00:00 What's up family?
00:04 Welcome to Thrive.
00:05 As always, man, excited about this opportunity to share God's Word with you.
00:12 And man, I feel so honored that you find this space, this ministry, as a trusted source
00:17 of spiritual nourishment for you.
00:19 I'm honored by that trust, want to steward that trust well, and at least make the contribution
00:26 I can make to your life, to help you step into all that God has for you and all that
00:32 God wants to do through you, so that you're not just sinking, so that you're not just
00:37 surviving, so that you are thriving.
00:41 And that blueprint to that thriving life is in God's Word, and we study it together every
00:47 single Wednesday here.
00:48 We're glad to have you.
00:50 And the Bible talks about the principle of partnership.
00:53 This is something I teach people who are in Daniel's den, too, right?
00:56 You can't be your best self by yourself.
00:57 The power of all of us is greater than the power of any one of us.
01:00 And so my partner is here today, Paul and Silas.
01:05 Yes, sir.
01:06 Glad to be here.
01:07 Glad to be here.
01:08 Paul and Silas.
01:09 And man, going to be sharing God's Word today.
01:12 What's been going on in your life?
01:14 Let's get nosy.
01:15 What's been going on in your life, man?
01:18 Man, listen, you know, transition, you know, still trying to adjust to some of the transition
01:25 that we've made.
01:28 And just life, we talked about it in an earlier Bible study, like sometimes you, life doesn't
01:34 slow down.
01:36 And I think it requires you to develop more discipline.
01:40 And so I'm in that discipline season.
01:43 And I'm also, and I will say this, I'm also maturing because what God has began to show
01:50 me in this season, sometimes you mature to the next level.
01:53 That's right.
01:54 And sometimes we receive words or signs that we need to mature in a negative fashion.
02:02 But sometimes what God is calling us, He's like, you're not necessarily doing something
02:05 bad, but where I'm taking you requires more maturity than you are operating in now.
02:13 So it's not a bad thing.
02:14 It's just like, so man, I'm maturing.
02:18 I'm setting some discipline in some discipline, getting more discipline in my life.
02:23 And I'm just enjoying it, man.
02:27 This is a great season in my life.
02:30 And I just want to thank you, man, for just exposing me to some stuff that I would not
02:39 be experiencing if you hadn't led and encouraged me and spoken to my life.
02:44 Well, man, listen, thank you for sharing that testimony, number one.
02:48 The Bible says we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.
02:52 And I think authenticity and transparency, that is so important because I remember one
02:59 time I was going through something and I was having a conversation with Pastor Hankins
03:04 in Jackson, Mississippi.
03:06 And so I was at his house, he was sitting across the table, sitting on the couch across
03:10 from me.
03:11 He looked at me and he said, "I've been right where you are."
03:16 You know what I mean?
03:17 Right.
03:18 And so it made me, it gave me a sense of peace in my season of transition.
03:24 I love it.
03:26 Because I knew what I was feeling wasn't abnormal.
03:29 And so I feel like it's important, you know what I mean, as spiritual leaders to share
03:33 like, "Hey, these are some of the things that are going on in my life."
03:36 So that when people experience it themselves, they don't feel like something is wrong or
03:42 something's abnormal.
03:44 As you were talking, this is what came to my mind.
03:47 You obeyed, right?
03:49 It means, and so for those of you that don't know, we told Pastor Dudley's story several,
03:53 well, a while ago and how he was a lead pastor on church.
03:59 God called him to transition and join our team here and uprooted family, whole nine
04:05 yards.
04:06 And this is important.
04:08 He said, "Obedience is sometimes," this is so important, "Obedience is sometimes uncomfortable."
04:18 It is.
04:19 It's like, it's like, yeah, obedience doesn't exempt us from some of the issues associated
04:26 with obeying.
04:29 But what we gain through obedience far outweighs the inconvenience that obedience causes.
04:40 Like the blessing makes it worth it.
04:42 And that's what I want you to receive prophetically right now.
04:46 That is going to be worth it.
04:49 You may not see it now.
04:50 It may not make sense now, but God has a way of making it worth it.
04:56 And this is what's crazy.
05:00 What is on the other side of your obedience is something that God doesn't announce.
05:06 You just experience it.
05:07 I love it.
05:08 He just tells you to obey because He wants you to obey because you trust Him, not because
05:14 you're chasing something, but He's got something on the other side of your obedience.
05:19 He's holding it behind His back and saying, "If you'll trust my word, what I'm getting
05:24 ready to give you far exceeds what you think you're leaving."
05:28 You might be crying tears of sadness in this season, but you're going to be crying tears
05:32 of joy in the next season because there's something on the other side of your obedience
05:38 that's going to make it worth it.
05:39 Man, I was just thinking about Abram in Genesis 13.
05:42 This is what God said.
05:43 God said, "Get out of your country, get from your family, get away from your places of
05:47 familiarity and go to the place I will show you."
05:51 And so this is what God said.
05:52 God said, "There are some things God will not show you until He can trust you to start
05:56 stepping."
05:57 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
05:58 He said, "Look, when you start stepping, I'll start speaking."
06:01 And some of us are waiting for God to speak and God said, "Now, you're not waiting for
06:05 me to speak.
06:06 I'm waiting for you to step because when you start stepping, it is a sign that you trust
06:10 me and that you have faith in me."
06:14 And some things, God just only do something for those.
06:18 It's not a matter of us trusting God, but sometimes God got to see if He can trust us.
06:22 That's right.
06:23 That's right.
06:24 And we talked about that in the previous lesson.
06:27 When you do not have a new word from God, it's because He wants you to continue obeying
06:32 the old one.
06:35 Do what I said until I say something different.
06:38 So man, we just hope you're encouraged by that.
06:40 If you're in a season, we'll get ready to talk about some of this in just a second.
06:43 That's why I didn't do it because there's something else that you said is so strong.
06:45 It's like, "Hey, when God shows us something that we want to improve, it doesn't mean that
06:50 where we are is evil.
06:51 It just means it's inadequate for where you're going."
06:54 And so that is a gift from God because it's an indication of where He's getting ready
07:00 to take you.
07:01 So if you don't need to change, that means nothing's getting ready to change.
07:05 Wait a minute.
07:07 But if He's saying there's some things about you that need to change, it's because something's
07:11 getting ready to change for you.
07:13 And what's getting ready to change for you requires a changed version of you.
07:16 So that is a...
07:17 And we'll get ready to talk about this because we're in this series called Reconstruction.
07:22 And we're using the book of Nehemiah to pull principles from his story to apply to our
07:28 lives regarding reconstruction.
07:30 And we're in chapter nine.
07:31 And here's the topic of tonight's teaching.
07:33 I want y'all to see how this goes full circle.
07:37 It's your turn for a U-turn.
