• last year
Wallo267 | Million Dollaz Worth of Game
00:00 This call is from a federal prison.
00:02 - Pooh, what's up, Pooh?
00:03 - Hello.
00:04 What's up with it, what's going on?
00:05 - Oh, what's up, Nef, what's popping down?
00:07 - What's happening, man?
00:09 - What's going on, man, what's up with y'all, man?
00:11 What's up with all of them?
00:12 How y'all feeling, man?
00:13 - Oh, you already know, waiting for you to touch, man.
00:16 - No, no, what's important is how you feeling.
00:18 - Man, you know, I'm up third with this shit right now.
00:22 You know what I'm saying?
00:23 I'm in a good mood, for real.
00:25 Super good mood.
00:26 All the way around, physically and mentally.
00:29 What you been up to, man?
00:30 Like, you know, in there, working out, reading.
00:32 What you been doing?
00:33 - Yeah, I've been working out and reading today.
00:37 I had this little test for this ASVAC shit,
00:39 you know what I'm saying?
00:40 So I was trying to get me some motion,
00:42 you know what I'm saying?
00:43 Just stop being in a unit.
00:45 This shit been locked down so much.
00:46 So I took the little ASVAC test.
00:49 I had a first step at class today, too.
00:51 I just been programming and, you know what I'm saying?
00:53 Staying out the way.
00:55 - That's what--
00:56 - So easy to get caught up.
00:58 How was the outside support?
01:00 - Outside support?
01:03 - Yeah, like--
01:04 - I ain't gonna lie, it's like I ain't never,
01:06 it's like I ain't never left, for real.
01:07 You know what I'm saying?
01:08 Industry-wise, family-wise, friends-wise.
01:12 It's like I ain't never left.
01:13 You know, it's still gonna be ones that turn they back,
01:15 you know what I'm saying?
01:16 Kick me down, throw dirt on my name.
01:18 But we don't see none of that.
01:20 We focused.
01:21 - And so--
01:22 - We giving it attention no more.
01:24 - Who's some of the people that been holding you down
01:25 in the industry?
01:26 That been showing love?
01:27 - Uh, industry-wise, like, all right,
01:30 I'm gonna say Rappler's for sure.
01:33 You got motherfuckers that's like really taking their time
01:35 out to sit down and write, like,
01:37 good men like Lil Baby, you know what I'm saying?
01:40 - Okay.
01:40 - Dirk, Dirk, this old dude, this like, this like bruh,
01:43 like, you know what I'm saying?
01:44 He ain't missing a beat, I'll show you.
01:46 (phone dings)
01:46 Yeah, uh, y'all familiar with Don Tripp?
01:49 - Yeah, I know Don Tripp is.
01:50 - Don Tripp, Starlito.
01:51 Don Tripp just wrote me a letter the other day.
01:54 Just got a letter for him, you know what I'm saying?
01:58 - A lot of artists, they keep my name alive
02:00 in many different ways.
02:01 Then you got men like y'all, good men like y'all.
02:03 You know y'all gonna ask me about me.
02:05 - Absolutely.
02:06 - You know y'all don't play by the shy.
02:07 - I ain't playing.
02:08 - I ain't playing.
02:09 (laughs)
02:10 - That's how I'm fit, you know what I'm saying?
02:12 It's just, it be little, it's a little small stuff, man.
02:14 You know what I'm saying?
02:15 I never forget it.
02:16 - Yeah, man, I was--
02:17 - Ain't the most of me.
02:18 - Yeah, I was at the show the other day
02:19 with V's from Detroit.
02:21 He always give up a free Pooh Shice in the show, man.
02:25 - Yeah, and I see he turn that.
02:27 They just put his album on the court lane.
02:29 - Oh, so y'all listen, y'all banging that Ganger in jail?
02:33 - Yeah, on that Ganger, man.
02:35 They on that G-O-M-D.
02:38 - This ain't a fire drill, nigga.
02:38 This the real thing.
02:40 - Yeah.
02:41 - Not a fire drill, I know that.
02:43 - Yeah.
02:44 - You know what I'm saying?
02:45 - Yeah.
02:46 - Yeah, yeah.
02:47 - But you know--
02:48 - Talk to him, then we'll run.
02:49 - You know, it's like, man,
02:51 seeing you that day in that courtroom, man,
02:53 I was like, man, you spoke so elegantly.
02:56 That letter you wrote to the judge
02:58 just explaining who you was becoming
03:00 and who you wanna become for your family.
03:02 I think that was real important
03:03 when I seen you had your frames on and everything.
03:05 You know what I mean?
03:07 (phone beeps)
03:07 - Yeah.
03:09 It was different 'cause there was a,
03:11 you know what I'm saying, there was a big day.
03:13 - Yeah.
