Ghous e Azam Ki Talimaat o Aqwal - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - Episode 5 - 21 Oct 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Ghous e Azam Ki Talimaat o Aqwal - Shan e Ghous e Azam RA - ARY Qtv

Speaker: Pirzada Syed Atiq ur Rehman

#GhouseAzamRA #sheikhabdulqadirjilani #aryqtv

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00:00 Quran-e-Hakeem, Sirat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasail-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:11 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
00:22 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:25 Allah says in the Holy Quran
00:28 "The Most Generous, the Most Wise"
00:31 "And I have been commanded only to worship Allah,
00:34 "in devotion to Him, in faith."
00:37 "Allah has spoken the truth, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
00:40 "And His Messenger, the Trustworthy, the Most Generous, the Most Merciful"
00:44 It begins with "Rabbil-Lam yazal"
00:47 "In the name of the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful"
00:50 "Who has made the heart a means of His pleasure,
00:53 "with His grace"
00:56 "And the sight of the Arba'a, the Durood and the Salam
00:59 "On the self-appointed throne of the world,
01:02 "which has been revealed to the heavens and the earth
01:05 "as the light of the sun and the moon"
01:08 "With great respect and honor,
01:11 "the viewers of the RYQ TV platform
01:14 "have brought another blessed session
01:17 "Syed Atiq-ur-Rahman is here to serve you
01:20 "And with the heart's open arms,
01:23 "he presents the vision of the mercy of Allah and His blessings"
01:28 We organize all these sessions
01:31 so that Allah the Almighty bestows His special grace,
01:34 His special grace, His special grace
01:37 and so that our name is recorded in the register of the slaves of the Prophet
01:42 and so that a sentence comes out of our tongue
01:45 which becomes the atonement for all our sins
01:48 and so that our ancestors receive special mercy.
01:51 The topic I am going to start with today
01:54 I am not able to understand how to express it with emotions
01:59 I want my Lord to make it easy for me
02:02 So I will go to the garden of the world's modesty
02:06 and from there, all the roses of etiquette
02:09 I will gather all of them at one place
02:12 Then with the ablution of the eyes
02:15 and with the water of the eyes
02:17 with the same sweetness and sweetness
02:20 I will make a series of their blackness
02:23 and I will close it in a pen of love and passion
02:27 Then while suffering for the sins of my whole life
02:30 in the holy shrine of the Lord of the Merciful
02:33 and in the cool shade of the holy dignity of the Sultan of two worlds
02:37 with all the passion, humility, humility and humility
02:41 I will write those sentences
02:43 with whose charity my Lord will give me the continuation of purity in faith
02:49 Come, the moments that you and I are spending are very precious
02:54 but do not spend moments like this
02:56 do not spend time like this
02:58 but spend each moment with full attention and with humility
03:05 with full attention and with full humility
03:09 Do not get tired in seeking
03:11 Do not bow down to the difficulties in seeking
03:15 Do not be worried in seeking
03:18 Keep attention, stay focused
03:20 and with full humility, outwardly and inwardly
03:23 keep seeking the Lord of the rulers
03:27 Today I would like to move this desire forward with sincerity
03:31 The Sufis say that there are three types of seekers
03:37 The first type is the seeker of the world
03:40 the one who seeks the world
03:43 The second type is the seeker of the hereafter
03:48 and the third type is the seeker of the Lord
03:52 the one who seeks the true Lord of the two worlds
03:58 i.e. the one who seeks Allah
04:00 These are the three types
04:02 and Sufism takes these three types forward
04:05 and all matters are based on these three types
04:08 and it is said that
04:10 "Whoever seeks the world, the world will be successful"
04:13 The one who seeks the world, the Lord has kept the world for him
04:18 "And whoever seeks the hereafter, the hereafter will be successful"
04:21 and the one who seeks the hereafter, the Lord is very generous
04:24 he will definitely attain the hereafter
04:26 he will attain the beautiful hereafter
04:28 he will attain the best hereafter
04:30 "And whoever seeks the Lord, all will be successful"
04:33 These are the sentences to be understood
04:35 "But whoever seeks Allah, Allah will grant him a magnificent world and a perfect hereafter"
04:43 "Falahul Qul" i.e. for him there is a rank of Qul
04:47 "The Lord will grant him the world and the hereafter"
04:52 Now look, these are the three types
04:54 Now if you and I seek attention and inspiration
04:58 should we seek the world?
