留在政府内没生存空间 马华转投国盟是明智之举?

  • last year
八点最热报 | 在现有团结政府权力分享模式下处境尴尬的马华,面对国阵老大哥巫统,与昔日死对头火箭越走越近,在党大会上不惜放话,不排除脱离国阵另找出路。政治学者潘永强在接受《八点最热报》访问时表示,马华加入国盟或许是个更好的选择,而民政党的模式可以复制到马华身上。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00 Before watching the video, we remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 In the special report the day before yesterday, we mentioned that
00:07 "In the current political reality, Ma Hua is full of grievances and hatred.
00:13 Because the Uyghurs who have been fighting together for 60 years seem to have abandoned the friendship of many years of suffering.
00:18 Now there is only the Action Party in the eyes.
00:21 Ma Hua is in an awkward situation in the government where he can't see the space to survive.
00:25 The new opponent, the Rocket, is proud.
00:28 And Ma Hua's chairman Wei Jiaxiang shouted to the Uyghurs at the Uyghur Congress.
00:32 He said, "If the Uyghurs are happy, Ma Hua will be independent and even independent."
00:38 However, under the political reality,
00:40 if Ma Hua really leaves the state, can he really kill a bloodline alone?
00:46 If he joins the National Alliance, will it be better?
00:49 If he joins the National Alliance, can Ma Hua find his second spring?
00:53 Political scholar Pan Yongqiang said during an interview with the Eight-point Sun News that
00:57 "Ma Hua joining the National Alliance may be a better choice.
01:00 The democratic party's model can be replicated on Ma Hua.
01:04 And with Ma Hua's strength,
01:06 if he is assigned to a mixed area with a higher proportion of Chinese voters or Malaysians under the framework of the National Alliance,
01:13 he is likely to break through in some states.
01:17 Ma Hua's performance will definitely be better than the Democratic Party.
01:20 On the contrary, if he maintains the status quo,
01:22 he will win the principle of "holding hands first" on the negotiating table of the current united government.
01:28 The party that Ma Hua lost in the past must have been divided between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
01:33 It is impossible to get it back.
01:35 How easy it is to go back to the past glory days.
01:40 However, the professor of international Islamic University, Professor Shaza,
01:43 he thinks that for the National Alliance, Ma Hua's joining is of course a good omen.
01:47 Because they are now in need of those partners who can attract non-Muslim votes.
01:52 Although they have a democratic party,
01:54 the Democratic Party has its own limitations.
01:56 In terms of party organization and grassroots mobilization,
01:59 he thinks they are not as good as Ma Hua.
02:01 However, Ma Hua must also seriously consider his future position.
02:04 Because once he joins the National Alliance, he must fight against the Democratic Party.
02:09 But in the united government, he must compete with the Rocket and the Republican Party.
02:13 Shaza thinks it's basically the same.
02:15 And Ma Hua may be discouraged by the original Chinese voters because of his cooperation with the Islamic Party.
02:20 Because now in most Chinese eyes, the Islamic Party is an extreme religious party.
02:25 In the end, Ma Hua will return to the origin.
02:27 Like in the National Assembly, he needs to win the seat by horse.
02:32 In the current situation of the united government, Ma Hua is in an awkward situation.
02:36 Facing the leader of the National Government, Wu Tong,
02:38 and the new opponent, the Rocket,
02:40 he does not hesitate to speak at the party assembly,
02:42 and does not rule out leaving the National Government and finding another way out.
02:44 If he leaves the National Government and excludes the lonely road,
02:47 will Ma Hua's return to the National Alliance bring a different spring?
02:50 The Mahua grassroots party members who are interviewed have different views.
02:53 The political change is very contradictory.
02:55 I have married Amno.
02:59 If our policy cooperates with Ma Hua,
03:03 if there is no constraint to the subject of returning to the religion,
03:10 why can't we cooperate with him?
03:12 I don't think it's very likely.
03:14 Because the Islamic Party is a religious extremist party.
03:18 It's more unlikely.
03:19 Because Ma Hua is more neutral.
03:21 We need to have the same ideas for the cooperation with the party.
03:24 I don't think different ideas will make a difference in cooperation.
03:28 We don't want to win.
03:31 After all, this idea and our struggle are our bottom line.
03:36 Can Ma Hua and the National Alliance, especially the I-Party,
03:38 eliminate the differences in ideas and become new allies?
