• 2 years ago
Planting The First Trees On The New Property + 2024 Lilacs!


00:00 these two columnar hornbeam trees. I'm excited. I think they're gonna be excited
00:06 to be out of their little, it's a cozy home and hilled in with the compost, but
00:10 I think they're gonna like being in the ground so much more. These are actually
00:13 leftover from the pond project. You know I over over planned and over purchased
00:17 plants for that project and I'm glad I did because when that pond was done I
00:21 just wanted to have the perfect things to tuck in just to you know make the
00:24 whole area come together and we were able just to kind of go through my big
00:27 pile of stuff and pick out the perfect things. These two didn't make it in but
00:31 they are gonna go onto the new property. The nice thing about these, so you can
00:35 tell already just from the way they look now, they stay very tight in their
00:40 growth habit. They will grow though like 40 feet tall and 20 to 20 feet wide, 20
00:44 to 25 feet wide, so they're still a great big tree and they're very tolerant of a
00:49 wide range of soil pH which is nice because you know we have high pH, high
00:54 alkaline soil and it can make something struggle in our area but these don't
00:58 tend to be bothered by that and they have a really nice yellow fall color.
01:01 Erin is actually grabbing the tractor so that we can get underneath the root
01:05 balls of these trees. They're so heavy, the B&B trees are. Yeah, they're large
01:09 root balls and they're heavy. After we're done planting these we're gonna go plant
01:12 some bloomerang per pink lilacs. The re-blooming lilac from Proving Winters,
01:16 these are new for next year and they grow three to five feet tall, two to
01:20 three feet wide, so a narrow lilac which is great. So I'm excited to get those
01:23 in the ground as well. Here comes Erin, oh and Benjamin. Oh he's telling me to move.
01:28 I am on the wrong side. Alright boys, you two behave, behave yourselves.
01:35 [Tractor engine noise]
01:56 Alright, here we are. So you guys can see as I slowly swing around, we are standing
02:01 in the front corner of the new property. There's the high tunnel back there, all
02:04 the corn and vine crops and there's the house. Boy, when you stand back this far
02:09 it looks huge. It kind of is huge. It looks like three acres out here. Is it three acres? I think so, yeah.
02:15 Oh my goodness, yeah. I'm really excited. So I'm gonna explain here in just a
02:20 minute a little bit more detail of what we're thinking, but in short, from about
02:24 where the fence opening is over, we just want to do a really thick border. Probably
02:29 mostly what evergreens, trees, and large shrubs, right? Yeah, yeah, like no perennial,
02:35 we said that about the southbound. I know, no perennials, no fuss. I do want to keep it
02:41 way less fuss. Like I want to have a, like a way to drive through here, but I'm
02:46 thinking just dirt or like, oh like a walking path. Like a walking path. Do you want it gator-wide or do you
02:53 want just walking path? Probably, probably at least 15 feet. Okay, so it's a
02:57 significant amount of space. Well, I don't think it'll be that significant when you, the size of all the trees and
03:03 evergreens out here, I think 15 feet will seem small. So do you have any idea of
03:07 where you want to place this tree to start? No, I mean I just want it to be
03:11 thick out here. So I imagine like staggered, you know, you have like a
03:16 deciduous and an evergreen and deciduous and not like, you know, soldiers necessarily. Not every other one, yeah. But the point is that you have at maturity or even in a
03:26 few years, you have like a thick border, a mixed border for privacy. So since we've
03:31 got an autumn blaze maple right there and that one will have a significant
03:35 canopy that will come over onto this side, we'll probably start in with an
03:38 evergreen I'm guessing. Do you want to pop the first one, like there's two today,
03:42 like right in here somewhere? Yeah. And then maybe another one like down the way?
03:47 I mean like, so if we were to put it somewhere in this area here, my guess is
03:51 we'll probably have like six or seven things planted from here to there. Yeah.
03:57 So and then we can put the other Hawthorn just down the way, um, Hornbeam.