05:00 Should we only wait for the hereafter?
05:03 Or should we seek the Lord who has given us the rank of Khilafat and Nayabat
05:14 so that the real purpose of our lives is
05:18 to prostrate before his being
05:23 and keep shining our prostration
05:26 and keep fulfilling our desires
05:29 Huzoor, Ghosul Aalameen says
05:32 the world is for one nation
05:38 In the world, there is a nation that only seeks the world
05:42 Allah grants them the world
05:44 Today, many of our Muslims and believers ask
05:48 that a person who is not enlightened by the light of faith
05:51 but has received so much respect in the world
05:54 what is the reason for this?
05:55 Allah has not left any shortcoming
05:57 This is the fundamental principle
06:00 because he is a seeker of the world
06:02 Allah has left the world for him
06:05 Now the world is for him
06:06 He will get ranks in the world
06:08 He will get growth in the world
06:10 He will get benefits in the world
06:12 He will move forward in the world
06:14 He will have ease in the world
06:16 This is what Allah has said
06:18 and this is what Huzoor has told us
06:21 He says that the hereafter is for one nation
06:24 Those who leave the world
06:26 and sit in the mosques
06:28 become Saim-ud-Dahr
06:29 become Qaim-ul-Lail
06:31 and always remember Allah
06:33 and those who do their prayers and fast
06:36 and correct their own selves
06:40 Huzoor has said that the hereafter is for one nation
06:43 The next sentence is very beautiful
06:45 He says that in the world and the hereafter
06:47 the one who seeks the Lord
06:49 not only the world and the hereafter
06:52 but also the hereafter
06:54 Now if the one who seeks the Lord
06:56 will become gold if he holds the soil
06:59 will become diamonds if he knocks the brick
07:02 This is the grace of Allah
07:04 This is the grace of Allah
07:06 This is the kindness of Allah
07:08 that when he comes to give
07:10 he gives in this way
07:13 In the 16th verse of the Holy Quran
07:15 Allah says
07:16 [Arabic]
07:23 This is the solution of our problems
07:25 We are spiritual patients
07:27 so we need spiritual treatment
07:29 We get this research from the book of Huzoor
07:33 Allah says
07:34 I love you very much
07:37 but when I am giving everything
07:40 from your life to death
07:43 I am in need of your help
07:45 and if you leave my remembrance
07:47 leave my speech
07:49 leave my speech
07:51 I will make your economy suffer
07:54 I will not give you wealth
07:56 but I will make your economy suffer
07:59 I will give you money
08:01 and you will get sick
08:03 I will give you money
08:05 and you will get problems
08:07 I will start a business
08:09 and you will get loss
08:11 Allah says
08:13 when bad deeds are increased
08:15 Allah sends punishment in a state of fear
08:18 then Covid will come
08:20 problems will come
08:22 Corona will come
08:24 and this will not stop here
08:26 [Arabic]
08:28 I will make you blind
08:30 I will make you blind
08:32 Avoid this
08:34 Return
08:36 and make your will
08:38 in the right way
08:40 If we are doing these things for show
08:42 or for publicity
08:44 then there is no greater bad deed than us
08:47 and if we are doing it for the benefit of others
08:51 then believe me
08:53 there will be loyalty and benefit
08:56 Huzoor, Ghusl Alameen has said a very big thing
08:59 I want to tell you the biggest sentence
09:02 from all these sessions
09:04 with all my heart
09:06 The one who recognizes Allah
09:09 Allah chooses his heart
09:13 The one who recognizes Allah
09:16 Allah chooses his heart
09:19 Allah chooses his heart
09:22 then everything else from his heart disappears
09:26 then everything else from his heart disappears
09:30 and the one who has the most love for Allah
09:33 from all his creations
09:36 he is the most beloved
09:38 just like the Lord loves the Prophet
09:40 Allah's servant is also in the true sense
09:42 Allah loves his beloved
09:46 the servant is in servitude and obedience
09:48 and he chants the name of his beloved
09:51 Huzoor, Ghusl Alameen has said
09:53 the one who is the seeker of Allah
09:55 the first obligation is
09:59 that he should always be in the remembrance of Allah
10:03 this is a special and obligatory command for him
10:07 keep this in mind
10:09 the one who is the seeker of Allah
10:11 he does not have any doubts or doubts
10:15 rather when Allah does a favor
10:17 he always recites the Quran
10:20 there have been such people in the past
10:22 Hazrat Imam Hassan's granddaughter
10:26 Hazrat Sayyiduna Hassan Al Anwar's daughter
10:29 Sayyida Nafisa
10:32 whose grave is in Cairo, Egypt
10:35 it is said that she used to answer every question
10:38 with the Quran
10:40 she used to answer every question with the Quran
10:44 it is also said about Sayyida Fizza
10:47 that Allah gave him this Hijaz
10:50 Huzoor, Ghusl Alameen has said
10:53 that Allah has created man for his own understanding
10:57 we understand the real purpose of everything in this world
11:02 but why don't we understand our own real purpose?
