• 2 years ago
"Murder with Music" is a 1941 American musical comedy film. The film was directed by George P. Quigley and produced by Alfred Stern. It features a cast that includes Bob Crosby, his orchestra (known as Bob Crosby and the Bobcats), and many notable musical performers of the time.

The movie's plot revolves around a murder mystery set in the world of swing music. Bob Crosby, playing himself in the film, and his orchestra are performing at a nightclub when a murder occurs. Bob Crosby and his band members become amateur sleuths, trying to solve the mystery.

As they investigate the murder, they interact with various colorful characters, navigate through the world of swing music, and uncover clues that lead them closer to the identity of the killer. The film combines elements of comedy, music, and mystery, creating an entertaining and unique blend of genres.

"Murder with Music" is notable for its inclusion of prominent swing music and musicians of the era. It features musical performances by Bob Crosby and his orchestra, as well as appearances by jazz and swing artists like Louis Armstrong, Kay Kyser, and more. The film offers a lighthearted and enjoyable cinematic experience that combines murder mystery with the vibrant and energetic music of the swing era.