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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Unchained Armor Superman Patina Edition


00:00 There comes a time when the man of steel needs a little more steel.
00:03 Here's your look at McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse The Gold Label Collection
00:07 Superman Unchained Armor Patina Edition.
00:12 When the weaponized alien called Wraith goes on a destructive rampage in the Batcave and
00:36 both Batman and Wonder Woman are unable to stop him, Superman dons an armor that features
00:41 a shield and battle axe to confront the electromagnetic adversary.
00:45 Their battle continues to the center of the earth where Superman is finally able to defeat
00:48 him, leaving him floating in the lava at the earth's core.
00:53 I wonder when Superman was battling the Wraith if he had the Righteous Brothers playing on
00:57 his playlist built into the suit.
00:59 Before we get a closer look, that's a reference by the way that no younger viewer is probably
01:02 even going to pick up on, but though before we get a closer look though at the Unchained
01:07 Armor Superman Patina Edition, I'd like to first thank the folks over at McFarlane Toys
01:11 that did come through and provide the sample we could have a look at.
01:14 I'm grabbing as well the tape measure and in a moment I'll bring in the original Unchained
01:17 Armor Superman so you can see the difference between the two.
01:20 Unchained Armor Superman at least in his state right now stands eight inches in height or
01:25 it's going to be about 20 centimeters tall.
01:29 Having a bit of a balancing issue but here's what he looks like with the original Unchained
01:32 Armor Superman.
01:33 You can chalk up a lot of the unbalancing act by just the big wings that he has attached
01:37 on the back of his body.
01:39 Another Patina Edition Superman we can also bring in as well is the Superboy Prime.
01:43 This was the Infinite Crisis Patina Edition Superboy Prime which is a really interesting
01:47 thing because if you're looking at the both of these, Patina usually refers to the oxidation
01:52 done to metal, mostly in brass.
01:54 So I would imagine that this one actually favors a little more the idea of Patina Edition.
01:57 I'm not really sure necessarily where the silvers and reds came into play when it came
02:01 to the Unchained Armor Superman though.
02:04 Maybe we'll talk about rusting metal later.
02:06 In the meantime though let's talk about the accessories that come included with the Unchained
02:09 Armor Superman.
02:10 First the figure comes included with a display stand for the figure.
02:13 Then the figure comes with a display stand for the card.
02:15 Then the figure also as well comes included with the wings that attach onto the back of
02:18 the figure's body.
02:19 Rewinding that though just a little bit, first the figure comes included with a display stand
02:22 meant for the figure's body.
02:24 Same circular stand as what we've gotten already before with the DC Multiverse figures yet
02:27 done differently though this time around.
02:29 We actually get a more darker grey.
02:31 It isn't quite the same grey as actually the body.
02:33 I mean the body for Superman is actually using more of a metallic silver.
02:37 This is kind of more of a muted grey instead.
02:39 I will say though I really like the look of the Superman symbol that they chose here.
02:42 It's very differently done.
02:43 I mean it's in fact actually the same Superman symbol that he has on the front of his chest.
02:47 It's one that I would certainly like to get on a t-shirt.
02:49 The darker red definitely does pop a lot well, really well actually on the backdrop of the
02:52 grey here.
02:53 And this of course can't attach to the undersides of either one of his boots.
02:56 Best advised really as well when you see in a second when we're going to attach onto the
02:59 wings.
03:00 The figure as well comes included with a podium stand for holding the card.
03:03 I wanted to bring in the Patina Edition version of Superboy Prime's stand so you can see that
03:07 they're exactly the same.
03:09 And while the molding is the same, you can see that they're cast in different plastics.
03:12 While this would have been kind of more the closer coloring to Patina with those browns
03:16 and greens added and incorporated, this is kind of going more the route of kind of that
03:19 same.
03:20 It isn't quite even the same coloring as the display stand.
03:23 As you can see there's some additional silver that they've brushed on there as well.
03:26 There are a few little messier areas you can see on the DC logo stand for example.
03:29 I don't really know if I like really the silver that especially like the silver at the top
03:33 here just sort of looks like they just took a brush stroke and ran it across just a few
03:37 passes through the garden so to speak.
