Drone | movie | 2023 | Official Featurette

  • last year
A mercenary is tasked with killing Rab Freedman - a drone who seeks to unionise drones against the mega-corporations who | dG1fc1NoNUlCanRmMEE
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:24 I've got a job for you.
00:25 It's a corpo gig, coming from the top.
00:27 So you'll only get the necessary details.
00:30 You need to reach a drone, Rob Friedman.
00:33 You may have heard of him.
00:34 A drone unionist.
00:36 Political terrorist.
00:39 That's the one.
00:42 For obvious reasons, the guys up top want to go on.
00:45 They've located his quads, and they want to send a man in.
00:48 I'm not going to do this for free.
00:51 Forget the creds. After he's dealt with, this one pays big.
00:55 You should go without saying, but you shouldn't leave anyone missing.
00:59 [MUSIC]
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01:50 [MUSIC]
02:00 [MUSIC]
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02:30 [MUSIC]
02:33 You drone or man, do I need to repeat myself?
02:39 Come closer. Now.
02:42 I'm going to do a construct test on you.
02:45 It shouldn't hurt. Just stay still for a second.
02:48 [GRUNT]
02:56 [GUNSHOT]
02:58 [MUSIC]
03:12 Walk into the light, mercenary.
03:14 Where are you?
03:16 Do as I say.
03:18 I don't have time for these games. Come out here and fight me like a man.
03:22 You know I can't do that.
03:25 I've got a job for you. Walk into the light.
03:29 What the?
03:34 [GUNSHOT]
03:41 You and I aren't so different.
03:44 How did you do that?
03:46 I've got a job for you. Drop your gun.
03:49 [GUNSHOT]
03:55 Stop that, you drone.
03:57 You and I aren't so different.
03:59 Get out here, Rob.
04:01 We share the same eyes. We just see the world differently.
04:05 I'm not one of your kind. I'm not a drone.
04:08 Is that so? And who tells you that? Your mother? Your fixer? The corporations? Government?
04:15 I'm not a drone.
04:18 I've got a job for you. Look into my eyes.
04:22 A man chooses, a slave obeys.
04:27 Today, I'll make a man of you.
04:30 Kill me.
04:40 [MUSIC]
