Bangkok Governor Says Thailand’s Gun Laws 'Outdated' After Deadly Mall Shooting

  • last year
Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt says Thailand's gun laws are "outdated" and that stricter enforcement is needed to keep Bangkok safe, in an exclusive interview with TaiwanPlus.
00:00 it's one of the worst acts of gun violence in Thailand's recent memory.
00:04 Less than a month ago, a 14-year-old gunman opened fire in Siam Paragon,
00:08 one of the most visited shopping malls in Asia,
00:11 right at the heart of Bangkok's dense commercial district.
00:14 Two women were killed, one from China and the other from Myanmar.
00:17 And just days ago, a third woman, a Thai national, died in hospital.
00:22 Now, mass shootings like this are rare in Thailand, but gun violence is not.
00:26 And the incident has renewed attention on Thailand's lax gun laws
00:30 and also issues of public safety and youth mental health.
00:33 Now, I'm here at Bangkok City Hall to talk to the capital's top leader,
00:38 Governor Chetchad Sittipan, about how he intends for Bangkok to move forward
00:42 from such a tragedy and make sure that something like it does not happen again.
00:46 Thank you, Governor Chetchad, for speaking with us today.
00:49 If I may start with the Paragon shooting on October 3rd,
00:53 can you walk us through your initial reaction
00:55 and also the mood in Bangkok since the incident?
00:58 Yeah, it was a tragedy, you know.
01:00 And not only is there a lot of loss of life,
01:05 but also what happened to the young, you know, the youth, like 14 years old.
01:09 So I think we were shocked by this.
01:11 It's not happening often in Bangkok, especially for the kids, you know.
01:15 So I think that's a reaction.
01:16 And then we try to think what really happening, what's the cause of it, you know.
01:20 There are many unanswered questions that we have to be looking into details
01:25 and try to prevent another incident like this.
01:28 So right after the incident, the new Prime Minister, Sir Chetchad Ravisin,
01:31 said he'll be tightening gun regulations
01:34 and then also the metal detectors at mall entrances are back.
01:38 That's not a new measure.
01:39 But do you think this is enough?
01:41 What do you think needs to be done to convince not just tourists,
01:45 but everyone in Bangkok that your city is safe?
01:49 Things are more complicated now.
01:53 You know, you can obtain a gun through the internet.
01:55 There are many incidents happening around the world.
01:59 So I think the world is changing.
02:00 I think what I heard, the gun was obtained through internet ordering as a blank gun.
02:07 Blank gun is not intended to be harmful, right?
02:10 But with some modification, it can turn to be a deadly weapon.
02:13 So I think the law has to be updated to the current situation.
02:18 Maybe the law, some of our laws, maybe a little bit outdated.
02:21 I mean, the law of gun control is not in our jurisdiction.
02:24 So I think maybe this is one thing that you can do.
02:28 Metal detection, I think, yeah, I think maybe it can put some, like, screening.
02:34 But we cannot guarantee it's 100%, you know, there's still some loopholes.
02:38 So as you mentioned, maybe gun control is out of your personal jurisdiction.
02:42 But as Bangkok governor, what kind of pressure can you add to the government to do something?
02:47 I think we have the task force committee with the Prime Minister.
02:51 I think we raise these issues because I think the safety of our people and our tourists
02:56 will be important issues for the future.
03:00 But to carry it, not easy to obtain.
03:02 If you do strictly follow the law, it's not easy to carry a gun around.
03:05 You need the permission and it's not allowed to carry it openly in the public, you know.
03:10 So there are some laws that if we strictly enforce, it would be maybe safer than right
03:18 now.
03:19 So we have to at least follow the law strictly and enforce it strictly.
03:24 So in the case of the Paragon shooting, the gunman was a minor and there were reports
03:28 that he struggled with mental health.
03:31 Does Thailand have an unaddressed mental health problem?
03:34 Where do you see the government stepping in here?
03:36 Yeah, I think that life gets more complicated for the kids.
03:41 We have to start maybe thinking about that more seriously.
03:45 And society maybe has more pressure on many people, economic pressure, some expectation
03:53 for the parents, the way that people maybe stay more on the internet.
04:00 We take care of regulation and do our enforcement and people take care of their family, their
04:06 kids and the community.
04:07 So I think the two combined can provide better prevention for the future tragedy like this.
04:14 now.