04:01 Hornbeam? I'm gonna call it a Hawthorn forever. So I need to go change my shoes
04:05 before I'm gonna be too much help, but I want to step this off because this tree
04:09 it gets 20 to 25 feet wide. That's potentially 12 and a half feet from
04:13 center from the trunk over. So if I go three, six, nine, twelve. That look good?
04:22 Perfect. Okay. It's always a little bit nerve-wracking to place the first thing
04:28 because that kind of it's the sets the motion I guess for the rest of everything
04:32 that goes in around it. So you want to be kind of kind of thoughtful in your
04:38 approach. Okay. Well I'm gonna start digging a hole. Okay. I think Benjamin and I are
04:43 gonna go get some tools and some shoes. I've been making it dusty so it looks
04:48 like this is actually the dust garden. The kids have been calling this property
04:53 the dirt lands. Oh real quick though before I we run in to get shoes I wanted
04:57 to explain like kind of a loose idea of what we're gonna be doing out here. Okay
05:01 so you can see the giant opening we have here which is about what we're going to
05:05 need because we want to mirror the gravel on the other side. I'm just gonna
05:09 walk right over here so that there's a little bit of a connection between the
05:14 two properties. So where the gravel goes in there I think we're gonna do the same
05:19 sort of lane with the same sort of shape as we've got over there. Which means
05:24 we'll come through here and go this direction. I would love to have a barn
05:28 backed up on the backside of the property and possibly pasture in front
05:34 of it. We haven't decided yet but in terms of the road placement that's where
05:39 it would go which means this whole side will be planted like just a really thick
05:44 nice border of trees evergreen shrubs and then we'll have you know that
05:48 pathway going through it where you can kind of I don't know just enjoy a nice
05:52 long walk. So I hope that makes sense but it's really exciting to get the first
05:56 trees planted out here and I think it's just gonna be sort of the same approach
06:01 as the South garden has been in that we just get things that we like and pop
06:07 them in where there's space. Except for in this case we truly will be keeping it
06:11 lower maintenance because we've got enough maintenance with the South garden
06:14 you know we ended up putting a ton of perennials over there which that wasn't
06:17 the plan in the beginning and yeah I don't want to continue creating that
06:23 sort of maintenance all throughout the entire property. Anyway Benjamin let's go
06:27 get some shoes and tools. And you're planting everything high right? Okay. Oh I
06:33 need to get bolt cutters too right? And scissors of some kind. We're only halfway
06:39 together this morning. Doing great Aaron. Good job. We are gonna go get some better
06:45 a better shovel for dad. Yeah. Are you? What are you gonna hoe out here?
06:53 Oh you're gonna dig with the hoe? Oh not with a shovel? We could bring them both.
07:01 You try them out. Yeah. Okay.
07:08 Oh you found them. Good job. Perfect. Okay Aaron wanted a better shovel. I think he
07:22 wanted this one. That's for daddy. I need bolt cutters. I cannot believe I just
07:29 opened the first drawer I opened had the tool I needed. That never happens
07:33 Benjamin. Not for me. Whoo that's a good day. But now we need to go get some real
07:40 shoes on dude. Some real shoes.
07:45 [Sewing machine noise]
08:01 Hey Benjamin do you think we took long enough that daddy already has the hole
08:05 dug? You think so? We got ginger snap cookies. Cheers.