03:13 - It was like a lot came out
03:15 and a lot was held in at the same time, man.
03:18 Just to see everybody react,
03:20 just to see the courtroom being impacted
03:22 and people standing up on the wall.
03:24 - Yeah.
03:25 - You know what I'm saying?
03:25 Just the support.
03:26 It was like a reset button for me.
03:29 - Yes.
03:30 - In the time, you know, I got locked up
03:31 during the time of corona and all this epidemic,
03:35 so it wasn't no visits.
03:37 Like, my court days was real strict,
03:38 so to see all the support was there
03:41 without me having to say nothing,
03:42 you know what I'm saying?
03:43 It was a big shock.
03:45 It's just a reset button,
03:46 don't let me know like I got in
03:48 or I need to get back to.
03:49 I can't get caught up in it.
03:51 - You know, you're super familiar with how this all--
03:55 - Yeah.
03:55 - You're super familiar with how easy it is
03:57 to just, this'll be your everyday life,
04:00 but this'll be the end of your life.
04:03 - Yeah, how do--
04:03 - Yeah, that was like a big--
04:05 - How do it feel to go from getting 50,000, 60,000 to show?
04:09 And the reason I ask you this,
04:10 'cause there's a lot of young brothers out here
04:11 that's doing anything in the music industry
04:13 that still be, you know, fucking around, you know?
04:17 But how do it feel to go from getting all that bread,
04:19 the next thing you know, you sitting in a cell
04:20 and they telling you can't get out for a minute?
04:23 - You can't get out.
04:25 You going from 50,000 shows to five stouts, fuck.
04:28 You know what I'm saying?
04:29 - Yeah.
04:30 - Five stouts to get your meal today.
04:32 It's big, I just be wanting to tell like everybody,
04:34 like whatever in here is not worth risking
04:38 getting back to your--
04:39 - This call is from a federal prison.
04:42 - Worth risking getting back to who needs you,
04:43 getting back to your family.
04:45 Everything on the street is not worth coming to here.
04:48 You know what I'm saying?
04:49 - Yeah, you been writing?
04:50 - Yeah, you know I ain't playing.
04:53 (laughing)
04:54 I ain't going to lie, I ain't playing.
04:55 I got to give me at least a song in a day.
04:57 That's the minimum.
04:59 - So when you touch you ready?
05:01 So when you touch you ready?
05:03 - I ain't going to lie, I'm a trader.
05:07 I got me like a five, six albums loaded up.
05:10 Them just albums.
05:12 - Yeah.
05:13 - Yeah, ready.
05:14 - Yeah, so when you touch the streets in trouble, huh?
05:18 - They in trouble, bro.
05:19 I'm telling you like,
05:20 he ain't like no chip on my shoulder thing,
05:22 but I'm back for revenge for sure.
05:25 It's time to call hell.
05:26 - Absolutely.
05:27 - Get out the way and get ran over,
05:28 get down and get put up.
05:29 - Absolutely.
05:30 - You know I was no outcome.
05:31 (laughing)
05:33 - And I want to say this before you went in,
05:38 you was one of the few youngins
05:40 who had this shit in the chokehold, man.
05:43 You know what I mean?
05:44 'Cause you really can rap.
05:45 You really be talking that shit,
05:47 not just one of them here today going tomorrow niggas.
05:50 So I know when you come home and you focused
05:53 and you got your mind right, oh my God.
05:56 - Time, man.
05:58 You know I ain't no drug.
05:59 We got to speak on this too, me being sober.
06:02 - Mm-hmm.
06:03 - You know I was on everything, every drug,
06:04 everything in pill form, all the drink,
06:06 you know what I'm saying?
06:07 - Yeah.
06:08 - Like just completely sober me.
06:10 It's like I'm trying to, my vision ain't clouded no more.
06:13 Like I'm going forward, going towards my full potential.
06:17 - I can see, I can feel it.
06:18 - Absolutely.
06:19 - Like you said though, it's just all about staying focused.
06:23 Like I be so overwhelmed from what I'ma do to the cause.
06:27 You know what I'm saying?
06:28 I be trying to plan things all the way out.
06:29 Like a visionary, I'm just so overwhelmed.
06:33 But I just learned, man,
06:34 you got to take it one day at a time.
06:37 - Absolutely, man.
06:38 - Take it one day at a time.
06:39 - Same thing I'm doing right now, one day at a time, man.
06:42 You know my son passed while you visiting there, man.
06:45 And you know, it's some of the hardest shit
06:48 I ever been through.
06:50 I appreciate that enough, man.
06:51 - I ain't even know that till right now.
06:54 I'm just not hearing it.
06:56 - Yeah, man.
06:57 So you know, it's one day at a time, man.
07:00 I like when you said that, man, one day at a time.
07:03 - Yeah, that's all it be about.
