• il y a 2 ans


00:00 [Music]
00:19 Good evening, ULab Covenant Church and all our viewers around the world.
00:22 Welcome to our Middle Beat Bible Study.
00:26 In this series, this third week, we are dealing with the angelic beings in their hierarchy,
00:34 and we'll get to spiritual warfare issues in the presentation.
00:39 And so get your notebook out, watch these again, get people to tune into that.
00:45 You can always go to our website and follow up on some of these issues.
00:50 These are not issues of milk. They are deep issues.
00:58 Let's start our scripture reading with Psalm 91, a psalm that my pastor in 1978 encouraged me to go through.
01:13 I do Psalm 91 just about every day.
01:17 I was in the States a few weeks ago. I did Psalm 91 for 30 minutes over and over again.
01:23 And so Psalm 91 starts with, "He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High
01:30 shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
01:36 I will say of the Lord, 'He is my fortress, my refuge, my God, in Him will I trust.'
01:44 Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence.
01:52 He will cover me with His feathers, and under His wings I will trust.
01:56 His truth shall be my shield and my buckler.
02:02 There shall be no terror that will come upon me by day, no arrow against me by night.
02:12 No pestilence will come against me in darkness, no destruction will waste away at noonday.
02:20 A thousand shall fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, and they shall not come near me.
02:27 Only with my eyes will I behold the reward of the wicked, because He has made the Lord my refuge,
02:33 even the Most High my habitation.
02:35 There shall no evil befall me, neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling."
02:40 Verse 11, "For He has given His angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways.
02:56 They will bear me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone."
03:04 And we can go on with reading that.
03:06 And so this psalm is probably the most powerful of the psalms.
03:15 The reason I know that is when Lucifer came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness,
03:22 the first thing he said, "Turn these stones into bread."
03:27 Why did he say, "Turn these stones into bread"?
03:30 Because Lucifer is a praise and worship leader.
03:35 Stones are bread, which is revelation knowledge.
03:40 A praise and worship leader has the privilege of a person's platform to lead in praise and worship.
03:47 A praise and worship leader is not usually known for revelation knowledge.
03:52 So what Lucifer wanted was access to revelation knowledge.
03:57 If he could get Jesus to turn stones into bread,
04:04 because bread is knowledge, bread is food, it's feeding,
04:09 then Lucifer could have said, "As a praise and worship leader,
04:13 I am now entitled to revelation knowledge."
04:17 And so of all the temptations, he used Psalm 91.
04:23 He said, "Throw yourself off the temple."
04:26 He said, "Because as it has not been written,
04:28 he will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways."
04:35 And so from the fall of Adam to the coming of Jesus was 4,000 years.
04:44 And Lucifer had 4,000 years to plan a temptation against Jesus.
04:51 And of all the scriptures in the entire Old Testament, he chose that one.
04:58 He chose that one.
05:00 And so know this, that God has given his angels to keep us in all our ways.
05:07 In every single way, the angels have charge over us.
05:12 And so let's deal with now the hierarchical system of the angelic world.
05:18 This is by review.
05:20 This is also for those that are tuning in for the first time.
05:23 You can pick up this teaching.
05:25 And so Isaiah said he saw the Lord high and lifted up in Isaiah chapter number 6,
05:31 and he's trained for the temple.
05:35 And he witnessed there firsthand, firsthand,
05:41 there stood the seraphims, each one six wings.
05:48 Two they did fly.
05:51 Two they covered their feet.
05:55 And two they covered their eyes.
05:59 And they cried one to another, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord."
06:06 And just by them saying that, the Bible says that the posts of the doors in heaven
06:18 were moved at the voice of the seraphim.
06:24 And so if you can imagine the loudest voice you ever heard,
06:30 magnified by a thousand times, like maybe even a million times.
06:38 And so when lightning flashed across the sky and you hear the rolling thunder,
06:43 the seraphim's voices are much, much louder than that.
06:48 They shook the doors of the holy temple.
