• 2 years ago
#SinggahSet sekitar penggambaran My Famous Ex-Boyfriend yang bertempat di sebuah hotel, Istana Budaya dan juga sebuah restoran. Kali ni Cik Bam sempat menebual Qasrina tentang drama ini. Hael, Nadhir, Qasrina & Cupcake Aisyah main game jawab soalan tentang Ex-Boyfriend.

#myfamousEXboyfriend: Bermula 23 Oktober, Setiap Isnin- Khamis, 10 malam di Astro Ria dan Astro Go


00:00 [Music]
00:05 Assalamualaikum, we are back in the section
00:11 [Laughter]
00:14 [Music]
00:22 [Music]
00:27 And action
00:29 [Music]
00:33 Assalamualaikum, today we are at the set of My Famous Ex-Boyfriend
00:37 I heard that today there are some tense scenes
00:41 But what is the tense?
00:44 Let's see
00:46 I don't like him
00:50 Get out
00:51 I don't like him
00:52 Here, here, here
00:53 Get out
00:54 Get out
00:55 Is it bad?
00:56 [Music]
01:01 [Music]
01:06 [Music]
01:11 [Music]
01:16 [Music]
01:21 [Music]
01:26 [Music]
01:31 Hello Rizal
01:32 Hello
01:33 What scene is this?
01:35 This is the scene where Haq gives a speech
01:39 During the sequence of Up and Crunch
01:42 Okay, what is your role in this movie?
01:45 Okay, I play the role of Ned
01:48 Which is Haq's PA
01:50 Is it difficult to handle Haq?
01:52 So far so good
01:53 Because he is number one
01:55 So I have to handle him
01:58 Okay, I understand
02:00 [Music]
02:26 Okay, hi, assalamualaikum
02:27 I'm Nadin Assa, I play the role of Nazmi, which is Jamie
02:30 In the movie Petrichor
02:32 My famous ex-boyfriend
02:33 Jamie is a cool guy
02:35 The reason why he is cool is
02:38 His past
02:39 He is not in a really good mental state
02:44 But he is a well-being human being
02:48 He has a job
02:50 He has something that he wants to achieve
02:55 Are you guys ready?
02:57 Okay, alright
02:58 Say bismillah first
02:59 Bismillah
03:00 Alright
03:01 Okay, let's do the first round
03:03 Let's do the first round
03:04 So I will go first
03:06 Okay, okay, okay
03:09 Bismillah
03:12 Alright, alright
03:13 Who will go first?
03:14 I will go first
03:15 Okay, he wins, so he will go first
03:16 He wins, he wins
03:17 So you can answer
03:18 Let's go
03:23 You read it, Aisyah
03:25 How many exes do you have?
03:28 Ah, alright
03:31 Okay guys, silent on set
03:35 Silent on set
03:36 One, two, three
03:41 I'm
03:47 Cute
03:48 Surprise
03:49 Which one is the most handsome?
03:51 Which one is the most handsome?
03:52 The one now
03:55 One, two, three
03:57 The one now is the most handsome
03:59 Oh, okay, the one now is the most handsome
04:00 Great
04:01 So what do you want to say?
04:02 What do you have now?
04:04 This story
04:06 Oh, oh
04:07 Yes, because he said now
04:09 Can you see it?
04:10 Guys, can you see the answer?
04:11 I'm like a snidey
04:12 You guys think too far
04:14 Alright, okay
04:15 This guy
04:18 So like
04:19 No
04:20 So I'm the most handsome
04:21 No, the problem is
04:22 You did it before
04:24 So you ex, right?
04:26 So I'm the most handsome now?
04:27 Yeah
04:28 Okay, it's okay
04:29 We'll continue
04:30 Okay, next
04:31 Next question
04:32 Okay guys
04:33 You guys think too far
04:34 I'm thinking for you
04:35 Okay
04:36 You
04:38 Okay
04:39 Go
04:42 Okay, cupcake
04:45 Cupcake
04:46 The stupidest thing
04:47 That your ex did
04:49 Go ahead
04:53 The stupidest thing that your ex did
04:56 15 minutes later
04:58 So you want me to cover for you?
04:59 Yes, cover for me
05:00 Okay
05:01 Your ex said she's not pretty
05:03 So I'm not sad
05:05 The stupidest thing that she said
05:07 You're not sad, right?
05:08 Are you sad?
05:09 Did you win?
05:10 Because I won
05:13 I won
05:14 You said your ex is not pretty
05:15 No, you're lying
05:17 I'm not with my ex
05:19 Okay, that's enough
05:20 Next
05:21 Okay
05:22 Next question
05:23 The first question that you dare to ask your ex
05:26 If you meet me
05:32 We broke up, right?
05:33 After we broke up
05:34 The first time we met
05:35 You want to ask me something?
05:36 Are you sure you've moved on?
05:40 Oh
05:43 Do you know?
05:45 That's the question
05:48 They have to wait for this story
05:52 They have to wait for this story
05:56 Next episode
05:58 The first time we met
06:00 Thank God
06:26 We get along
06:27 Right away
06:28 Yes
06:29 So before this
06:30 I already know Adi
06:31 I've done a few campaign
06:33 With Adi
06:35 So I know Adi from there
06:37 But we've never shot together
06:40 So I'm excited to know
06:43 How Adi talks like this
06:45 And from there
06:46 Okay, it's okay
06:47 Right?
06:48 And then Hill too
06:49 I'm honestly nervous with Hill
06:52 Because he's a singer
06:54 I've liked him since we were singers
06:57 And when I met him on set on the first day
06:59 He came to me
07:01 You have to teach me
07:02 I'm nervous
07:03 I'm like
07:04 Are you nervous?
07:06 Oh, okay
07:07 So from there
07:08 It's easier on the first day
07:11 Because we talk
07:13 Make each other comfortable
07:15 And from there, the chemistry just
07:17 Happens
07:18 It just goes
07:22 When a man doesn't love you
07:24 He likes another woman
07:25 Then he'll forget you
07:26 When you love someone
07:28 When you love someone
07:30 When you go out
07:31 There's coffee
07:32 If you don't love her
07:33 You'll find a place to tell her
07:35 What are you doing to him?
07:36 What are you doing to him?
08:02 Thank you very much!
08:11 Bye bye!
