• 2 years ago
Giving Away Pumpkins, Planting a Redwood From Alaska & Evergreens for the Dumpster Urns!


00:00 weird when your friends' kids start to get married.
00:04 Like, when did we reach this point?
00:05 Anyway, the first thing I'm gonna do
00:07 is pick through this pumpkin and squash pile.
00:09 I've had friends and family come and gather what they want.
00:12 I'm gonna pull a couple more things
00:14 for my own decorating purposes,
00:17 and then Erin and I are gonna load up the rest of these
00:19 and take 'em down to the garden center
00:21 and put a big free sign on them.
00:23 So that's one project.
00:24 I kinda wanna free up the space in here
00:26 and get them out early enough to where people can enjoy them.
00:29 Then we've got a few things to plant
00:31 out in the new property and the south garden.
00:32 So here's what we've got.
00:33 Paul and Bethany went back through the vine crops
00:36 after I made that first initial harvest
00:37 and they picked everything else.
00:39 So the pile grew, and now it's starting to shrink
00:42 just because of people coming to grab some stuff.
00:45 So what I wanna do, I've got my two little crates right here.
00:48 This is what I pulled that I wanna keep,
00:50 I think maybe for my Thanksgiving table.
00:52 And then I've got a few butternut squash.
00:54 There's more butternuts in here.
00:56 And a couple pie pumpkins.
00:59 I was trying to be very realistic
01:00 about how many we'll actually get through.
01:02 And there's a couple more I wanted to pull.
01:05 I will probably save this pumpkin for carving
01:09 and this one right here, and then that one over there.
01:12 And I wanted to grab a couple sweetmeats
01:14 to put in the root cellar.
01:15 Probably that one and this one here.
01:18 But all the rest of these I'm gonna find a new home for.
01:20 I just like to grow a lot because it's fun.
01:22 It's fun to grow different varieties
01:24 to see what does really well,
01:26 what's the most productive.
01:27 And sometimes I'm in the really
01:31 over the top fall decorating mood
01:32 and I wanna use a ton of pumpkins and squash
01:35 and you never know if that's gonna be the mood
01:38 for that year.
01:39 So I always try to plan for that.
01:40 If I've got the space to grow the vine crops,
01:42 you may as well.
01:43 But yeah, some years I wanna just get rid of it
01:48 and let other people enjoy it.
01:49 So anyway, I'm gonna go grab the truck, back it up,
01:51 and we're going to go through these things
01:53 and we'll head down to the garden center.
01:55 Might even take a look through the nursery
01:57 while we're there.
01:58 One other thing before we start loading up here,
02:00 I wanted to show you how many
02:02 of the Tennessee spinning gourds we ended up with
02:05 off of one vine.
02:06 This crate full, this basket about half full,
02:10 this basket right here, and another basket half full.
02:13 You don't wanna get them too full
02:14 'cause they get pretty heavy.
02:15 But can you believe that?
02:16 One vine produced hundreds and hundreds of these gourds.
02:21 And we've already used some of these on our fall mantle
02:25 and they're perfect.
02:26 These are really fun to put gold leaf on
02:29 and make them into ornaments for Christmas trees.
02:32 They dry out beautifully.
02:33 I'm just really thrilled.
02:36 I'm keeping all of these because I want to have them
02:38 in case we wanna make some garlands
02:40 or something really neat like that.
02:41 Benjamin's fishing pole out of here
02:43 and then we should be set and ready to go.
02:45 (upbeat music)
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03:13 Well, that's a pretty good haul, Aaron, I think.
03:41 - Yeah, we did good.
03:41 - We did.
03:42 That filled up the back of the truck.
03:45 Oh my goodness.
03:46 Now there were a few that I put right here for the pigs
03:49 because they didn't have enough time to cure
03:52 before we were ready to harvest them.
03:53 So they're a little soft
03:54 and while they still look kind of neat,
03:56 I don't think that they will keep for very long
03:58 and I don't really wanna give away pumpkins that do that.
04:01 And then these four are the ones we pulled from the pile.
04:03 Three carvers and then there's a blue one for storing.
04:07 Oh, and then these two right here.
04:08 All right, so we are gonna head down to the garden center
04:10 and get these all unloaded.
04:11 Be nice.
04:13 They're having their morning conversation right now.
04:18 We have made it.
04:19 I think what I'm gonna do is go track down a forklift
04:21 and grab some pallets and we'll just put these on pallets
04:23 so that we can put them on the sidewalk
04:25 and they can easily be moved in and out if needed.
04:28 Here's one.
04:31 (engine rumbling)
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05:51 All right, guys, we got 'em all unloaded.
05:52 It took three pallets to do that.