03:42 Politician Pan Yongqiang believes
03:43 that Ma Hua may be able to refer to the position of the Democratic Party in the National Alliance.
03:46 Although the Democratic Party and the I-Party
03:48 are mocked and misunderstood by Chinese voters,
03:51 the results of the six-state election show
03:53 that with the support of the National Alliance,
03:54 he can win in the mixed election,
03:57 which gives him a sense of political presence.
04:00 If Ma Hua joins the National Alliance,
04:01 his performance will definitely be better than the Democratic Party.
04:04 With Ma Hua's strength and organization,
04:06 he may have more space in the National Alliance than the Democratic Party.
04:10 Because the strength of the Democratic Party is greatly weakened,
04:15 even if the National Alliance assigns some Chinese voters to the Democratic Party,
04:19 the Democratic Party cannot promote excellent candidates.
04:22 So the Democratic Party basically cannot support all Chinese voters.
04:25 So in some mixed or mixed-voting districts,
04:30 Ma Hua may not be better off than the Democratic Party.
04:33 However, Professor Shasha of the University of Islam,
04:36 believes that from a short-term strategy point of view,
04:38 Ma Hua's departure from the national front and joining the National Alliance is a suicide.
04:41 Because Ma Hua has been living on his own in the Chinese political party for decades,
04:44 he is contrary to the idea of ​​the National Alliance advocating Islam and Muslims.
04:48 The hasty cooperation with the I-Party and the Democratic Party
04:50 will further lose Ma Hua's basic base.
04:53 Joining the National Alliance would be the least favorable outcome for the Democratic Party.
04:58 People who vote for the Democratic Party
05:00 are not very keen for the party to work with parties within the National Alliance.
05:06 That's number one.
05:07 Number two, there is already a movement in the National Alliance.
05:10 So now it's more of the Democratic Party versus the Democratic Party.
05:12 If you go with the National Alliance, it's going to be the same thing.
05:15 It's going to be the Democratic Party versus the movement.
05:17 In the political reality of the Chinese-Chinese election,
05:20 how should Ma Hua break through and regain Chinese support?
05:24 Two political commentators believe
05:25 that Ma Hua must abandon his past baggage
05:27 and get rid of the long-standing political model of relying on the military.
05:31 Through his own strength, he regained his dignity in the election battlefield.
05:34 The first step in the reconstruction of reform must first replace the existing leadership.
05:38 I feel that MCA's issue right now is more or less almost similar to UMNO,
05:44 whereby the name, the brand is kind of tainted.
05:48 The fact that the top leaders in both parties are still the leaders from way back,
05:55 they don't have the next generation of leaders yet.
05:58 Unless the top leaders are willing to give way, it's going to be a long journey.
06:03 Wei Jiaxiang has led the National Alliance twice,
06:06 in 2018 and 2022.
06:08 You have led the army twice, but in the end, you only have one or two chances left.
06:12 Wei Jiaxiang basically has no new move to lead the National Alliance to rebuild.
06:17 In fact, if he is in a democratic political situation,
06:19 Wei Jiaxiang should step down.
06:20 He should be taken over by new leaders or younger teams
06:25 to adopt new ideas or strategies to regain support.
06:31 In addition to mentioning the "Po Fu Chen Zhou",
06:37 the party leadership has changed a lot.
06:39 Political scholar Pan Yongqiang also believes
06:41 that Ma Hua can be distinguished from the "Action Party" in terms of self-positioning.
06:45 Because the people of different classes have different interests and needs,
06:49 they need different political parties to represent them.
06:51 He believes that Ma Hua can play a political role in the Chinese enterprise world,
06:56 and have a clearer line in the financial policy.
06:59 Because Chinese voters are not iron-plated,
07:02 and Chinese people can never always support the "Action Party".
07:04 In the direction of economic reform,
07:06 some elite small and medium-sized enterprises or businesses may not agree with the new government's style.
07:11 They are still willing to maintain a good relationship with Ma Hua.
07:16 Ma Hua has been a relatively conservative and stable political party for decades,
07:19 and is a relatively pro-business party.
07:20 It is even called the "Tou Jia" party by some grassroots Chinese people.
07:25 Pan Yongqiang believes that
07:26 re-establishing connections with specific groups and
07:29 sticking to good service cards
07:31 is the wise choice for Ma Hua to break through the re-election.
07:34 After all, Chinese people don't just want one choice.
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