Asthmatic patient suddenly dies after allegedly being injected at Ewim Polyclinic | JoyNews Today

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00:00 Hello, good afternoon. Welcome to join you today. We're coming to you live from our studios in Kukum Limle
00:05 We're on DTT because we're free to on DSTV channel 4 to 1 and GoTV channel 1 to 4 1 to 5
00:12 We are a home of independent fearless and credible journalism coming up this afternoon a grieving mother
00:18 Pleased for explanation into circumstances
00:21 Leading the tragic death of her 19 year old son at the Wimpole clinic in Cape Coast
00:28 When we got there only for me to know that the medicine was
00:31 serviced
00:33 service it's and they don't have it a day
00:36 facility day you let go
00:39 With the driver when we got there I met my boy
00:43 vomit some
00:46 Also health authorities in the street German district concerned about increasing cases of bilharzi are being recorded at the health
00:54 Facilities will hear from the medical officers there on interventions to help the situation
00:59 Plus rising levels of water in the Volta River threatening the survival of flooded communities in
01:06 through East District to all here the plea of residents of wooded would to decay as they relocate the bushes to
01:14 Escape the impact of flats in the Bono East region as a result of the overflow of the Volta River
01:22 Plus Ghana cocoa boats walls escalate as farmers demand direct sales of cocoa beans to bias
01:28 We hear the reflections of former a great minister dr.
01:32 Who's a free aqua tone the financial reform struggles he undertook during his six-year reign?
01:38 All these is do jeans are built
01:41 Created by law of
01:45 Parliament and are given the freedom to operate by very and managed by people who know how these things work
01:53 This country will be developing
01:55 more danger for cocoa board as a farmer association
02:00 says most of its members are
02:03 Converting their cocoa farms to other ventures including leasing the land for mining activities
02:09 A lot of people want to cut down their country want to shift from cocoa to a different club
02:15 All because they think that they have been enslaved for so many years
02:18 Industry has collapsed. So this will allow with the cocoa farmers it directly sell our cocoa produce to make our money
02:25 We have business sports world news for showbiz coming up this afternoon
02:30 We also live on Facebook YouTube Instagram and X a join is on TV
02:35 My personal handle is a banana. I shop these stay for details
02:39 Any thanks for choosing as the Ghana Health Service is investigating the unfortunate passing of Nana or being a
02:59 19-year-old second-year law student at the University of Ghana at the a win polyclinic in Cape Coast and all beans mother Nelly Mills
03:07 Says she brought her asthmatic son to the hospital to administer a nebulizer
03:12 Treatment to prevent an imminent asthma attack. However, she alleged the medical staff
03:17 administered an injection instead
03:20 Which tragically led to her son's death shortly after the Central Health Directory says Nelly will have to wait for her answers after a thorough
03:29 Investigation and autopsy scheduled to last for the next two weeks
03:32 Nelly Mills is grieving
03:53 She's unable to pick herself up after witnessing his son's untimely death at the a win polyclinic in Cape Coast
04:00 She tells me that her heart is in flames and nothing will douse it until she gets satisfactory answers from health authorities
04:08 I love the food
04:11 Went back to my show what I think thinking I was eating only for him to call me around 6
04:18 43 to say that I should come open the door and I guess I you know, he said
04:25 it's as if
04:28 My asthma was true and I said, but there's no news
04:32 Because if your symptoms wants to come you've been using ventriloquy all this while and you have your ventriloquy pump
04:39 Only so just use it and he said he has read about
04:45 The asthma that if he used to use nebulizer
04:49 That would have been faster than the ventriloquy. Her 19 year old son
04:54 And now being a second year law student at the University of Ghana
04:57 Perished at the a win polyclinic while seeking to use a nebulizer to control his asthma
05:04 When we got there, I saw two people there one male one female. I
05:11 Greeted them and I saw my boy was an asthmatic and he needed the help of the oxygen that the male guy
05:18 Shouted I didn't know even Anna has already seated on the first chair
05:23 Then the male guy shouted by if he needed oxygen was that the place for him?