03:40 I would have just preferred if it was just more of a silver, just more of a red finish
03:43 and maybe just a few little splotches like what they've done around the D and the C look
03:47 fine.
03:48 It's just all the additional silver up here that looks a little messier.
03:51 Now of course it does store the card on the top here.
03:53 The card is removable.
03:54 I'm just going to pick it up right now.
03:56 Now this card actually does have, I'm just going to grab the one that we got from before
04:00 with the Infinite Crisis Superboy.
04:02 Bring them in so you can see that they're pretty much identical to one another with
04:05 the way that they've finished these.
04:06 Now in both the cases these are actually exclusives and I like the way they've actually got Patina
04:10 edition on the side.
04:11 But again like the choice of the color seemed a little strange to me because like if we
04:15 had maybe if it had been the other way around and let's just say we had actually looked
04:19 at the Unchained Armor Superman first, which again by the way is a store exclusive.
04:24 I didn't mention this earlier, a store exclusive over at McFarlane Toy Store for I think it's
04:27 a 10,000 copies.
04:29 But have we only looked at say this one first and then say looked at this one, I may not
04:33 have been as harshly judging the fact that this one doesn't really have the Patina colors
04:37 that I'm more used to seeing.
04:38 Like again the browns, the greens, the yellows, all the things that sort of make Patina a
04:43 real thing.
04:44 Again it's the oxidation on metal.
04:47 So if we flip around the back of the card you got yourself a certificate of authenticity.
04:51 Once again to indicate as I already mentioned just a few moments ago that I have only 10,000
04:54 copies.
04:55 This one happens to be 8,147.
04:56 We're going to go ahead and take that and put it back on the card, back on the standee.
05:02 Now where normally would have been the case where I would have taken these cards and would
05:05 have put them in my trading card sheets.
05:07 It's never really the case when it comes to these exclusives.
05:09 These cards by the way is very difficult to put back in a standee.
05:12 I think maybe I've got one of the corners, there we go, I've got one of the corners frayed.
05:16 But usually when it comes to these exclusive editions I always put them on with the podiums
05:19 and I always have them along with the figures.
05:21 The other trading cards as you always look at with the single figure releases always
05:25 go immediately into my trading card sheet.
05:27 Why does it look like I'm playing a piano off to the side?
05:29 Put that though to the side and the other thing that comes in clear with the figure
05:32 as well is that he has the wings.
05:34 Now the wings are very large looking metal wings.
05:36 I can't even imagine the weight that this would then add on to an already weighted figures
05:40 body.
05:41 But again like if you put this on the back of the figure you really will want to be using
05:44 the display stand just happens to be right here.
05:46 Plug them by all means on the bottoms of his feet.
05:49 Now the actual wings while being a little bit softer in plastic you can see that they
05:52 get a little bit of that additional silver that's brushed along the edge both on the
05:56 top and on the bottom or on one side and then on the other side.
05:59 And these just plug into place.
06:01 Now you could also for all intents and purposes they don't have to necessarily be wings.
06:04 You could for the sake of this also attach this into the figures hands if you wanted
06:08 to have for example the figure wielding giant blades.
06:11 Now obviously they're not intended for that but if you want to have say Superman carrying
06:14 around big giant blades like something you would see in Final Fantasy you can also go
06:18 that route as well.
06:19 The more intended plan though is if you flip the figure around to the back you can see
06:22 that there's two holes there.
06:24 It kind of actually looks like a big smiling fish doesn't it?
06:27 Eyes big smile right there.
06:29 Fins off to the side.
06:32 Notoriously been known for a reviewer that likes to say a lot of dad jokes.
06:36 I mean I feel like all the content I'm usually turning at I'm always saying things I'm sure
06:40 are just cringeworthy but it does kind of look a little bit like a fish doesn't it?
06:42 Like a little fish with whiskers on the bottoms.
06:45 Anyways though let's do away with the fish's face.
06:46 We're just going to plug in these pegs.
06:49 Now these pegs are pretty hard to fit in.
06:52 You kind of have to put them in and then twist them as you're doing it.
