Marinette Finally Turns Into A Real Akumatized Villain In Season 6?!

  • last year
Marinette Finally Turns Into A Real Akumatized Villain In Season 6?!
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:02 - Marinette, resist!
00:06 You have to resist!
00:08 - Out of pure luck, Marinette has made it
00:09 through five seasons without becoming akumatized.
00:11 There are instances in season five
00:13 where she comes close to falling under Monarch's control,
00:16 but thanks to the support of her friends,
00:17 she manages to escape that danger each time.
00:20 She may not be so lucky in season six,
00:22 as the stakes rise as Lila takes over
00:24 as the new wielder of the Butterfly Miraculous.
00:26 Lila's power to akumatize people
00:28 is especially significant for Marinette,
00:30 as the two teenagers once faced off as school time rivals,
00:33 but are now opposing sides
00:34 in the battle between heroes and villains.
00:36 Lila still has a vendetta against Marinette
00:38 and will likely continue searching for ways
00:40 to ruin her life, including akumatizations.
00:43 In this video, we're examining what Lila could exploit
00:45 to turn Marinette into a full-fledged villain.
00:48 - He'll be back, Marinette.
00:49 He's just going on a voyage.
00:51 - Of course, voyage!
00:53 Ladybug may have failed, but Pegabug will bring him back!
00:56 Number one, the loss of a Miraculous.
00:58 Marinette has a lot of responsibility on her shoulders
01:00 with being the guardian of the Miracle Box.
01:02 After losing the Miraculouses in Strike Back,
01:04 she spends all of her time as Ladybug
01:06 trying to track them down,
01:08 coming close a few times before Monarch narrowly escapes.
01:11 After Gabriel returns the Miraculouses in Recreation,
01:13 Marinette decides to give a Kwami and their Miraculous
01:16 to a wielder for permanent use.
01:18 Marinette's decision to separate the Kwamis
01:20 is to keep them safe.
01:21 If the Miraculous become scattered throughout Paris,
01:23 most of them with unknown wielders,
01:24 they are safe from getting stolen in one fell swoop.
01:27 Unfortunately, that doesn't save the Kwamis
01:29 or their Miraculous from getting taken individually.
01:31 Lila stole many files from Gabriel in Revelations,
01:34 which may include the secret identities
01:35 of wielders like Nino, Alia, Luca, and Kagami.
01:38 If she has that information,
01:40 she could try and potentially succeed
01:41 in stealing their Miraculouses from them.
01:43 With their Kwamis, she could follow in Monarch's footsteps
01:46 and do indescribable damage throughout Paris.
01:48 In using the Miraculouses to manipulate those around her
01:51 or equipping her akumatized villains
01:52 with significant power upgrades,
01:54 Lila could put Ladybug and Cat Noir in a difficult position.
01:57 If such an event were to occur,
01:59 Marinette would feel devastated,
02:00 likely falling into a spiral of how she failed as a guardian.
02:03 As in the episode "Strike Back,"
02:05 she could be left on the cusp of a panic attack
02:07 after losing a Miraculous,
02:09 leaving her susceptible to akumatization.
02:11 - Ugh, the ball of the dog, Felix.
02:15 He has the yoyo, and that means he has the Miraculous.
02:19 - Number two, her panic attacks.
02:21 Speaking of panic attacks, Marinette has become prone
02:23 to experiencing the condition in times of stress.
02:26 She nearly has one in the episode "Strike Back"
02:28 after losing the Miraculous.
02:29 While in season five alone, she has numerous moments
02:31 where she can't catch her breath or concentrate,
02:33 otherwise overwhelmed by her negative emotions.
02:36 These moments of panic and desire
02:37 nearly lead to Marinette's akumatization more than once.
02:40 In "Alation," Monarch almost transforms her
02:42 into the villain Unmasker,
02:44 but Cat Noir interrupts her akumatization by kissing her,
02:46 shocking her out of her negative emotions.
02:49 In "Derision," Marinette's continued panic attacks
02:51 regarding a traumatic experience from her past
02:53 nearly turn her into a villain called Panic,
02:55 which is very on the nose.
02:56 The events of season five have already established
02:58 that Marinette's anxiety can be a trigger
03:00 for any akumatizations in the future.
03:02 Lila knows Marinette well,
03:03 and with that potential weakness in mind,
03:05 she may manipulate any situation
03:07 to make it more stressful for Marinette,
03:09 be it impacting her friendships, derailing her school life,
03:12 or trying to end her relationship.
03:14 - Sick, I am sick of it!
03:16 Why can't I be happy?
03:18 Why can't I love whoever I want to love?
03:20 - You can't.
03:22 - I can't.
03:23 - Number three, the stress of being Ladybug.
03:25 One of the most prominent sources of stress for Marinette
03:28 is the many responsibilities that come with being Ladybug
03:30 and how difficult it is to balance them
03:32 with her personal life.
03:33 She has to constantly hide secrets
03:35 from her friends and family,
03:36 which causes numerous conflicts throughout the series,
03:38 especially in her relationships,
03:40 as Marinette breaks up with Luca in truth
03:42 and initially refuses to begin a relationship with Adrien
03:45 in transmission because her hero duties get in the way.
03:48 Another potential stressor comes from work and school.
03:50 At the end of season five, Marinette and her friends
03:52 have finished the school year and are moving on to the next.
03:55 With new teachers in classes,
03:56 it may become more difficult for Marinette
03:58 to make excuses when Paris needs Ladybug.