07:06 I know it be so much stuff on our minds,
07:08 and you know what I'm saying?
07:09 So much stuff we got to get done.
07:11 And like, you know what I'm saying?
07:12 Like so many goals we set to what we want to like overcome,
07:17 but it's gonna happen, you know what I'm saying?
07:19 - Absolutely.
07:20 - One day at a time.
07:21 - Absolutely.
07:23 For whatever reason, God set you down.
07:26 You know, he set you down.
07:27 But when you come back, man, I promise you, man,
07:29 long as you focus, your return is gonna be
07:31 notorious and glorious.
07:33 - All right, man, that is in trouble.
07:36 I stumped it.
07:37 Like you just said, this is not a fire drill.
07:40 It's the real deal.
07:41 - It's the real thing.
07:43 - Yeah, he set me down for a reason, though.
07:46 You know what I'm saying?
07:47 - Right.
07:47 - I remember our interview, like,
07:49 I remember my mindset like on our interview
07:53 or what I was in at that point.
07:55 Like I couldn't even really talk, you know what I'm saying?
07:57 - Right.
07:58 - Like, how we having a conversation, man?
07:59 - Yeah.
08:00 - I couldn't even talk, I was so clouded, like.
08:02 - Yeah.
08:03 - And there was a lot, like we talked on,
08:05 when we first started the interview,
08:06 a lot of people y'all touched on, like,
08:08 real day one people I'm sensitive about,
08:11 like super particular about, y'all spoke on it, like.
08:14 You know what I'm saying?
08:15 - Yeah.
08:16 - This fleek made me then know, man, who I am
08:18 and where I'm at.
08:19 - Right.
08:20 - Coming here, like, coming here, they showed me,
08:23 showed me like, man, this is like, this the feds,
08:25 and then this the penitentiary, like,
08:28 not to brag or boast or pull my own coat,
08:30 but everybody ain't doing this, you know what I'm saying?
08:32 - This call is from a federal prison.
08:34 - Dangerous in here, it ain't guaranteed, nothing in here.
08:37 - Absolutely.
08:38 - Yeah, I ain't talked to, I ain't--
08:39 - Guaranteed, nothing.
08:40 - I talked to your five of my balls one day,
08:42 he called me, he was like, 'cause I'm, you know,
08:44 I check on you all the time, I was like,
08:45 "What's up with Poo?"
08:46 He was like, "Man, Poo locked down a couple cats
08:48 "that got killed in the joint,
08:50 "got killed in Victorville."
08:51 - Yeah.
08:53 I'm gonna speak on that too, then it be like
08:57 people on wire, you know what I'm saying?
08:58 It's different when people on the other side of the jail,
09:02 when it happen in your face,
09:04 it's like a whole different ball game,
09:06 it's like, you know what I'm saying?
09:07 Whoa, like.
09:09 - Yeah.
09:09 - Tighten up, tighten up, it could be me.
09:12 You know, I ain't invincible, you know,
09:14 I ain't gonna let nobody steal me.
09:16 You know, I'm gonna have to do what I have to do,
09:17 but it can happen to me, you know what I'm saying?
09:20 - Absolutely.
09:21 - It's real, it's real.
09:23 - Wild on new person, this nigga took a lockup
09:25 side of his biscuit, Poo.
09:25 - Yo, he lying on me, Poo, this nigga lying.
09:27 - Niggas scream like a white woman in a scary movie, Poo,
09:29 you hear me?
09:30 - Fine.
09:32 (laughing)
09:33 - That nigga lie, he lying.
09:35 You know he be with the bullshit, Poo,
09:38 he be with the bullshit.
09:40 - Yeah, I already know, I already know, y'all.
09:42 - Nigga took that lock to his motherfucking head,
09:45 that nigga scream like a shark, Bitty, you hear me, Poo?
09:48 - Fine, but I ran it, like I was just speaking on,
09:51 like, this being the biggest it get,
09:54 like I ran across a lot of people,
09:55 like from out there in Philly.
09:57 - Yeah.
09:58 - So I ran a lot across a lot of people,
09:58 like my man in there, he speak highly,
10:00 you know what I'm saying?
10:02 But everybody just salute everything for both of y'all,
10:04 like what y'all did, Waldo, how you did,
10:07 y'all turn around, you know what I'm saying?
10:09 You went out there with a plan,
10:10 like y'all one of the hottest, you know what I'm saying,
10:13 broadcaster here, not just there,
10:15 y'all got the biggest platform for real.
10:17 - Appreciate that.
10:18 - Thank you for doing it, man.
10:19 - You know what's important, I just want you to
10:22 take advantage of the time in there,
10:23 'cause you know when you in the joint,
10:24 you got your mind clear, you rest up,
10:26 you're healthy, you know what I mean?
