• 2 years ago
Frank The Tank
00:00 (swooshing)
00:02 - Squatting down to try and get more
00:05 of an eye level, perspectival.
00:07 Let's see, where do we want to record this one?
00:09 Let's see.
00:11 Over here is looks pretty good.
00:12 Okay. - All right.
00:15 - All right.
00:16 - Well, you know.
00:17 - See if there's just lighting.
00:18 - Now. - Dark, bad lighting.
00:20 - Now people are gonna see this maybe, I don't know.
00:23 Sometimes I release these like maybe weeks down the line.
00:26 Sometimes I'll release them like next week.
00:27 But of course, you know I'm heading to Chicago
00:32 then to Notre Dame game.
00:34 By the time you see this,
00:36 that would be like a couple weeks ago more,
00:37 maybe next week.
00:38 I don't know, but that would be past.
00:41 But this is the day before I go to Chicago
00:44 for the head to South Banff for Notre Dame.
00:46 And I got a Chicago style root beer.
00:50 It's called WBC Root Beer Chicago Style.
00:56 This Chicago style root beer.
00:58 It's actually a product that's made by Sprecher.
01:01 It's another Sprecher product.
01:04 And of course, you know, Sprecher has terrific root beer.
01:10 Let's see if this WBC Chicago style root beer
01:13 is as good as the regular root beer.
01:15 Let me see.
01:17 Do I have to pop the top?
01:19 I don't have my top opener.
01:23 So, brand, brand, brand.
01:27 And I'm opening it with a bottle opener
01:30 that looks like the state of New Jersey.
01:31 Da-da!
01:32 Da-da!
01:39 Boy, this thing does not want to open.
01:43 Here we go.
01:46 Da-da!
01:47 (humming)
01:49 It's very good.
02:03 Very good.
02:04 You know, they do brew good things at Sprecher.
02:07 I think the regular Sprecher root beer is better than this,
02:11 but this WBC Chicago style root beer
02:17 does earn itself a 8.1.
02:21 (clinking)
02:23 (thudding)
02:25 (static)
02:28 (static)
02:30 (static)
02:32 (static)
02:34 (static)
02:36 (static)
02:38 (static)