05:54 We have two pallets right here
05:55 and they look really pretty.
05:56 They always look pretty
05:57 when they're all gobbed together like this.
05:59 And the next pallet was here.
06:01 We just had to put 'em where there were openings
06:03 to the sidewalk because there were cars here
06:06 when we were unloading.
06:07 So we've already seen some of 'em go out the door.
06:10 I hadn't even placed the third pallet down
06:12 and there was a couple ladies out here
06:14 picking out some of the pumpkins
06:15 and that makes me so happy.
06:16 I love it.
06:17 So now a quick look in the nursery.
06:19 Oh my gosh, you guys, there's still so many beautiful things.
06:23 They just keep moving more and more
06:24 toward the front of the nursery.
06:26 You know what I'm really loving?
06:28 Those Norway spruce that we put in the Hartley pots.
06:31 Those were a little bit bigger than these,
06:33 but I thought about getting this size for those pots.
06:36 They're so nice.
06:38 I'm thinking like, okay, the great big urns by our dumpster
06:42 might be kind of nice to have a couple evergreens in those.
06:44 I just want evergreens everywhere.
06:46 Oh, and of course in the morning
06:47 when the light's coming through this way,
06:49 just, oh, it's a magical, magical place to me.
06:52 I love it.
06:53 Oh, these, the Arctic fire yellow dogwoods.
06:57 I just love this time of year,
06:58 getting to see some of these plants shine
07:01 for the qualities that make them awesome.
07:03 And you don't really see that in the summertime
07:05 and it's a nice green shrub,
07:07 but now you get to see the brilliant yellow stems.
07:10 Oh yeah, it's getting way more open in here.
07:13 Holy moly.
07:15 You could hold an event right here.
07:18 This is a beautiful corner.
07:20 Okay, you can see all the elements.
07:21 You see some yellow, red, blue, and green.
07:25 Okay, let's come back in here.
07:27 That right there, oh, look at that.
07:30 That is a heartthrob dogwood.
07:33 Oh my goodness.
07:34 20 by 20 pink flowers in the spring,
07:37 brilliant red fall color.
07:39 This is one of the Bonnie blue, blue spruces.
07:41 We planted two of these this season.
07:44 There's an elderberry, some spirea,
07:47 somehow got a rock in my shoe.
07:49 Hang on.
07:50 Oh, Corinthian linden.
07:51 I might have to get a couple of those
07:53 Norway spruce real quick before somebody snaps them up.
07:57 'Cause I think they would be so nice in those big urns.
07:59 Okay, so this is interesting.
08:00 These are a black hills spruce.
08:03 I was trying to size them up to see what shape,
08:06 you know, the two that matched each other the best.
08:08 But I noticed that these have much more dainty,
08:11 more compact looking needles,
08:14 while this one, much more open.
08:17 So this is the Norway spruce right here.
08:19 And the black hills spruce I love.
08:23 25 by 15, a little bit more manageable size in the end.
08:27 Maybe I'll grab a couple of those.
08:29 Let's go see Aaron's face
08:30 when I come around the corner with this.
08:32 I'm getting two of these for the dumpster pots.
08:37 - Oh, okay.
08:38 - Yeah, this is a black hills spruce.
08:39 They grow 25 by 15.
08:41 - You ever been to the black hills?
08:42 - No. - I have.
08:43 - Have you?
08:44 So these should hold special meaning for you.
08:46 - I do.
08:47 - We are back home.
08:48 So the rest of the projects we have today are planting.
08:51 This is the first one.
08:52 So Susan from Alaska sent us a redwood from her garden.
08:57 Are you so excited?
08:58 - Yeah, if it lives.
08:59 - Yeah, I hope so.
09:00 I mean, poor thing has been traveling for a while
09:03 and it has been in the bag.
09:04 We've been keeping it moist, but for like a day or two,
09:07 because we haven't had a chance to put it in the ground.
09:09 It looks beautiful though.
09:11 I don't know a lot about redwoods.
09:12 Do you Aaron?
09:13 - I don't either.
09:14 Nope.
09:14 - This shall be a learning experience.
09:15 Are we doing soil acidifier?
09:17 - We can.
09:19 I don't know.
09:20 I just got our water tested.
09:23 It's 7.5 pH.
09:25 - Our pH is 7.5, but our hard water on the scale.
09:28 - Oh yeah, okay.
09:29 So soft water is zero.
09:32 I hope I get the numbers right.
09:33 Soft water is zero.
09:35 Hard water is four.
09:36 Very hard water is seven.
09:38 Extremely hard is 10.
09:40 Ours is 24.5.
09:43 - He said that we might chip our tooth on that water.
09:45 - Anyway, so yeah, redwood planting.