06:55 We're going to do the exact same thing on the other side here as well.
06:58 Now these are also hinged as well so you can once they're plugged in place.
07:02 We'll see what I'm going to be doing in a second.
07:04 Let's just in the meantime though dowel these in.
07:06 Dowel dowel twist these all in.
07:08 There we go.
07:09 And once they're in place, I want to make sure that I've got them facing the right way.
07:13 Once they are in place you can then hinge the wings.
07:16 So you can have them like just defaulted as is right now where the wings are sort of just
07:19 off to the sides.
07:20 You can again bring those wings out if you want to and because again like they're plugged
07:24 in place you can also twist them around too.
07:26 I mean there isn't really I'm sure there is if you were to look again at the comics there's
07:30 a designated way to have these displayed but the whole idea of them being hinging like
07:33 this is the fact that you can actually move the wings freely out.
07:37 Now obviously by doing that alone I'm going to have a lot of back heaviness added to the
07:41 back of the figure's body so of course you will want to use the display stand.
07:44 So for right now at least I'm just going to fold the wings down and we'll get a closer
07:47 look at Superman's face.
07:49 What face he has at least.
07:51 This face for me always reminds me of a Gundam.
07:53 I know I'm sure by saying it looks like a Gundam that's only just roughly saying that.
07:57 I mean anyone who's a big fan of Gundams would easily say hey that doesn't look anything
08:01 like a Gundam but for me at least it kind of looks like a cross between Gundam and like
08:04 a medieval armor.
08:06 Next to though bring back the original Unchained Armor Superman.
08:09 While I didn't really initially love this figure I'll be all honest about it.
08:12 I have since kind of warmed up to the idea of how cool this the Superman armor is.
08:17 There's an interesting aspect to it that maybe I never appreciate the first time that I saw
08:21 him.
08:22 The thing I really liked about the original one was the use of the colors that they went
08:24 with.
08:25 First of all you got kind of more of a matted black making up the majority of his body but
08:28 then added on top of this was this glorious metallic blue and red red.
08:32 I had done a review of this guy a long time ago.
08:35 I was still actually surprised I was able to find this guy.
08:37 He's been stored away in my totes for well again the last time I had a look at this guy.
08:41 He was on my shelf for a while after that but then just with all the more recent releases
08:44 we've gotten from DC Multiverse, sacrifices had to be made for shelf space and Unchained
08:49 Armor Superman was one of the casualties I put back in the tote.
08:52 But I finally found this guy again and again like looking at him I can kind of see why
08:56 I like the charm of him in the first place.
08:58 He has sort of a quirkiness to him that really a Superman shouldn't really have.
09:01 I mean again the additional armor that he has kind of looks more to be something like
09:05 Tony Stark would have and not really Kal-El.
09:08 Now with all the colors that you get here for the original release of Superman you sort
09:11 of strip a lot of that away when it comes to this release.
09:14 Just because we do away with necessarily the blues does not make for a lesser looking figure.
09:18 In fact the one thing I really like about this figure is the fact they went with the
09:20 silver approach.
09:22 While it doesn't I would argue the point it doesn't certainly look like Patina.
09:25 I'm just again bring back in the Infinite Frontier, actually the Infinite Crisis Superboy.
09:29 This I feel is a better candidate if you really were to make the example of what looks like
09:33 Patina.
09:34 I would say right away it would be this one right here.
09:36 This one looks definitely more like a statue.
09:38 This to me just kind of looks more like a silver repainted figure which essentially
09:41 is what it is.
09:42 The helmet I think gets a chance to shine a little bit more literally and figuratively.
09:46 The fact that they went kind of more of the shinier dark gunmetal gray gives also more
09:50 of a chance I feel where the figure has a consistency to it.
09:53 And while in the comics he would have had more of the silver helmet and then the rest
09:57 of the body be the traditional blues and reds.
09:59 I kind of actually like the idea with the Patina edition that there's more the consistent
10:02 color of both the the metallic gunmetal gray but that also carries over to the rest of
10:06 the figure's body as well.
10:08 All the silvers and all the gunmetal grays that are used in the head with the additional
10:11 chroming of that nice metallic red gets also then shared with the rest of the figure's
10:16 body too.