07:41 Somebody put in the chat right now, "It's my turn."
07:43 It's my turn.
07:44 It's my turn.
07:46 It's your turn for a U-turn.
07:49 Now watch this, Pastor.
07:50 Charles Spurgeon once said that the miracles we see in the Bible historically are powerful
07:57 predictors of what can happen for us metaphorically.
08:00 Now, don't read what I'm not writing here.
08:04 I'm not saying God doesn't still perform those types of miracles.
08:09 Of course He does.
08:10 Yes.
08:11 He's a perfectionist.
08:12 I believe He does.
08:14 What I am saying, though, is that those are not the only ways He performs those miracles.
08:21 So what do I mean by that?
08:23 He can heal paralysis literally, but He also heals paralysis metaphorically.
08:30 What does that mean?
08:31 I don't have to be physically paralyzed to be stuck in life, for my relationship to be
08:37 stuck, for my resources to be stuck, for my career to be stuck.
08:41 So what Spurgeon says is that he's arguing if you just look at the miracles in the Bible
08:47 and only see them as those historic, literal miracles, then you are missing out on the
08:56 multiple ways that miracle can manifest in your life.
09:00 If the only thing He can do is heal physical paralysis, then I got to be physically paralyzed
09:05 to get that miracle.
09:07 But if He can heal metaphorical paralysis, it means my mind doesn't have to be stuck,
09:13 my heart doesn't have to be stuck, my money doesn't have to be stuck, my relationships
09:17 don't have to be stuck, because He doesn't just do it literally.
09:22 He does it metaphorically.
09:25 If He heals deafness literally, He also does it metaphorically, which means if I was having
09:34 hearing problems spiritually, He heals my hearing problems so I can hear God in ways
09:43 I couldn't before.
09:44 Watch this.
09:45 And I can hear people in ways.
09:48 See when God heals your spiritual ear, natural ears hear what people are saying.
09:56 Spiritual ears hear what they're not saying.
09:58 I love it.
09:59 I love it.
10:00 But here's what I want to lean into.
10:05 He also heals blindness in the Bible literally, but He heals it metaphorically, which means
10:11 we become empowered to see things we couldn't see before.
10:16 And this is where we left off, Pastor, last week in Nehemiah chapter 8.
10:20 What He did when Ezra read that law is He healed their blindness.
10:26 There were some things that they couldn't see until the mirror of the Word got held
10:34 up to their life.
10:36 And then they were able to see things differently.
10:39 They didn't just see something differently, they saw their behavior differently.
10:43 In chapter 8, they got a revelation, but in chapter 9, we see their response.
10:49 And I want to read this, and we're going to pause and lean into this.
10:52 In chapter 9, it says, "On the 24th day of the month, the Israelites gathered together,
10:56 verse 1, fasting and wearing sackcloth, putting dust on their heads.
11:00 Those of Israelite descent had separated themselves from all foreigners.
11:04 They stood in their places, confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors.
11:07 They stood where they were and read from the book of the law, the Lord their God, for a
11:12 quarter of the day."
11:15 Don't miss this, "And they spent the other quarter of the day in confession and worshiping
11:22 their God."
11:23 See, come on now, this teaches us something.
11:25 We're going to park here.
11:28 Reconstruction requires repentance.
11:30 Lord Jesus, I love it.
11:34 They saw, they were behaving a certain way for years.
11:38 Then when they got a revelation from the Word, they were like, "Wait a minute, my behavior
11:44 is inconsistent with God's intention."
11:47 And they didn't even, it was scary because they were out of order.
11:51 They didn't even know it.
11:52 They didn't even know it.
11:53 Powerful.
11:54 It's so powerful.
11:55 My God, that's powerful and scary at the same time.
12:01 Reconstruction requires repentance.
12:02 And I heard it, we talked about how that sometimes works, faith without works is dead.
12:13 And I think sometimes that we can't work our way into the kingdom.
12:17 But I think that anytime God does something significant for us, like our response, we
12:22 should always have a response to the grace of God.
12:25 That should always be a response.
12:27 There should always be a response.
12:29 We can't work our way into the kingdom.
12:31 We can't work our way into righteousness, but there should always be an appropriate
12:35 response to the goodness and the grace of God.
12:40 This ties into what you were saying earlier, because this is a gift to them.
12:50 And so I want you to reframe repentance.
12:54 This is the awareness that I need to repent is a gift to me.
13:03 This is, it is God's way of announcing to me, I refuse to let you settle for something
13:14 that's less than my best.
13:19 Because many people don't have the spiritual sense to repent.
13:25 To repent.
13:26 It's the fact that I got sense enough.
13:28 To repent.
13:29 That's a blessing.
13:31 To repent is a gift from God.
13:33 And watch this, watch this.
13:36 It is what we talked about earlier.
13:38 We got to reframe it.
13:40 Because if God is changing nothing in you, it means nothing's getting ready to change
13:46 for you.
13:49 But if he keeps changing something in you, it's because what he's got for you requires
13:55 a changed version of you and the awareness that something needs to change is a gift from
14:03 God.
14:04 And you know what?
14:05 And this is the Bible says that this one of the ways the Bible explains this says, "Whom
14:08 the Lord love it, he chastises."
14:09 He corrects.
14:10 Come on.
14:11 He corrects.
14:12 And I think some of us need to understand the reason that God always, the reason that
14:16 God is always correcting you is because of what God has placed in you.
14:21 And I think some of us need to understand that God has invested too much into me for
14:27 me not to do what God has called me to do, for me not to walk in purpose.
14:31 And so why, and I think sometimes we do it like this, we be comparing ourselves to other
14:36 people.
14:37 "Well, it look like they're getting away with stuff."
14:38 Like they're thinking, well, God is not trying to do in them what he want to do in you.
14:41 That's right.
14:42 Listen, they think about it.
14:43 Now they do it and it looks like they get away.
14:46 You think about it and God correct you.
14:47 Like, "God, I just thought about it.
14:48 Why you whooping?
14:49 But you know, why you chastise me?"
14:50 It's like, God's like, "Because of what I have for you."
14:53 Man, that's strong.
14:54 Yeah, what I'm trying to do in you.
14:56 That is strong.
14:57 The purpose on your life.
14:58 Yeah.
14:59 Your purpose will not allow you to get away with.
15:01 Yeah.
15:02 That is, I've heard it say this way, "God is just, he not fair."
15:08 I love it.
15:09 I love it.
15:10 Because sometimes we crush it and go like, "God, this not fair."
15:13 He's like, "Right."
15:14 God, look at them.
15:15 Why?
15:16 You know, God, why?
15:17 Why am I dealing with this?
15:20 I never said it was fair.
15:22 I'm just.
15:23 So I make sure that everybody gets what they, in a sense, deserve.