08:13 [Sewing machine noise]
08:15 You know guys I did forget to mention that Aaron spent some time out here the
08:18 other day with the box blade on the back of the tractor. You can see how it's all
08:22 level and nice right in this area. It looked level but there were so many big
08:26 weeds on it that you actually start driving over it and it would almost feel
08:30 like it was gonna tip like we were in the golf cart. It felt like we were gonna
08:33 tip over because there were some areas that were just so bumpy and hilly out
08:37 here. So he spent time really getting it nice and slicked up over here and ready
08:42 for planting. Looks like you got the hole dug. Yeah you know okay so I didn't go
08:46 very deep and what I want to do with all the stuff out here is like I'm on this
08:51 planting high kick. So what I want to do is I want to take all the dirt and just
08:57 rake it back and we'll kind of have a little bit of a it won't be a volcano
09:01 but kind of in a way. Because what's gonna happen is eventually we're gonna
09:05 come through with mulch. Right. That'll bring up the level. That's gonna raise the
09:08 level a lot. So I just want to have yeah it's gonna look a little bit like
09:12 volcanoes for a little bit. For a little bit. But I'm not mulching up over the what the
09:16 current level is if that makes sense.
09:20 [Music]
09:46 Oh my gosh you guys. All right well Aaron is running to get the bucket put on the
09:50 tractor so he could bring more compost over here and he's gonna finish hilling
09:54 this one up. I don't know it might be the best tree ever. This soil does tend to
10:01 hold on to moisture so definitely will facilitate drainage away from the trunk
10:06 of the tree. And it is true that when we come in here to mulch after we get you
10:10 know the irrigation line down it will bring that soil level up and we do
10:14 mulch quite often. So it's nice to have a little leeway so we're not going to be
10:18 burying anything too deep. While he finishes that up I think we're gonna go
10:21 start digging the next hole for the second tree. Benjamin and I. I think it'll
10:25 look good right here especially if it's bumped out a little bit. And it's a
10:29 little deceiving because you can see the lane that we've been taking right now
10:31 just to get to the pile back here. But the actual curve of the road in this
10:36 space once we get it done for real it will be if we mirror it with that one
10:40 it'll kind of curve in quite a bit. So there'll be more space in this area than
10:45 it actually looks like right now because the lane will be shifted over. And this
10:48 is where the giant hole was. You know the guys came out here and dug a big hole
10:53 and we used our own soil around the pond to make the berms. The kids loved it. They
10:57 loved getting down in that hole and playing but we've done a pretty good job
10:59 filling it in. We've been putting like grass clippings every time I cut
11:04 something back it comes out here. It looks like Paul dumped all of the excess
11:08 soil. He cleaned out all the pots along east fence line yesterday because I'm
11:11 getting ready to plant those up for fall. And that's where all of our potting soil
11:14 goes. We just spread it out where we have room to do it. So this will all settle
11:18 over time and then we'll level it all out. Hey Benjamin let's dig us a hole!
11:25 [Music]
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11:47 (upbeat music)
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12:21 - Okay, second one is in the ground.
12:33 Doesn't it look pretty to have a couple
12:35 of green things out here?
12:37 I love it.
12:37 Samantha, where'd your shoes go?
12:39 First thing that comes off that girl
12:42 when she comes outside.
12:43 Over there in the dirt?
12:48 Huh, yep, I see 'em.
12:50 Must have brightly colored shoes to come out here.
12:53 There they are.
12:54 So the kids and I dug the hole for this one,
12:56 so we didn't plant this one quite as high
12:58 as that one was planted.
12:59 We'll see how they do.
13:01 Aaron just went to get some compost,
13:03 so he will be top dressing around this one as well.
13:05 It really makes me want to go get more evergreens
13:08 and more trees and just start filling this in.
13:10 So exciting.
13:11 So now that the trees are in,
13:12 we're gonna go plant these lilacs.
13:14 Look at that.
13:16 Oh, I love the color of this one.
13:18 And while we do that, Aaron is going to be finishing up
13:20 with the compost around this tree.
13:21 He's also gonna run water.
13:23 We have an available zone up there in the corner.
13:25 He's just gonna run one black,
13:27 three-quarter inch black poly supply line,
13:29 and he'll just tap into that
13:30 and probably just do a couple emitters per tree.
13:32 So anyway, very targeted watering out here
13:35 and exciting to just have some things going.
13:38 All right, kiddos, let's get shoes on
13:40 and let's go plant some lilacs.
13:42 You got your makeup?