10:17 So all the colors are really consistent with one another.
10:19 The silvers that they've used brushed over top again that cranberry red that they've
10:23 used for the shoulders looks really good and I like again the way that they've brushed
10:26 that on too.
10:27 It doesn't look as sloppy I feel as like the the podium standee for the card.
10:31 I feel like there's at least a rhyme and a reason as to why they painted the silver
10:34 on the way that they did.
10:35 It adds though a little bit of weathering to the suit because I think if not for that
10:39 it would look a little bit too bright for my liking.
10:41 The silver and the red work really well hand in hand.
10:44 There are a few little areas where it doesn't seem like any of the silver is touched.
10:47 I'm not really sure why because if they had taken the time to paint the top here silver
10:51 and obviously they had stopped a moment to paint the logo on the front of his chest in
10:55 silver why wouldn't they have done the same here with the gauntlets?
10:58 The sections on the tops of his shoulders as well as the gauntlet as well as down below
11:02 here in his boots are the only places strangely that don't have that color.
11:06 It's the only part that really does stand a little bit on the figure and maybe it's
11:09 supposed to look like that but I wish they could have added also a little bit of that
11:12 silver also onto the boots as well.
11:13 It just seems a bit strange to me that that would be the only parts on the figure's body
11:17 that would be untouched undamaged by any of the battle that he's in.
11:20 Spinning around to the back so you guys can see all the detail work that they've done
11:23 to the figure as well like it's again it's a really nice looking figure but I think it
11:26 kind of has more of a consistent look to it rather than the original Unchained Armor Superman
11:30 that we looked at before.
11:32 For the figure's articulation, pointing, pointing, pointing, the figure does have a
11:35 ball joint in his head so yes it does rotate the head all the way around.
11:39 The head does look down, it does look up and you can rock it back and forth as well.
11:43 As for the shoulders, because the shoulder pads are as high as they are it doesn't limit
11:47 the articulation when it comes to bringing those arms out at 90 degrees and you can quite
11:50 easily bring them out at 90 degrees.
11:52 You can bring them forward and you can bring them back.
11:55 Unfortunately though with the wings being on the back of the figure's body and the
11:58 fact that shoulders are as high as they are you really can't rotate the arm all the way
12:01 around.
12:02 So if that's the kind of thing that would be a deal breaker for you, the fact that Superman
12:05 can't do a 360 turn, unfortunately that's the case here.
12:09 Superman's arms also do hinge slightly up and down as well.
12:12 He does have a bicep swivel and the figure does also have not a double hinge necessarily
12:17 but more than enough of a hinge that at least gives you 90 degrees.
12:20 The hands as well rotate all the way around.
12:22 The only thing about the hands though is that they're going to be coming really close to
12:25 again the gauntlet that he has on his forearm.
12:27 So while twisting this you can really feel that there's resistance happening here and
12:31 I'm sure with the rotation that I'm doing over time it might start to scratch the paint
12:36 that's on the top just because again like when you're looking at it they're really so
12:39 close together with one another.
12:40 The upper torso is on a ball joint.
12:42 It rotates first of all back and forth this way but you can rotate it all the way around
12:45 really if you wanted to.
12:47 The figure's abdomen is also more of the same.
12:49 I don't know why while looking at this also too while I'm looking at all these things
12:52 on the figure suit and thinking it looks like something else.
12:54 I had a smiling face on the back but on the front it kind of actually looks like a little
12:57 bit of a snake face with little tiny teeth down below.
13:01 Anyways the top of the snake's head does have a ball joint so again you can rotate back
13:05 and forth but the lower abdomen area also as well that has all this additional armor
13:08 detail does also have a ball joint too.
13:11 The legs do split out.
13:12 They're on ratcheted joints.
13:13 You can take those legs and move them forward.
13:15 You can move them back.
13:16 There's a swivel at the top of the thigh.
13:17 There is though a double hinge on the knee unlike the elbow and the feet do also hinge
13:21 back and forth.
13:22 Not as much but they do at least rock back and forth as well.
