Fairy Tale 2 EP 10 - PART 02 [CC] 21 OCT - Presented By BrookeBond Supreme, Glow & Lovely, & Sunsilk

  • last year
00:00I love you so much,
00:02I can kill anyone
00:08even give up my own life to get you.
00:11Rahe Junoon, it is coming
00:13soon, go to Hawane
00:33quickly and change, I also want to do
00:35this. What was Waleed doing there? I
00:40went and asked [ __ ] Mama that she had brought him
00:46along, you finish it at the first opportunity, you
00:50go and talk to [ __ ] Mama yourself,
00:55I am very disturbing and
01:00don't discuss it with me, it's okay, I
01:02will talk to mom, but you please. You will stay away from this pod, ji.
01:13Umi Pasha has agreed without any argument.
01:25What are you thinking? Come
01:33ask me about your love, if he is here
01:38today, then what
01:43is there to be worried about? I mean, I know that his habit of forgetting
01:48is increasing.
01:50But what can we do?
01:53Yes, but I have come here, now she is
01:57alone there without me,
02:00why are you saying like this, there she has Pasha
02:02Saheb, uncle, aunt, Haya Sameer, everyone
02:07takes care of her so much. Yes, but
02:09I am not there,
02:12she is more attached to me than she is to me. I think
02:16she misses me,
02:21so what is there to be worried about.
02:24Whenever you feel like it, you can go and meet her,
02:58Sameer, you are rude, you are upset, now see
03:02how much.
03:04Darab, there is nothing like that, I am
03:06just feeling a little strange today. Yes,
03:11I am also not able to sleep. Aya, did
03:14Agu Jaan really
03:18see a ghost at Umeed Cafe?
03:23Well, you are absolutely right, I was
03:26also thinking the same thing. I was the first customer and
03:30he also turned out to be Dajan's lookalike.
03:32How can this happen?
03:37Ghosts don't come home with me.
03:43If the mood strikes, they come too.
03:52Let's change the topic.
04:03Pa sir has given you the ticket. I
04:09mean, Farzad.
04:16I mean, Farzad Bhai
04:19did a great job by gifting a cafe to Umeed, I am
04:22very happy, Umi Farzad Bhai, I got
04:28one day, you should be really proud of me, I
04:35will make your life so beautiful, people will also say about you.
04:38Will say, even if for this you have to
04:41stay away from me for four years,
05:05Sameer is still hearing the voice, it is not coming down,
05:10what to do,
05:13get up, let's see, let's come, let's come, let's come,
05:17seriously sir,
05:27can we come? Yes, yes,
05:32come to me. I need to talk to you for
05:37second. Sorry, it's an urgent call. Excuse
05:41me. Do you want to talk about Fard Waleed? Do you
05:44know that he got very angry after seeing Waleed?
05:50Look, I have made a commitment with him. You would
05:56n't want me to shower in front of him.
06:00you will become a good daughter-in-law. Look uncle, it is
06:03becoming difficult for me to become a good daughter-in-law and to
06:04become a good daughter-in-law is to risk my life. Let
06:06me become a good person.
06:09This is enough for me. Becoming a good daughter-in-law
06:13is not in my power. We, but one month
06:19will be completed by Waleed and in that one month, your son will
06:23become Jal Jal Karr Kwa. Sorry guys, call me, everything is
06:26okay, absolutely I know, I
06:29love her so much, she talks so cute, I
06:31know what she told me right now. It is told that
06:34he has forgiven Waleed, right,
06:44yes, it is a
06:49good thing to forgive and forgive, Umid,
06:53he has already created so much stress in your life,
06:54look, Farzad, that was the father
07:00and he knows it very well. That
07:02both of you are married and he is
07:04very remorseful in his attitude,
07:09right, but he is
07:12only a qualified brother, he has a
07:15degree in hotel management and has one year's
07:17experience and he knows that family very
07:19well. Very well
07:22suited, you can't hire a stranger for
07:24this position, this
07:27would be better for hope and
07:29Farzad, personal grudge
07:32doesn't disqualify anyone,
07:40right, there is no issue,
07:51no, I don't have any issue, look uncle, you are right.
07:56That's right,
08:00you will do all the interactions with Waleed
08:03directly. The less interaction with him,
08:05the better. Yes, just look at everything,
08:39Lal Hilal Pasha Lal, don't let him sleep.
08:44After eating, sir's mind should remain bright for 14 hours
08:47and to extinguish it, good sleep is
08:51needed. Go friend Pasha,
08:55is there anyone outside, there is always someone outside, I did
08:59not hear any sound, the wind is blowing, it was a
09:02strong storm, go to sleep friend, there is
09:05no wind blowing, the weather is absolutely clear, it is Payal's
09:07voice, it is
09:13Payal's Payal's
09:15voice. Hey Nat, what have you reminded me of? It's
09:20been ages since I heard Payal's voice and I was
09:23attracted to the snatch of your anklet.
