• 2 years ago
Follows investigative journalist Martin Scarsden as he has to uncover the truth of the case of killing of five parishion | dHNfYkdUd3M4Q1pPdDQ


00:00 I'll see if there's a bigger story.
00:02 Be careful who you trust.
00:06 Did you know any of them?
00:08 The one on the end. He was my dad.
00:10 Behold, all things have passed away.
00:14 Let us pray.
00:16 Get down!
00:21 Help me!
00:28 I'm Martin Skarsson from the Sydney Morning Herald. Can I ask you a few questions?
00:32 Trauma porn. Nice.
00:35 If you write something, shame on you.
00:37 So Byron went on a random shooting spree. Do police have any other theories?
00:44 My brief's just a colour story.
00:49 If only there was a proper journal in town. I could dig around, see if there was anything behind why Byron did what he did.
00:55 I want to see if there's a bigger story.
00:57 What bigger story?
00:58 Five shots, five kids.
01:04 Does that sound random to you?
01:06 The murderer uses his last breath to name you.
01:10 I'm just trying to rescue your career by raking over our small town tragedy.
01:14 Is there a hood arsehole?
01:16 One day, it might be you that gets hurt.
01:19 Somebody sends me a warning shot and I'll get in close.
01:23 Weird shit going down in the scrublands.
01:25 Yes.
01:26 Be careful who you trust.
01:34 There's no miracle coming to save you, father.
01:37 It's a good story. But it's not just a story to us.
01:40 Tell the truth.
01:42 Do it for the town.
01:45 (((NO-SYSTEMS)))