05:28 But I must get up and go and sit at
05:30 The dead and that's our boss
05:34 This is the way you treat people here. We've never been here before
05:38 so if why yes
05:41 Such why is certain is not a rightful place. I think you need to say it's
05:45 In a nice manner for him to move you cannot treat my boy here
05:49 Nelly said although she wanted to stay with his son
05:53 She rather chose to rush the pharmacy to buy a prescribed medicine
05:58 But upon her return the not obeyance condition had deteriorated
06:03 When we got there only for me to know that the medicine was so visited
06:09 I thought I saw visits and they don't have it today
06:12 Facility there you let's go. So what that's what the driver when we got there I met my boy
06:19 vomiting
06:23 He's vomited and
06:25 They gave me rubber or something that he should vomit inside something something
06:30 And I said what is happening that he got up. He became like a chance
06:35 I
06:37 Was shouting they came to hold me - well, then my boy shouted that if injected him
06:45 So I was asking what injection what injection I know is not here for injection who gave him the injection
06:52 Nellie sits on the favorite sofa his son used to occupy in the living room
06:57 Her eyes are fixed on his dance videos on tik-tok. She begs authorities to set her heart at ease
07:05 By telling her why his son died
07:08 I went inside only to admit again to meet my life my boy lying there lifeless. I started shouting
07:14 Hey, my boy is dead. Oh my boy is dead. Oh because this thing
07:19 That the underfoot were orange
07:22 Then they said he wasn't dead
07:26 This person lying down so they took me outside
07:30 Let I was there when Isaac came to ask me that one lady is saying this you come and ask me
07:36 The boy's name the date of birth blah blah blah and I said, but I don't know anything about my boy
07:42 And you've injected him who paid for the injection
07:45 Hmm. Well, we're not there with any health insurance. I
07:49 Never went there with any health insurance
07:52 Even instructed that medicine. Well, we're not there for injection only for them to decline him ditch. I
08:00 Asked the cost of the death of my boy
08:02 Because I wanted I needed to know and I said they don't deal with that
08:07 But they gather all cause of death and discuss it at the end of the month
08:12 So we should go and put our complaints on a paper
08:18 Authorities are the Wim Polyclinic to join news that a central regional health directorate
08:24 Had ordered them not to speak to the media
08:27 Meanwhile, the central regional health director. Dr. Marion Oku
08:31 Oh, sue says a committee has been formed to investigate the cause of Nana Obin's death
08:37 Another say has also been done and results will be ready in two weeks
08:42 But until then Nelly Mills will continue to stay in a son's favorite seats
08:48 Hoping the outcome of the investigations will heal her aching heart
08:54 George O'Connor
08:56 joy news
08:58 Let's take to health and
09:06 health authorities at a surgeon man district of the eastern region are alarmed over the high cases of
09:12 Bilharzia record this year in 2022 the Bilharzia cases stood at 22, but as since chapter 75
09:20 Representing a 240 percent increase the parasite that causes Bilharzia enters the scheme once
09:27 Individuals come into contact with contaminated water
09:31 We'll hear from the district rate of health shortly
09:33 But first take a listen to the member of parliament for the area Thomas and Pim that were expressing worry
09:39 over the increase in Bilharzia cases among the people
09:43 in the case that
09:46 from the right
09:48 But I do not know if that is a direct
09:53 Consequence of the village by the time I don't think we have any evidence
09:58 to that
10:01 But it is worrying to realize that in
10:03 2021 we recorded 15 cases in
10:08 2022 it increased to
10:10 25 but after last week
10:13 2023 we have recorded
10:16 25 cases and so that is a worrying trend and so we have intensified education
10:23 In the communities along the border
10:28 so that they stay away from
10:31 direct use of the of the water from the lake
10:35 This is what I was talking to them about then. I have tried
10:43 Some interventions that will give them alternative source of water because most of them depend on
10:49 the water from the lake and
10:52 So it is a worrying to do it
10:55 It was also unhappy over the unresponsive push of not more after 160 persons were displaced following that Kusumbo Dam spillage
11:04 You know the village started from my constituency and so some communities very close to the dam
11:12 Recorded some incidents that there were especially the buildings that are made of mud
11:18 collapse and we have about 50 of
11:21 Back home that have collapsed displaces the participants from Nazmo
11:27 about
11:29 160
11:31 persons have been displaced the greatest effect in my constituency as I put it is
11:37 With the cages in the water the fish farms that are in
11:42 The lake have all been destroyed cages have been moved nets have been born and all the fishes have escaped
11:50 a lot have died and that is a
11:53 Huge loss to the people there. It is a worrying situation that we are all trying to contain
12:03 The Sojoman district health director Rebecca Banty and Volta regional director of health dr.
