Paranormal pondering in Leeds: Your spooky experiences and Halloween plans

  • last year
Leeds locals discuss their Halloween plans and whether or not they believe in ghosts or have experienced anything spooky.


00:00 I remember going on a family holiday some years ago now. We stopped in a farm in Devon.
00:06 It was very nice, but I could hear this noise when it was like three in the morning.
00:13 And I went to investigate and it was a chicken and it had got loose from the coop.
00:19 And so I christened it the 'Poultrygeist'.
00:24 We're going to go trick-or-treating and I'm going to get dressed up as a skeleton.
00:33 Oh yeah? What's your favourite movie from Halloween?
00:37 The Nightmare Before Christmas.
00:39 Yes, you do like that one don't you? And that's what you're going to go dressed as?
00:43 Yeah, I'm going to go dressed as Jack the Pumpkin King who is a skeleton.
00:49 Yeah. Have you ever seen any ghosts?
00:52 No.
00:53 Do you believe in ghosts?
00:54 No.
00:55 Do you not?
00:56 Only a bit.
00:57 A friend of mine, they were staying late at the beach one night and they decided to take some pictures.
01:04 So they took the picture and if you see on the picture on the top,
01:08 you will really see three ghosts, they were standing on the top of them.
01:12 That was freaking, and I really couldn't believe them.
01:16 So I watched the video as well and then I was like, I'm not going to that spot ever again.
01:21 I'm sure there's many people who believe in the supernatural, ghosts and everything else.
01:25 Unfortunately, I'm a true Yorkshire man and all of that to me is a load of codswallop.
01:31 But it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. My children love Halloween.
01:35 So as long as everybody's happy, that's all that matters.
01:39 Funnily enough, on Saturday I took the grandkids to Scarborough
01:44 and we were about to go on the ghost train
01:47 and the chap that was there said that they were on strike in sympathy with all the other drivers
01:57 and there was a bus replacement service, which didn't quite get the essence of the ghost train.
02:05 The kids couldn't hide their disappointment, I have to say.
02:09 And I was pretty miffed as well, to be honest.
02:12 My partner believes in them and my partner's mum believes in them heavily.
02:17 And I guess I was kind of introduced into that world of paranormal and stuff like that last year
02:22 and the year before a little bit.
02:24 And I wasn't really a believer, but now I'm a little bit more, I guess, susceptible to believing.
02:31 I don't really know if I believe or not, but there have been a few things I've been like,
02:35 oh, that's a bit weird and stuff, but the stories are too long,
02:39 but shadows in the dark and stuff like that, you know, the typical kind of thing.
02:43 I think it's total rubbish. I don't believe that ghosts exist or anything.
02:48 Yeah, I'm more logical, I'd say.
02:52 My auntie is a medium.
02:56 Unless she's buying a skirt, then she's a large.
