• 2 years ago
These infamous Piers Morgan interview moments got hot quickly! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down 10 of Piers Morgan’s most heated, argumentative, and viral interviews.


00:00 - I believe it was a free and fair election
00:02 and that you lost.
00:03 - You don't really believe that.
00:04 - That's my belief.
00:05 - Well, then you're a fool.
00:06 - Welcome to WatchMojo.
00:07 And today we're counting down 10
00:09 of Piers Morgan's most heated,
00:11 argumentative and viral interviews.
00:13 - You just like that you won the apprentice
00:14 and you have a famous friend, mate.
00:16 - Number 10, Bassem Youssef.
00:18 It's rare that somebody is actually able
00:20 to convince Morgan not to interrupt them,
00:22 as interrupting is one of Morgan's
00:24 most common interview strategies.
00:26 - Listen, this question of proportionality is one that--
00:28 - No, no, no, answer my question.
00:30 I've been answering your question, you answer mine.
00:32 - But Egyptian comedian, Bassem Youssef,
00:34 almost managed this.
00:36 Youssef was on Uncensored to talk to Morgan
00:38 about the Israel-Hamas war,
00:39 as an alternate voice to some of the other pundits
00:41 Morgan had had on his show,
00:42 Ben Shapiro and Ron DeSantis among them.
00:45 - It's gonna be the headlines tomorrow.
00:46 Piers Morgan, Israel is ISIS.
00:48 - Only amongst people who weren't listening.
00:50 - Youssef took particular aim at Shapiro and DeSantis
00:53 for certain claims made about Palestinians
00:55 during the conflict,
00:56 but got increasingly frustrated with Morgan
00:58 not answering his questions about Israel's response.
01:01 - You look at Israel as superman,
01:02 but they're really homelanders.
01:04 They are like, they are shooting fish in a barrel
01:07 and they are annoyed with the splashes.
01:09 - The interview went massively viral
01:11 and Morgan was clearly on the back foot this time.
01:14 Number nine, the care minister.
01:16 - I'm showing viewers a Daily Mail front page.
01:20 I don't know why you're laughing, why are you laughing?
01:21 - Though Morgan often gets involved
01:23 with political issues in the US,
01:24 we can't forget that he has worked predominantly
01:27 in the British media.
01:28 This interview was with a British member of parliament,
01:31 the care minister, Helen Waitley,
01:32 back in the early days of the pandemic.
01:34 Care home deaths in the UK
01:36 were not being properly recorded at the time,
01:38 less than a month into the events,
01:40 nor were care home residents or workers being tested,
01:43 leading to huge losses of life.
01:45 - Is it true that 4,000 people, why are you laughing?
01:49 - I'm coming to ask you a question, but I'm not.
01:52 - What do you find funny about this?
01:54 - But Morgan was furious when Waitley kept laughing
01:56 during the interview, not taking the tragic events
01:59 as seriously as he thought she should.
02:01 Because of Morgan's harsh questioning,
02:03 the British government had an unofficial boycott
02:05 of Good Morning Britain in order to avoid him.
02:07 - Yesterday, I asked her a simple question,
02:09 how many health workers and care workers
02:11 have died from coronavirus?
02:13 Do you know the answer?
02:14 - Number eight, quitting his show.
02:16 He wasn't really interviewing anybody here,
02:18 but still got into a huge argument
02:20 with the show's weatherman.
02:21 - I understand that you don't like Meghan Markle.
02:24 You've made it so clear a number of times on this program.
02:27 - An argument so infamously heated
02:29 that it led to Morgan storming off set,
02:32 and later that day, announcing that he was quitting
02:34 Good Morning Britain entirely.
02:36 As he loved to point out, he was the reason GMB
02:39 got sky high ratings during his tenure.
02:41 - Okay, I'm done with this.
02:42 - No, no, no. - Sorry, no.
02:44 - Do you know what, that's pathetic.
02:45 - You can track him, maybe, not my own talk.
02:46 - No, no, no, no. - See you later.
02:47 - The crux of the argument between Morgan
02:49 and Alex Beresford was Beresford calling him out publicly
02:52 for his nonstop rants about Meghan Markle.
02:55 Morgan talks a big game about wanting to debate issues
02:57 he doesn't agree with, but not this time apparently,
03:00 leading to many of his critics calling him a hypocrite.
03:03 - Sorry, can't do this.
03:04 - This is absolutely diabolical behavior.
03:07 - Number seven, the dating expert.
03:09 - You know, telling women that you're potentially
03:11 going to date that they're entitled,
03:12 overweight, and moan all the time.
03:14 - I wasn't telling them that at the time, obviously.