15:29 But I'm not fair.
15:32 Sometimes what he has for you affects what is required from you.
15:38 I love it.
15:39 Yeah.
15:40 Whomsoever much is given, much is required.
15:43 And so this is important because you say something that was so, you quote a scripture that was
15:47 so strong.
15:48 "Whom he loves, he corrects."
15:50 So I shouldn't be concerned when he's correcting me.
15:54 I should be concerned when he's not.
15:57 That's it.
15:58 That's it.
15:59 When he's not.
16:00 When God stopped convicting you.
16:02 When he stops.
16:03 When he stop.
16:04 And you know, this whole thing about repentance, and I know we get into this just like, repentance
16:08 is what, a change of mind, a change of heart, followed by a change of behavior and a change
16:14 of direction.
16:16 And then sometimes we need to understand that the best repentance, or I've heard it said
16:21 this way, the best apology is change behavior.
16:25 There cannot be repentance if there's no change of behavior.
16:28 Yeah.
16:29 You hit it.
16:30 That's the essence of what repentance is.
16:31 Right.
16:32 And so that's something that we need.
16:33 I don't think we can reframe it without redefining it.
16:36 Right.
16:37 So here's the issue.
16:39 And I'm in this series on Sundays called God Didn't Say That.
16:42 Love it.
16:43 And we're really trying to do, we're really trying to address the enemy's, one of the
16:48 enemy's spiritual weapons of mass destruction is spiritual confusion.
16:53 And it is almost as if we live in a New Testament dispensation, but we got Old Testament mentality
17:00 and we still trying to earn acceptance through works.
17:04 Like we really are.
17:05 Right.
17:06 We're still trying to earn acceptance through works and not accepting like, hey, sanctification
17:12 is a lifelong process.
17:14 You are always going to be corrected on something.
17:16 Like so, yeah.
17:20 So there needs to be a reframe and repentance is like, God's not fussing.
17:26 He's not a fusser.
17:27 I love it.
17:28 I love it.
17:29 I love it.
17:30 Yeah.
17:31 You understand what I'm saying?
17:32 I love it.
17:33 And so we're talking about this vengeful Old Testament, and that's not even the Old Testament
17:38 God, but it's their interpretation of the way God presents himself in the Old Testament
17:42 as vengeful and vindictive and violent.
17:47 When it's like, no, no, it's the same God.
17:50 He makes himself more clearly known in Jesus.
17:53 I love it.
17:54 In the New Testament.
17:55 So that we're clear about this.
17:56 But it's like, he's like, man, listen, all throughout the Old Testament, see how merciful
18:01 I am to Israel.
18:03 How merciful I am to my people.
18:05 How when I am correcting them, it's me loving them.
18:12 It's not me fussing.
18:14 And you put it here.
18:16 This is important.
18:17 Repentance is a change of mind that produces a change of direction.
18:24 It is literally a U-turn.
18:26 A U-turn.
18:28 A U-turn.
18:30 If we're in a car and we get a revelation that we're going in the wrong direction, what
18:35 do we do?
18:36 We make a U-turn.
18:38 And what God does by his grace is he uses the word like he did with Ezra in the book
18:44 of Nehemiah to expose to us, there's a direction you're going relationally.
18:48 There's a direction you're going emotionally.
18:50 There's a direction you're going financially.
18:52 There's a direction you're going spiritually.
18:54 There's a direction you're going mentally that is going to lead to destruction.
18:58 I love you enough to tell you this way not working.
19:03 Your response to that revelation needs to be a U-turn.
19:09 So I love repentance because without repentance, I keep going in the wrong direction.
19:16 And watch this, the longer I go in the wrong direction, the longer it takes for me to get
19:22 to my destination.
19:24 And using that car now to pass, it just came to me like when we need to make a U-turn,
19:29 don't miss the sign.
19:30 Wait a minute.
19:31 Don't miss.
19:32 Wait a minute.
19:33 Wait a minute, Doc.
19:34 Come on.
19:35 Don't miss the sign.
19:36 Like this is somebody's sign tonight.
19:37 Like when you're getting ready to make a U-turn, they have signs that say, "Hey, a U-turn.
19:43 You can make a U-turn here."
19:45 And my question is, how many times have God showed you the U-turn sign and you missed
19:49 it?
19:50 Yeah.
19:51 That's good.
19:52 Don't miss the sign.
19:53 Because I think people, when we say U-turn, people automatically think sin.
19:57 Yeah.
19:58 Yeah.
19:59 That's a part of it.
20:00 When you reframe repentance, it could be like a U-turn could be the way I'm parenting.
20:06 It could be the way I'm talking to my spouse.
20:09 It could be like God being like, "Yo, I say respect each other and you're not.
20:14 And you're driving down the road and you hadn't crashed yet.
20:18 But I'm trying to get you to see if you keep disrespecting is going to lead to disconnection.
20:24 And disconnection creates an open door for the enemy.
20:28 There's never an excuse, but there are reasons.
20:31 Never an excuse, but there are reasons.
20:33 The apostle Paul, like I'm not even going to get into all that, but you see the point
20:38 I'm making?
20:39 Man, I love it.
20:40 And again, I just, I think Hebrew says lay aside every what?
20:42 Weight and sin.
20:43 It's not necessarily a sin, but sometimes it can be a weight.
20:47 And what I love about being in this season of my life is what God has allowed me to be
20:53 exposed to.
20:54 Yeah.
20:55 Iron sharpens iron.
20:56 And sometime when you get around somebody who's doing it in a way that you hadn't been
21:00 exposed to.
21:01 And so I think sometimes the grace of God is putting us in position to see how it should
21:06 be done, to see how it should be modeled, to see the example.
21:12 You know what I'm saying?
21:13 And so sometimes you've just been in a place where you don't have good models.
21:18 Now watch this.
21:20 That is good.
21:21 Look at me hitting the preacher.
21:24 That is good, Doc.
21:27 Sometimes, here's what I think too, because it's almost like, I believe that God's providence
21:36 like is seen in that exposure.
21:39 I mean, you got to ask yourself, why God let me see this?
21:45 Why did God put these people around me?
21:47 Out of all the people that God could have put me around, why is God letting me see this?
21:55 You got to see, we have to see the providence in that.
21:58 That is purposeful.
21:59 It's not random.
22:01 And what's happening is a lot of times we are around people and we either do one or
22:06 two things.
22:07 We admire without emulating, or we become insecure and become jealous of what is actually
22:17 a picture of possibility for you.
22:21 That's powerful.
22:22 Why has God let you see some of the stuff you've seen?
22:25 Why is God, he's not exposing you to what you don't need to be exposed to.
22:31 There is something you're supposed to pick up and glean and is necessary for your assignment.
22:37 And I think that takes maturity because you said it and you blessed me about just the
22:42 power of connection, who God connects you to and expose you to.
22:46 God never exposes you to anything that's not possible.
22:49 God does not expose you to people.
22:52 He does not expose you to relationships.
22:54 He does not expose you.
22:55 He does not give you a window into excellence if excellence is not for you.
23:01 That's right.
23:02 You know, and so some of the connection, I think we just need to, you know, sometimes
23:07 the blessing is the expose.
23:09 Yes, 100%.
23:12 Here's one of many biblical examples.
23:16 Peter and Jesus.
23:18 Jesus is walking on water.
23:21 Peter sees Jesus walking on water.
23:22 Peter's a fisherman by trade, which means he's lived on the water.
23:26 Like he spends a significant amount of time on the water.
23:32 That's just facts.
23:34 He's probably never tried to walk on water, even though he spent a significant part of
23:39 his life on water, till he got exposed to somebody that showed him that water walking
23:44 was possible.
23:45 My God.
23:46 My God.
23:47 There's some stuff.
23:51 Now here's what happened.
23:53 Twelve disciples are in the boat.
23:56 Only one knows what to do with the exposure.
24:01 Most people, come on, most people are like the 11 that are sitting in the boat.
24:09 They're mismanaging exposure.
24:11 I love it.
24:12 I love it.
24:13 I love it.
24:14 And I think exposure is like opportunity.
24:15 Opportunities are like windows.
24:16 They open and close.
24:18 So when you say mismanaging that exposure, sometimes we got to be intentional about not
24:25 mismanaging it.
24:26 And just like a window, when it comes to God, like opportunities are windows.
24:30 God can bring it back.
24:32 But it's not 100% He will.
24:34 And so there are certain things we missed out on because we mismanaged that exposure
24:38 and we moved too slow.
24:40 100%.
24:42 This is why when we get a revelation that there is something in my behavior that needs
24:47 to change, the U-turn becomes imperative.
24:51 God's job is to show me.
24:53 My job is to see it.
24:55 Then my job is to steward what I see.
24:59 And that's all repentance is.
25:01 Watch this.
25:02 Spiritually successful people are not people who live life without needing to repent.
25:09 They're just people who repent when they need to.
25:12 My God.
25:14 Right?
25:15 Yeah.
25:16 There's just people who repent when they need to, who understand the importance of U-turn,
25:22 a Y-O-U-turn.
25:24 This is repentance is an essential aspect.
25:27 This concept, Pastor, applies to when you reframe it.
25:31 It's almost like, so we did this workout challenge not too long ago.
25:36 Right?
25:37 All right.
25:38 So nobody finished it, by the way.
25:42 You didn't finish it.
25:43 None of us.
25:44 It was like four or five of us.
25:48 Four or five of us did this challenge.
25:50 I don't think you made it six weeks.
25:53 I was six weeks in.
25:56 It was like, what, 12 or 16 weeks.
25:59 It's like 12.
26:00 It was like 12.
26:01 Yeah.
26:02 Intense.
26:03 Very intense.
26:04 I was like, I'm a pastor, bro.
26:07 I'm not a bodybuilder.
26:08 Like I...
26:09 God knows our heart, though.
26:14 Sometimes it's in the attempt.
26:15 We, I attempted, y'all.
26:16 I attempted.
26:17 And sometimes God honors the attempt.
26:18 I don't know.
26:19 The theology of the attempt.
26:20 I'm going to tell y'all what was happening with me.
26:33 So I was doing these workouts and I was going crazy on them.
26:37 But this is what happened.
26:38 I was pretty good.
26:39 I was doing pretty good with my...
26:40 This is what happened.
26:41 What had happened was this.
26:46 I was doing the workouts.
26:48 And I hadn't changed my diet.
26:51 So, and I know you had, because I would see you, I would see stuff you was eating at my
26:56 house.
26:57 That's right, though.
26:58 Y'all pray for me.
26:59 I'm like, you know, I'm like LaVell Crawford, you know, I'm diabetic and I'm taking diabetic
27:03 medicine with sweet tea.
27:04 I know I ain't doing right.
27:07 Y'all pray for the priest.
27:08 My wife, man, why are you taking this medicine?
27:14 Did y'all hear what he just said?
27:17 He said, "I'm taking diabetic medicine with sweet tea."
27:19 What is wrong with you?
27:22 Y'all pray for the preacher.
27:26 That point to obviously, Lord, bless him, Lord.
27:30 I'm going to do better, though.
27:33 Diabetic medicine with sweet tea.
27:36 So anyway, I didn't dial this diet in, right?
27:40 So I'm doing all this stuff and we had to take pictures and you send the pictures into
27:43 the app and all this.
27:44 So I'm looking at my pictures and I was like, why am I working out?
27:52 Because this doesn't make sense.
27:55 And I'm going to tell you what got me.
27:57 It was in the middle of the workout, right?
28:00 It was on the side.
28:01 I remember what I was wearing.
28:02 I know what I had on.
28:05 And I remember my teammate posted a clip on social media and I looked and I saw something
28:12 on that clip.
28:13 I said, "This is a problem.
28:18 This is a problem."
28:19 And I'm doing all of this workout and it's not working.
28:22 So at that moment I said, "I'm going to dial this diet in."
28:26 And I dialed the diet in.
28:28 I had a change of behavior.
28:31 I dialed the diet in and then literally in a matter of two weeks I saw, the way my metabolism
28:36 set up.
28:37 I literally saw, in two weeks, I saw the difference just by dialing the diet in.
28:46 Why?
28:47 Because I couldn't even improve the fitness area of my life without getting a revelation
28:52 that, "Hey, the way you're going doesn't get you the results that you want."
28:56 Now I could have beat myself up.
28:59 Now I want you to see how I just humanized my...
29:01 So because I think a lot of times when people...
29:04 You're a human.
29:05 Right.
29:06 Yes.
29:07 And that doesn't mean that we engage in debauchery and all those kinds of things, but it means
29:11 that you're imperfect.
29:12 Right.
29:13 You've got to wrap your head around that because if not, I could have just spent time beating
29:17 myself up.
29:18 You're weak.
29:19 You're not...
29:20 This is like, "Nah, man.
29:23 This is what happened.
29:24 I'm going to have...
29:26 I got to change your mind."
29:28 That's going to produce a change of behavior because the way that I'm going is not going
29:32 to get me the results that I want.
29:34 So that's why...
29:35 I love it.
29:36 That's what God's given to us.
29:37 So if I'm managing a relationship, God's like, "Hey, the way you're going is not going to
29:41 get you the results that you want.
29:42 Resources, the way you're going is not going to get you the results that you want."
29:46 And that takes...
29:47 Let's talk about this for a minute.
29:49 That takes faith.
29:50 It takes faith.
