• há 2 anos
五王爺假借皇命到少林寺, 要方丈交出小活佛替皇上治病. 方丈拒絕, 王爺大開殺戒. 方丈臨終託姪女欣宜護送十八小和尚, 去找尋唯一知道小活佛身份的師叔三德. 宜帶著小和尚們及其中一名肥仔的妹妹上路, 途中得戲班的王德榮相助逃過官兵耳目. 宜誤將榮當三德, 榮以東洋小醉拳籌盤川洩露了行蹤, 王爺派高手擒拿, 榮又誤將神童當做小活佛, 官兵追至, 榮、宜和一眾小和尚失散. 神童自行帶著肥仔等人上京. 途中肥仔妹妹患病, 神童不顧而去, 眾人找大夫. 大夫卻暗中報官, 神童相救, 大家冰釋前嫌. 官兵跟蹤前來將一干人等捉回王府, 原來皇上誤以為殺小活佛拿了舍利子就可病癒; 而王爺則以小活佛要脅皇上交出皇位. 此時真的三德帶著少林弟子前來相救, 並向皇上道出肥仔妹妹才是小活佛, 各人跪地求饒, 皇上終於明白開刀做手術才可把病治好.
Increasingly desperate to seek out the Little Buddha lest he fall victim to a deadly disease, the Emperor soon finds the fact that the boy he seeks is hidden among the little monks of the Shaolin Temple the least of his worries. A deceptive tyrant who longs to become Emperor, King Fifth is making his way to the Shaolin Temple in hopes of killing the Little Buddha and claiming the throne for himself. Desperate to escape the evil King Fifth, the miniature monks embark on a series of wild adventures and even learn the art of the Drunken Fist! ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi


