Brazil: Central de Movimentos Populares is one of the main popular movements in the country

  • last year
*500 delegates have come from 21 states across the country to develop strategies for fighthing the rise of fascism
*There is a need of educating the youth on the ongoing struggle
*There will be a series of debates on important issues for the Brazilian left
00:00 With hundreds of thousands of members, Brasil Central de Movimentos Populares is one of
00:04 the most important popular social movements in Latin America.
00:08 Here our correspondent Brian Meir in Salvador with the report from its seventh annual congress.
00:16 Brasil Central de Movimentos Populares is one of the most important social movements
00:20 in Latin America.
00:22 This week, 500 delegates have come from 21 states across Brazil to debate the political
00:28 conjuncture and develop strategies for fighting the rise of fascism.
00:33 During the opening ceremony, founder of the movement, the Benedictine liberation theology
00:37 monk Fribeto made a comparison between the current political conjuncture in Brazil and
00:44 the waning days of the Soviet Union.
00:46 He pointed out that the Soviet Union had 70 years of equitable and decent social policies,
00:53 but it was taken out without a single bullet fired because what he describes as a failure
00:59 in ongoing political education and political formation and mobilizing.
01:03 He pointed out that several cities during the last mayoral elections that had been governed
01:07 by workers party for over 20 years are now run by Bolsonaro allies due to what he says
01:14 is a similar problem.
01:15 And he emphasized the need, the ongoing struggle of educating the youth, educating young people,
01:22 providing a counterweight to the constant barrage of the political conjuncture.
01:28 There's a series of debates on important themes for the Brazilian left right now, such as
01:34 tools and tactics to fight the rise of fascism.
01:37 And the event culminates on Sunday with election of the new directorate.
01:40 But in the meantime, the event is showing once again the importance of base level organizing
01:45 as a tool for fighting the rise of the far right.