03:14 - May not, may not.
03:15 - Self-styled dating expert Richard LaRuina
03:18 appeared on GMB in 2017 to argue that English women
03:22 are all overweight and entitled.
03:24 While Susanna strikes a common rational tone,
03:26 Morgan immediately goes in with both feet on his guest.
03:29 And for once, we were cheering for him.
03:31 - Your mother's English, right?
03:32 - Yes, she is.
03:33 - So does she also qualify as unattractive,
03:36 stupid, entitled, and the rest of it,
03:38 or is she an exception?
03:39 - Asked to give his opinion on the women around the desk,
03:41 LaRuina quickly starts to backtrack.
03:43 - No, that's it.
03:44 That's here you be brutally honest.
03:46 - Well, I don't wanna be baited into insulting.
03:48 - You're full of this.
03:49 - I've got respect for the women here.
03:51 - You've got no respect for English women.
03:53 - And as the attacks rain in from all sides,
03:55 it's left to Morgan to put the final nail
03:58 in this guy's coffin.
03:59 - I think you are right to seek your future in Russia
04:02 because I think the chances of you ever having sex
04:04 in this country again are zero.
04:06 - Number six, Just Stop Oil.
04:09 Following the high profile attack on a Van Gogh painting
04:11 in the UK by Just Stop Oil campaigners,
04:14 Morgan was quick to get some of them on the show.
04:16 - You can't get cheaper than free, all right?
04:18 Okay?
04:19 Renewables are nine times cheaper than fossil fuels.
04:21 - Renewables not free.
04:22 We spend 15 billion subsidizing renewables
04:24 in this country.
04:25 - We spend 236 million pounds a week subsidizing.
04:30 - Indeed, more than once he's had them on there
04:32 when their controversial protests have attracted attention.
04:35 It's a volatile issue, that's for sure.
04:37 And people on all sides came across badly
04:39 in these onscreen debates.
04:40 - I'm really getting against your methodology.
04:42 - But it works, doesn't it?
04:43 - I don't think it does.
04:45 - There were explosive arguments
04:46 that Morgan had to intervene in
04:47 because they were way too rowdy.
04:49 But then the conversation continued to get out of hand
04:51 with everybody talking over each other
04:53 and refusing to let the other side get a word in edgewise.
04:56 - You're a journalist.
04:57 You've done your research.
04:58 You know this.
04:59 - Let me finish.
05:00 - We wouldn't be on here if this disruption hadn't happened.
05:03 - Number five, Women's March.
05:04 - It's not freedom of speech to say
05:06 you want to blow up the White House.
05:08 That is a direct threat against the life of the president.
05:11 - In January, 2017, coordinated marches took place worldwide
05:15 in support of various policies, including women's rights.
05:18 After Morgan dismissed the protests as quote,
05:20 "a mass hissy fit" by quote, "rabid feminists,"
05:23 sparks were inevitably going to fly
05:26 at this debate about the event's objectives.
05:28 - No, you just want to keep talking
05:29 and don't allow a man to have his say.
05:31 (laughing)
05:34 - Instead of listening to his guests,
05:36 Morgan spends most of his time defending Donald Trump
05:38 and is eventually taken down a peg for disrespect.
05:41 - You know, there's one thing that women in this country
05:45 have to deal with every day, which is everyday sexism.
05:47 And being interrupted constantly
05:49 is one of the ways that that comes to light.
05:52 - And just when you thought things couldn't get more awkward,
05:54 Morgan makes this ill-advised suggestion.
05:57 - Should we end, group hug?
05:59 - No, thanks.
06:00 - Number four, the gun debate.
06:02 - What can possibly justify anyone being able to buy
06:06 42 weapons, many of which were high-powered,
06:11 semi-automatic rifles?
06:12 - As a vocal critic of America's gun laws,
06:15 Piers Morgan frequently clashes with pro-gun campaigners.
06:18 In a discussion about the same mass shootings
06:20 that Mariah Carey was quizzed on,
06:22 American Dan Roberts infuriated Morgan
06:24 with his response to the tragedy.
06:26 - How can any of this make sense, Dan?
06:28 What are you going to do about it?
06:30 - It was a bruising encounter,
06:32 with the two men trading blows as they argue
06:34 over how guns can be bought in the US
06:36 when Kinder Surprise Eggs are supposedly banned
06:38 for the risk they pose to children.
06:40 - Don't laugh, Dan, it's not funny.
06:42 - 600 people got shot.
06:43 - No, it is funny, your example is ridiculous.
06:45 - Number three, Trump's travel ban.
06:47 - She wouldn't have a Muslim ban.