10:28 You in there working out, you know what I mean?
10:30 You eating all them soups and chi-chis and shit,
10:33 but just really--
10:34 - Yeah, thank you.
10:35 - Everyday, huh?
10:36 - Yeah, they all cooking right now.
10:39 They call me down all work season.
10:41 (laughing)
10:44 All I put season on there,
10:46 it's like man, let's try to see in the food, man.
10:49 You know what I'm saying?
10:50 - A thousand times.
10:51 - I'm gonna listen to you though.
10:52 - No, but no, like what I'm saying is,
10:54 you know, just educate yourself
10:56 and just really be on your game, man,
10:57 because one thing I'm hearing in your voice,
11:00 I'm hearing accountability, man,
11:02 and when you read that letter in the courtroom
11:04 and you was just apologizing to your family and everybody,
11:07 it was like, damn, you was straight accountable,
11:09 you know, 'cause sometimes when you out here,
11:12 you know the drugs be all up in dunes
11:13 and they be becoming a different person.
11:16 You dig what I'm saying?
11:17 - Yeah, yeah.
11:18 - The one thing I hear from you, Nef, is growth.
11:24 Like you said, man, when I first came and talked to y'all,
11:26 man, I could barely even talk, man, you know,
11:29 and now, and now you come from--
11:33 - Hey, y'all, we got one minute left.
11:34 - Okay.
11:35 - He got a call back, make sure you call right back, boo.
11:37 - All right, most definitely, I'm fitting a double bag now.
11:40 - All right. - All right.
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14:51 - Yes, sir.
14:52 - Yeah, back at it, man.
14:53 Hey, man, you did.
14:56 (laughing)
14:58 Talk to me.
14:58 (laughing)
15:01 What'd you say?
15:02 - Walo. - Yes, sir.
15:04 - What's up?
15:05 - You, man. - You hear me?
15:05 - Yeah, I hear you.
15:06 What'd you say?
15:07 - Man, this is cool.
15:08 I ain't say shit, man, we back at it.
15:11 - Yes, sir, we back.
15:12 - No, I'm gonna try to dub back.
15:13 I'm gonna try to call one more time after this.
15:15 We kicking shit, you know what I'm saying?
15:16 Nigga, miss y'all, man.
15:17 - Miss you too, man. - Believe that.
15:18 - You keep me out the way too.
15:20 - That's what I'm saying.
15:21 - For real, you keep me out the way.
15:22 Keep me on the phone, keep me outside.
15:24 - Yo, how the ladies treating?
15:26 You got a girl since you been in jail?
15:28 - Man, you know we, ah, ah, ah.
15:32 You know what I'm saying? - Ah, okay.
15:34 - I'm on the flyer, bro.
15:35 - I ain't gonna see nothing.
15:36 - I'm on the flyer, bro.
15:37 Hey, listen, stop playing with me, homie.
15:40 - Oh, somebody in there playing with you?
15:43 - Boy, I'm on the joint, bro.
15:45 Hello, this ugly lad, he want to play.
15:47 This ugly lad outfit on.
15:49 (laughing)
15:50 - What you mean?
15:51 - Watch out, bro.
15:52 - He got a crazy outfit on, Jim.
15:54 - Man, ugly as a motherfucker.
15:58 My old head, though, this my old head.
16:00 - Okay, okay.
16:02 This is crazy.
16:05 - All right, what y'all got going on, man?
16:07 Where we at with it?
16:08 - Oh, man, we just out here enjoying life, man,
16:10 waiting for you to come on.
16:11 And sources say it's a little sooner than later
16:16 you gonna be coming back out here surprising people.
16:18 - Yeah, sources say these niggas in trouble.
16:20 - Man.
16:22 - Man, I stamped it.
16:22 And it's a lot of real ones, not just me, though.
16:25 A lot of real ones coming home on this new law
16:27 on this November the 1st shit.
16:29 Y'all heard about that?
16:30 - Yeah, I heard about it.
16:31 Yes, sir.
16:32 - Yeah, there's a lot of folks
16:34 gonna give a lot of time back, you know what I'm saying?
16:36 Hopefully, they kick me right out the door, though.
16:38 But I got designated like the other day.
16:40 I pulled--
16:41 - This call is from a federal prison.
16:43 - I'm supposed to be leaving like from this fucked up area.
16:46 You know what I'm saying?
16:47 - Man.
16:48 - I'm supposed to be getting,
16:49 supposed to be getting transferred ASAP.
16:51 I don't work, gotta close this the last step
16:54 before I go home to the drug program.
16:57 - Yeah.
16:58 - I'm on that.
16:59 - Yeah.
17:00 - That's what I'm talking.
17:01 - So let me ask you something, Pooh.
17:02 'Cause Wallo had like, he had like eight jobs in prison.
