we're heading kind of towards the ocean but
01:54 what I got my eyes on is just over there there's a big gully and what I reckon is
01:59 in it is a freshwater creek. So that's where a lot of the animals are going to
02:03 be hanging out because on these islands it's much harder for them to get water.
02:06 But literally look at the terrain we're walking in at the moment. It's so crazy.
02:12 I'm so excited to experience this place over the next 24 hours in this survival
02:18 video and then over the next week hopefully we'll be able to film some
02:21 more cool videos here. Let's keep going and find this creek.
02:26 So I'm just making my way up this little freshwater creek at the moment. This
02:44 island is so amazing. So many different places to explore. I reckon after it gets
02:49 dark we're gonna go out and try to find some dingoes, snakes and maybe some other
02:53 species hanging around. But yeah I'm just enjoying this so much walking up this
02:57 little creek.
03:10 And there's so many fish in here as well. These fish down here are jungle perch
03:15 which are a species that are mainly up North Queensland. Look at what we're
03:21 walking through right now. Just this really thin shallow creek. Alright the
03:27 plan is to keep walking up this creek, make it out to the ocean and try and
03:32 catch some dinner over here on this beautiful island.
03:38 So just as I was leaving that freshwater creek this morning I looked out on the
03:44 beach and there was actually a dingo out there. It had a tag in its ear and to get
03:48 back up into the bush it actually had to cross this little creek and I actually
03:51 filmed a dingo swimming across this little stream. It was so cool to see him.
03:56 Then I jumped up on the sand dune and he walked right underneath me. So cool
04:00 coming to this place which is famous for its dingoes and seeing these awesome
04:04 creatures up close.
04:07 [Music]
04:09 Alright so we found that creek, we've gone for a swim and I've actually nearly
04:32 made it out to the beach and this is where I'm going to be trying to catch
04:35 food for this survival video. Now I've got no resources with me to help me
04:39 catch food so what I'm gonna be doing isn't actually trying to catch something
04:43 from out there in the ocean. I'm gonna be looking underneath the sand for a
04:47 species known as pippies. There'd be millions of pippies up and down this
04:51 beach and I'm gonna teach you how to get them right now. So what we're doing is
04:56 we're in the shallow water and we're just gonna be digging our feet back and
05:00 forth like that until you feel a shell.
05:05 [Music]
05:33 Alright so I caught a couple pippies. What I want to show you now is how these
05:38 guys dig into the floor. It's actually crazy they have something in their mouth
05:42 called a foot and often they'll get washed up on the beach and have to dig
05:46 back down and I'll show you how they do it. It's pretty crazy. If you ever go to
05:50 the beach, dig into the sand like this, catch a pippy and watch it dig back into
05:54 the floor. It's so cool.
05:57 [Music]
06:00 So the cool thing about exploring in a place like this with so much sand is you
06:16 can see what animals you're with by the tracks that they leave behind. Like at
06:21 the moment right here I'm tracking a family of dingoes that are no doubt
06:26 watching me right now from the bushes up here. Probably sitting in the shade at
06:32 this time of day but what I'm gonna do now is try cook up some lunch, cook up
06:37 these pippies. Honestly this has to be one of the craziest places I've ever
06:43 explored and filmed a video at and I'm definitely going to be coming back here
06:48 and filming again soon. I think it would be cool to survive out here for a few
06:53 days living off the land. So if that's something you want to see let me know.
06:57 I've got all year to explore Australia and different countries so yeah let me
07:03 know what animals you want me to film, what places you want me to go. Alright so
07:06 here's all the pippies that we got right here. This one right here is the biggest
07:10 one. Real keen to cook that one up. So you're not actually allowed fires on
07:14 Fraser Island so I bought the gas cooker with me for this little trip and this is
07:19 what we're gonna be cooking up the pippies in. Just boiling them in some
07:22 salt water that I got from down at the beach but yeah it is absolutely so hot
07:27 especially out in the middle of the day here. So what I thought I'd do is I've
07:31 actually got an underwater torch and that creek that I was going through
07:34 early this morning, the crystal clear one, I'm gonna head down there after dark and
07:39 go for a night snorkel. It's gonna be pretty cool. It's an absolutely awesome
07:42 creek but yeah let's get this going and cook up these fish. Pippies. Let's get
07:48 this fire going and cook up these pippies.