06:48 - They wouldn't have a Muslim ban,
06:50 they wouldn't be defeating with everybody in the world.
06:52 - While on real time with Bill Maher in 2017,
06:55 the conversation turned to presidential candidate
06:57 Hillary Clinton.
06:59 Morgan was, as usual, quick to jump
07:01 to Donald Trump's defense,
07:02 though this put him at odds with Australian comedian
07:05 Jim Jefferies, who was also on the panel.
07:07 Specifically, they were talking about Trump's attempts
07:09 to ban Muslims from entering the United States
07:11 with his highly controversial executive order.
07:14 - This is a talk about the hysteria,
07:15 I'm talking about 85% of the world's Muslims
07:18 are allowed into the country.
07:19 - Morgan said that the ban was being misrepresented
07:22 and that most Muslims in the world
07:23 would still be able to get into America,
07:26 while Jefferies was quick to embarrass Morgan
07:28 by drawing comparisons to Nazi Germany.
07:30 - That is the exact ridiculous, hysterical,
07:34 over the top nonsense.
07:35 - If people got hysterical in Germany,
07:37 why do I?
07:38 - Number two, Alex Jones.
07:41 - Piers Morgan has clashed with conspiracy theorist
07:43 Alex Jones many times in the past,
07:45 largely because Morgan is in favor of gun control
07:48 in contrast to Jones' pro-gun stance.
07:50 - You sent me a list of topics.
07:52 - Let me finish.
07:53 - You sent me a list of topics.
07:53 - I'm gonna come to those.
07:54 - And I said I'd come on, and one of them is Sandy Hook.
07:56 I'm on for an hour.
07:58 Let's talk about the Deimos group.
07:59 - Yes.
08:00 - Let's talk about the war on Ukraine.
08:01 - We're going to talk to others.
08:02 - Let's talk about internet censorship.
08:03 - The interview revolved around the tragedy at Sandy Hook,
08:05 which Alex Jones has notoriously lied about
08:08 so extensively that he was sued
08:10 by the victim's parents for defamation.
08:12 The total damages Jones has been ordered
08:14 to pay in the lawsuits now come to $1 billion.
08:16 - If I deserve to die for questioning a mass shooting,
08:20 then what happens to the big companies
08:22 that sold these poison shots that weren't approved
08:25 and weren't safe and didn't protect--
08:26 - Here's my question.
08:27 - But Jones didn't like being asked about Sandy Hook again
08:29 and furiously demanded Morgan change the subject
08:32 to something else, like his vaccine conspiracies
08:34 or the book he was selling at the time.
08:36 - One of the reasons--
08:37 - We made no--
08:38 - It's the reason--
08:39 - There was no marketing.
08:39 - I'm gonna make millions of dollars off of--
08:41 - It's the reason--
08:42 - My number one book--
08:42 - It's the reason--
08:43 - On the world--
08:44 - It's the reason--
08:45 - Selling stage.
08:46 - Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
08:48 and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.
08:51 You have the option to be notified
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08:59 Number one, Donald Trump.
09:03 For years, Morgan has boasted
09:05 about his supposed close relationship
09:07 with former US President Donald Trump
09:09 and as such, an interview with Trump was aired
09:11 as the very first episode of Uncensored.
09:14 - Putin uses the N word, I call it the N word.
09:16 He uses the N word, the nuclear word, all the time.
09:20 That's a no-no, you're not supposed to do that.
09:21 - It was promoted relentlessly,
09:23 with clickbait clips of Trump apparently storming
09:26 out of the room circulating online.
09:28 In the end, it was far less dramatic,
09:30 though Morgan still persuaded Trump to broach topics
09:33 like Meghan Markle in the same breath as Vladimir Putin.
09:35 - I'm not a fan of Meghan.
09:37 - Yeah.
09:38 - I'm not a fan and I wasn't right from the beginning.
09:40 I think poor Harry is being led around by his nose.
09:43 - Trump retaliated, however,
09:45 by saying the interview had gone on for ages
09:47 and the whole clip was edited to be misleading
09:49 to the viewers.
09:50 - So what'd you do about it?
09:50 - And instead of, excuse me, it got a little complicated.
09:53 - Though he didn't actually storm off,
09:55 Morgan and Trump still had plenty of disagreements.
09:58 Be sure to let us know in the comments
10:00 what you think of Piers Morgan.
10:01 - I believe it was a free and fair election
10:04 and that you lost.
10:05 - You don't really believe that.
10:06 - That's my belief.
10:06 - Well, then you're a fool.
10:07 - However, maybe I am a fool.
10:10 - Did you enjoy this video?
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