访美为习近平拜登会面铺路? 王毅:习拜会非一马平川

  • last year
八点最热报 | 王毅在和美国总统拜登会晤后,昨天出席一场座谈时就=指出,尽管中美双方都同意朝着习拜会共同努力,但是通往两国领导人会晤的道路,并不是一马平川,不能靠着自动驾驶。(主播:庄文杰)


00:00 Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:05 The relationship between China and the US has been at a critical point in recent years.
00:08 What will happen next is a global focus.
00:12 Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister, who is still in the US,
00:15 said in a press conference with US President Joe Biden yesterday
00:20 that although China and the US have agreed to work together to promote the next three-way Xi-Biden meeting in the US,
00:27 the road to the two-state leaders' meeting is not a one-way road.
00:35 Wang Yi said that the two sides of China and the US can only accumulate results by eliminating interference, overcoming obstacles, and improving consensus.
00:42 In any case, Wang Yi also admitted that the two countries must maintain dialogue.
00:47 Both sides hope that the relationship between China and the US will stabilize as soon as possible.
00:51 Before that, Dr. Peng also quoted the words of US officials,
00:54 "The US has agreed on the principle that Biden and Xi Jinping will meet at the APEC summit next month,
01:03 and the two sides are working hard to finalize the final arrangement."
01:07 Biden and Xi Jinping last met at the G20 summit in Indonesia in November last year.
01:12 If the Xi-Biden meeting is confirmed to be held next month,
01:16 it will be the second meeting after a year of their separation.
01:22 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will start his three-day US trip from Thursday.
01:27 After Wang Yi arrived in the US, he held a meeting with the US Secretary of State Bulin Ken that night.
01:33 Wang Yi pointed out at the press conference that China and the US need to resume deep and comprehensive dialogue to reduce misunderstandings and stabilize relations.
01:40 "The two countries have disagreements and conflicts,
01:44 but at the same time, we have important common interests and challenges that need to be addressed together.
01:50 China and the US need to resume deep and comprehensive dialogue.
02:00 There will always be such a confusion in the relationship between China and the US,
02:06 but we will not let it go.
02:09 Because we think that the standard for judging right and wrong is not who is right and who is wrong,
02:16 but whether it follows the rules of the Sino-US trilateral peacekeeping agreement,
02:21 and whether it meets the basic principles of international law and international relations."
02:25 President Biden also met Wang Yi on Friday.
02:28 Wang Yi's car slowly drove into the White House under the lens of the media.
02:31 Biden and Wang Yi held a one-hour long meeting.
02:34 The official photos show that Biden's face and Wang Yi's hands are shaking.
02:39 The atmosphere seems to be quite harmonious.
02:42 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
02:46 UN Media Group on Foreign Affairs