29:51 Doesn't it?
29:52 It takes faith because I dialed that diet in and day one, day two, day three, I didn't
29:57 see anything.
29:58 You didn't see anything.
29:59 Right.
30:00 But faith is the substance of what I'm hoping for.
30:03 Faith is the evidence of what I don't see.
30:06 So I had to keep believing and keep working, believing that God's direction is the best
30:12 direction.
30:13 And if I made that U-turn, then I was going to get the results that I was believing for.
30:20 We talked about this earlier, like with faith and faith not being a fire extinguisher.
30:25 Yeah, it's being a lifestyle.
30:27 It's not a fire extinguisher you pull out when you're in crisis, but it is a lifestyle.
30:32 But what I like what you said, Pastor, you said this, "You saw something that you didn't
30:36 see, so by faith you saw what it should be, what it could be."
30:40 That's right.
30:41 That's right.
30:42 That's right.
30:43 You didn't allow what you did see at the present moment to blind you to the possibilities of
30:48 what you could see.
30:49 That's right.
30:50 And I think that's what faith is.
30:51 Faith is being able to look past the present moment and not to see yourself as that situation,
30:56 but to see yourself as what the possibilities of what it could be and what it will be by
31:01 faith.
31:02 100%.
31:03 So I hope we're seeing, man, how this ... Like what happened in chapter eight, they got a
31:10 revelation that what we're doing is not getting us the results that we want.
31:17 They responded to that revelation with repentance.
31:23 Because revelation only benefits you and I to the degree to which we respond appropriately.
31:30 And taking notes and shouting is not incorrect, but if that's all we do, it's incomplete.
31:39 It is now that I got this revelation, what area is this revelation going to cause a revolution
31:44 in the way I'm actually living my life?
31:47 Yeah, so this one thing God told me one time is sometimes people come to church just to
31:54 get better at church, but not to get better at life.
31:58 Some of that's exposure.
31:59 Some of that is exposure.
32:00 Yeah, some of that is exposure.
32:03 That's all they've been exposed to.
32:04 Like you want to shout better, you want to bump better, you want to dance better, but
32:07 no.
32:08 That's what they know.
32:09 No, you come to church for there to be a transformation, there to be a metamorphosis in your life.
32:15 And some people just want to get better at church, but I want to get better at life.
32:18 Or we talked about this thing, what Paul said, ever learning and ever coming to the knowledge
32:22 of the truth.
32:23 Like knowledge where it's like, give me something deep, give me something in this ... And yeah,
32:27 anyway.
32:28 Well, you do ... I just believe if you do what those notes say that you done took your
32:33 life would be better.
32:36 But revelation requires a response.
32:39 And that's what repentance is.
32:40 And literally this is like the dominant message of the gospels in the New Testament.
32:46 John the Baptist said, "Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand."
32:50 And then this is Jesus's message.
32:51 There's Matthew chapter four, verse 17.
32:55 From that time on, Jesus began to preach, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is near,"
33:02 or is at hand.
33:03 He's saying, "Hey ..." And he's talking to religious people.
33:06 He's saying, "You all have been living your life a certain way.
33:12 I want to introduce you to the King's way."
33:14 Now as I introduce ... The King's way is in arm's reach.
33:17 Now as I introduce you to the King's way, you've got to change your mind and change
33:23 your direction in order to experience the results that are attached to the King's way.
33:29 And so it's almost like we ignore the repentance part and try to go right into the King's way
33:36 part.
33:37 And it's like, no, no, no, no, no.
33:38 There's something that I'm doing-
33:39 That's so good.
33:41 That's not the King's way.
33:42 I need to be exposed to that-
33:43 That's so good.
33:44 So that I can change my behavior.
33:47 And this is why I'm saying, if we're going to reconstruct any area of our life, we must
33:52 be willing to get good at this discipline of repentance.
33:56 It's a spiritual discipline.
33:59 Without repentance, we end up rebuilding the same way that got us in position to get the
34:06 walls torn down in the first place.
34:09 So God loved them enough to say, "Now these walls have been torn down.
34:13 The city's been destroyed.
34:15 Let me bring back the book," which is what we talked about last week, "so that you all
34:20 can see how not to rebuild the way that you rebuilt the way that you built the first time."
34:25 I hope y'all are getting this.
34:30 Therefore family, we should want to do this repentance and learn to do it well.
34:36 And Nehemiah 9 offers some insight on how to do this.
34:39 And I want to give you five keys here that I see in Nehemiah 9.
34:45 Number one is this, repentance requires evaluation.
34:50 In Nehemiah 9, they had to honestly evaluate their behavior based on the revelation of
34:56 the word.
34:57 And they had to submit their opinions to God's authority.
35:02 It requires evaluation.
35:03 And at some point, we have to be, the Bible talks about self-awareness.
35:08 If we should judge ourselves, we would have no need to be judged, right?
35:11 So at some point, we really got to step back and objectively ask ourselves, "Is this way
35:17 I'm living working?"
35:23 I think you said something earlier, you alluded to it about a window.
35:25 And I think when I think about this evaluation, I think evaluation is a mirror and not a window.
35:30 It's definitely, yeah.
35:31 It's not just one way.
35:32 I think sometimes like a window using that window analogy, we always try to look at what
35:36 other people are doing to justify or even condone what we're doing.
35:41 Hey, I'm not as bad as them.
35:42 But now evaluation is not a window, it's a mirror where you look at yourself.
35:47 Like you got to have an honest assessment of yourself, this self-awareness.
35:53 And I think that's one of the things that, I think that's one of the gifts God gave me
35:58 was just like, man, to be honestly self-aware, not to look away from myself.
36:05 And I think one of the keys to David was David, you know, David wasn't perfect, you know,
36:09 but the Bible said he was a man up to God's own heart.
36:12 And this is what I love about David.
36:14 Every time something was brought to his attention, he course corrected.
36:18 Yes, sir.
36:19 He didn't blame other folk.
36:22 Yes, sir.
36:23 When they brought it to him about, you know, he done killed the man, the woman, the Baptist
36:27 sheba, you know.
36:28 Yes, sir.
36:29 But when they finally made, when Nathan said, "Man, it was you."
36:32 Yes, sir.
36:33 "Say, you are the man."
36:35 That's in the book.
36:37 She immediately course corrected.
36:40 Yes, sir.
36:41 He didn't wall in and he didn't say, he didn't blame other folk.
36:44 If they wanted it, they pushed me.
36:46 That's why I said, "No, he course corrected."
36:48 Yes.
36:49 And I think this evaluation is the willingness and the ability to course correct.
36:55 100%.
36:56 You know, when we talk about evaluation sometimes, there's this, I think it really exposes something.
37:06 And it exposes, it exposes who I'm actually living my life for.