12:10 Seneno Kweisi Jokoto who've been
12:12 speaking on the issue say the situation is common along the coastal areas and
12:18 Adding they're putting in interventions to check the outbreak
12:22 I'm going to have a strategy
12:26 to try and reduce the number of
12:29 cases
12:32 We've had support from general health services and a lot of support from the VRA as well
12:37 Even as I speak we are also going to do the mass vaccination in all the communities along the Volta lake
12:45 Within the Volta region that is in Rajasthan hill
12:48 We are also intensifying with some patient and social mobilization so that people know
12:55 When to come into contact with what to do when you come into contact with
13:01 water
13:03 infested by bacteria
13:05 So I'd like to say that within the past week, yes, we have seen cases of B. Hygiene
13:13 But they are not related to the
13:16 That we are currently experiencing
13:19 The interventions are being intensified all across
13:25 Especially because of flooding
13:30 We know that the water has come closer to people. More people are going to get in close contact
13:36 with the vector
13:39 That would transmit the B. Hygiene
13:43 So definitely we have to take extra measures
13:47 Intensify what we are doing already so that more people do not get B. Hygiene
13:55 If you want to go
13:59 We
14:01 Get to know that there is a vector the freshwater flow that hides
14:07 Along the banks and weeds that are closer to you, I mean along the water bodies
14:12 So they are realizing that we are moving all these weeds from time to time and they also support the district with
14:20 grants that we
14:22 frequently give out to
14:24 single children and then some communities. The same way
14:27 that health services is also supporting us with drugs that areas that are identified as having higher prevalence
14:34 We give what we call mass drug administration
14:40 uses as a function to ensure that adults who are in UNs are killed
14:44 So all that the district is doing is creating awareness for people to
14:49 Try as much as possible to avoid coming into contact directly with the water
14:54 Because they can only get infected when you wade through the water you swim or fetching water
14:59 You come directly into the water then the infected bacteria penetrate your skin
15:03 So if you avoid coming into contact with the water, then you are likely to prevent yourself
15:09 Also, though that depends solely on the water from the lake
15:14 They advise that either they boil the water or they feed the water before they use it
15:19 Residents of Votodeke community in the Bono East region have resolved to restart their lives in their farms and
15:26 Bushes after losing their habitat to floods
15:29 They are clearing the bushes to set up their homes as the first step towards starting a new life
15:35 Votodeke is one of the communities along the Volta River badly affected by the overflow due to excessive rainfall
15:42 Nanaia Ojiima reports the community will need government support in starting their lives all over again
15:49 All families in Votodeke have evacuated the community into higher grounds which are mainly farms and bushes
15:57 Wooden huts roofed with thatch through communal labor have been built by many families to serve as home for
16:05 various family units with nylons
16:08 These shelters are completely covered to prevent water from seeping through them. Many here continue to count their loss
16:16 I trade in fish. My husband is also a fisherman. For months we haven't been able to go to the lake. We beg before we eat
16:26 It costs 50 sedes to commute to markets and back. It is too expensive
16:38 Government should intervene
16:40 The original Votodeke community sits on the banks of the Volta Lake with the majority of
16:48 Inhabitants working in the fishing value chain. Presently the concrete homes are buried by the flood water without a boat
16:56 It's almost impossible to visit the community which now floats on water
17:01 The community first experienced such a flood disaster in 2010 when residents relocated to the bush
17:09 Leadership of the community say though they have lost thousands of cities to the flood. They are looking at starting over
17:17 When the flash came in 2010 we came to live here when it receded
17:27 We never envisaged it will flood like this ever again. So we went back to acquire our properties there
17:33 Now we have decided to make this our town
17:37 And make it Votodeke number two
17:51 When the floods recede our people can go and make temporary structures and work there, but the homes will be built here
17:58 We are still setting up some have been able to acquire shelters others are yet to
18:04 Though they have chosen the bushes to be the new Votodeke
18:18 They will need government support to live comfortably
18:22 At this location there is no school the old one is buried in the flood since we have decided to leave here
18:33 We will need a shelter for school for the meantime
18:35 Meanwhile residents are seeking support from the public to get them back on their feet
18:48 Nana Ojima, Joy News, Poo East District
18:50 We'll take a break on Joy News today, we'll be back with more
19:00 Welcome back to Joy News today. Flood victims in Awadekome in the central Tongue District heaving a sigh of relief
19:12 After a visit by the Ghana Pharmaceutical Society the Society and the Director General of Health Dr.