09:27It was your smooth words with
09:30which you trapped me and till today I
09:32am trapped. Abba had got Payal married.
09:36I have never seen you after this, do you want anklets? Now go to sleep,
09:40I will make you sleep. Okay, I
09:44saw, I
09:50saw, don't wake up, don't see who is there, oh what happened
09:53Sanat, someone must be wandering around wearing anklets, let me go,
09:56what do we have, go to sleep friend, hey at home.
09:58Wearing anklets, let me get up and walk along. There
10:05is no one there, but
10:09I heard the voice. Yes, I also heard it. I was there.
10:14Whoever was there, no
10:17one, no one, okay, we are
10:21getting married near the bus.
10:25Why are there anklets in Pakistan? She wears it, she definitely wears it,
10:29and they don't like Canadian boys very much, just
10:31be careful,
10:36you go and see, come after seeing, I
10:39am crazy, at this moment it seems that the
10:41whole family has come out, mom,
10:45what are you reading? What are you reading? Let's start reading
10:46soon. Aala Jal Aa
10:51Jal. These two have been chirping all over the house since long. Are
10:54you guys crazy? Is there someone there?
10:57Someone is outside? Come on, come
11:00on, take off your anklets? Amma,
11:04where are these anklets? A
11:06witch has worn these anklets. You are fooling
11:09me. I am not a witch. Come on,
11:11show me modesty, show me the anklets. Move your feet.
11:14Look at this.
11:18I am not sure what is this, this witch, you. You gave
11:22Sameer, you have not seen it, only the voice has come, the
11:25voice has come, son, tell me, are
11:27you kidding, aren't you? Ba, you can't hear the voice?
11:33Why would this witch, this witch, be roaming around wearing anklets on her inverted feet, friend like this? You
11:36must be talking,
11:42Hello Baba, what are all four of you doing here
11:45and tell me this,
11:49who is doing this, witch, witch, witch,
11:54your mind is bad, your witch is not a witch,
11:57tell me this. Just tell me who is making the sound of 'chhun',
12:05Pasha, go out and see who is there. No
12:10Sameer, yes Pasha sir, you are the elder of the house, you
12:14go so that I get trapped, get up, no, no,
12:19no, children, don't worry, your uncle
12:22will become a young man. Come on, let's go, let's
12:26all go, no, let's go, nothing
12:29happens, nothing happens, you come, Sameer, come, you come
12:31forward, Pasha Saheb, Sameer, come, no, Lal, you are scared,
12:34no, I am not scared,
12:37and nothing
12:42happens to Waleed. Call me, is there any trick of Nigo Mama,
12:45how will I know, she
12:49watches the soap, something must have happened in its new episode due to
12:53which Nigo
12:56Mama has got Waleed entered,
13:11brother has changed after marriage, you are right brother,
13:15whenever in the office. We used to leave after giving your blessings,
13:17now don't even do this, what are you watching,
13:22it, you go to sleep, you have
13:26started watching stupid dramas, stop it, I
13:28can't sleep, don't kiss me, I will fall asleep,
13:30you go to sleep.
13:31That is, you have decided that you have to keep
13:35whispering these sounds in my ears the whole night.
13:36Okay, I'll put the airports on. It's
13:40not about airports. You
13:42can't watch this useless drama in my room. It's just your
13:44room. You're probably forgetting ours. The marriage has taken place
13:47and after the marriage, the room
13:49belongs to both my wives and I
13:51can do anything of my own free will in this room. I swear,
13:54no one had told me that
13:56after the marriage, I will not be comfortable in my room. You
13:57can sleep, okay, it's your room, now
14:00you are alone here peacefully, I am going towards
14:01Mami, why do you need to go,
14:04switch off the phone and go to sleep,
14:06I am going to sleep now, yes, okay, go, come on, come
14:50on. Go ahead, be young, friend, what happened right now,
14:54come on, there is nothing brother, you are scared like this, there is
14:59look who is
15:02this, it is Agu Jaan, yes, it is Agu Jaan,
15:06but why are you dancing at this age,
15:17the door is also closed outside. How did she go?
15:21Look, the door
15:25is closed, what is she doing? Hey,
15:29it seems like she is talking to someone
15:31but why can't I see her? That day
15:34also you held my hand casually.
15:39Who is she talking to? Or is she?
