1, 10 or 100 Layers of Food Challenge

  • last year
1, 10 or 100 Layers of Food Challenge


00:00 We know, we know, you absolutely love challenges involving food, and today we're offering
00:05 you something you'll find even more appetizing - 100 layers of food.
00:11 Monica, Katie, and Ted are having a grand old time.
00:20 Ahh!
00:21 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:25 Huh?
00:26 Ted's the biggest beast of them all, which is understandable as he's got a mountain of
00:29 burgers.
00:32 Monica just about inhaled her small serving.
00:35 That was fast!
00:37 Though Katie won't be outdone by anyone, and she shows off her skills in quickly destroying
00:43 food as well.
00:46 Nice look, hun!
00:50 Ted wants to make this round as impressive as possible and starts to build a tower of
00:54 burgers.
00:56 We've all dreamed of that at least once.
00:58 Now it's one thing to build something, but another to make sure it won't come crashing
01:03 down.
01:04 Oooh, so…
01:05 That didn't last long, but the taste has not been affected, thankfully.
01:17 Oh wow, seriously?
01:21 Mentos in Coca-Cola?
01:28 We all know what comes from that particular combo.
01:33 Filled with fear and with shaking hands, Ted opens his can of Coke.
01:38 Hmm, well, that was underwhelming.
01:48 You can all breathe a sigh of relief, and Ted can sip on his soda no problem.
01:58 Alright now, it's Katie's turn and things are gonna heat up.
02:01 That's a much bigger bottle.
02:04 Boom!
02:06 Hope that was refreshing.
02:10 Too bad just about nothing at all is left for Katie to drink.
02:14 Maybe if she wrings out her clothes, though?
02:17 Last but not least in the slightest, we've got Monica.
02:21 Mhmm, this is going to be a massive explosion.
02:25 Guys, you might want to back away from the screens, too, just in case.
02:33 There she blows!
02:36 Everyone was in the splash zone.
02:37 Don't try this at home, kids, your parents won't be amused by the results.
02:42 Oops.
02:43 We've got ice cream, we've got a spoon, but the two don't really match one another
02:51 in size, do they?
02:56 Everyone in our trio has been served up such a pairing.
02:58 Funny stuff.
03:01 Monica gave her spoon a go, but it just wasn't meant to be.
03:06 It's outta here, and she's treating her treat like a finger food.
03:14 A bit gross, really.
03:18 But manners be damned, the ice cream is gone.
03:23 Everything Ted's got is just right.
03:26 A medium-sized spoon for a medium-sized carton of ice cream.
03:32 What a mess, Ted.
03:35 Katie, that means you're up.
03:36 That giant bucket of ice cream is insanely huge, and it's going to take ages to eat
03:42 it with that tiny spoon.
03:43 The other two drift off as they wait.
03:46 How much time has passed?
03:50 A day?
03:51 A week?
03:52 A year?
03:53 Oh, she's frozen solid.
03:56 What's with this measly serving?
04:03 Ted isn't exactly living the dream, either.
04:09 And somehow Katie's plate is totally empty.
04:12 How unfair, right?
04:15 No one is particularly happy, but Monica knows that one Skittle is better than none.
04:21 Ted, a bit greedy, aren't you?
04:27 Is that a showman all the same, too?
04:34 Now that was quite the trick he just pulled off.
04:38 Things keep getting stranger.
04:42 What's with the umbrella?
04:46 I don't think rain was in the forecast.
04:49 Well, regular rain wasn't at least, but a Skittle's downpour has already begun.
04:57 If only bad weather was always this sweet.
05:03 Candy rain and ice cream blizzards, that would be awesome.
05:08 Yeah!
05:09 Ted, Monica, what's with the faces?
05:14 Yeah, a few candies went places that perhaps they shouldn't have, but that's no biggie.
05:20 Now it's time for our heroes to finally feast.
05:23 Eggs?
05:24 That's a far cry from the delicious chocolate bars from the last round.
05:32 You three big egg lovers, by any chance?
05:35 Eh, no, guess not.
05:38 Katie, you're the bravest, start us off already.
05:42 Ew, a raw egg right in the mouth?
05:46 That is beyond disgusting.
05:54 Ted won't be following her example, he's got what he thinks is a genius idea.
05:59 We'll see.
06:03 Hey man, be a bit more careful, would ya?
06:13 Oops.
06:15 And what's this going to be?
06:18 An egg smoothie?
06:24 It looks innocent enough, but the taste is just horrible.
06:32 But who expected anything else?
06:37 Oh no!
06:39 What?
06:40 Um, what's going on?
06:43 Guys, any clue?
06:47 I think this might be a special place for those who have already completed the egg round.
06:55 But what about Monica?
06:58 There's no saying no, my dear.
07:02 That was an epic fall right into the pool made just for her.
07:07 Raw eggs are everywhere, I wonder if she'll ever wash them all out of her hair and clothes.
07:14 Not very nice to laugh at your friend.
07:19 Ooh, I think all three of you may need a shower now.
07:27 Oh no, peppers?
07:34 Things aren't getting any easier.
07:36 And for one lucky contestant, this round is going to be crazy hot.
07:41 Namely, Ted.
07:42 Oh no!
07:43 We feel for you, man, but you knew what you signed up for with this challenge.
07:47 Katie takes the tiniest nibble from her chili and feels the burn immediately.
07:53 Oh!
07:55 Blech!
07:57 Monica picks up her peppers and takes a bite out of all three.
08:02 That was so brave.
08:08 Wash it down with water now!
08:14 Ted knows what awaits him, and there is nothing he can do to change it.
08:24 Do it, man.
08:25 There's no turning back.
08:26 The only way to douse those flames is with a bucket of water.
08:36 Thank goodness their dishes came with plenty.
08:39 Poor Ted, he needs a minute or two.
08:45 Hmm, that's it?
08:49 One piece of gum?
08:52 Ted's sitting a bit prettier, to be sure, but the big winner is Miss Monica by a long
08:57 shot.
09:03 Katie isn't going to wait around.
09:04 She pops her piece into her mouth.
09:06 What?
09:07 Turns out she's not exactly a master at blowing bubbles.
09:14 But Ted thinks he can show everyone how it's done.
09:18 He's got lots of practice in this field, but there's always a catch.
09:26 Bubbles pop, sooner or later.
09:31 Ted, take your time and clean yourself up, bud.
09:39 Monica isn't messing around at all.
09:42 No tricks or funny business.
09:44 She's simply shoving as much gum in her mouth as possible.
09:47 And now she's going to show up, even Ted's bubble.
09:50 He's got nothing on her.
09:55 This might be a world record.
09:56 Someone called Guinness.
10:06 Still attached to her balloon, Monica starts floating upwards.
10:10 So long, hun.
10:11 Have a nice trip and hold on tight.
10:23 Did you enjoy our video?
10:25 Share with your friends.
10:26 Give us a thumbs up and leave a comment.
10:28 Until next time.
10:29 Bye.
10:30 Bye.
10:30 Bye.
10:31 Bye.
10:31 Bye.
10:36 you