19:19 Patrick Kumabuwaje who taught some of the affected communities in Kenyans observed the extent of
19:25 devastation caused by the Akosombo Dam spillage. Over 200 residents received relief items and medical supplies worth
19:32 100,000 Ghana cities and promised conducting free medical care for affected persons
19:41 The Ghana Pharmaceutical Society led by the Voto Regional Branch who taught some of the affected communities in
19:49 Kenyans apart from the Awadekome in the central Tongue District
19:54 noticed how devastating the flood was in the area which made life very difficult
20:01 for the residents
20:04 members of the Pharmaceutical Society
20:06 realized the entire community of Awadekome
20:11 completely submerged in the water leaving the community as a ghost town and making the
20:17 over 1,000 to residents homeless
20:20 The National President of the Society Dr. Samuel Eko-Donko who led the team has been speaking for Joy News
20:30 We are here now
20:32 at central Tongue
20:34 In a precisely a town called Abedjwekome
20:39 Where we've seen the displaced
20:41 Island or people have been displaced from an island. It's been an eye-opening experience
20:48 You hear reports, you read about them, but being here seeing it live a complete house of maids right on my left side
20:55 I mean, this is very serious
20:57 We are not currently maybe on the farmland and the farms are completely gone
21:03 So you can see the complete livelihood of people gone
21:08 Member of Parliament for Klote Kole Konse Twinshi Dr. Zanetta Ajeman Rawlings has also donated a number of relief items and medical supplies
21:16 to the flood victims. Dr. Ajeman Rawlings toured affected areas including Sogakope, Vume,
21:23 Sokwe, Dabala and other communities in the South Tongue District
21:27 Residents in these communities have had to endure considerable hardships due to the flooding a
21:34 Consequence of the Akosombo Dam spillage and rising water levels in the Volta River
21:39 in the Volta River
21:42 Dr. Zanetta Ajeman Rawlings visited several flood affected areas
21:51 including Sogakope, Vume,
21:55 Sokwe, Dabala and all the affected communities in the South Tongue District and met with local officials,
22:03 community leaders and residents.
22:05 The flooding which has resulted from the spillage of the Akosombo Dam and
22:11 rising water levels in the Volta River has caused considerable hardship to the affected communities
22:18 Speaking during the distribution of the relief items to the various communities,
22:24 Dr. Zanetta Rawlings expressed her concern and sympathy for the affected residents
22:31 Well currently we're in Tefle. This is where my dad
22:35 This was our family home
22:38 And so the idea is to actually support the communities in and around Tefle as far as Sogakope
22:43 we already made a donation to the district hospital and
22:47 We are going to make a few donations to one of the communities here and then to the CHIPS compounds that are here because
22:53 With what is going on here, the first part of the disaster has happened
22:58 which is the spillage and the flooding but the what will happen in
23:03 the aftermath of this is you find that there's a lot of cholera and other diarrheal diseases
23:09 Typhoid malaria as the water starts to recede what we're doing here as medical doctors is to try and preempt that by
23:16 first of all supporting the health facilities with what they need because this is something that
23:22 They did not factor into their budgets at the beginning of the year
23:27 A former minister for food and agriculture and cocoa affairs, Dr. Uso Friaco says for six years
23:34 He struggled but to no avail to restructure the finances of Ghana cocoa board
23:39 Which according to him had gone out of hand
23:42 According to him the poor financial status is impacting on the cocoa farmer
23:46 The sector has been in the news lately following comments by the finance minister
23:51 Ken Oforiata that he and the governor of the Bank of Ghana will take a keen interest in
23:56 monitoring the finances of cocoa board to ensure discipline in expenditure
24:01 Have you set the foundation because you were there for six years? Yes
24:05 One the interaction that we've had with the farmers to increase their productivity in terms of yields and so on is very clear
24:16 Two, building institutions to sustain this. We had a tree crop development authority, which is an act of Parliament
24:24 I left another authority in Parliament
24:27 I don't know what has happened to it now
24:29 which is a grain development authority to manage the grains the same way cocoa board is managing cocoa and
24:35 Then we had on my desk two more, agricultural development authority and the poultry development authority
24:42 If all these institutions are built
24:46 are
24:47 created by law of
24:49 Parliament and are given the freedom to operate by very and managed by people who know how these things work
24:57 This country wouldn't be where we are. We'll be far away. We'll have a lot of
25:02 Welfare and and and and we have it will be developing
25:10 Speaking exclusively to my colleague Elton Broby the minister the former minister described as shocking
25:16 decision by finance minister to take a seat on the board of cocoa board
25:20 Insisting the finance ministry already has a slot on the board. What is the finance minister coming to do?