17:06 He was like the chef.
17:07 He was the lifeguard in the prison shower.
17:10 He was like, well, fuck it.
17:13 He ran in the--
17:14 - Come on, man.
17:15 - He lying on me.
17:16 He fucking lying on me.
17:17 You know he put his smut on my name.
17:18 - That man is so funny, man.
17:20 - That man is plucky, he's too plucky.
17:22 - He put his smut on my name.
17:23 - Hey, look, you got it--
17:24 - Lifeguard.
17:25 - In the prison shower, he was the captain
17:28 of the knitting team.
17:29 - He's a nut.
17:30 - He was on the wrestling team.
17:32 Like, you got any jobs in there, man?
17:34 (laughing)
17:36 - I had a job when I was just in Polock.
17:38 - Yeah.
17:39 - Before I came to the pen, I was just in Polock.
17:41 I had the job, I was working the rig yard.
17:43 - So what you had to do?
17:44 - I work on the rig yard.
17:46 Nothing like, you know what I'm saying?
17:47 I get your ID and shit when you getting the ball.
17:49 Make sure, you know what I'm saying?
17:51 Keep up with all that.
17:51 I ain't doing shit but hooping for real.
17:53 - Did anybody pop fly with you?
17:55 - I ain't doing shit but hooping and kicking ass.
17:58 - Since you been in there,
17:59 did anybody pop fly with you 'cause you poo?
18:01 - What you mean by that?
18:04 - Like somebody say some slick shit,
18:05 like they wanted a problem with you.
18:07 - Oh yeah, yeah, hell yeah, hell yeah.
18:11 I ain't ducking no rig.
18:11 I just told you I work on the rig yard.
18:13 You know I ain't ducking no rig.
18:15 (laughing)
18:16 It's some weed, though, you know what I'm saying?
18:17 - Yeah.
18:18 - Yeah, I work on the rig yard, ducking nothing.
18:21 Yeah, like, you know what I'm saying?
18:23 They should be coming with it, though.
18:25 They, you know me, I already, you know what I'm saying?
18:28 Think I'm 500 pounds, seven feet tall.
18:31 (laughing)
18:32 - Yeah.
18:33 - I be talking shit and shit, so they just come with it.
18:35 - Yeah, see that's what--
18:36 - Like on both sides, you know, these police is for real.
18:38 - No, they ain't playing no game.
18:39 - That's another thing I'm gonna put you on, too.
18:41 Man, I stopped that.
18:43 Like what Pop just told you about,
18:45 a nigga getting bodied in here?
18:46 - Yeah.
18:47 - One of them jumps with them.
18:48 - Yeah.
18:49 - Oh yeah, that's why they had y'all locked down.
18:51 - And they put you down.
18:52 - Yeah.
18:53 - Yeah.
18:54 Yeah, they put you down, right?
18:55 Are you playing with these females,
18:57 or you a cold gunner, you thinking with your leg,
18:59 not the big one?
19:00 Oh, they put you down.
19:02 - Yeah.
19:02 - They ain't gonna lie to you.
19:04 - But, but Poo, you know how you said--
19:05 - I left, nigga.
19:06 - You said you work in the yard,
19:08 you ain't wasn't ducking nothing.
19:10 - They thinkin'.
19:12 - Wallow ducked everything.
19:14 That nigga Soon it was some drama,
19:16 he hauled ass the fuck up out of there.
19:18 - I ain't gonna lie, Poo.
19:19 Like Poo, when I was in the joint,
19:22 it was a little more barbaric.
19:24 So, it was, you know, like when I seen some wreck come
19:28 in the wreck yard, I realized that sometime,
19:31 I'm gonna say, you know what, I wanna go to my cell.
19:32 Let me go just chill in the cell.
19:33 You know what I'm saying?
19:35 (laughing)
19:36 I ain't, you know, I'm gonna just be straight up.
19:39 - Man, stop playing with your name.
19:40 Man, you Big Wallow, man.
19:41 Big Brr, man.
19:42 You know none of that.
19:44 (laughing)
19:46 - Look at this.
19:47 (laughing)
19:49 For real, man.
19:50 - Yeah, he was a little low in that motherfucker.
19:52 - Yeah, it was different, man.
19:53 I was a little like you then, man.
19:55 That shit was different, Poo.
19:56 - Yeah, like that was how we, huh?
19:59 - He wasn't, he was 17, he weighed like a buck 35, man.
20:02 He was like 6'1", a buck 35.
20:04 (laughing)
20:06 - Oh, so he was the Snoop King.
20:07 I know he was knocking shit out then.
20:09 - He was what?
20:10 - You tattooed, you know what I'm saying?
20:11 You that little.
20:12 (laughing)
20:15 - No, he had a hell of a negotiation game, you hear me?
