00:00 [Music]
00:06 [Music]
00:16 [Music]
00:42 fantastic marvelous that's him
00:47 [Music]
00:58 marvelous look at the way he drinks that milk pure genius
01:03 hello I produce the slurpee TV commercials our spokescat Marvin is
01:12 true and I want you to be slurpee's new spokescat be at the studio tomorrow
01:21 morning for some screen tests we're going to make you a big star but
01:26 remember since slurpee is the all-natural cat food for the serious
01:31 mouse catcher we must film you catching a mouse
01:36 [Music]
01:49 ready for you on the set mr. Marvin the cat hold it you're finished finished
02:02 come now without me there is no slurpoe I am slurpoe oh no slurpoe here comes
02:12 slurpoe the new slurpoe this is the new face of slurpoe cat food from now on
02:32 so did you bring your own mouse terrific now Tom did you eat your slurpoe this
02:43 morning terrific now be marvelous everybody
02:52 [Music]
03:21 that was marvelous what style what panache this contract includes a limo
03:28 your own trailer and a thousand dollars a day now who represents the mouse here
03:46 you divide it up between you and your client so they gave you the business to
04:07 hey how about we team up and do a number on this wise guy pussycat huh okay Tom
04:21 baby in this scene you select the slurpoe from the brand X makeup
04:31 [Music]
04:38 action
04:41 [Music]
04:59 so you didn't do so terrific with the taste test let's try the mouse catching
05:09 sequence do your stuff
05:16 [Music]
05:33 Tommy sweetie the cat's supposed to catch the mouse the mouse isn't supposed to
05:38 beat up the cat let's take it again
05:44 this is not marvelous this is stinko I wish we had Marvin back you call
06:07 me sweetie pal we missed you we've been stuck with this amateur trust me Marvin
06:13 baby you're getting a big race a big limo and that's only the beginning get
06:18 it big Joe
06:22 ready for the banquet scene action by the way Marvin baby we got you a new
06:32 co-star [Music]