06:53 The holy temple is what Moses was told and what David was told.
06:59 Make sure you build everything according to the plan you see in the heavens.
07:04 So the seraphim are on the top of God's chain of leadership.
07:10 They are angels of light.
07:12 The word seraphim comes from the Hebrew word seraph, S-E-R-A-P-H.
07:21 That word means to burn.
07:24 It's a flame of fire.
07:26 The Bible says he makes his ministers a flame of fire, talking about the seraphim.
07:31 And they are also beings of extreme light.
07:36 And so when you have light, you have heat.
07:41 Light and heat are synonymous.
07:44 They are burning around the throne room in the presence of God.
07:50 Below the seraphim come the cherubim.
07:55 The cherubim is an angel with two wings.
08:00 Below the cherubim are the stars of light.
08:04 Stars of light.
08:09 Below the stars of light are the thrones.
08:15 Below the thrones are the dominions.
08:19 Below the dominions are the virtues.
08:24 Below the virtues are the powers.
08:28 Below the powers are the archangels.
08:32 Below the archangels are principalities.
08:36 Below the principalities are ministering spirits.
08:41 Below the ministering spirits are flames and chariots of fire,
08:46 which Elijah experienced, but Elijah said to Gehazi.
08:52 Gehazi was freaking out, and Elijah said, "Just calm down."
08:57 He said, "Lord, open his eyes."
08:59 And they saw the chariots of fire in the hills.
09:04 Those were angelic beings.
09:06 And then there are the choirs and angels of heaven.
09:14 And so when we sing that Christmas carol,
09:17 "Sing, choirs of heaven, sing, choirs of angels,
09:21 sing in exaltations," those angels were first seen
09:26 by the shepherds when Jesus was born.
09:31 The angel of the Lord said to the shepherds,
09:33 "Behold, to you this day in the city of David
09:36 is born a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
09:40 So the shepherds then went to Bethlehem,
09:44 and they saw Joseph and Mary with the baby in a manger.
09:50 The angels were rejoicing, and they were singing.
09:55 I discovered in my study that in the heavens,
09:59 there are nine angelic choirs.
10:05 Each choir has 100,000 voices.
10:10 And if you multiply all of those,
10:13 you now have almost one million voices
10:17 that are constantly singing and singing and singing.
10:23 And then you have the rulers and authorities of light,
10:28 where the devil then converts that into
10:30 rulers of darkness of this world.
10:32 You have then the rulers of spiritual holiness
10:35 in very high places, which the devil has converted
10:39 into spiritual wickedness in high places.
10:42 And then we have familiar spirits,
10:46 the corresponding deal with familiar spirits,
10:51 are guardian angels.
10:55 And then the last one is demonic spirits,
10:59 which we'll spend some time with in this presentation.
11:03 So I'll go back to familiar spirits.
11:07 When I was a boy, maybe 11 or 12 years old, barely that,
11:15 when I came back from boarding school,
11:17 we came back from boarding school,
11:21 I was probably 9 or 10.
11:28 Yeah, probably 9 or 10, we got to--
11:31 my dad and mom were living in a town in Botswana
11:34 called Mahalapi.
11:36 It's still there.
11:38 My mom was born in Francestown.
11:39 My dad was working on the railways.
11:42 When we got there, so in that week,
11:46 my dad had a nyanga, a witch doctor, come to the house.
11:52 And they did a ritual on us, had a horse's tail.
11:58 There was water there.
12:00 They whipped us, made us drink some stuff.
12:02 We got some cuts.
12:04 And my dad explained to us that in his family,
12:09 generations before that, two generations before him,
12:13 there were so many of his family members that were dying
12:16 in the month of February because of witchcraft
12:19 unleashed in their lives.
12:21 And so this is like a countermeasure.
12:24 And then years later, my teenage years,
12:26 my dad's younger brother took us to Haumai.
12:29 We went to go and see a nyanga there
12:34 who did some rituals and stuff on us.