20:18 He negotiated for his ass.
20:22 He negotiated for his ass 11 times.
20:25 - Oh my God, man.
20:26 - You hear me?
20:26 - I know you weren't here selling wolf tickets, man.
20:29 I know this ain't--
20:30 - No, I sold a couple wolf tickets a couple times,
20:32 but you know, ain't nobody, you know,
20:34 I was fortunate that ain't nobody
20:36 trying to cash them joints, man.
20:38 - Except for the one nigga, Joe Bell.
20:40 - You gotta wolf a nigga out sometimes.
20:43 (laughing)
20:45 - Poo in there wolfing niggas out.
20:47 You wolfed somebody out before then, Poo.
20:49 (laughing)
20:51 - Poo in there with that Memphis shit.
20:56 You know, they say shit you don't understand.
20:58 Motherfucker like, "What's up with you?
21:03 Fuck you looking at Poo in there."
21:04 (imitating gunfire)
21:05 Nigga like, "Oh, what the fuck's going on?"
21:07 - Yeah, he crazy.
21:08 Let me stay away from that nigga.
21:08 - Yeah, your nigga crazy, man.
21:09 Get away.
21:10 (laughing)
21:13 - Hey, listen.
21:14 Hey, Poo, what music you been listening to
21:16 in there on the tablet, man?
21:18 - Oh, yeah, I been, I been heavy on that ESTG.
21:24 You know what I'm saying?
21:26 They need to put that Dirk on there,
21:27 that new "Almost Healed."
21:29 I ain't even heard that one yet.
21:30 - They ain't put it on there?
21:31 Okay.
21:32 - I heard that Young Thug new album, he got off on there.
21:37 Free Thug, too, his manager just wrote me, too.
21:39 His manager just was like,
21:41 they trying to, he trying to chop it up with me.
21:43 - Free Thug, man.
21:43 - Free Thug, man.
21:44 - Free Slime now.
21:45 - Yeah, we talked to Thugger, too, man.
21:47 When we hollered at Thug, he was in good spirits, man.
21:50 - Yeah.
21:51 - Yup, yup.
21:52 Oh, who else?
21:54 You know what I'm saying?
21:56 Damn, that NBA Youngboy,
21:57 then I drop some on him, motherfucker, every day.
21:59 - Damn, on the tablet?
22:00 - That man, they drop an album every day on the tablet.
22:03 Yo, the baby, you know what I'm saying?
22:07 A folk, a hot boy.
22:09 Third ball, too.
22:09 This is somebody else I ain't speak on, man.
22:11 Y'all know my man, 30 free strikes, they crazy.
22:14 - Okay.
22:15 - Now he ain't like, when y'all spoke on, man,
22:17 who all rappers showing up, boy, I know that my man,
22:19 but do energy unmatched, man.
22:21 He free strikes the king.
22:23 - Yeah.
22:24 - He don't play this shit, man.
22:25 - Right.
22:26 - Who you say, Big 30?
22:28 - Yeah, third ball, yup.
22:31 - You know, you know, you know.
22:32 - Big 30 was in that courtroom, too.
22:33 He was in the courtroom holding you down, too.
22:35 - That's done.
22:36 - Yeah.
22:37 - Yup, most definitely.
22:38 You know, bag was in there, too.
22:39 - Bag.
22:40 - Yeah.
22:41 - Gucci bag.
22:42 - Yeah, he was.
22:42 - Yes.
22:43 - I don't know if you talked to this person or not,
22:45 but I know he be holding you down out here
22:47 from time to time, keeping your name alive.
22:50 That's Meek Mills, man.
22:51 - Meek.
22:52 - Yeah, Meek Mills, most definitely.
22:55 I ain't talked to no one, but he's doing his thing,
22:57 you know, on his phone.
22:59 I don't not see nothing on him, it's nothing.
23:01 You know what I'm saying?
23:02 - Yeah.
23:02 - Most definitely, I salute that.
23:03 - Yeah.
23:04 - It's real.
23:05 - Yeah.
23:06 - It be like majority of motherfuckers
23:07 that have been through this, you know what I'm saying?
23:09 - Yeah.
23:10 - It's hard to know what it's like on this side.
23:13 It's hard.
23:13 - Absolutely.
23:15 - It definitely, now I wanna say something.
23:18 You probably didn't hear, but I told you,
23:19 I said, man, when I was telling you
23:21 don't disrespect your blessings
23:22 and you go to the joint and ain't nobody the fuck gone,
23:25 do you remember that?
23:26 - Fine.
23:28 Fine, you call this shit with a Motorola, man.
23:32 - Didn't I tell you?
23:33 - Something you called it.
23:34 - This call is from a federal prison.
23:38 It go back to like, man, like it's all be like
23:41 our stories already be written out,
23:42 you know what I'm saying?