13:25 The thing about the figure though like the case before because he does have all the additional
13:28 weight on the back of the figure's body it's always best advised I feel at least if you're
13:32 gonna have a figure that's top heavy, back heavy, front heavy, any heavy that's gonna
13:36 cause the figure to have some problems standing on the shelf.
13:39 Don't even just fight it rather instead embrace the idea of using a display stand.
13:43 That's what I'm gonna be doing right here and once again we can bring back in the original
13:47 Unchained Armor Superman.
13:49 Well again I like the color scheme on this one.
13:52 Again there is a charm to it that maybe I didn't see right away before.
13:54 I gotta say like the Patina edition and again I use the term Patina very loosely.
13:59 For me again when I'm thinking Patina I'm thinking more so this Superboy.
14:03 That fits me better I feel the profile and description of really what Patina would be.
14:08 And while this one isn't necessarily I would say Patina edition, quotations, quotations,
14:12 quotations, I feel I do like the silver and the use of the red that they went with.
14:16 The red isn't unfortunately all weathered in all the areas.
14:19 So like for example like forearms don't have it, the lower leg guards don't have it, but
14:23 all in all it's a really consistent figure.
14:25 It's one thing that maybe wasn't the case as much when we looked at the first Unchained
14:29 Armor Superman.
14:30 There was more consistency I feel to the newer one being the fact that the head in the silver
14:35 and head in the red match also the colors that he has in the rest of the figure's body
14:38 as well.
14:39 While I do feel the term Patina fails on this figure, the one thing it succeeds at least
14:43 in doing is giving new life to an old mold.
14:46 The original Unchained Armor Superman body was a figure that we had looked at years ago.
14:50 It was actually one of the earlier run figures that we got from McFarlane's team.
14:54 So dusting off that mold so to speak and giving it a brand new paint scheme, I'm all for it.
14:59 And I think with this particular armor it lends really well to a brand new color scheme
15:03 where the blues and the reds were used before obviously more the traditional Superman colors.
15:07 Just doing away with that altogether, maybe if anything leaving the red behind by now
15:11 incorporating an all silver motif, I think is really where, no pun intended, the figure
15:16 gets a chance to shine.
15:17 The wings in this case being that they're articulated, I've got them sort of more angled
15:21 forward like he's using more so for weapons.
15:23 But it's a figure that actually poses really well too.
15:26 The colors again really with the nice silver that they've used.
15:29 There are a few little sloppier areas unfortunately when it comes to the brushing of the silver
15:32 that they've used for the finish.
15:34 More so I think for the display stand, not as much for the figure.
15:37 And while yes I would have appreciated if they could have added just a little more of
15:40 that silver also to keep it consistent on the arm guards and the leg guards, boy it's
15:44 a nice looking Superman figure though.
15:46 One that shouldn't be overlooked.
15:48 Even if you weren't necessarily a fan of the original Unchained Armor Superman, you've
15:51 got to admit though, the new finish that they applied to this figure kind of again makes
15:55 him a little bit more interesting to look at.
15:58 Now again this one is limited to over the McFarland Toy Store site.
16:02 It's limited to only 10,000 pieces.
16:04 You can certainly as well head on over to their site by the link provided down below
16:07 in the video description if you guys are interested to get this figure for yourself.
16:10 If you have already picked up this figure, let me know what you think of it down below
16:13 in the comment section.
16:14 If you haven't, is there enough interesting stuff that's been done to it cosmetically
16:18 that warrants I feel picking the figure up?
16:21 Let me know down below in the comment section.
16:23 And once again a big thank you to the folks over at McFarland Toys that did provide the
16:25 sample of this Superman Unchained Armor Patina Edition that we had the chance to have a look
16:30 at in this review.
16:31 If you guys enjoyed this video, hit it with a like.
16:33 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you certainly would like to
16:35 stick around for more, just an FYI though, we are going to be looking at some more DC
16:40 Multiverse stuff, so I know if that's the kind of thing that a lot of you guys like
16:43 to come back to this channel for, just know we got a lot more heading your way in the
16:46 distant future.
16:47 Of course, as always guys, thanks for watching.
16:50 See you guys next time!
16:51 [outro]
16:56 (whooshing)
