3 DAYS Solo Survival OUTBACK AUSTRALIA - Giant CRAYFISH Catch and Cook!

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3 DAYS Solo Survival OUTBACK AUSTRALIA - Giant CRAYFISH Catch and Cook!
00:00 big one right there. That's not bad at all mate.
00:04 Look at that. Mate. What's going on everyone? Welcome back to another video.
00:13 So we are back out in the outback again today. We just drove 13 hours out to this
00:19 place and this is where we're going to be staying for the next week. We're going
00:22 to be living off the land, catching my own food. In a few days we're going to be
00:26 heading to the edge of the Simpson Desert where we're going to be looking for
00:30 the most venomous snake in the world, the inland taipan. But the reason why I've
00:33 come out to this place for the next couple days is I know that there's a lot
00:36 of food out here that you can catch if you go looking for it. In particular,
00:40 giant red claw crayfish. A couple months ago my mate and I came out here for a
00:45 couple weeks trying to catch these crayfish and we ended up getting a heap
00:48 of big ones with our hands. So that's exactly what we're trying to do today. I
00:52 know a creek a couple caves from here that has big crayfish in it so we're
00:56 going to start walking there now, see what animals we can find and hopefully
01:00 catch some big crayfish that we can cook up on the fire. Back out here in the
01:03 outback mate. Stay tuned for some epic episodes coming up.
01:23 Take a look at this big fella over here. That right there is a species I've been
01:29 wanting to find for the past three years and that is one of the most venomous
01:33 snakes in the world, the death adder. We got one mate! So I think it's so cool that
01:39 people devote their lives to going out and searching for animals and this for
01:44 me is the pinnacle for that because this is an animal I've been searching for for
01:50 years and I finally found one out here in the wild. Look at him go. What an
01:55 awesome little snake. Now you can see they're not a very big snake, not a very
02:00 big snake at all but they don't need to be. This species ranges from the seventh
02:06 to the ninth most venomous snake in the world and although he may look small for
02:11 their size they have some of the longest fangs in the snake kingdom. Hey mate
02:17 coming over to me. You're alright. So these snakes are masters at camouflaging and
02:25 they know it as well and they not only use this to hide from predators, to hide
02:30 from things that are trying to eat them but also for hunting. Now if you look
02:35 down at their tail they've got what looks like a little worm like thing and
02:40 they'll actually wriggle it just like this back and forth and wait for a
02:46 lizard, for a rat, anything that wants to eat that little worm like tail and as
02:50 soon as that animal gets in too close whack they'll strike out with one of the
02:55 most toxic venoms in the snake kingdom. And yeah just spending this awesome
03:00 moment with this little death adder right here. Look crawling right up to the
03:04 camera. Alright I think that's it mate. I've been chilling with this guy for so
03:10 long he's just crawling around but we need to let him go. Thank you so much. So
03:16 you can see what she's doing right now is exactly what these death adders do
03:22 and you would walk past a lot of these snakes without even realizing they're
03:27 there under a little bunch of leaves. So over the past three years looking for
03:31 death adders I've always imagined finding one and all the facts I'd say
03:35 about them, how I presented on camera but that moment right there of finding that
03:40 little death adder that is all I want. I do not care about trying to get the best
03:43 shots of this little fella. That was awesome. That was epic and mate we got a
03:48 whole road trip ahead of us. We're gonna keep going heading out west even further
03:53 and maybe see if we can find some yabbies that we can catch and cook up
03:56 later. Death adder mate, how good.
04:00 So the outback houses arguably the toughest animals here in Australia
04:09 because there's not a lot of food, there's not a lot of water out here and
04:12 one of my favorite ways to actually find these animals is go to a water source
04:17 and search around it. This is where the animals will be. We actually spooked a
04:20 bunch of emus just down to the bigger paddock. I'm gonna go for a walk there,
04:24 tell you what my plans are for the next couple weeks and hopefully see those
04:28 emus.
