• 2 years ago
Red dog sad short story ♡
00:00 [Music]
00:17 Damn!
00:18 Bad dog!
00:21 [Barking]
00:23 I'm never getting out of there, miss.
00:27 No one sit there when the red sit there.
00:29 [Music]
00:34 [Barking]
00:36 Well, aren't you a charmer, huh?
00:39 [Barking]
00:40 Stop that!
00:43 Stop that! Now be a gentleman and move over!
00:48 Now!
00:50 [Music]
01:11 Sharing a seat with my dog?
01:13 Yes, I am.
01:15 [Music]
01:44 Let the doggy stay, you hear me?
01:46 I'll be back in the morning.
01:50 [Music]
02:16 With all the sadness and arrangements for the funeral,
02:20 and all we forgot about Red Dog,
02:23 it wasn't until three days had passed that anyone noticed
02:27 he was still waiting outside John's house.
02:31 [Music]
02:40 Nancy made an effort to claim him,
02:42 but it was all he must have done.
02:45 So he waited, in the heat and the cold, day and night.
02:49 For three weeks, he sat in front of John's house,
02:53 and barely moved.
02:55 His eyes always on the road.
02:58 Then one day, Red Dog made a decision.
03:04 If John wasn't going to come home, he'd eat.
03:09 Red Dog.
03:10 Go out in the world and find John.
03:14 [Music]
03:17 Walked in the train station.
03:19 Walked into the face of every man there.
03:23 He was asking a simple question.
03:27 Have you seen John?
03:30 [Music]
03:34 He went everywhere.
03:36 [Music]
04:05 [Music]
04:33 You stay.
04:35 You stay.
04:37 You're home now.
04:41 [Music]
04:48 The world is a funny place, no?
04:50 Sometimes you pick a dog.
04:53 Sometimes you...
04:56 [Music]