25:27 We give you the whole country just to take care of it and what happened so
25:37 Substantive has collapsed already. We know it and we foresee it
25:40 We study several times, but they never listen at the end of the day as a cocoa farmer
25:44 I can sell my cocoa directly to the buyer to make my money
25:49 Rather than relying on the government. The government have nothing better to offer
25:53 Speaking to you a lot of people
25:56 Millions of people want to cut down their cocoa tree want to shift from cocoa to a different crop
26:02 All because they seen that they have been enslaved for so many years
26:06 What is gonna come in to do you are the finance minister and what happened the industry has collapsed?
26:12 So this will allow with the cocoa farmers it directly sell our cocoa produce to make our money
26:17 Because other countries are doing it. They said you're going to own
26:21 Why is it that what interest is government so much interested in that?
26:26 He cannot even allow with the farmers to sell our produce
26:30 Done for him to sell it for us. Then it means he's getting more
26:33 We don't need can of ratta and even we don't even need a wine it was another tears
26:38 I don't know the cost of financial loss to the state. We don't have to pay for
26:42 And then an aborting bone, so he's the president of the concerned
26:47 farmers cocoa farmers association making that point meanwhile
26:51 Development economists with the University of Ghana Business School. Dr
26:55 Patrick is swimming says any attempt to stop the cocoa roads will impact negatively on cocoa production
27:02 If you look at what then what we have agreed to do in the MA program is even going to cause us more problems
27:08 because if you travel in Rwanda you realize that the cocoa rules and
27:15 Here I'm not even talking about the financing arrangement. If you look at the important rule that the cocoa roastery
27:22 because
27:24 Without them the cost of sending the cocoa beans to the to the port for export will be problematic
27:31 So and it's not just the cocoa sector by itself. Mind you there are so many places that are cut off and
27:37 In the absence of the cocoa roots, there will be a lot of problems even sending some key
27:43 Other produce to reach the main market centers
27:47 So when you decide that you're going to cut off the cocoa
27:51 Well, if there are issues with the financing arrangement and there you know, there are problems that you should solve those problems
27:57 Then to talk it off to say we are going to cut back on the fertilizer support screen and other support is
28:05 Just completely blows my mind
28:07 Dr. Patrick is swimming is development economists at the University of Ghana Business School now imagine a Baba who does his work with
28:16 Dissipating with one hand that's not all there's also an athlete and a key member of Ghana's Paralympic team
28:24 training for the Games in
28:26 2024 his story is one that evokes hope hope that
28:30 Regardless of one's condition he or she can achieve anything with determination
28:36 Here is a story of hope told by Hana Oda
28:40 I
28:42 Wanted to commit suicide because sometimes
28:50 When you go out people be pointing hands on you. That was his best escape from the dejection
28:57 Depression and anxiety he felt because he had only one functioning hand
29:02 It was a handbar born with two functioning hands
29:06 narrates how and when that's changed
29:10 It's my mom who told him that when I was six years old I went to cry me three and
29:14 My auntie came to shout on me. So I jumped from the tree and when I learned I couldn't learn way so I hit
29:21 So after two days later, this is a man started damage. So they rushed me from my village to Colobu teaching hospital
29:28 But when they got there the doctors confirmed that they are late so they can't do anything about it
29:34 Unless they cut it. Otherwise, I might be lose my life
29:38 So they just cut my hand and after that I was discouraged in life
29:44 So it took time for me to get close to my friends and even to go to school
29:50 After finding the strength to finally mingle a must also decided not to stay out of the classroom
29:58 He forever thanks his teacher who discovered his athletic talent through a compulsory physical education
30:05 Session so when it's time for interschools, no matter who you are, he will suck everyone to the food
30:10 For you to do something so that you will see
30:13 so
30:15 When I went to the food, he called me and I joined some groups of people to run
30:20 And he was shocked when he started running. He was shocked. I became face. So since that day he never jokes with him
30:27 His uneducated mother was married off to a stranger at the age of 13
30:34 That event which happened many years ago inspired him to establish an after-school
30:39 Program achievers Ghana at MAMOB that's the story of joy news's impact makers award winner