04:30 [Music]
04:45 So we're just walking across this big grass plant at the moment heading to a
04:51 place which I know holds big yabbies.
04:54 [Music]
05:24 [Music]
05:30 I reckon we head down to that creek and try to catch some big yabbies with our
05:35 hands. So we've just made it down to the creek which I know has big crayfish in
05:40 it and I'm just looking around the shallows. I've seen a couple little ones
05:44 but what we're looking for is the really big ones like the one that I caught last
05:47 time I was out here. If we could get about six of them that'd be so good.
05:51 Let's actually get in there and see if we can spot any. Big red claw crayfish.
05:57 Already big one right there. He's a big fella. I'll see if there's any others
06:03 before I spook him. You can see him just moving down there. That's exactly what
06:10 we're looking for. There we go. Look at that. That is what we want. Big red claw
06:17 crayfish in the outback. There must be so many more in this pool right here. I might
06:22 just chuck them in this little pool. You can stay in there. Yes look at that. So we
06:26 got the big fella chilling in there and you can see these holes in the mud.
06:30 That's how I know that there's crayfish in here. That's where they're living.
06:33 Right there. Do you see that? That's another one. He's not as big but we'll
06:41 still still grab him. There we go. Look at that. Another one. Yes that is so good in
06:52 this little creek. The outback always provides mate. Look at that. Alright
06:57 you're trying to escape. I'll put you in there. You can play.
07:03 Big fella sitting just down here. Oh missed him. There we go. Take a look at
07:14 that. Massive red claw crayfish. Add him to my collection. Look at that. That's not
07:22 bad at all mate. You guys stay here. Don't think they can get in those holes so I
07:27 think we might be alright. See him? He's not that big but grab him anyway. That's
07:36 crazy. There's so many in this little pool. You know what mate? We'll let you go.
07:41 See you later. Look it's a little fella.
07:48 Take a look at him. You're way too small to eat mate. Big one.
07:55 This creek is crazy. Look at that. That's probably the biggest one of the day
08:00 honestly and just like that we got him. I just splashed the camera. And there's
08:07 another one. This is in a different pool. Going down to the deeper part. There we
08:13 go. Look at that. I don't even know what to say anymore. We got so many. So we've
08:19 let a few of them go. We've only got the biggest ones left but look at that. A
08:24 bunch of really nice sized red claw crayfish and this is gonna be my dinner
08:30 right here. There'd be so many more I could catch in this creek which is good
08:34 to know if I come back here and decide to film a survival video. But mate take a
08:39 look at that. They're like my pets crawling around with me. Now in last
08:43 week's video you saw me go out to the mangroves real quick and catch a heap of
08:47 mud crabs out there. It'll be interesting to see the difference between them
08:51 compared to the crayfish. I'll show you a clip of some mud crabs that I caught
08:55 last week. So we're just creeping up on this huge mud crab right here. Alright
09:00 I'm gonna get around the back. That is one of the biggest mud crabs I've ever caught.
09:07 I'm gonna make sure that he doesn't get me. You wouldn't want to get tagged by
09:11 one of those big claws. Take a look at that mate. Big Aussie mud crab out here
09:16 in the mangroves. Look at the size of that claw. That is awesome. We saw a mud
09:21 crab shoot down this one. Alright got him. Yes look at that right there. That was
09:29 the mud crab sitting down that hole and we did it in one take. Look at he's
09:33 trying to go back into it. You're not getting back down there mate. Take a look
09:37 at that. Second mud crab out here in the mangroves. How good is that? We got a big
09:41 feed for lunch. Oh yeah. These guys are funny. Not a bad dinner that I'm gonna
09:49 cook up tonight. Make a fire up the river and cook up some crayfish on the coals.
