• 2 years ago


00:00 [Music]
00:24 [Music]
00:39 [Splash]
00:41 [Music]
01:04 Bobby! My Bobby! My dear, sweet Bobby! I love my Bobby, and my Bobby loves me!
01:14 My Bobby is so good to me! I have the best Bobby in the whole world!
01:22 [Music]
01:35 [Scream]
01:37 [Music]
01:41 Help! Bobby! Bobby! Help! Help! Save me! Save me, Bobby! I want my Bobby! Help!
01:51 My nice Bobby will save me! Won't you, Bobby?
01:56 Oh, Bobby, it sure is nice of you to make me a little man!
02:03 Oh, Bobby, it's just the right size!
02:07 What you doing now, Bobby?
02:10 Oh, I'm writing. Well, is it that nice, Bobby?
02:15 [Music]
02:18 It's the nice Bobby!
02:22 [Music]
02:34 Uh-oh!
02:37 Baba!
02:41 Speak to me, Bobby! Speak to me!
02:45 [Music]
02:56 My nice Bobby!
02:59 [Music]
03:06 Do I have to eat all that, Bobby?
03:10 [Music]
03:15 Oh, boy, Bobby, I'm stuffed!
03:19 [Music]
03:42 Go away from me! Leave me alone!
03:46 [Music]
03:58 Bobby! My nice Bobby! I want my Bobby!
04:04 That's not my Bobby!
04:07 [Music]
04:32 Are you fishing there again, Bobby?
04:36 Now you sit right down and give me that spoon.
04:40 You're a nice Bobby, and I'm gonna fish there while you rest.
04:45 Now let me see. Place your block in a pot of boiling water.
04:53 Say, Bobby, where do we get our little block?
04:57 We go over there. [Laughs]
05:00 Block!
05:02 [Music]
05:07 I get it. I'll get your block.
05:11 Well, if my nice Bobby wants a block, get it.
05:17 My nice Bobby's stronger than ever, got it.
05:22 [Music]
05:24 Goodbye, and I still love you, Bobby.
05:30 [Laughs]
05:32 My nice Bobby. My nice, nice Bobby.
05:38 [Music]
05:47 Wait, wait, wait, wait!
05:50 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
05:53 That's my Bobby!
05:56 [Music]