13:43 Good deal.
13:45 Get your feeties in these shoes.
13:47 I think we should put one here,
13:49 one here, and one over there.
13:51 That's a good idea?
13:52 Yeah.
13:53 Okay.
13:56 So these per pinks right here,
13:58 they call it per pink because they couldn't decide
14:00 if it was a lavender or a pink color.
14:02 It's kind of something in between.
14:04 And I guess that the re-bloom on this one is incredible.
14:08 Like this thing will just load up with blooms.
14:10 Maybe we can pop a picture up on the screen.
14:12 The leaves are really thick.
14:15 Like they're unlike any other lilac
14:17 that I think I've ever planted.
14:18 Thick and yeah, leathery, dark green.
14:22 I think this is gonna be a really pretty one.
14:24 And the fact that it only grows two to three feet wide
14:26 rather than being, you know, a great big shrub,
14:29 makes it easy to kind of pop it in somewhere.
14:32 So three to five feet tall, two to three feet wide,
14:36 filling in this space here.
14:38 I'm gonna pop one here and one over there.
14:41 So we have some really nice spring interest.
14:44 Oh, I've got some bulbs growing.
14:47 That's weird.
14:49 Oh yeah, that's gonna be perfect.
14:51 There, there, and right back in there.
14:54 Okay, let's get them in the ground.
14:56 (upbeat music)
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15:35 (upbeat music continues)
15:39 Okay, there they are.
15:54 So that one will fill in this little space here.
15:56 That one will fill in this space there.
15:59 And that one right there.
16:03 Oh, I think that's so perfect.
16:04 You know, the only other spring color I have in here,
16:06 we've got a crab apple right there.
16:09 And other than irises and, you know,
16:13 spring bulbs that come up,
16:14 I think the lilacs are the next thing.
16:16 Slowly but surely we'll have all four seasons of interest
16:19 in all of these flower beds.
16:20 That's what I'm hoping anyway.
16:21 And that's really all I wanted to accomplish
16:23 out here today.
16:24 I just wanted to get those right in the ground
16:25 so they could start rooting in.
16:27 Let's go check on Aaron real quick.
16:29 There is one more tree.
16:30 There's an evergreen that we thought
16:31 about popping in the ground.
16:32 I can go see, get his thoughts on that.
16:34 He might be, he might be done after the two
16:36 that we just put in.
16:37 I also did not water in those lilacs
16:39 because the soil out here is so wet right now.
16:42 The drip just must have run.
16:44 And if the soil is that wet in those areas already
16:46 after the drip runs, they don't need any extra moisture.
16:50 They'll be just fine.
16:51 Oh my word.
16:55 (upbeat music)
16:57 (upbeat music continues)
17:01 (upbeat music continues)
17:04 (upbeat music continues)
17:07 (upbeat music continues)
17:11 (upbeat music continues)
17:14 (upbeat music continues)
17:18 (upbeat music continues)
17:29 (upbeat music continues)
17:44 (upbeat music continues)
17:47 All right, guys, it is evening time.
17:49 We got caught up with some other things
17:50 that we needed to get done this afternoon.
17:52 So we did not plant another evergreen out here,
17:54 but Aaron did get the water run.
17:55 So I wanna show you how that is hooked up
17:58 to our hose faucet,
17:58 because this isn't actually tapped into a zone
18:01 like I thought it was gonna be.
18:02 It's hooked up to the hose we have over here.
18:04 So this is where it originates right here.
18:06 I thought we had an extra zone in here,
18:07 but apparently we don't.
18:08 So thank goodness we have a hose bib right here.
18:11 And this might look a lot like a setup
18:13 that you might do in your own garden
18:15 if you don't have any available zones.
18:18 This hose is actually going around the fence.
18:21 It hooks around,
18:22 and that's what's feeding our vine crops over there.
18:24 We decided to break those off from the drip tape stuff
18:26 that I have going on over there
18:28 so that we could water them individually.