30:46 Amado Mohammed Amado's organization has so far trained more than
30:51 7,000 girls in Zongo communities in robotics electronics graphic designing and more
30:58 He says the joy news impact makers award has projected his work creating many opportunities
31:04 for him Maxwell a
31:06 It's just a few minutes past midday and I find myself in a one-story building
31:15 Nestled in the heart of MAMOB this
31:18 unassuming space serves as a classroom the center of knowledge for achievers Ghana
31:25 Here a group of dedicated volunteers from various special institutions are leading the class
31:31 given back to their community
31:34 inspired by the teachings of Adamu
31:37 Here I've met the man behind achievers Ghana Adamu Mohammed
31:43 His mission was ignited by a personal story
31:46 His mother's forced early marriage to a stranger
31:51 She said
31:54 Go ahead put in a car and then she has seven children and
31:57 I'm the only one that she sent to school. She's the one who sent me to school not my father and
32:04 I can remember
32:08 She's a victim of early and forced marriage
32:12 Yeah, she said which she was married at the age of 13 and then in a situation is like she doesn't even know my father
32:20 And she doesn't even know that she's even getting married at this particular day. All that she know is that
32:27 she was
32:29 Asked that this married going on
32:32 And in the evening, she's going to be taking toward her husband. She doesn't know my father
32:37 Yes, and that's the kind of life that my mom passed through and she's a woman that
32:43 I will say that I have never I have never seen her
32:49 Here in this room at achievers Ghana
32:51 There are three different groups taking three different classes this one in
32:56 Electronics or internet of things this one in coding and then this one in graphic designing
33:03 What is interesting about it is that the facilitators of these classes are all?
33:10 beneficiaries of achievers Ghana
33:14 What's the live on join you today we're coming to you from our studios in cocoon namely you're also live on
33:20 Facebook YouTube Instagram and X
33:22 We'll take a break when we return. We'll be bringing you the very latest coming from the world of business
33:28 Hello and welcome to the business segment on join news today
33:36 My name is Emma Davis when it's tough energy Matthew
33:40 Opoku Pempe is making a strong case for a deliberate effort in ensuring an efficient local content in upstream petroleum
33:48 Activities according to him the petroleum Commission of Ghana should embark on effective monitoring of firms
33:54 He was speaking at the launch of the 2023 local content conference and exhibition
34:00 If the regulator doesn't show spine
34:03 Nobody would develop guidance in the petroleum sector
34:08 But it is actually probably nothing in the interest to develop guidance in that sector
34:15 Unless the regulator stands by what the government is trying to get them to do
34:20 How do you convince me?
34:23 that
34:25 For 1050 years you cannot train a Ghanian to replace an expert
34:30 Yeah, I'm yet to be convinced
34:35 There has to be a deliberate effort deliberate effort by the regulator to shine your eyes
34:43 The beer fun that they will promote one or two Ghanians
34:50 Not as replacement
34:54 but as tokens and
34:56 It will be ticked as all guys are occupying the space and after three or four years when the position should become fully
35:04 Indigenized the Ghanian is moved to another place
35:07 Ecobank Ghana has pledged to support education projects in the country as part of his 10-year anniversary
35:14 The bank will refurbish the computer laboratory of the South Laborni girls technical
35:20 Institutes according to the acting manager
35:23 Managing director Joanna mentor the gesture is aimed at developing the digital skills of students to keep them abreast with the growing
35:32 technological world
35:34 Ecobank Ghana's parts of its corporate social responsibility
35:37 Plans to improve teaching and learning the South Laborni girls technical Institute the donation forms part of the bank's commitment
35:45 To sponsor a school to facilitate effective learning and research in an interview
35:50 Managing director of Ecobank Joanna means has said the development of the digital skills of student remains critical
35:56 basically a co-bank
35:58 Wants to support, you know
36:01 Social activities and also help to bring the poor, you know up and also develop the community. So
36:08 corporate social responsibility is
36:11 usually the theme of this
36:14 of this eco bank day, so this year the theme is
36:18 Excel with digital skills and so we are here
36:22 To donate some computers to the school. We came to do some inspect 21
36:29 Computers there's a computer lab who refurbish it and then put in the computers to help develop
36:35 the digital skills
36:37 principal for South Laborni girls technical Institute and shelter for abused children
