• 2 years ago
Old trucks are some of the most charming vintage vehicles out there—just look this 1969 Scout in the face. However


00:00 Hey, my name is Gary Kirsten.
00:08 I own Bethlehem Motors in North Hollywood, California.
00:12 We're looking at a 1969 International.
00:14 Has a V8 in it and I've done a bunch of work on this car.
00:17 I've turned it in from front drums to discs and now it's time to get the car to run.
00:22 So I'm going to show how to check the plugs, check the gap, put some new plugs in it, set
00:26 the points, set the dwell, set the timing, adjust the carburetor and see how it runs.
00:34 Okay, so the first thing that you do is you pull the plugs out of the car and inspect
00:38 them.
00:39 I've already done the right side.
00:40 They're right here.
00:42 They look real dark and that means it's running rich.
00:45 So I'm going to pull the plugs on the left side and do the same thing.
00:48 Now what we're going to do is we're going to put the plugs back in.
00:51 You take this feeler gauge.
00:53 On the spec sheet over there, it says that the plugs need to be gapped at 30 thousandths.
00:58 And so you have a, you know, a spot plug gapper over here.
01:01 You push them in and it goes to 30 thousandths.
01:04 If for some reason the plug is not exactly where it needs to be, there's a couple of
01:08 ways you can do it.
01:09 Most people just kind of tap it like that to get the gap.
01:15 You don't want to tap it too hard because it burns, but there's your 30 thousandths.
01:19 Now with me, I put anti-seize on all plugs because the next guy that comes to put plugs
01:25 on, they'll come out really easy.
01:28 And always hand tighten or hand thread the plugs.
01:32 When you're putting the plugs in, you're blind.
01:35 So you're doing it by feel.
01:36 You don't want to cross thread the plugs.
01:37 You cross thread the plugs, you're in deep trouble.
01:40 When you go to tighten the plug with the wrench, you need to feel that the crush washer gets
01:44 crushed so that it makes a perfect seal.
01:48 So after putting the plugs in, making sure they're seated, you want to make sure that
01:51 number one, they're not cross threaded and that the firing order is correct and the spot
01:56 plug wires are where they need to be.
01:59 Okay, so the next step over here is ignition.
02:04 Now what ignition is, is what creates spark.
02:09 It's what makes the spot plug spark.
02:11 And in this specific car, there are points.
02:14 This is how you access the points.
02:16 Take the two clips off of the distributor cap, pull the distributor cap out of the way,
02:20 remove the rotor, remove the two screws that hold the points and pull them out.
02:25 So here's your new points and condenser.
02:29 Condenser's right there.
02:30 And it has a 5/16 nut on it.
02:33 And you want to plug the negative wire that goes from here to the coil.
02:40 So you put it in here.
02:43 Make sure it sits in that dowel and put the screws in and tighten them down.
02:48 Now remember, you don't want to over tighten them, but you don't want to under tighten
02:52 them.
02:53 And the reason for that is because it needs to move, but it needs to stay in position
02:57 when you adjust the door.
03:00 And that's how you install the points.
03:01 And so now we're going to adjust the points.
03:06 If you look down here, you can see there's a little cutout on the point and a little
03:11 cutout on the distributor, which moves the points like that.
03:14 You see that moving like that?
03:17 So to set the dowel, and so previously I said that you need to keep these screws a little
03:24 bit tighter, because when you move the points like that and you move them, they need to
03:30 stay.
03:31 See how they stay?
03:32 Okay, so they have to stay.
03:35 All right.
03:36 And so now you get to your remote starter, okay?
03:40 You set your dowel where you can see it.
03:42 Make sure that all your wires are hooked up.
03:45 See, there goes that cable.
03:47 And right at this point, the gap will be completely raw.
03:52 See it's all the way at the bottom.
03:55 So now we need to open the gap.
03:57 I'll show why.
03:58 So that is close.
04:08 Now yes, this dowel gauge does bounce a lot, but it gives you a general idea of where we
04:15 stand.
04:17 And now you tighten the screws down tight, and I'm at 30.
04:23 Okay, so the next step is you put the cap and rotor back on the distributor, making
04:28 sure that you find the locating pins so that the clips will line up.
04:35 And you have to reattach the spark plug wires in the correct firing order.
04:40 [music]
04:50 (upbeat music)