07:52 Alright.
07:54 And the final big one, chuck that in as well and wait for them to cook up. So how
08:06 you know that these pippies are ready is when they actually start opening up and
08:10 coming out of their shell. Obviously I'd prefer it if you could cook it in a fire
08:14 it's so cool chucking them straight in the fire and cooking them up but you're
08:17 just not allowed to on this island. Maybe when I'm back on mainland. Alright let's
08:21 eat them. And that's what we want right there. Eating a foot for dinner.
08:27 It's got the same sort of taste that mud crab has. It's not bad and if you get a
08:40 lot of them, like look that's the biggest one I got, you can actually get a pretty
08:44 good feed. But it's cool just knowing that even in a place like this that may
08:51 look like a hard place to find food you can find it and really if you were stuck
08:56 on a deserted island and needed to catch food there are so many of these pippies.
09:01 Millions of them just up the beach probably about that far under the
09:05 surface and there's also freshwater springs coming out of this place that
09:09 you can drink the water. Yeah what I'm gonna do now finish off these pippies
09:13 and go find a place that I can camp till later on and then go for a night
09:18 snorkel. Let's go.
09:21 I'm keeping my eye out for dingoes and for places to sleep. So cool to start the
09:38 video here early this morning and then end it here by sleeping up here in the
09:42 sand dunes tonight. I think there's a place maybe just up here that we can set
09:48 up the hammock.
09:51 and if we come just down this way not a bad view to fall to sleep. The
10:15 ocean all the way down there. What a cool place. What a cool adventure. We're gonna
10:22 chill up here until it gets dark and yeah go for a night snorkel. I'll see you
10:26 guys then.
10:42 So we just made it down to the creek. I'm already seeing fish swimming around
10:46 everywhere. We're gonna get in here underneath the surface. I brought my
10:49 snorkeling gear and see what we can find.
10:53 [Music]
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11:31 So I'm swimming around in this little shallow creek and I no joke just saw a
11:38 50 centimeter jungle perch swimming around. This thing is massive.
11:44 [Music]
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11:57 [Music]
12:00 [Music]
12:03 [Music]
12:06 So I was just walking up the beach and I spotted a dark shape cruising way out
12:12 there. I'm not too sure what it is but I'm gonna jump in the kayak head out
12:15 there and go for a swim with it.
12:19 [Music]
12:48 So I was just kayaking around and look at this down here. I thought it might
12:54 have been a big stingray or something at first but I think I'm gonna get in the
12:58 water and see what it is. You can see it moving now. It's changed into a
13:08 completely different shape.
13:11 [Music]
13:36 All right so we're back on the sunny coast now. That Fraser trip was actually
13:41 from a couple months ago but I never got around to posting the footage. So what I
13:45 thought I'd do today to finish off this adventure was come down to this little
13:49 creek system and attempt to make the deadliest freshwater aquarium in the
13:53 world. Now I know a lot more beautiful looking creeks and healthier creeks than
13:59 this little puddle right here but one of the amazing things about this stream
14:02 right here is it holds one of the most venomous fish in the world and a good
14:07 population of them at that. The bullrout, more commonly known as the freshwater
14:11 stonefish. It's a small species of fish with highly venomous barbs all the way
14:16 down its back and like the saltwater estuary stonefish which I've caught in
14:20 plenty of other videos, the pain is said to be excruciating and can last for days
14:25 if you're stung. So why is there so many stonefish in this little stream right
14:30 here and not in other places? It would have to be a good food source here. There
14:33 would have to be lots of shrimp and little fish for these guys to eat. Big
14:38 shrimp right there. So this is exactly what those stonefish are feeding on in
14:43 this creek. They're camouflage hunters, that's how they get their name stonefish.
14:47 So they're sitting there and waiting for a big shrimp like this, this would be a
14:51 good meal for the stonefish in this creek, to come cruising past, whack, strike
14:55 out and he's got himself a feed right there. If I was a stonefish I'd be
14:59 freaking out right now. But yeah that's why the stonefish are in here. Alright
15:03 we'll let you go. Those are pretty big shrimp, pretty impressive that they've
15:08 dodged that many stonefish over the years. Just down here is a little one, a
15:13 freshwater stonefish. That is crazy.