12:37 And so, of course, he was telling us
12:42 of our lives for generations.
12:47 And we were like, "Really?"
12:51 And what that was, was it was a spirit that knew,
12:55 a familiar spirit that knew our generations.
12:58 And so if there are dark and evil spirits
13:03 that know your generations,
13:05 you must also know that they are powerful angelic beings
13:08 that also know your generations.
13:12 And so when we're dealing now with the hierarchical system
13:16 in the heavens, understand here that the Seraphim on the top
13:25 are then second are the Cherubim.
13:28 A Cherubim is an angel with two wings.
13:31 A Cherubim is seen on the Ark of the Covenant
13:35 whose wings touch each other.
13:38 These angels are very, very powerful.
13:41 They are warring angels.
13:43 They are angels that do and work God's command.
13:47 They are very powerful, significant beings.
13:51 And then we have the angels of light.
13:54 These angels of light are responsible
13:57 for all kinds of revelation, knowledge, and power,
14:01 and strength, and anointing.
14:05 Thrones, we dealt with that last week.
14:08 Dominions, dominions are actually areas of individuals
14:14 that have influence.
14:16 And so a dominion then, basically,
14:19 so when we sing, "For thine is the kingdom,
14:21 the power, and the glory,"
14:23 that is around a dominion.
14:26 A dominion is similar to a king's domain.
14:31 So you have a kingdom.
14:35 A dominion is around a kingdom.
14:40 And so sometimes when I go to Nigeria,
14:43 and even when I go to Ghana, I will meet several kings.
14:49 Many years ago at our conference,
14:52 we had King Kadi from Cape Town attend our conference.
14:57 He is the king of the Kois in Cape Town.
15:02 He is a kingdom.
15:04 It is a dominion.
15:06 Those kingdoms and dominions in the physical world
15:09 are equal to kings and dominions in the spiritual world.
15:13 And then there is a significant angelic group
15:18 that are called virtues.
15:21 These virtues, you know, there are seven virtues.
15:28 And patience is not a virtue.
15:32 These angelic beings are responsible
15:35 for what you can see behind me on the cross,
15:38 which are like values in the kingdom of God.
15:42 They are qualities in the kingdom of God.
15:45 They are culturalists where their principles
15:52 are to build quality and substance in a person's life.
15:58 A few weeks ago when Pastor Shichi and I were in Chicago,
16:05 there was a very elaborate Indian wedding.
16:09 Very, very elaborate.
16:11 And so the next morning when we came down to have breakfast,
16:13 she went into the lady's bathroom.
16:16 And in the lady's bathroom, there was a massive diamond earring
16:20 that was in the bathroom.
16:22 So she picked it up.
16:24 I was standing waiting for the reception desk.
16:27 And she said to the lady at the reception,
16:29 "I found this huge diamond earring in the bathroom.
16:33 Please, can you make sure that the person gets it?"
16:36 You know, that action blessed me so much
16:39 it broke me to tears because,
16:41 Pastor Shichi, could they have put that diamond earring in her pocket?
16:44 Nobody would have known.
16:46 I was so blessed.
16:48 And I then realized even more so
16:51 what a virtuous woman Pastor Shichi is.
16:54 The woman at the reception desk was like blown away.
16:58 She said, "You're really doing that?"
17:00 And she said, "You know what?
17:02 I have heard of you guys, but today I am first witness
17:05 that you people are literally actually Christians.
17:09 And so when you deal with angelic beings that are responsible for virtues,
17:13 they will add value to your life.
17:16 They will add quality to your life.
17:18 They will add tremendous blessing in your life.
17:21 And so you have to then, the Bible says in James,
17:25 you must possess by patience your life.
17:30 Let patience have a perfect work.
17:32 And so the angels that are responsible for virtues
17:35 are going to build your lives absolutely significantly.
17:40 So let me spend a little bit of time now with--
17:45 we talked in brief about dominions, kingdoms.
17:48 Let me talk about powers. Powers.
17:52 The Bible says all power belongs to God.