09:48 We're going to plant the barberries
09:49 that we placed the other day.
09:50 And then we're also going to plant the Black Hill Spruce
09:52 that we just picked up in the urns by the dumpster.
09:55 That is the plan.
09:56 Beautiful.
10:12 (rain pattering)
10:14 Barberries first.
10:17 Also the chokeberry that we planted the other day.
10:21 Remember when it had green leaves?
10:22 Look at it now.
10:23 Oh my gosh.
10:26 That is so pretty.
10:28 So Aaron, this one grows eight by six, I think.
10:31 So isn't that going to be gorgeous right there?
10:33 Like a huge ball of beautiful fall color.
10:37 And then our quickfire hydrangea.
10:40 That rainstorm really did them in.
10:42 I think I really need to hack them.
10:44 Like get rid of all of anything skinny.
10:48 Any of these skinny branches I need to get rid of
10:50 and I'm just going to leave these stockier things.
10:53 That's the plan.
10:54 (upbeat music)
10:57 Barberries are in and they look amazing.
11:24 The variety is Sunjoy Tangelo.
11:26 Look at those two.
11:27 I mean, all of the fall color right here
11:29 is just really pretty.
11:31 Now these get a very kind of reddish orange leaf
11:33 with a chartreuse margin.
11:36 And I don't know if any of the margins
11:37 are going to be showing right now
11:39 just because the color just gets so much more vibrant
11:42 for fall.
11:43 Let's look on this one here.
11:45 Not seeing the margin right here.
11:46 I could see them earlier in the season.
11:48 But these grow three to four feet tall and wide is all.
11:51 It'll be just perfect.
11:53 And a nice little touch of red over here.
11:55 Now I know in a lot of states,
11:57 barberries are restricted.
11:58 You can't plant them because they're invasive.
11:59 They are not here.
12:00 They're one of the ones that we can plant here
12:02 and they do not spread whatsoever.
12:04 Not at all.
12:05 They don't seed themselves.
12:06 They don't spread under the ground.
12:07 You just like get to enjoy them
12:09 exactly where you planted them.
12:11 I was on fourth grade on that.
12:12 The third one is right around this corner,
12:14 which you know what?
12:15 I love this view right here.
12:17 This whole space is just,
12:19 I can't even believe what it was just a couple years ago.
12:23 Raw pasture.
12:24 Now look at it.
12:25 Oh, okay.
12:26 Anyway, going this way.
12:27 I love this one tucked in right here.
12:31 We've got a Montana Moss Juniper,
12:32 which I would love to have more of these.
12:35 This is about full size for it.
12:36 I love the structure.
12:38 I love the color.
12:39 I love like how it sweeps over the top
12:41 of these osteos right here.
12:44 Gorgeous.
12:44 And then having that red right next to the blue,
12:47 that's always a really pleasing combination.
12:49 And since we're over in the area
12:50 where these great big urns are,
12:52 I think we're gonna tackle the spruce planting really quick.
12:55 I think those are the perfect scale for those pots, Aaron.
13:00 Gallery Scroll Urn, right?
13:03 I think that's the name from Unique Stone.
13:06 So you can see it to scale, Aaron, six feet tall,
13:09 maybe a little over six feet.
13:11 And yeah.
13:12 - I'm a foot three.
13:13 (laughs)
13:14 - Just about.
13:15 Anyway, yeah, those are big, big urns
13:19 and they need something fairly substantial to be in them.
13:21 So let's get these in.
13:23 (upbeat music)
13:26 Oh, they look so good, you guys.
13:50 Look at how pretty they are.
13:53 Now we didn't have quite enough soil.
13:54 Let me show you.
13:55 We're gonna go get another bag or two
13:58 and just top it up a little bit.
13:59 There's the root ball right there.
14:02 So we just wanna make sure,
14:04 we'll probably just need a half bag,
14:05 that everything is covered
14:08 and we'll water them in after that.
14:10 And it would be fun to come in
14:11 with some real like drapey pine,
14:13 with some red berry branches later on, I think,
14:17 but it will be really nice to just have some structure
14:19 in these containers for winter.
14:21 And I think I already mentioned
14:22 that they only grow 25 feet tall by 15 feet wide
14:25 and they grow really slow.
14:26 And there are zone two through eight.
14:28 Oh, it says in ideal conditions,
14:31 they'll get 50 feet tall by 25 feet wide.
14:34 So conditions that have to be ideal,
14:36 which I doubt that we have ideal conditions for that.
14:39 So anyway, really happy with those.
14:42 And the redwood is the last thing for this morning.
14:44 - Let's do it.
14:45 - New property, probably.
14:47 - Probably, how tall does this thing get?
14:47 Like a hundred feet tall?
