Michigan Football Program Faces Damning Allegations

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 Most cases in the NCAA have been
00:05 about the procurement of talent.
00:07 That's been the number one element of this.
00:10 The second element would be academic integrity
00:13 on the various campuses.
00:15 A much smaller, I mean, if there were nine procurement
00:19 to one academic, it might even be more than that.
00:22 It might be 48 procurement to two academics.
00:28 And they're very rarely wandered into this area
00:32 of the competition itself
00:35 and the integrity of the competition.
00:37 We've very rarely seen this sort of thing in college sports.
00:41 So I don't know how the NCAA will handle it.
00:44 How do you concoct the right penalty
00:48 for these kinds of violations?
00:49 I know one thing.
00:51 What if indeed, I should say if they're proven,
00:55 but I know one thing is don't do what the NFL did
00:58 'cause they did it totally wrong.
01:00 When they had Spygate, totally wrong.
01:03 When they had Deflategate, a little bit better,
01:06 but still not quite right.
01:08 You gotta come up with a better course of action
01:11 if these allegations are proven.
01:13 Pete Dammel's reporting in ESPN really thorough on Monday
01:17 and really damning for the Michigan football program
01:21 generally and the particular staff member
01:24 that was cited, how much it gets tied back
01:29 to the people that run the program,
01:31 that still remains to be seen.
01:33 - 'Cause now it's snowballing.
01:34 'Cause in today's day and age with all the technology
01:37 and the social media, now today I'm seeing people
01:40 put pictures out of him standing next to the offensive
01:43 and defensive coordinator during the Ohio State game
01:45 last year.
01:46 Like it just takes time and now it's becoming a big thing
01:49 to where Harbaugh can't say, I don't know anything
01:52 about this and I don't know this guy
01:54 because he's on the sideline standing next
01:56 to the coordinators.
01:57 It just, it's right there for you.
01:59 (upbeat music)
02:01 [MUSIC]
