• il y a 2 ans
Réalisé par Matthew Brown, à partir d’un scénario écrit par Mark St. Germain (basé sur le livre d’Armand Nicholi), Freud's Last Session réunit aussi Liv Lisa Fries, Jodi Balfour, Orla Brady au casting. Sortie le 22 décembre outre-Manche. Pas encore de date en France.
00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 Anna Freud
00:06 Nice to meet you
00:08 And you
00:10 Good luck
00:12 *musique*
00:14 Doctor Freud
00:16 Sit please, not there, that's the transformation couch
00:18 You be careful
00:20 *rire*
00:22 Why would you come here to see me if you disagree so passionately with my views
00:24 You've insisted all your life that the very concept of God is ludicrous
00:26 Yes
00:28 A clash between God and Satan
00:30 Ah, but I did not say whose side I was on
00:32 I consider what people tell me
00:34 Far less interesting than what they choose not to tell me
00:36 Have you frightened off your professor yet?
00:38 Not yet
00:40 Soon perhaps
00:42 You challenge my disbelief, is that correct?
00:44 I do
00:46 Well done
00:48 Good
00:50 Too late to turn back now
00:52 It seems to me professor
00:54 You've never matured enough to face the terror of being alone in the dark
00:56 *musique*
00:58 What is it you think I'm suffering from
01:00 Qu'est-ce que tu crois que je suis en train de commettre ?
01:02 Yeah, nous sommes tous terrifiés.
01:05 Tu te bouches de tes doutes, tu te bouches de tes souvenirs de la guerre.
01:10 Mais au fond de votre être, nous sommes tous des pauvres avant la mort.
01:17 [Musique]