04:00 There are also times, like in the episode Ladybug,
04:02 when Marinette's parents forbid her from leaving the bakery.
04:05 Marinette's expected to help her family run their business,
04:07 be that cleaning or baking,
04:09 but she often abandons them in times of need
04:11 because Ladybug's duties take priority.
04:13 As Marinette gets older, Tom and Sabine may ask her
04:15 to help out more, but that will only restrict her time
04:17 to be a hero.
04:18 Lila may not know how Marinette's personal life
04:20 interferes with Ladybug, but each previous example
04:22 could be a natural or indirect reason
04:24 for Marinette to be akumatized.
04:26 - Look, I don't know why you felt the urge
04:28 to start all this or why all of a sudden
04:30 you lied to fix this mess, but I'm glad to see
04:32 you're capable of coming back to your senses, sometimes.
04:35 - Number four, gaining another bully.
04:37 Marinette has a lot of school bullies
04:39 throughout Miraculous Ladybug.
04:40 There's Chloe, who played the classic mean girl
04:42 throughout most of the series,
04:43 doing everything she can to get Marinette into trouble,
04:45 including framing her for theft, like an adoration,
04:48 or ruining a gift she makes for Miss Bustier,
04:50 as she does in Zombizoo.
04:51 Lila also goes to great lengths to turn everyone
04:54 in Marinette's life against her.
04:55 In Ladybug, she convinces everyone
04:57 that Marinette cheated on a test,
04:58 and in Confrontation, she frames Marinette
05:00 for altering her classmates' career files.
05:02 While these accusations get debunked,
05:04 they impact Marinette's relationships,
05:06 isolating her from everyone else.
05:08 If these instances weren't enough to cause akumatizations,
05:11 then the events revealed in Derision were.
05:13 In the former school year, Marinette's crush on Kim
05:15 leads to him and Chloe playing a terrible prank,
05:17 where she's given a box full of spiders.
05:19 The memories alone make Marinette panic
05:20 and prove just how much damage a single bully
05:22 can do to someone else.
05:24 There's also the possibility that Lila returns to school
05:26 to torment Marinette herself.
05:28 She's already established her ability
05:29 to maintain multiple identities at once,
05:31 not to mention how adept she is
05:33 at lying about every situation.
05:35 If Lila were Marinette's newest bully,
05:36 capable of using all her predetermined knowledge,
05:39 Marinette could become akumatized sooner than we realize.
05:42 - I don't get it.
05:43 Chloe is the meanest person I've ever known.
05:45 - Come on, there are much worse people in Paris right now
05:48 than Chloe Bourgeois.
05:49 - Number five, her relationship with Adrien.
05:52 Marinette's relationship with Adrien
05:53 took five seasons to establish,
05:55 and the road to their successful romance wasn't easy.
05:57 Marinette pines over Adrien throughout the series,
05:59 even when other characters try to get in her way.
06:02 She's at odds with Chloe, Lila, and Kagami
06:04 as all four girls attempt to earn Adrien's affection.
06:07 Unfortunately for them, Adrien's eye remains on Ladybug
06:09 until Multiplication, when he realizes that Marinette
06:12 could be more than a friend after all.
06:14 Season five is really when Marinette
06:16 and Adrien's relationship takes off.
06:17 Not only do they admit their mutual feelings in Transmission,
06:20 but they have their real first kiss in Revolution
06:22 and say that they love one another in Recreation.
06:25 Many milestones between them have been a long time coming
06:27 and fans were as happy as Marinette to experience them.
06:30 This is why Marinette's relationship is the top stressor
06:32 for Lila to exploit if she wants to akumatize Marinette.
06:35 There's no denying how much Marinette loves Adrien
06:37 or how far she will go to protect him from harm.
06:39 She would sacrifice her happiness in a heartbeat
06:41 if it meant keeping him safe, like she does in Cat Blanc.
06:44 The series has already shown what would happen to Marinette
06:47 if her relationship with Adrien gets taken away,
06:49 even if she's the one who breaks up with him.
06:51 In Cat Blanc, Gabriel threatens to take Adrien out of school
06:54 and away from his friends
06:55 if Marinette doesn't end their relationship.
06:57 When she later goes to Adrien's house to break up with him,
06:59 she is nearly akumatized, but Adrien stops the akuma
07:02 by destroying it as Cat Noir.
07:03 Granted, Lila has no way of knowing
07:05 about this alternate timeline,
07:06 but she can exploit Marinette and Adrien's relationship
07:09 just like Gabriel did before.
07:11 - You don't have to do this, Gigi.
07:13 This means you can finally be in love with Adrien.
07:17 - While Marinette continues to be the best hero she can be,
07:19 it's no secret that she struggles
07:21 with continued anxiety and stress.
07:22 With each season of Miraculous Ladybug,
07:24 the stakes continue to rise,
07:26 keeping Marinette on her toes in the fight against evil.
07:28 Unfortunately, she may be reaching the end of her rope.
07:31 There's only so much pressure that someone can take
07:33 before coming to their breaking point,
07:34 and Lila is the perfect person
07:36 to keep applying that pressure.
07:37 There's no doubt that Marinette has an akumatization
07:39 in her future, but still, with some luck on her side,
07:42 she has a reliable hero team who can save her
07:44 when she needs help.
07:45 Thanks for watching.
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07:53 - I was almost akumatized.
07:55 You were right.
07:57 We're both being totally foolish.