37:15 Because let's say I get exposed to a way that I'm doing something that is inconsistent with
37:20 God's intent.
37:22 That the way I'm doing it, I feel like it's working for me.
37:26 That reveals who I'm really living my life for.
37:28 Because if I feel like it's working for me, but it's inconsistent with what God intends,
37:34 I got to make a decision.
37:36 Who am I going to live for?
37:37 Am I going to live for my own quote unquote, satisfaction or for God's glory?
37:45 See, right?
37:47 So just because we feel like it's working for us doesn't mean God's necessarily glorified
37:56 by it.
37:57 Does that make sense?
37:58 And I keep going back to like relationships and I keep talking about disrespecting.
38:01 Because the Bible's like really clear.
38:03 Like honor, respect each other.
38:05 And it is so weird.
38:06 Like in Christian marriages and relationships, it's like the disrespect is on like 10.
38:11 It is.
38:12 It's like, "Whoa."
38:13 You know what I mean?
38:14 It's like, it's straight up.
38:15 It's on 10.
38:16 It's not like honor, which is like high respect.
38:20 It's like, yo, it's like a lot of times people are way more respectful to people who are
38:24 not in their home than they are to people who are actually in their homes.
38:28 The weirdest thing.
38:29 So I know I keep going back to that, but that's the analogy that keeps coming to my mind.
38:33 And it's like one of those things where some people might be like, "Well, hey, my spouse
38:36 cool with it."
38:39 But it's God glorified by that.
38:42 It's working for us.
38:43 He's not complaining.
38:44 She's not complaining.
38:45 It's God glorified by that.
38:49 And the other says, "I don't know if they cool.
38:51 I don't know if they cool or they just waiting on a chance to get you back."
38:57 That stop.
38:58 Okay.
38:59 Okay.
39:00 All right.
39:01 Okay.
39:02 All right.
39:03 That is a hope.
39:04 That's something for another teacher.
39:06 Because very often they're not cool.
39:07 They're just not responding.
39:10 They're not responding in a volatile, combative way.
39:13 I'm sorry.
39:14 But you're right.
39:15 Sometimes they're acting out in other ways.
39:16 Yeah, I'm sorry.
39:17 Yeah.
39:18 All right.
39:19 So repentance requires evaluation.
39:20 Number two, repentance requires separation.
39:24 Nehemiah 9, verse two says, "Those of Israelite descent had to separate themselves from all
39:30 foreigners.
39:31 They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors.
39:35 Although there were different groups of people among them, only covenant people could engage
39:39 in the practices of self-examination and repentance."
39:42 So what was happening was there were a whole bunch of people there, but everybody there
39:45 wasn't followers of Yahweh.
39:47 So it means then when that book got read, there were some people that were convicted
39:52 and there were other people that were not.
39:53 They was like, "Oh, I'm not rocking with this."
39:56 So now Israel, because association produces assimilation, they had to make a decision
40:00 like, "Yo, am I still going to be in these close kind of relationships with people who
40:06 are not interested in this U-turn that I'm getting ready to make?"
40:11 That's good.
40:12 And so it requires some separation.
40:13 Now separation is not always elimination.
40:15 It doesn't mean you got to eliminate people from your life, but it does mean when you're
40:20 making a U-turn, everybody's not going to make that turn with you.
40:24 And sometimes you're going to have to decide whether you're going to stay close to people
40:28 who are keeping you in your paths, or you're going to put some distance so that you can
40:32 step into your future.
40:33 You know, and I was thinking about this, is this whole thing about this equation I used
40:37 that sometimes separation and isolation is an invitation for God's visitation.
40:44 And one of the things that really stood out to me is in Mark, I think Mark 8, 23, when
40:48 Jesus healed a blind man, He first laid him out of the city.
40:52 He separated him from Bethsaida because Bethsaida was thought to be a sinful city.
40:57 And so sometimes what Jesus does is He has to separate us from what's contributing to
41:02 our sickness before He heals us.
41:05 And so sometimes separation is not punishment, but it's elevation.
41:09 So sometimes God has to separate you from what's contributing to you from Him not being
41:14 able to use you like He wants to use you.
41:16 So it's not punishment.
41:17 And that separation doesn't mean people are bad.
41:21 This is one of the things I've learned too, like everyone is not called to your level
41:25 of consecration.
41:26 That's good.
41:27 Which leads to number three.
41:34 This requires consecration.
41:36 Now I want to talk about this.
41:38 We got two more here and we're going to wrap up, but we got to talk about this because
41:42 I grew up in a context where I interpreted consecration as avoidance.
41:48 It was just sin avoidance.
41:50 When consecration is God pursuit.
41:53 I love it.
41:54 I love it.
41:55 So it was a very unsettling time in my spiritual journey because I was just living my life
42:02 obsessed with not doing wrong.
42:06 And that is that yoke of the law in a sense that Jesus said, "I want to give you rest
42:14 from.
42:15 Take my yoke upon you."
42:17 You're tired because you're underneath this yoke of the law.
42:21 And so when people think consecration, they're like, "Don't do this.
42:23 Don't do that."
42:24 And it's like, no, no, no.
42:25 It's not just sin avoidance.
42:29 It's God pursuit.
42:31 It's chasing God and not just avoiding sin.
42:34 Because I can avoid sin and that can be moralism.
42:39 That doesn't mean I got an intimate relationship with God.
42:41 It just means I'm an ethical person.
42:44 But it doesn't mean I'm in an intimate relationship with God.
42:48 And this is important because it means when I make a U-turn, I'm not just running from
42:55 something.
42:56 I'm running after him.
42:59 I said, "This is so freeing and I wish our 19-year-old selves could have heard it articulated
43:04 like this."
43:05 The pressure, especially coming from my background, we were in church all of our lives, but church
43:11 wasn't necessarily in us.
43:12 And so when we had this authentic conversion and when we made these U-turns, I think personally
43:18 me, I put all this pressure on myself, not to sin, not to sin.
43:22 19-year-old, we had pledged.
43:24 So a lot of stuff, we stopped cold turkey, man.
43:27 When we made up in our mind, sports, we playing sports.
43:32 So we were pledging.
43:34 We were pretty popular guys.
43:36 But when God called us and when we had that authentic conversion, and-
43:40 I came out the basketball team for a little while, didn't I?
43:42 You came out the basketball team, yeah.
43:43 He came out the basketball team.
43:44 That wasn't even necessary.
43:45 Yeah.
43:46 Because we was just trying to like, you know.
43:50 You see what I'm saying?
43:51 I stopped playing basketball.
43:52 You stopped playing basketball.
43:53 Listen, we-
43:54 What basketball?
43:55 We walked away from everything, man.
43:56 The devil not in basketball?
43:57 What?
43:58 The only thing we didn't do was go in a sackcloth and ashes.