15:44She is not just talking, she is
15:46also laughing so big,
15:49I feel there is someone with Aagu Jaan,
15:52but why can't I see, oh friend,
15:54you can't see, we too can't see,
15:56I can see something. If it doesn't happen,
15:59you all are cowards,
16:01that bamla Bismillah, move away, I see, I see, I am
16:06and why are you closing the doors, friend
16:13Jaan, our Kamal has also come, come son
16:25Kamal Agu Jaan, who are you talking to?
16:29I am Jalal Pasha, my father has come, I
16:33also want to meet him, how can it be so, it has been
16:36two years since I went upstairs,
16:38Jalal Pasha, yes Abba,
16:42yes, but no one has
16:45come here, just now I was sitting here where you
16:50are sitting in my clothes. As if you were wearing clothes
16:53of the same color, where have you
16:56gone? No, Aagu Jaan, this is
16:59your illusion. Come inside, come with me, I will
17:07dance. You are bringing me inside. You
17:12will not have to,
17:16friend, what happened? Come on, where did this anklet of yours come from?
17:20Hey, Jalal Pasha has brought it here, didn't
17:24Jalal Pasha come? Did you
17:29give it as a gift on my 20th anniversary?
17:57No one, by the way,
17:59your behavior brother
18:05should have thrown you out of the room long ago, don't take too many sides.
18:08I don't know about my brother, how I have spent so many nights
18:10with that robot, it is a
18:12matter of shame, by the way, my
18:16brother is such an innocent person, his routine is simple and I am
18:19not able to tolerate this cruel girl, no matter
18:30how cruel you are. Be cruel too, Nay,
18:35you can't compete with Milika. Well, there is no such thing if I am not
18:38good and I don't rule your brother's heart. Yes, that's
18:40it, now you have to
18:45rule your mother's heart too, inshallah.
18:49Don't let the day come too soon, you see what is happening
18:54inside him and
19:06what drama these people make of him, make him
19:49feel like his mother, he is feeling sleepy,
20:03Anthony, where is my breakfast,
20:06friend, has your
20:10breakfast arrived, I saw this with my hands. I
20:12prepared breakfast for you, may Allah bless you,
20:16your health is fine. I thought that
20:19you have not been able to be a good husband. If I help, then
20:22I become a good wife.
20:24One second, I am a good husband.
20:30Okay, don't you think so?
20:33How is a good husband? Good
20:41question. A good husband is one who listens to
20:44everything his wife says. If she is unable to sleep,
20:46neither will he stay with her all night. If she gets angry and
20:48goes out of the room, neither will he
20:50come out to console her. You are
21:00not embarrassing me but she is
21:03telling you about a good husband. See
21:05what a good wife you have got.
21:07Despite being angry, I made everything with my own hands. And a
21:10good wife is the one
21:12who keeps track of her husband on her phone. What are you
21:14doing with the name Change Khan?
21:16Friend, be
21:20careful, it's good that the tea spilled, you did
21:23not reserve it, Allah Tala spilled it on purpose, I am sorry, if you
21:28behave like this, then how else should
21:31I react? Okay, and check your wife's phone. It
21:35is a very good thing to do, isn't it? First of all,
21:38I did not check your phone. You had
21:40left your phone in my office, now it is noticed, is
21:44n't it? It is very good
21:46that you also checked, so that
21:48the world can know about you. What do you think about me? Well,
21:51you defeat even Genghis Khan. It doesn't matter to me what the world thinks about me,
21:54what you think about me does matter.
22:00Now tell me, I still think Genghis Khan. I did
22:09eat first and how do I feel now? My husband is so
22:22moody, whatever you say husband, I
22:26don't listen to anything after that, have
22:30breakfast, you are late for office,
22:39Nigo uncle Farzad is not going to office, do
22:48say anything. I just want to see hope. Do you
23:04know how beautiful our eyes are?
23:11Once you don't look at them, you can't see. When you look
23:24up and look, your
23:28heart beats faster
23:32and then when you lower your eyes, your
23:38heart stops beating. You wo
23:54n't get it,
23:59bring a tissue, do it,
24:11do it, do it
24:14loudly, it's true that this house is haunted by ghosts,
24:19where are the ghosts, where are the ghosts, oh my God, please
24:24tell me who came at night, did anyone come,
24:28if no one came? So where did this anklet
24:32come from? Hey daughter-in-law, I told you that many
24:37years ago, Jalal Pasha had given it as a gift on my anniversary.
24:43Hey, don't you feel ashamed of disrespecting Jalal Pasha's gift like this,
24:49laddu, then pick me up, give me laddu laddu
24:56Please take a look and
25:10tell me,
25:15who were
25:17you talking to last night? Suddenly the door of my room
25:22opened and who was outside? Then there was a strong wind blowing outside.