11:06 what is the purpose of God's creation?
11:09 all the things we are doing in search of God
11:12 are secondary
11:15 they all have a secondary status
11:19 the primary status is
11:22 that if you are a servant of Allah
11:25 then you should search for God
11:28 Huzoor, Sayyiduna Data Al Hajweri says
11:31 that he used to keep a grain of rice on his hand
11:34 and reach the perfection of understanding Allah
11:38 may Allah grant us the ability
11:41 not to waste our lives in meaningless things
11:44 Huzoor, Ghusl Alameen says
11:46 the basis of deeds is on unity and sincerity
11:51 Allah says in the Holy Quran
11:53 (Arabic)
11:59 O my dear ones, tell them
12:02 if they say something with their tongue
12:05 or if they keep it hidden in their hearts
12:08 Allah knows how sincere the words are
12:12 and how sincere the words are hidden in the heart
12:16 (Arabic)
12:21 understand what Imam Bukhari
12:24 said about the Muhajir Umm Kais
12:27 that with the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
12:30 the great Sidiq Akbar, Farooq Azam,
12:33 Usman, and Mawla of the Universe
12:36 migrated for the sake of Allah's will
12:39 but there was one person
12:41 who migrated from Makkah to Madinah Munawarah
12:44 for the sake of the Muhajir Umm Kais
12:46 when this was brought to the gathering of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
12:49 how is it possible that one person
12:52 asked for the world and another for the Mawla
12:56 one person asked for the world
12:58 and another for the Uqba
13:00 it is not possible that both are equal
13:04 when Huzoor heard this, he said
13:07 the one who migrated for Allah and His Messenger
13:10 his migration is for Allah and His Messenger
13:13 and the one who migrated for the wealth of the world
13:16 or to reach a woman
13:18 his migration is for the work for which he has come
13:22 so the essence of deeds is on
13:24 on the oneness and sincerity
13:26 if you are free from these blessings
13:28 then you will surely be honoured
13:30 Huzoor says that every heart
13:33 that has the love of the world
13:36 will be free from the love of Allah
13:40 I am not saying that you should not live in the world
13:44 and this is not the teaching of the Ghusul Alameen
13:47 you should live in the world with full sincerity
13:49 but you should not make your heart free from the love of the world
13:53 so every heart that has the love of the world
13:55 will be free from the love of Allah
13:57 and every heart that has the love of the hereafter and Allah
14:01 Allah will make that heart His Beloved
14:04 we are in the presence of Allah
14:06 in the presence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
14:08 and in the presence of the Merciful One of the World
14:11 we have to make our hearts His Beloved
14:13 we should not make our hearts empty
14:15 may Allah give us the blessing of Allah
14:18 may He give us the wealth of sincerity
14:20 may He give us the status of acceptance
14:22 and the whole team of QTV
14:24 including Noman Bhai
14:26 all our brothers who are working hard
14:28 may Allah give them the blessings of the house of Allah
14:32 Wa ma 'Alaina Illa Al Balaghulmoh
14:34 Wa Alaina Illa Al Balaghulmoh
14:36 Al Fatiha
