Sycamore Gap Felling: Should trees be granted official protection?

  • last year
We have sent camera teams out across the country for people’s opinions.


00:00 It was awful what happened on Adrian's Wall.
00:06 Absolute terrible crime.
00:08 Yeah, I'm a firm believer that we should be planting more and more and more trees
00:12 and protecting especially old trees.
00:17 Some of the old oaks, which are about 300 or 400 years old,
00:20 they should definitely be protected.
00:23 The same like we do with the National Trust, you know, with buildings.
00:28 Oh, 100% yeah.
00:29 I think we always walk around places like Buick Park
00:32 and you see trees that have obviously stood there for a very long time
00:35 and you think it's so natural, so nice to be around.
00:38 Yeah, I'm all for getting certain trees protected
00:41 because if they stood for so long, they have historical significance, at least to me.
00:45 Yeah, I thought there's a lot being done already, I think, with,
00:48 I mean, you've got lots of trusts and stuff protecting parks.
00:51 But I think, yeah, definitely, I mean, if that's happening,
00:54 what can you do then in that situation?
00:56 Like security at night, like it's all going to come down to money really, isn't it?
01:01 Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely.
01:03 Yes, indeed. Yeah.
01:05 The village that I live in, the tree falling all over the place.
01:07 So, no, and I see, I live near a train line anyway,
01:10 and I see a lot of destruction going on.
01:14 Well, I feel like it would be important because it's important to have good trees
01:19 and other things like that
01:23 because it helps to keep the country looking a lot better.
01:26 Oh, yeah, definitely. I like trees.
01:30 Why do you think they should put protective status on?
01:33 Well, the way things are going, they're just, people aren't,
01:37 some people aren't bothered, they're just, you know, hack away at something.
01:41 They already do. There is trees in the US and the UK that all have protective status already.
01:46 There's specific, like, types there.
01:48 They have, yeah, it was a famous tree, there's an oak tree in one of the home counties which has got it.
01:55 So they already have it. I don't know why that one didn't, to be honest.
01:58 Certain ones, yeah, certain ones, but that one I got to cut down was just a,
02:05 I know what kind of tree it was and it wasn't a very thingy one.
02:09 I think they definitely should have a protective status
02:13 because I work with trees as gardeners all the time
02:16 and I like the carbon influence and then they take the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
02:22 Well, yeah, it would be great to protect all the trees, but how are you going to enforce it?
02:28 Unless you've actually seen somebody do it, it's almost impossible.
02:32 There is a need of more surveillance on everything, to be honest, not just nature,
02:38 like crime and everything, the knife crime and everything.
02:40 It is really need to focus more on the security of everything.
02:44 So the tree was cut, every other day you see someone getting stabbed or something.
02:48 So I believe, yes, nature is very important, you need to protect,
02:51 but moreover, you should protect everything.
02:54 I'm a tree lover, yeah, absolutely, trees are wonderful things.
02:59 Would you say you're a nature lover in general?
03:01 Absolutely, yes I am.
