Buses and vehicles torched by Brazilian gangs in retaliation for killing of paramilitary leader

  • last year
Footage shows crews dragging what's left of burnt buses away from traffic in Brazil after a man who was second in the hierarchy of the militia was killed by police. Police say a man known as Faustão had been strengthening contacts between the militia and the largest drug gang in the state for at least three months before his death. Industry group Rio Onibus says most of the vehicles burned were city buses, while a few others were chartered or tourism buses.
00:00 Gang members strike back in Brazil after police kill a member of that gang.
00:04 Let's send it over to Ron with the latest.
00:06 You know you go around the world from country to country and in some areas gang members do have a lot of control.
00:12 Let's go to Brazil.
00:13 35 buses burned to a crisp one after another after another and you can see there's not much left.
00:22 This is in Rio de Janeiro.
00:25 The video shows a cruise dragging away what's left.
00:29 There was a man killed by police known as Fasto.
00:33 He is second only to his uncle in the hierarchy of this Brazilian gang.
00:38 Police say Fasto had been trying to strengthen contacts between this gang and the biggest drug gang that operates in the Rio area for at least several months before his recent death.
00:55 Industry group Rio Omnibus says most of the vehicles burned were city buses but others were buses that had been chartered for tourists who come into Brazil.