17:57 And so in God's cabinet, he has leaders of what is called powers.
18:01 These are warring angels.
18:04 They are two-winged angels.
18:06 They take territory.
18:09 They take territory.
18:11 They fight. They take territory.
18:13 Our responsibility is to keep that territory
18:16 and maintain that territory.
18:18 And so we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
18:21 but against principalities and against powers.
18:25 And so in the heavens, the angelic beings of powers,
18:30 they are the ones that govern.
18:34 They govern the airwaves in the heavens.
18:38 About 1988, one night in Hillside,
18:46 I was awakened and I said to Pastor Chi Chi,
18:49 I said, "Something's going to happen in Africa,"
18:52 because we felt angelic beings moving.
18:59 And a few days later,
19:03 there was a huge, huge uprising in Ethiopia.
19:07 Huge.
19:10 King Haile Selassie was assassinated.
19:13 Mengistu took over.
19:16 There was so much brutality.
19:18 But we got a preempting of that
19:20 because there were like reinforcements
19:23 moving very powerfully into Ethiopia.
19:27 And Ethiopia is probably the only country
19:31 that is mentioned in the Book of Genesis
19:33 that is still in existence today.
19:36 The Bible says, "O, Ethiopia, that Ethiopia will rise up
19:39 and will be a blessing."
19:41 And so these powers then are responsible
19:43 for the traffic of power,
19:49 political power, financial power,
19:52 economic power, and so on, in the heavens.
19:55 And my first encounter with this
19:58 was in Kingston, Jamaica, in 1992.
20:05 I was asked to go and preach there
20:07 for the Jamaica Pentecostal Union.
20:10 It was the largest meeting I'd ever preached to.
20:13 That was the first time I asked the Lord to make me sick
20:16 so that I could be taken out
20:18 because it was like 10,000, 12,000 people.
20:21 The place was rumbling. It was shaking.
20:24 And so I said, "Lord, I can't handle this.
20:26 Please make me sick."
20:28 And so the Lord opened my eyes
20:30 and said to me, "You're fine.
20:32 I've sent you. You're on assignment.
20:34 You are on an apostolic mission.
20:36 You are here to release apostolic order."
20:39 And so He said, "I've sent my angels with you."
20:42 He opened my eyes.
20:44 The first angel that I saw
20:46 was the Prince of Ethiopia
20:49 dressed in such gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous garb,
20:54 golden crown, and he did this to me like this.
20:58 And then he said, "I've sent you
21:01 the Prince over West Africa,
21:03 which is Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana,
21:07 was dressed in glorious purple,
21:09 had a crown, and did this."
21:12 And he said, "I sent you the Prince of South Africa.
21:16 He was dressed in a wonderful blue kind of color,
21:19 an angel of peace, and did this."
21:22 And the Lord said to me,
21:24 "I have sent an entourage of angels with you
21:27 and gave me just an open eye to see them."
21:32 And so these basic angels are angels of power.
21:38 I was preaching in London, England
21:41 at St. Michael's Cathedral for Mom Ferguson.
21:47 And I had an anointing on my life
21:50 in that season where I was fasting.
21:57 It was like 14 days, and I was praying.
22:01 I was doing--it was very, very cold in London.
22:04 All I was doing was soup and had a blanket.
22:09 And the anointing was on me.
22:11 I was praying 12 hours a day, 12 hours a day.
22:16 And in my prayers and so on,
22:20 this church is in Cricklewood, London,
22:24 next to Kilburn.
22:26 I would catch bus number 14,
22:28 and I was praying and praying.
22:30 And at the end of that prayer and fasting,
22:33 I went to a place in London called Shepherd's Bush.
22:39 And I was doing my prayer walk there in Shepherd's Bush,
22:43 and I was in deep intercession,
22:47 just tears coming down my eyes.
22:50 And in the eighth hour of my prayer there,
22:54 accidentally I bumped into a man, just bumped him.
22:57 And the man grabbed me.