09:55 Ever since I was little I've always been drawn to the outback. I remember one of
09:59 my first videos is I came out to this exact place. I'll see if I can find some
10:04 old clips of it and filmed a bit of a documentary thing. I caught a heap of
10:07 turtles, caught some of these crayfish and to be here that would have been eight
10:12 years ago and now I'm back out here spending time by myself on this land. It's
10:17 really special to me. Oh yeah I'm gonna head back into town, chuck these crayfish
10:21 on ice and then later tonight we're gonna make a fire. Probably go try to
10:25 find some animals, go on a bit of a night walk and a night drive on these roads
10:29 and yeah cook up some big red claw crayfish. How good is that?
10:35 So the outback has had lots of rain recently which is why this area is so
10:42 green. About a year ago when I came out here it was so much drier, so much harder
10:47 to find animals and a lot of these rivers and floodplains have filled up
10:51 with water. So the life out here is just thriving and it's awesome to see.
10:57 [Music]
11:17 Right, take a look at this big fella just down in front of me right here and he's
11:22 coming towards me. Wouldn't want to get whacked all the way out here but in the
11:25 next couple weeks we're gonna be dealing with a lot more venomous snakes than
11:29 this guy right here. Pretty cool though just spending time with these animals in
11:34 the outback. Outback is a place very close to my heart, Western Queensland.
11:39 Whoa what are you doing? Whoa you're a cool little fella. Well yeah I reckon
11:44 we're gonna keep going let this little fella be.
11:48 [Music]
12:16 There we go. Fire out in the outback as if it wasn't hot enough already.
12:26 [Music]
12:34 So there's the big crayfish right there. Once this fire dies down into coals it's
12:39 so hot at the moment we're gonna just chuck them on top. Been a really cool day
12:44 adventuring out here in the outback and now we got a big feed to finish it off.
12:48 Now tomorrow I'm thinking of heading out to that place that holds the most
12:53 venomous snake in the world so really keen for that as well just see what
12:57 happens this trip.
13:00 And we'll chuck the crayfish on. Now they still have some nerves in them but
13:10 they're completely dead. Three, where's this one gonna go? Pull you guys back.
13:20 I'll chuck this one just across that way.
13:25 I like my crayfish medium-rare.
13:33 [Music]
13:51 I don't know how I got three of them.
13:56 [Music]
14:09 It's really good. I would almost go as far as saying better than the mud crab
14:16 that we ate the other day. Yeah pretty cool day man.
14:21 [Music]
14:23 I think what we're gonna do tonight is go for a bit of a cruise on the road
14:28 see what we can find maybe try to run down some wild pigs after dark and after
14:33 dark is when a lot of species of snakes come out on the road as well so cruise
14:38 around see what we can find and yeah call it a day.
14:42 Yeah I completely destroyed all of those crayfish.
14:46 [Music]
15:09 Getting to a pretty cool place up here. Absolutely scratching my car up.
15:17 [Music]
15:19 Are you kidding me?
15:21 [Music]
15:31 About to go for a climb up to the top of that and what we're looking for is the
15:36 biggest lizard here in Australia the Perenti. Never found one before. I know
15:42 they're out here on this land. There's gonna be a lot of other cool animals up
15:45 there as well so we'll go have a look.
15:48 This is one of those times in my life that I'm just speechless at where I am right
15:58 now what I'm doing. I'm up here looking for the biggest lizard in Australia in
16:03 the most beautiful place. This country is so amazing and this is where I'm gonna
16:07 camp tonight but I reckon there's a couple big caves just up there I'm gonna
16:12 go and see what's inside of them because look at this. This right here is where
16:18 wallabies have been sitting. Now I reckon I spooked all the ones from this area
16:22 but if we go up there we might be able to find a few.
16:26 [Music]
16:47 Look at this little fella. See that little rat? There might even be a couple
16:52 of them sitting in there. That's what these inland taipans are eating. Pretty
16:57 much their whole diet consists of these long-haired rats.
17:01 Look at that. Mate, sweat and bullets. Wouldn't have it any other way.