15:19 There we go, first stonefish. There we go, just move him into the fish tank. Look at
15:31 that, the most venomous freshwater fish that we have here in Australia. There we
15:38 go, just down there, freshwater stonefish. He's definitely bigger than the last one
15:43 we caught but not as big as they can get and not as big as the ones that I saw
15:46 the other night that we're hopefully going to catch later on. Alright I'll try
15:50 get on camera, getting this big fella in. So we got the clear container, put it over
16:01 the top, he's kind of in there, he's a big one. There we go, you can see him
16:08 flapping around in there. Alright we'll get the glass thing underneath him.
16:18 There we go, got another one. Take a look at that, second stonefish. There we go, two
16:29 stonefish in the tank. We've only been walking around for about 10 minutes or
16:34 so. The first stonefish that we caught was right there on that log, the second
16:38 one was just up there. We've just found a third stonefish sitting just down here
16:45 in the shallows in this one little pool.
16:49 [Music]
17:08 Got another one! Yes these are like the equivalent of having goldfish as pets
17:15 here in Australia. There we go, three stoneys.
17:28 The two stonefish that are sitting right here, I'm gonna try to get them both in
17:34 this container which is gonna be very dangerous. Got them both, two stonefish in
17:47 one container. This has been such a cool day actually, this is exactly what I
17:52 wanted and I'm still being very careful because the more that I deal with these
17:56 animals the more chance I am of getting stung. There's one right there, sitting
18:03 just next to that piece of wood. This guy is in a bit of an open pool so I'm gonna
18:08 have to be careful that he doesn't go further down that way because when they
18:12 do take off, I know a lot of these stonefish have been staying still but
18:16 they are fast if they want to get moving. We need this guy in the tank, got such
18:20 cool colors on him as well.
18:24 There we go, I think we got him. Yeah look at him, he's in there. There we go, got
18:37 another one and he's a big fella and we got him in there. Any touch from any of
18:42 those spikes down the back or underneath this stonefish will be a trip to the
18:47 hospital. Big fella going into the tank. After finding that last stonefish it's
18:53 been hard to track down a big one but I've finally found one sitting just
18:59 behind this little stick right here. If I pull that out you can probably see his
19:04 spine sitting right there. This is the biggest one of the day.
19:09 He's in there. This guy is massive, look at those spikes on the top right there.
19:22 There we go, got him just like that. Alright let's go get him back in the
19:29 tank quickly. Yes! Alright that's the last stonefish we're collecting. This is
19:36 getting pretty dangerous. Alright so after a few hours we've made arguably
19:41 the deadliest freshwater fish tank that you can get here in Australia. Take a
19:46 look at those fish sitting in there right now. The freshwater stonefish or
19:51 bull roe. So crazy to think that these fish are just swimming around in a
19:56 creek like that. There's almost no chance of you not getting stung if you go in
20:00 the creek that I was walking in today barefoot. So it's good to know that these
20:04 guys are out here. We're not going to keep them too long though we're going to
20:07 get him back in the water. Alright so we've just grabbed him. Such a cool
20:11 little species but when we're talking venom these guys aren't actually too bad.
20:15 If you get stung you will be in pain for multiple days but it won't necessarily
20:19 kill you. So while we were over on Fraser Island a lady actually came into our
20:25 campsite who had just got stung by one of the most venomous creatures on earth.
20:28 The Irukandji jellyfish. I don't even know if I can begin to describe how
20:33 painful that actually is but it's said to be like getting a kettle boiling it
20:37 and then pouring it on your skin for hours on end. And she went from screaming
20:42 in pain to being almost non-responsive in front of us. I actually thought she
20:46 was going to die in front of me which is pretty crazy. She ended up getting
20:49 airlifted to hospital and she messaged me after that on Instagram saying the
20:54 only thing that was keeping her going, she wanted to give up, was pouring hot
20:58 water on the wound. But yeah absolute champion for surviving that one and
21:02 having that story to tell you and thank you so much to the people camping next
21:06 to us as well. The whole beach that we were camping on was helping her out so
21:09 she ended up surviving that which is pretty cool. Lots of deadly animals here
21:12 in Australia. This is another one right there. I think that's so cool. We can
21:16 learn how to coexist with all of them. We're gonna get all these stonefish
21:19 back in the water and yeah see you guys next week on the next adventure.
21:23 Alright let's get you back in there buddy.
21:26 (eerie music)