23:43 It was already planned.
23:45 - Yeah.
23:46 - Then it's like a pedestal, you know.
23:47 It's gonna be bigger than ever when I get back
23:50 on top of that, this could have saved me.
23:53 - But you know what I--
23:54 - I know everybody could have been gone,
23:56 I could have been one of them too.
23:57 - Yeah.
23:58 - You know what I'm saying?
23:59 - Real talk.
24:00 - I was headed for destruction.
24:01 I ain't see nothing but my way or no way.
24:03 - Real talk, but you know what I'm happy about, man?
24:06 I'm happy that we was able to give you something
24:10 that even though you going through your darkest moments
24:13 in your life, it's still something that you could look back
24:16 and appreciate, like damn, them old heads
24:19 was some solid niggas, man.
24:21 They was some old niggas who--
24:22 - I found this.
24:23 - Right, they was some older niggas who seen
24:25 where I was slipping and they tried to tell me,
24:28 listen man, you know what I'm saying?
24:30 And now that you got a clear mind,
24:32 you could look back and be like,
24:33 damn, they was some solid niggas that really gave me
24:37 some motherfucking game, man.
24:38 - Y'all flowers, y'all can still smell them motherfuckers.
24:43 Like, y'all solid, bro.
24:46 Can't be raw and uncut with me, you know what I'm saying?
24:48 No feelings, none of that involved.
24:50 Just raw and uncut.
24:52 - Man, I was--
24:53 - Did that.
24:54 - And I would always call you and check up on you.
24:55 I'd be like, yo, what's up, man?
24:56 What you doing, man?
24:57 You'd be like, I'm chilling, though.
24:58 - Man, what's going on?
24:59 - I'm chilling.
25:00 You'd be telling me, I'm chilling.
25:01 I'm like, nigga, yeah, all right, nigga.
25:02 Just seeing you on the 'Gram, man.
25:04 Stop that dumb shit.
25:05 You'd be like, no, that was, I'm chilling.
25:07 You were gonna tell me one time, that wasn't me.
25:09 I said, nigga, I just seen you, man.
25:11 What the fuck is you doing now?
25:13 No, I'm telling you, that wasn't me, yo.
25:15 I said, this nigga crazy, yo, look.
25:17 Nigga come show me some shit of you.
25:21 He come show me some shit of you.
25:22 I said, guess what he told me?
25:24 That wasn't him.
25:25 I said, damn, boy.
25:26 Oh, he high.
25:27 That nigga was high, man.
25:29 I said, what the fuck is you doing, man?
25:31 I mean, this nigga crazy, man.
25:34 But you know, you live and you learn, man.
25:36 You live and you learn.
25:37 And I just hope a lot of youngins learn from it
25:40 'cause ain't none of us too big for our blessings
25:43 to be snatched from us when we disrespect our blessings.
25:45 You know what I mean?
25:47 You know what I'm saying?
25:49 - Yeah, that's a big statement.
25:51 It's deep.
25:51 Like, I be telling, you know what I'm saying?
25:54 Not too many, but the ones I do fuck with, man.
25:57 Like, my advice is just to cherish everything.
26:00 You know what I'm saying?
26:01 I'm proud of being CMO, man.
26:02 Cherish most opportunities, man.
26:05 - Right.
26:06 - You got to cherish it.
26:07 - Right.
26:08 - Yeah.
26:09 - Right.
26:10 And you made all that money.
26:12 You know, when you was here, you made a lot of money.
26:14 Did you ever get any chance to enjoy your money?
26:16 The fruits of your labor?
26:17 - Man, no.
26:20 E-N-O.
26:21 - No?
26:22 - Nah, for real, nothing.
26:22 Then what was so crazy, like, I be chopping over pop.
26:25 That's another thing, too.
26:27 We need more, like, you know what I'm saying?
26:29 I'm glad I caught, like, the last,
26:31 the breed ain't dead, but it's the damn breed.
26:34 And I got OGs, you know what I'm saying,
26:36 to monitor and cover and cover me,
26:37 like y'all, my daddy, you know what I'm saying?
26:41 You know what I'm saying?
26:42 Like, that's the reason, like,
26:43 why I ain't got to keep bumping my head
26:46 next time I walk out the door, I'm a duck.
26:48 You know what I'm saying?
26:48 - Yeah.
26:49 - Yeah, like, I was telling pops, though, man,
26:52 like, where I'm tied, you know what I'm saying?
26:54 I ain't even got nowhere, well, I got places to live,
26:56 I ain't got no house, I live on the road.
26:59 Live in the spring, I live in the hotels,
27:01 you know what I'm saying?
27:01 - Right.
27:02 - I just need one break, let me get a vacation.
27:05 And right where I was saying this shit, man,
27:06 this shit happened.