17:19 And we made it to the top. Are you kidding me? I don't even know what to say.
17:28 This is awesome. We are on the edge of the Simpson Desert right now and this
17:33 land not only holds big energy about it but also the most venomous snake in the
17:38 world, the inland taipan. 40 degree days out here, super harsh environment. Now
17:43 don't get me wrong it's great going to a tropical island and filming a video
17:48 there in paradise but there's something about this. I love coming out to the
17:53 outback and having this experience. Yeah, something I'll remember for a long time.
17:57 See if I can show you how many flies are on my back right now. So many. Look at
18:04 this over here. Oh mate, I thought you're an inland taipan. Take a look at this
18:09 fella. Now this guy is absolutely harmless. Just a little python, non-venomous
18:15 species. What are you doing mate? Going between the legs. Trying to take cover
18:22 under his rock. Look at the beautiful colors on him. Right next to this water
18:27 source. Hey mate. Where are you going? He's a fat little snake and he's on a
18:36 mission. I don't know where he's going. Let's follow him.
18:41 Is that not just the coolest thing ever? When a snake comes up to you, senses
18:57 you're there but senses you're not a threat. Crawls right over you.
19:03 [Music] [Music]
19:27 Look at that. Trying to fit down that hole but I think he realizes he's a bit
19:36 too big so he's got to come back out. So we just pulled up at the campsite for
19:40 tonight and take a look at it. I just ran up here. I am so keen to camp here. This is
19:44 probably the coolest place I've ever camped. Red dirt. Take a look at this.
19:58 Everywhere in the sand on this little red sand dune is animal tracks and down
20:04 in there in that little basin I'm gonna make a fire, set up camp, get all my
20:11 cameras and torches ready and then go for a night walk when it gets dark. Let's
20:15 set up the swag.
20:17 [Music] [Music]
20:47 [Music] [Music]
20:50 [Music] [Music]
21:19 I've really outdone myself here. This is camp for tonight. We're gonna get the
21:23 fire going soon. Watch the sunset, chill here, maybe go for a night walk after
21:28 dark. See what's hanging around these sand dunes. Alright, here we go.
21:37 All this stuff out here in the desert is so dry. Catch is so easy. Mate, someone
21:47 call Barry.
21:50 [Music] [Music]
22:18 Honestly, the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen, especially in a place
22:24 like this. Just sitting around the fire. It's been such a cool day. Such a cool
22:29 trip out to the outback actually. Really grateful that I can come out here. But
22:33 yeah, I think what we're gonna do now is maybe go out and try to find some more
22:37 snakes. Not a bad place to be mate. Oh this is awesome. And then yeah, we'll go
22:42 out for a drive and see what we can find. Hopefully a woma python.
22:48 [Music]
23:02 Have a go at this little fella right here. So we're just going on a bit of a
23:07 night drive and this right here is a king brown snake. Are you kidding me?
23:12 That's awesome. Look at him. Just a little fella cruising around on the road.
23:18 Alright, let's keep hunting for that woma.
23:22 Now this guy is a highly venomous species of snake. Would not want to get
23:27 bitten by him out here. Is that a pale-headed snake? So many different
23:32 species out cruising the roads tonight. That is absolutely awesome. Take a look
23:39 at him. It's so cool finding him on the road. We're gonna keep driving see what
23:43 else we can find.
23:46 [Music]
24:07 Alright everyone and we're back on the sunny coast again. It feels good to be in
24:13 the rainforest in a creek system after going out west. It was such a cool trip
24:17 out there. Found so many cool species and there are a couple species that I have
24:22 to go back and find now. Like the woma python and like an inland taipan again.
24:27 But yeah, it's cool to be back here on the sunny coast. We're gonna keep the
24:30 videos rolling. New videos every week so stay tuned for that. I really hope you
24:34 enjoyed this adventure and yeah thank you so much for coming along for it.
24:38 See you guys next week in the next one. Cheers!
24:43 [Sound of water]