44:03 That's the only thing we didn't do.
44:04 But everything else, we walking around campus like this, man.
44:08 I stopped that.
44:09 What they call us, the monks?
44:10 Yeah.
44:11 Look at these monks.
44:12 The eunuchs, the eunuchs.
44:13 Persecuted us, man.
44:14 What the-
44:15 Because we made a quick, I mean, listen, when God got us, bro, it was a quick U-turn.
44:21 I remember, Pastor, we could tell this story a lot.
44:24 Doc, we started dating.
44:27 I was so legalistic.
44:28 One, our first real date was a Creflo Dollar-
44:31 And then you took her to church.
44:32 I took her to Coliseum in Jackson, Creflo Dollar, that time.
44:33 Ooh, she looking at you like-
44:34 That was our first real date.
44:35 Somehow she told, because I grew up, in our church, when you were dating, like Pastor
44:43 Hank has made you, it was no funny business.
44:45 You would be dating several people to his church.
44:48 It was a small church.
44:49 He'd bring you up before the people, be like, "They're in courtship.
44:52 Pray for them," et cetera.
44:54 So somehow she mentioned that to Pastor Doc, and he said, "Son," he said, "You took her
45:02 to a Creflo Dollar?"
45:03 I said, "Yeah," he said, "You got to have some balance."
45:08 God don't mind you taking her to get something to eat.
45:14 I was speaking in tongues when you take her there.
45:16 Listen, we was at the Creflo Dollar, he was doing some change tours or something like
45:26 that.
45:27 We were there, but man, I remember getting in her car, and it was like Brian McKnight
45:32 and all the old school R&B people.
45:35 You made her throw it away?
45:36 I made her throw it away.
45:37 My man.
45:38 I think she still loves, I think it's a stone in her heart to this day.
45:45 And they was CDs.
45:46 Brian McDowell, man.
45:47 All of them.
45:48 Listen, she had to throw all of them.
45:49 I said, "This is not holy."
45:50 Devil music.
45:51 We not listening to devil music.
45:52 Music.
45:53 So legalistic, because consecration was sin avoidance in my mind, not God pursuit.
46:04 Man.
46:07 And again, I want people to understand what we're saying.
46:11 It's like one part of a whole.
46:16 You doing one thing, but you're not your best self.
46:19 You avoiding sin, but you becoming more like God.
46:23 Right.
46:24 Exactly.
46:25 You know what I'm saying?
46:26 It's real.
46:27 It's like Pharisees.
46:28 It's actually what it is.
46:29 Yeah.
46:30 Yeah.
46:31 Because it's like, yeah, I'm avoiding sin, but I'm not like Jesus.
46:33 I'm not loving, not grace-filled, not merciful, not transformative at all.
46:41 Because you can't transform that which you're judging.
46:44 So if you're judging everybody, you can't help anybody.
46:47 My, that's so good.
46:48 And it was, I think it was a necessary season in our journey.
46:54 Because we learned, and I think it's essential for us to kind of lean into that.
47:04 And so even now, if I'm discipling somebody who's kind of newer to the faith, it's like,
47:08 "Hey, hey, all right.
47:09 Come on.
47:10 So let's have a U-turn, but let's pursue God."
47:13 Because if you pursue Him, you're going to walk out of some of the things that you've
47:19 been walking in.
47:20 Yeah.
47:21 So you don't have to call out every single thing you're walking in.
47:24 I just need to teach you how to follow Him.
47:27 And as you follow Him, you start walking out of those things that you used to walk in.
47:31 And I love this too.
47:33 I think too, when we talk about consecration, one thing in consecration is, I think it's
47:36 desire management.
47:37 Yes.
47:38 Because what I had to learn is sometimes you don't stop desiring other stuff, but your
47:43 desire for God is stronger.
47:46 Yes.
47:47 And it increases.
47:48 And so your desire for God outweighs.
47:50 Yeah.
47:51 They're not ready for that.
47:52 Okay.
47:53 I'm not going to say they're not ready.
47:54 They may be ready, but it takes a different kind of believer to be ready to have...
48:00 Because a lot of stuff we do in the context of Christian religion is such pretension.
48:06 You know what I mean?
48:07 It's like, everybody know they got desires.
48:09 Yeah.
48:10 But then it's just like, you can't talk about it.
48:13 It's like, "Yo, yes you do."
48:16 All right.
48:18 So anyway, number four.
48:20 Repentance produces celebration.
48:24 It should produce celebration.
48:26 Why?
48:27 We talked about this earlier, reframing it.
48:30 It is when that book of the law was written, Nehemiah 8, they had two choices.
48:36 They could have a pity party because they hadn't obeyed previously, or they could be
48:44 grateful that God has brought this to their attention.
48:49 That's good.
48:51 In this current season, so that they can make a necessary adjustment.
48:55 And that's what I love about the text.
48:56 The text says that in verse three, Nehemiah 9, verse three, it says, "They spent a quarter
49:02 of the day in confession," but that's not it.
49:06 It says, "And in worshiping the Lord their God."
49:11 So they went from confession to worship.
49:14 They went from, "I'm wrong.
49:16 Thank you for giving me a chance to make it right.
49:19 I was blind, but thank you that I now see.
49:22 I was heading in the wrong direction, but thank you that you showed me the right direction."
49:26 So they're celebrating the revelation that they got instead of engaging in condemnation
49:38 because of what they didn't know.
49:40 I love it.
49:42 All right.
49:43 Here's number five for my note takers.
49:46 Obedience requires determination.
49:49 If you go down to verse eight in Nehemiah 9, you'll see they start talking about Abraham
49:53 and how Abraham's heart was found faithful to God.
49:58 And one of the things that we often talk about regarding Abraham is his faith.
50:02 But here, they say God made a covenant with Abraham because of his faithfulness.
50:09 Faithfulness.
50:11 Faithfulness is not just obedience to commands, it's allegiance to an assignment.
50:17 So repentance requires determination.
50:21 Because just because I made a U-turn doesn't mean I'm going to stay turned.
50:26 I got to be determined to stay on this road.
50:30 Because the truth of the matter is, in many areas, we're like a circle.
50:34 It's like we make a U-turn, then something happens, we turn back in the wrong direction.
50:39 Then God loves us, God gives us a revelation, we go back in the right direction, we turn
50:44 back in the wrong direction.
50:45 So it takes determination to stay committed to the direction that God wants us to go in.
50:56 And it's based on a revelation that this direction is in my best interest.
51:01 I tell people comically, I don't know, you might be questioning if I really had it, but
51:05 I know there was a season in my life I got saved every Sunday for about six months.
51:09 I went to that altar about six months, I cried, man, I'm talking about crying, I cried to
51:16 that altar.
51:17 And it would hold until about Wednesday.
51:24 I was the model saint.