36:41 Gifted the profound eco bank for its timely support to the school. We'd be hoping for this since 2020 and today
36:48 Has come to reality so we are very grateful before we will lack so many things to help us train this young ones and our
36:56 Okay, but when we wrote to a co-bank Ghana
36:59 They responded to our request and then came down here to supply us with things that were not even a spitting
37:06 They are going to innovate about four classrooms for us
37:10 Finished and finish with the furniture and then our ICT lab is going to be well equipped. So we are very grateful
37:16 It's a dream come true for the institution
37:19 We have to maintain so that it goes a long way to support even the next generation
37:24 So as we call on them and they responded we know when you call on to other institutions
37:28 They also continue to support us to give
37:30 Maintained a the equipment donated to us. The school was a to uphold a good maintenance culture
37:37 That's all for business for more business news to log on to my joy
37:43 My name is Emma Davis up next is sports Tuesday
37:52 As this was not only joy news today with me move to Nabila Abdullah the communications director for Carolina United
37:57 Abdul say mobile says that the pockets of violence that were witnessed during the March the 6th
38:04 I'm a primarily tied against a number four was due to the fact that the security that were provided for the game
38:09 Wasn't enough according to him. It is about time security is beefed up for Ghana. Premier League marches to end hooliganism
38:16 I
38:18 Have not conducted any investigation whatsoever in getting
38:22 the perpetrators of what they asked yesterday at the
38:27 Aluma mass for serum there were a lot of chairs that were vandalized as a result of the anger
38:34 You know some of the fans had because of officiating. I must say I'm a bit surprised
38:40 You know to hear and on social media about the fact that
38:45 Bofoca thought or had issues with the fans
38:49 the anger of the fans were not directed to Bofoca and
38:53 With the police protection
38:55 It was even an official and some members of the home team that keep the police that
39:01 where the fans were guarded waiting for the
39:04 The referees to come out of the addressing room. That is the same place
39:09 But we're going to actually see as a route to bash or to get to their bath
39:14 Before they get out of the stadium and so there was this thing that was given to the police that
39:20 Why don't we get a different route because if the football team is coming out they may encounter
39:26 You know these parts who are already angry at the gate, you know outside waiting for the referee
39:31 And so that was the incident that happened
39:33 They have to take them to a different place and even by then the bath of Bofoca channel had already left
39:39 The the premises of the Aluma mass for freedom. So there was no way
39:43 You know the police could have done that to you know
39:47 Bath them from the stadium with their own bath to where they park their bus for them to you know
39:52 Get to sing or wherever they were going. So we are surprised that you know, the story is that
39:57 They were beaten by fans here in family. That is not the situation
40:01 In fact, the fans have directed their anger at the officials because we thought that some decisions actually went against the home team
40:09 That could have you know resulted in good for the home team
40:12 I don't know if there is any sanctions coming from the FB
40:16 it is it is the responsibility of the club and its officials to ensure that whether it is a fine or
40:23 Whatever punishment is that the fans definitely do not contribute to this
40:28 But sometimes it's difficult to even control if we don't have enough, you know security at the venue
40:35 Sometimes it causes a lot of problems or even the home fans and officials who understand the gate
40:42 to control those who are angry
40:44 UFA Champions League football returns tonight
40:49 It's going to be an emotional night at Old Trafford as Manchester United comes against Compuhegan is the first time they will play at home
40:57 following the passing of set Bobby Charlton one of the greatest players to have ever played for Manchester United and also
41:05 For England now, let's take a look at the fixtures for you for Champions League football tonight as we bring you
41:12 Gatasaray versus by a Monash in Tamil and versus Salzburg
41:16 Benfica will come against we also see a dart braggart will play Real Madrid
41:19 No come up against PSV Manchester United versus FC Compuhegan
41:24 Sevilla versus Arsenal and Union Berlin
41:28 They will play Napoli. So these are the features for you for Champions League for tonight and that's your sports for now
41:34 We do have more sports stories on my joy online that we appreciate your time
41:40 You
41:42 (dramatic music)