25:28Well, that means Abba Jaan was not there. Oh, then
25:32suddenly in one hand. He held my hand tightly, Aagu
25:36Jaan, why are you scaring me?
25:37Hey brother, it was Jalal Pasha. He held my hand and
25:42started saying, 'Aap Geena Aag Jaan, these are the
25:46stories. After I leave, please
25:51tell Sameer where are you going? He
25:56forgot to tell me in the commotion yesterday. Your seat is
25:58reserved, today's flight is
26:01yours, you have a ticket,
26:40come here, madam, did you prepare the breakfast?
26:44Umid Bhabhi
26:45prepared it, Umid knows how to cook everything, he
26:50prepared everything after asking me, you know,
26:55now I understand. I asked why Ajat's mouth is
26:58so good early in the morning,
27:00Umeed, we have to feed him cooked food, just
27:03like breath. Yes madam, last night I
27:07saw Umeed Bhabhi was watching the same drama
27:08which you watch all
27:12the time, Umi, of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. She wants to play sports,
27:17very good, I like sports very much, now
27:20I am making some amazing plan, by the way
27:24madam, don't feel bad, nothing happens to you, till
27:27now all your planning has failed,
27:30yes you are right,
27:32I try so hard, I am somehow
27:35evil. If I fail, let me
27:39tell you one thing, neither you are an evil mother-in-law nor a
27:43hopeful sister-in-law, an evil daughter-in-law, I am saying that
27:45both of you are friends, this fight will not happen with you people, you
27:49talk too much, you know I like
27:53you better first. When you did not say anything. Yes
27:59explain one thing.
28:02Why were you taking the side of Umeed? Yes, he has
28:04read something and you have not scolded him. He has
28:09scolded you after reading. Have you
28:11done this with anyone in your life?
28:14Talking about Farza Sahib. Don't shut up, I am
28:19going to my room. When Waleed comes, please send
28:26me. Okay madam. Husband says, I felt ashamed after reading something.
28:38If you do like this then how will I
28:41go? Don't go,
28:47Naya please try to
28:49understand something. I want to do it
28:54for you and for this house.
29:10Look, I will also send you a lot of chocolates.
29:13Sameer, I don't want anything except you. It's
29:20time for the flight. I have to
29:24go. I'm
29:28fine, you go, don't talk to me.
29:32Paya, since when have you been emotional? It's done
29:38for you, you finish your MBBS
29:43after marriage, I will take you there, you do
29:50your practice
29:54and you will stay for these four years. These four
29:58years will be
30:02difficult without me, but it is necessary to go, take
30:06Baba's help.
30:12help will I get, nothing, I was just saying this,
30:16Sameer, you are hiding something,
30:26not from me, I
31:05love you of course, I know, come
31:12back home soon,
31:29what's the matter, such a good mood early in the morning, yes,
31:32because I had no idea that my husband It is
31:33such an easy task to please, man, these
31:36dramas are set big, I had
31:38no idea that the husband would agree to a half fried egg and two
31:41slices of bread and would have
31:43given me tea as well.
31:47When did I fall asleep? Do you
31:51know what a bad omen it is?
31:53According to dramas,
31:55something very bad is going to happen in your life. Do something friend, this is a
31:57big issue, I will strangle you.
31:58I know nothing like this happens in reality,
32:03you know. Right now I am just
32:07happy that Farzat's mood
32:10is much better than mine and now I have to
32:13win my uncle's heart and how will she do it?
32:16You tell me about her,
32:19what does she like to eat, what does she drink?
32:20Which detox tea should I drink? I will
32:22do everything for her and show myself as a perfect daughter-in-law.
32:25Umid Relax. There is no daughter-in-law of the
32:28year competition going on in our house. Sit comfortably,
32:30mother will be fine on her own. Trust me, there
32:32is a competition going on. When Farzad
32:35can become a good son-in-law for my family, then
32:38why can't I become a good daughter-in-law? I want to be
32:40like Farzad, he wins everyone's heart,
32:42and anyway, according to Haya, I want to be
32:46a little better in my married life after marriage. It should be
32:48serious. Yes, I get it, it
32:51should be done but without stress,
32:52don't take so much stress. Take everything. In the
32:55name of Satan's Pudiya, the
32:58call of Satan is coming. Hello, do you know
33:02Mimi and I am just mentioning you now. I was
33:04staying and your call came from me, say hi,
33:05Umid, do you know
33:08what father sir has done? Hey, you are crying,
33:13please come home quickly, okay, okay,
33:16wait, wait, stop crying, I am
33:17coming, I am coming from abroad. I am ok, I
33:25saw a car, Pasha
33:32Saheb, Pasha Saheb got married for the second time.