18:30 It seems to me that I try to make that mental note
18:32 every time I plant vine crops,
18:33 that they just require a little bit more water
18:35 than everything else.
18:36 And for some reason,
18:37 I always lump them in with other crops.
18:39 And we ended up having to run a separate irrigation
18:43 something, configuration for them.
18:45 Anyway, so that's for the pumpkins.
18:46 This one is running right now,
18:48 and you can see we've got a little drip, drip, drip.
18:49 So we'll have to fix that.
18:50 But we've got the timer right here hooked to the hose faucet
18:53 and then just some adapters
18:54 to get it down to our three quarter inch poly.
18:57 So we had to go from hose thread
18:59 because these always have the hose thread on them
19:01 down to pipe thread, which are the blue adapters here.
19:04 So this is the thing that does that.
19:06 This half of the adapter has hose thread,
19:08 so it can go on here.
19:09 This one has pipe thread so that you get a tighter fit.
19:12 Not quite working 100%,
19:14 but there's a lot of pressure
19:15 running through here right now.
19:17 So three quarter inch black poly, we use crimpers,
19:20 which actually one of the clamps out here by the tree
19:22 is blue today.
19:23 So it's something we're gonna have to watch
19:24 because only having the two trees on this one zone,
19:27 I mean, I suppose we could turn down the pressure, right?
19:29 Like does that,
19:31 I wonder if that would make a difference.
19:32 Anyway, either that,
19:33 or we can just plant a whole bunch more things
19:35 and get more water pressure utilized all at once.
19:39 So it goes down and around underneath the fence there
19:44 and out to our trees.
19:45 Let's go look at them.
19:46 We were laughing because we actually left
19:47 for a little while this evening
19:49 to take the kids down to a festival down in our town
19:52 to have some dinner.
19:53 And as we were coming back,
19:54 we could see these two hornbeam trees
19:56 just perched out here all by themselves, but it's fun.
19:59 It's fun to see that.
20:00 It feels like there's some movement out here
20:02 and something going on.
20:03 So you can see the three quarter inch supply line
20:05 comes right here and then tapped into that with a T
20:08 and came off with half inch black poly
20:11 to this point right here,
20:12 where we coupled into some half inch brown poly
20:16 that has the emitter holes every 12 inches.
20:18 So it looks like this one ended up with one, two, three,
20:20 four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 11, 12, 13, 14 emitters
20:25 curved around this tree.
20:28 That'll be really good even coverage.
20:30 I think that'll work well.
20:31 And then we follow it down this way.
20:33 See now that the water's out here,
20:35 all we have to do is tap into it like you just saw
20:37 and we can plant whatever.
20:38 In fact, I've got three Spartan junipers
20:41 left over from the pond project.
20:42 And I thought that we can maybe pop them out here.
20:45 Be nice to have them in the ground earlier in this season
20:50 and then have some evergreen accent out here too.
20:52 Okay, so here's the second one.
20:54 Second T comes over here, does the same thing.
20:58 And that is gonna do it for today's projects.
21:01 I'm just very happy to have these in the ground,
21:02 especially because, you know,
21:05 things don't wanna be hilled in like we had them
21:07 for too long and they've been sitting there
21:08 since the middle, well,
21:10 actually toward the beginning part of July.
21:12 So it's been a few months,
21:14 time to get them in the ground
21:16 and now they have a chance to settle in.
21:18 And who knows, we might pop out here
21:19 with some Christmas lights and do a little twirl on them.
21:22 That would look kind of cute.
21:23 But thank you guys so much for watching this video.
21:25 You've now seen the first trees be planted on this property.
21:28 I mean, we've got the crops over on the other side
21:31 in the other corner,
21:32 but those are all things that will go away.
21:34 These will not, and that is very exciting.
21:36 So now I'm gonna run around,
21:37 make sure if nothing needs any extra water for the day,
21:40 and then I will be done.
21:42 So we will see you guys in the next video.