51:26 Sunday, until about Wednesday, I started getting kind of weak.
51:33 I was like, "Well, God, I'll see you Sunday."
51:40 I cried every Sunday.
51:41 No preacher would look at me like that.
51:42 Hey, you remember, you told me something one time, it was so funny.
51:56 So we used to be in this choir in school.
52:01 It was the, what was it?
52:02 The Black Student Association of Clark, gospel choir or something in college.
52:06 And so one of the guys in the choir that led it was really prophetic.
52:11 He's really prophetic.
52:16 So we would have these moments at choir rehearsal that would turn into these ministry moments.
52:20 And so one day, this guy that was leading, he was accurate, eerily accurate in his prophetic
52:27 ministry.
52:28 And so there was this one person there at choir rehearsal, and he kind of spoke into
52:32 his life, regarding some stuff that the guy was in and needed to come out of, whatever.
52:38 So it was a loving rebuke.
52:41 So when he starts doing this, I see this guy walk out of the room.
52:48 He walks out of the room.
52:50 So he comes back, choir rehearsal's over, whatever.
52:55 So we walk back to the room or wherever we were going.
52:58 I was like, "I saw you walk out of the room.
53:00 Where'd you go?"
53:01 He said, "Listen, when he started calling out stuff, I didn't want him to see nothing
53:08 at all."
53:09 I had to go repent.
53:10 Listen, y'all, he had about three more people in front of me.
53:15 I said, "Wait, this is my time to get out."
53:18 I went and said, "Lord, please forgive me.
53:20 Don't show up."
53:21 I had to walk out the room.
53:22 I didn't want him to see anything.
53:23 I didn't want him to see nothing.
53:26 Because there were some things he probably could have seen.
53:31 I went and got it right.
53:33 I went and got it right, right at that moment.
53:36 He said, "All right, Lord."
53:39 I did this out the door.
53:40 I had called.
53:41 I said, "Man, uh-uh, not tonight."
53:44 This man walks out of the room.
53:46 You told me that I almost died.
53:47 I didn't want him to see nothing on me.
53:48 I didn't want him to see nothing on me, man.
53:51 Oh my gosh.
53:52 I'm going to tell you something.
53:53 I'm going to tell you something.
53:54 I'm going to tell you something.
53:55 I'm going to tell you something.
53:56 I'm going to tell you something.
53:57 I'm going to tell you something.
53:58 I'm going to tell you something.
53:59 I'm going to tell you something.
54:00 I'm going to tell you something.
54:01 I'm going to tell you something.
54:02 I'm going to tell you something.
54:03 I'm going to tell you something.
54:04 I'm going to tell you something.
54:05 I'm going to tell you something.
54:06 I'm going to tell you something.
54:07 I'm going to tell you something.
54:08 I'm going to tell you something.
54:09 I'm going to tell you something.
54:10 I'm going to tell you something.
54:11 I'm going to tell you something.
54:12 I'm going to tell you something.
54:13 I'm going to tell you something.
54:15 I love it.
54:16 A U-turn in your life.
54:17 I love it.
54:18 A U-turn in your life.
54:19 I love it.
54:20 A U-turn in your life.
54:21 I love it.
54:22 A U-turn in your life.
54:23 I love it.
54:24 A U-turn in your life.
54:25 I love it.
54:26 A U-turn in your life.
54:27 I love it.
54:28 A U-turn in your life.
54:29 I love it.
54:30 A U-turn in your life.
54:31 I love it.
54:32 A U-turn in your life.
54:33 I love it.
54:34 A U-turn in your life.
54:35 I love it.
54:36 A U-turn in your life.
54:37 I love it.
54:38 A U-turn in your life.
54:39 I love it.
54:40 A U-turn in your life.
54:41 I love it.
54:42 A U-turn in your life.
54:43 I love it.
54:44 A U-turn in your life.
54:45 I love it.
54:46 A U-turn in your life.
54:47 I love it.
54:48 A U-turn in your life.
54:49 I love it.
54:50 A U-turn in your life.
54:51 I love it.
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54:53 I love it.
54:54 A U-turn in your life.
54:55 I love it.
54:56 A U-turn in your life.
54:57 I love it.
54:58 A U-turn in your life.
54:59 I love it.
55:00 A U-turn in your life.
55:01 I love it.
55:02 A U-turn in your life.
55:03 I love it.
55:04 A U-turn in your life.
55:05 I love it.
55:06 A U-turn in your life.
55:07 I love it.
55:08 A U-turn in your life.
55:09 I love it.
55:10 A U-turn in your life.
55:11 I love it.
55:12 A U-turn in your life.
55:13 I love it.
55:14 A U-turn in your life.
55:15 I love it.
55:16 A U-turn in your life.
55:17 I love it.
55:18 A U-turn in your life.
55:19 I love it.
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55:23 I love it.
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55:25 I love it.
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55:27 I love it.
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55:29 I love it.
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55:31 I love it.
55:32 A U-turn in your life.
55:33 I love it.
55:34 A U-turn in your life.
55:35 I love it.
55:36 A U-turn in your life.
55:37 I love it.
55:38 A U-turn in your life.
55:39 I love it.
55:40 A U-turn in your life.
55:41 I love it.
55:42 A U-turn in your life.
55:43 I love it.
55:44 A U-turn in your life.
55:45 I love it.
55:46 A U-turn in your life.
55:47 I love it.
55:48 A U-turn in your life.
55:49 I love it.
55:50 A U-turn in your life.
55:51 I love it.
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55:53 I love it.
55:54 A U-turn in your life.
55:55 I love it.
55:56 A U-turn in your life.
55:57 I love it.
55:58 A U-turn in your life.
55:59 I love it.
56:00 A U-turn in your life.
56:01 I love it.
56:02 A U-turn in your life.
56:03 I love it.
56:04 A U-turn in your life.
56:05 I love it.
56:06 A U-turn in your life.
56:07 I love it.
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56:09 I love it.
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56:15 I love it.
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56:17 I love it.
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56:19 I love it.
56:20 A U-turn in your life.
56:21 I love it.
56:22 A U-turn in your life.
56:23 I love it.
56:24 A U-turn in your life.
56:25 I love it.
56:26 A U-turn in your life.
56:27 I love it.
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56:29 I love it.
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56:35 I love it.
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56:37 I love it.
56:38 A U-turn in your life.
56:39 I love it.
56:40 A U-turn in your life.
56:41 I love it.
56:42 A U-turn in your life.
56:43 I love it.
56:44 A U-turn in your life.
56:45 I love it.
56:46 A U-turn in your life.
56:47 I love it.
56:48 A U-turn in your life.
56:49 I love it.
56:50 A U-turn in your life.
56:51 I love it.
56:52 A U-turn in your life.
56:53 I love it.