Tom & Jerry - Episoad- 1

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:19 Hurry up, Hildy dear, it's getting early.
00:21 We don't want Aunt Agatha to wait all night.
00:24 Bad enough she's sick in bed with Wiccan pox.
00:26 I know, I hope this rat noodle soup does her some bad.
00:30 [music]
00:33 Stormy, scum out of there this instant.
00:35 You keep your clumsy paws off our precious potions,
00:37 and don't even think about going into that potion pantry while we're out for the night.
00:41 If so much as a drop of potion has been spilled while we're gone,
00:45 then cattail stew will be our breakfast.
00:48 Now stay out of trouble for a change.
00:51 [music]
01:15 [laughing]
01:18 [snoring]
01:21 [music]
01:33 What? Who woke me?
01:34 Is 6,000 years sleep too much to ask for without some chump waking me in the middle of a dream?
01:40 Or am I wrong?
01:41 Well, now I'm up.
01:43 Let's get this over with.
01:44 Ta-da!
01:45 Okay, I'm going to need a pumpkin, six mice, and a ball gown.
01:48 No, wait, that's the wrong story.
01:50 Three wishes, that's the gambit.
01:52 You get three wishes, although I don't suppose you'd settle for two.
01:56 It's such a deal, three wishes, whatever you want.
01:59 Then I go back in the bottle.
02:01 Here, read the fine print.
02:02 Offer going away, prohibited, no mileage may vary.
02:04 In the event of dispute, please consult the tooth fairy.
02:06 So what'll it be?
02:07 A kingdom, a cheese sandwich?
02:09 Your humble servant awaits.
02:14 What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
02:17 Is that wishful thinking?
02:19 I think that counts.
02:21 Tabra, cadabra, alakazam, say goodbye to that brainless cat.
02:37 Hello, Master House Tricks.
02:39 Ready for wish number two?
02:41 I got it, one ice cream sundae coming up.
02:44 No?
02:45 What are you, dining?
02:49 Hyper speed is what you need.
02:56 Pretty neat, huh?
02:58 Check out Mr. Fast and Furious now.
03:02 You can slow down to a jog at hyper speed.
03:05 The rest of the world stands still.
03:07 See, we're going so fast to him we're invisible.
03:10 Want to have a little fun?
03:17 Ready on the set, and action.
03:31 Cut, print that one.
03:33 Wish good, kid, help yourself to a victory laugh.
03:43 Yeah, when you wish for super speed, you forgot to order the super brakes.
03:49 Hi, Master, ready for that third wish yet?
03:52 I won't rest until you make it, literally, in fact.
03:56 Don't trust me anymore?
03:58 No?
03:59 Wait, I got just the wish.
04:01 You'd be star of your own cartoon series called Cat and Mouse.
04:05 No, you get top billing, right?
04:07 The Mouse and Cat Show, starring the amazing character,
04:11 the little brown mouse, whose name I do seem to catch.
04:15 Mother of mercy.
04:18 Pretty self-explanatory.
04:19 Here you got it, Mr. Big Shot.
04:28 No, that's what I call a big finish.
04:36 Well, my work is done here.
04:37 I'm going to get back in the bottle, maybe catch a little 500-year nap.
04:48 Already?
04:49 This.
04:50 Oh, well, his turn, I guess.
04:52 Three wishes you get.
04:53 Your mileage may vary.
04:54 It's all in the contract.
04:55 Something something Mariah Carey.
04:57 I'm going to take a wild guess about that king size first wish.
05:02 Yeah, I thought so.
05:07 Sorry, kid, I don't make the rules.
05:09 He's my master now.
05:11 What's next, pussycat?
05:14 One trunk full of trouble coming up.
05:33 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
05:36 I'll see this one through.
06:04 I'm going to take a wild guess about that king size first wish.
06:07 Yeah, I thought so.
06:08 Sorry, kid, I don't make the rules.
06:10 He's my master now.
06:11 What's next, pussycat?
06:12 One trunk full of trouble coming up.
06:13 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:15 I'll see this one through.
06:16 I'll see this one through.
06:17 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:18 I'll see this one through.
06:19 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:20 I'll see this one through.
06:21 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:22 I'll see this one through.
06:23 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:24 I'll see this one through.
06:25 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:26 I'll see this one through.
06:27 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:34 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:37 I'll see this one through.
06:38 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:39 I'll see this one through.
06:40 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:41 I'll see this one through.
06:42 Elephants are afraid of mice, not the other way around.
06:43 I'll see this one through.
