The Golden Bachelor_ Nancy on Questioning Her Connection With Gerry (Exclusive)

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The Golden Bachelor_ Nancy on Questioning Her Connection With Gerry (Exclusive)
00:00 In the end, you know, you got a really graceful exit
00:02 and you didn't have to sit through a rose ceremony
00:04 because you both kind of realized that he
00:06 did have stronger connections.
00:08 You're a lot more passionate with other people.
00:11 I think you, in a way, narrowed it down.
00:15 But maybe I'm not in that group.
00:17 I'm really not going to dispute that.
00:22 Are you proud of that moment, about coming to that decision
00:25 and be able to kind of leave on your own terms?
00:28 Well, yes, but what really precipitated that was
00:32 I had a sustained injury playing pickleball.
00:35 That too.
00:36 And that's what started it.
00:38 And then you saw, we waited a day and I was limping.
00:42 I didn't fall, but I just moved my leg wrong
00:46 and waited a day and then went to the ER.
00:49 Anyway, they said, you have a slight stress fracture,
00:52 but you'll be having to wear a boot.
00:54 So I was wearing a boot, as you saw.
00:56 They said, you know, you're going to have to wear the boot
00:58 the entire time you're here.
01:00 And so I thought, oh, no.
01:03 And I was changing clothes and going up and down the stairs.
01:06 And then I thought, you know what?
01:08 I don't even have--
01:10 I haven't even talked to--
01:12 I don't even know if Gary and I have a close connection.
01:16 And again, I really wanted to.
01:17 I wanted to see.
01:19 And it just didn't work out.
01:21 And that's what precipitated it.
01:24 And then I thought, you know what?
01:25 And my leg really hurt.
01:27 And so I thought, I think this is a good time,
01:29 because the following week, I think, was hometown.
01:33 So it's moving quickly.
01:35 And I thought, I don't know him that well.
01:37 You're like, I'm not there yet.
01:38 Yeah.
01:38 I'm not there yet.
01:39 So in that way, I feel like the injury didn't happen to you.
01:41 It happened for you.
01:43 I really do.
01:44 How's your leg today, by the way?
01:45 I love you.
01:46 Thank you.
01:48 My leg is completely healed.
01:50 And I'm out of the boot.
01:52 And I'm ready for love.
01:53 I feel like doing anything brand new
01:56 or that's never been done before is nerve wracking.
01:58 But to take a second chance at love,
02:01 to do it on national television, takes a lot of gut.
02:03 So I'm curious, Nancy, what about your past relationships
02:06 made you want to take this leap of faith?
02:09 Well, as you know, I was married for a long time.
02:13 And my husband passed away.
02:14 And then I have dated and done the traditional dating apps,
02:17 et cetera.
02:19 Didn't work out as well for me as some others.
02:23 And so this opportunity came up.
02:26 My niece actually applied me.
02:28 Oh, really?
02:29 And I thought, you know what?
02:32 I don't have anything to lose.
02:33 Like, I might as well--
02:35 like, it was a leap of faith, as you said.
02:37 But you know what?
02:38 I think I was just ready for it.
02:40 And it was such a great adventure overall.
02:43 That's what I loved about watching everybody's stories
02:46 is that you got that sense that they had nothing to lose.
02:49 You know, you guys just went in.
02:51 You were just completely open-minded with an open heart.
02:54 And it really made for some incredible moments.
02:56 What was the adventure like for you?
02:58 Revitalizing.
03:00 I think that's the one word that comes to mind.
03:02 And I think it also made me realize
03:05 that I think I was lonely.
03:08 Maybe I didn't realize I was lonely.
03:10 I've been alone.
03:11 I know how to do that.
03:12 But I missed having someone in my life and people.
03:17 The adventure truly revitalizing is the one word
03:20 that comes to mind.
03:21 I feel so lucky that I got it and made great friends.
03:25 We truly want this to be a platform for good
03:30 for other women and men who are alone in their 60s and older.
03:37 That it does just remind you, hopefully,
03:40 that you can still do this.
03:42 You could pick up a new sport.
03:44 Pickleball.
03:44 I'd never played pickleball.
03:46 And you saw me.
03:46 I wasn't that great.
03:47 But you went for it.
03:49 I did.
03:50 And going for it.
03:51 And I think, again, I wasn't always comfortable.
03:54 But they made us comfortable.
03:57 But doing some things that I wasn't comfortable with
04:00 and I did it anyway.
04:01 And I feel, again, revitalized.
04:05 My only regret is that I didn't get to know him
04:07 as well as I wanted to.
04:09 And I think I speak for a lot of people, a lot of the women
04:12 there.
04:13 We have a very short time with him.
04:15 The key is if you get a one-on-one date with him.
04:20 Because that's when you get to spend quality alone time.
04:24 And I got a group date, Rose, as you know.
04:27 But I did not get a one-on-one date.
04:29 And so I think that was hard.
04:32 And he really did connect with several people right away.
04:36 And you could tell.
04:39 But he was lovely.
04:40 And he was a really-- he's a really good guy.
04:44 He's a nice guy.
04:45 The other night, I'm standing there.
04:47 I have a rose.
04:48 You say to me, I'm so glad Gary gave you a rose.
04:51 And I said, thank you.
04:52 And then you said, I know he came up to my bedroom
04:55 and comforted me.
04:57 That, the other night, cannot happen again.
05:00 There was a little drama in the mansion.
05:01 I want to ask you about Kathy and Teresa.
05:04 What is your take on what was going on there?
05:06 You know what?
05:07 There's always more to say.
05:10 But I have to say, I will always stand by my friend Kathy.
05:14 And I assure you that other people in the mansion--
05:20 I'm not saying all of them, but other women--
05:22 her words and her behavior affected not only Kathy.
05:28 Interesting.
05:29 OK.
05:29 Do you think Teresa has a real shot of being
05:31 the final woman at the end?
05:33 Or who do you think will be his final choice?
05:35 I really don't know.
05:36 You don't know?
05:37 I'm just excited to see the rest of it.
05:39 I mean, I can't wait.
05:41 Now, is there any interest in the Golden
05:43 Bachelorette, if offered?
05:46 Oh my gosh.
05:48 Absolutely.
05:49 OK.
05:50 Why wouldn't you?
05:51 It's honestly-- it feels like one of those once
05:54 in a lifetime opportunities, you know?
05:56 Yeah.
05:56 And you know what?
05:57 I'm still pinching myself just for having this opportunity.
06:01 So I'm in a really good, thankful place.
06:07 [music playing]
06:10 you