22:59 He said to me, "Tutor," he said,
23:01 "many of us as angels here, we are with you.
23:05 Keep you intercession.
23:07 God is using you to hemorrhage the power of the devil."
23:11 I was like, "Really?"
23:14 Later on that week in the evening,
23:18 when I was praying,
23:20 I was about to challenge the principality over London,
23:25 and the Holy Spirit said to me,
23:27 "You have not been called to challenge this spirit.
23:30 You have not been called.
23:32 I have sent you here so that you can add intercession
23:36 to multiply the hemorrhaging of the demonic world
23:42 over the city of London."
23:44 And I was then interacting
23:47 with these significant spirits and powers.
23:51 So the third night in Shepherd's Bush,
23:54 I was preaching for Pastor C.P. Trout.
23:58 And I talked to him incidentally.
24:01 Last week we had a very long conversation.
24:04 I was preaching for him.
24:06 And so when I got into the service,
24:10 as I began to preach,
24:12 there was a young guy that began to manifest the devil.
24:16 And he ran out of the church into the toilet.
24:22 I followed him.
24:24 When I opened the door of the bathroom,
24:26 it was not this long, and he was green,
24:29 and he was flickering like this.
24:31 And the Lord said he has the spirit of a green serpent.
24:35 And so when I cast that spirit out,
24:38 the tongue, the green thing,
24:42 fell off his tongue like a glove.
24:45 This guy is a pastor in Shepherd's Bush.
24:48 And so the angels there with me,
24:50 that evening after that thing came off,
24:54 four women began to manifest demons.
24:57 They were actually witches from London
25:00 that were sent there to inhibit and curse that church.
25:04 I mean, the power of God was so strong,
25:07 the angel of the Lord said, "Rebuke them, rebuke them, rebuke them."
25:10 They ran out of that place.
25:12 It was so amazing.
25:15 And so for me, I've been in so many wonderful
25:18 and incredible scenarios
25:20 with angelic forces and angelic beings.
25:24 I was sharing with one of our staff members,
25:28 I used to be a representative working with KLM.
25:34 And so for me to qualify for certain things,
25:39 I had to go to Dusseldorf in Germany.
25:44 So when I got to Dusseldorf in Germany,
25:47 as I got off the plane,
25:49 the minute I got off the plane,
25:51 as I stepped off the jet bridge into there,
25:54 I saw this massive demonic spirit.
25:57 It was a grotesque thing.
25:59 It looked like a bit of a dinosaur thing.
26:01 And the Lord said, "This is the gatekeeper
26:04 of the city of Dusseldorf.
26:06 This spirit knows you are here.
26:09 It senses your anointing.
26:11 It won't be able to touch you.
26:13 It can't touch you, but it senses you are here.
26:16 I have put a shield around you.
26:18 You are invisible.
26:20 My angels are around you.
26:22 They are here to keep you in all your ways."
26:25 And so I went into the hotel.
26:27 I was so scared.
26:29 It happened to be the festival and carnival in Dusseldorf.
26:36 And of course in Germany they drink a lot of beer
26:38 and stuff like that.
26:40 And there must have been about 100,000 people in the streets.
26:43 They were dancing and singing.
26:45 And I couldn't sleep that night
26:47 because I could feel the spirit looking for me,
26:49 looking for me, looking for me.
26:51 But the Lord has given us charge,
26:53 given us angels' charge in all our ways.
26:56 And so these powers that I'm talking about,
26:58 these powers, they take territory.
27:00 They walk.
27:02 They don't seek ground.
27:03 Once it's taken, we as human beings,
27:05 we have to hold that ground.
27:07 And so, sisters and brothers,
27:09 in this simple presentation this evening,
27:11 in terms of angelic beings and powers
27:15 and hierarchical system,
27:17 know that you have angels that you can command in your life.
27:22 I pray that God will bless you.
27:24 I pray that God will keep you.
27:27 I pray that the angels will keep you in all their ways.
27:30 Father, bless now in the name of Jesus.
27:34 Amen.
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