14:49 - We need to Google it.
14:51 I think your mom tried a redwood once
14:52 and they're not, they don't really love our area.
14:55 - Probably not.
14:56 - So I'm not sure.
14:58 - Seems like they can grow tall.
15:00 - If they like their.
15:01 - If they like their.
15:02 - Yeah, we're definitely not coastal.
15:04 - So it probably just really depends
15:06 on how much it likes its.
15:08 - Its spot.
15:09 Susan did put a little tag on that said,
15:10 plant in a wetter spot,
15:11 which means we can just put an extra emitter on it.
15:14 Keep a little bit more moist.
15:15 Let's head out there.
15:17 Oh, I love that Barbary in particular.
15:19 That is so pretty right there.
15:21 There's our birch that defoliated in like August.
15:27 Hopefully it lives, I don't know.
15:30 Well, given the fact that this tree
15:34 has the potential to get sizable,
15:37 we just kind of determined where we want
15:39 our little pathway to be,
15:40 which is right where the gator is.
15:41 It'll come off the main lane
15:43 and go right where the gator is
15:44 and then swing back around
15:46 and kind of meet the lane again.
15:47 So what we're thinking of just popping it right here-ish.
15:50 X.
15:51 There you go.
15:53 (upbeat music)
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17:00 (upbeat music continues)
17:03 There it is.
17:16 It's very cute tree.
17:18 And I think it has plenty of space.
17:20 I mean, I don't anticipate it growing as big
17:22 as they can potentially get
17:24 just because our conditions are pretty harsh.
17:26 I brought out my blue watering can,
17:28 which has three gallons of water in it.
17:30 And we watered it in initially.
17:31 And if you get down here.
17:33 Oh, it's starting to soak in, Aaron.
17:37 We might be able to water it again.
17:39 We thought we might just leave this out here
17:41 and come back out this evening
17:43 and drench it again really well.
17:45 Yeah, just a minute ago, it was really sloshy still.
17:49 Samantha gave me a bracelet.
17:50 Yeah, just a little bit at a time.
17:56 That way we can make sure to pack the mulch back in
17:58 around its roots.
17:59 And hopefully it'll be happy here.
18:01 - I'm doing a very good job.
18:02 I'm like surrounding.
18:03 - You are doing a great job.
18:05 Benjamin's been working on a little mulch barrier.
18:07 - I exactly remember where they,
18:09 where I exactly put my mulch.
18:11 - Yeah.
18:13 Whoop, whoop, whoop.
18:17 Reload.
18:18 That's a precision job, dude.
18:27 Good job.
18:29 Yes.
18:30 You making a pyramid out of some kind of sand powder?
18:34 Samantha, what do you make?
18:37 - Look.
18:37 - What is it?
18:38 - It's a volcano.
18:39 - Oh, a volcano.
18:41 - A volcano.
18:42 - Very nice.
18:43 - And we'll eat the turkey on it.
18:46 - Anyway, I think that'll be really pretty right there.
18:48 We've got lots of room for other things.
18:50 I mean, it's going to be interesting
18:51 to watch the space evolve,
18:53 especially something like this, you know,
18:55 when you don't really know, you know,
18:56 we don't have experience.
18:57 We don't really know if it's going to take
18:59 and if it's going to thrive, we'll see what happens,
19:02 but we'll sure give it a shot.
19:04 And you guys, that is going to be it for today's video.
19:06 It's really fun to get out here
19:07 and get those pumpkins out of the barn one.
19:10 And I always feel like I'm a little bit late in doing that.
19:12 Like I usually want to give my produce away,
19:14 but I never know if I'm going to be needing it for projects.
19:17 And so it's usually a little closer to Halloween.
19:19 So I'm kind of happy that we've got those out
19:21 and hopefully they're gone by the end of the day.
19:23 That's what I'm hoping.
19:24 And it's nice to have a couple more of our containers
19:26 filled with evergreen interest for the winter.
19:29 It's something that some years it falls between the cracks
19:31 and I don't really think about,
19:32 and then I regret it later on.
19:34 And, you know, major shout out to my mom
19:36 for stocking the nursery so well
19:38 with really wonderful evergreens,
19:40 like pot size evergreens, instead of, you know,
19:42 just great big ones or really itty bitty tiny ones.
19:45 There's a lot of really good, there's a good selection.
19:48 And there's multiples of each,
19:49 which when you're doing containers,
19:50 a lot of times you're flanking a doorway or a, you know,
19:52 a garage door or something like that.
19:54 So you need a couple.
19:55 So anyway, thank you guys so much for watching.
19:57 We're gonna go get ready for a wedding now.
19:59 It should be a fun afternoon.
20:00 See you in the next video.
