Lottery winner represents England at Pool Championships

  • last year
A man who bought a pool table after winning £2.4m on the lottery is now cueing up to represent England at the European Pool Championships. Report by Ajagbef. Like us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter at


00:00 Obviously I was getting better and I wanted to hone my skills so I went out, I bought a table, put it in the spare room at home and basically spent many, many, many, many hours there practising.
00:11 Yeah, it's a journey. Some days you have your bad days where you're not playing so well but the journey's not come to an end.
00:17 I've still got to carry on practising and hopefully do the country proud and do my family and friends proud.
00:23 I've had a few holidays and I've got a nice car, the house is paid for and when we get a bill dropped through the door we can pay it. I'm a very lucky man.