27:07 - Right.
27:08 - You know what I'm saying?
27:09 - Right.
27:10 - I don't been hurt.
27:11 - You know what, I be, shout out to your dad, my boss,
27:14 that's my man, man.
27:15 He, man, he go so hard for you out here, man, like,
27:18 and he was telling me a story how, man,
27:20 when y'all was on that road,
27:22 how it just went from zero to 60,
27:24 he said, man, he was riding you, man,
27:25 he was driving you around the country
27:27 so much his feet start swelling up, man.
27:29 - Man, I still, I'm telling you,
27:32 I drove, our van just now broke down.
27:34 They motherfuckers just sent him at least two,
27:37 they just sent him at least two tickets, man.
27:40 - So you was riding around,
27:42 you was riding around in the van,
27:43 making 50,000 a night in the van?
27:45 Pooh, they probably shot out on us.
27:49 You gonna call back.
27:50 - This episode of Million Dollars Worth of Game
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29:00 Tap in.
29:01 Right.
29:03 - Hey Pooh.
29:04 - Yeah.
29:06 - You're back at it baby.
29:07 - Back baby.
29:08 - Back at it man.
29:10 - Absolutely.
29:11 - You finished making that food yet?
29:13 - Hey, this shit crazy.
29:16 Brother just broke me my citizenship, broke me my place.
29:19 I'm eating this shit right now.
29:20 - Oh, you got a chef in here?
29:22 You a chef and you got a chef?
29:23 - Yeah, yup, just like that.
29:27 (laughing)
29:29 - See Pooh.
29:30 - I'm gonna be feeling like,
29:31 man sometimes mother fucker,
29:33 know a nigga crazy about their food.
29:35 - Uh huh.
29:36 - Be one plate, one of them mother fucker
29:38 play over a nigga food.
29:39 You know how that shit be.
29:40 - Yeah, that shit be real.
29:42 - See Pooh a real nigga man.
29:43 Wile O was on a whole different note.
29:46 Wile O girlfriend used to cook for him.
29:48 - He lying.
29:50 (laughing)
29:52 - This Wile O's favorite shit, he lying.
29:55 - That nigga lying on me man.
29:56 - That's when you know I'm telling the truth.
29:58 Hey Pooh, let me tell you this one story right.
30:01 Why the nigga, why Wile O's cell catch on fire
30:05 at Valentine's Day night?
30:06 He is having a candle light dinner in that mother fucker.
30:09 - He lying Pooh.
30:10 - Hey, hey, hey.
30:11 (laughing)
30:14 Two mother fucker's wedding, no?
30:16 - This nigga crazy.
30:16 - Whatever.
30:18 - Valentine's Day night the nigga said.
30:19 (laughing)
30:22 - That nigga lying on me Pooh.
30:31 That nigga lying Pooh.
30:32 - You know Pooh I'm telling the truth.
30:38 - Hey Pooh, let me ask you a question right.
30:40 Being in the joint, 'cause a lot of people don't understand
30:43 you was at the top of the world, you had all the money,
30:45 you had all the dudes, you getting to get a chance
30:47 to enjoy your money, but what is it that you miss most
30:50 about freedom?
30:51 What's the smallest, simplest things you miss the most?
30:53 - Most definitely freedom, but it just be,
30:58 like you just said, the smallest little thing,
31:00 like quality time, you know what I'm saying?
31:03 And being shite, not just being Pooh shite,
31:06 being with the family, just, and shit,
31:09 I just miss my family man.
31:11 I miss my family so damn much.
31:13 And my mama, being under my mama.
31:16 You know what I'm saying?
31:17 Irritating her, getting on her nerves, cooking for me.
31:20 You know what I'm saying, that little shit.
31:23 - And I wanna say this, 'cause Pooh was the type
31:26 of motherfucker, this a lesson to all the young niggas
31:28 out there right, 'cause Pooh was the type of motherfucker
31:30 who he fucked with them people before he went to jail.
31:32 He fucked with his mama, he fucked with his,
31:34 a lot of y'all motherfuckers be out here,
31:37 don't even really fuck with your mama,
31:39 don't call your mama, don't do--
31:40 - This call was from a federal prison.
31:41 - Don't do none of that shit, then the minute you get booked
31:44 now you call home, "Mom I love you," and all this shit.
31:47 Stop that shit man, see the people that you love,
31:50 the people that you care about, make sure you check up
31:53 on them, show them some love, show them some now.
31:55 So don't try to show them love when you in a bad situation.
31:59 You feel what I'm saying?
32:00 A lot of these young niggas don't even got relationships,
32:03 and as soon as they get to jail they wanna call home
32:05 or they be like, "All right mom, I love you mom.
32:08 "I love you."
32:09 - Versus being in a situation like this,
32:13 you know what I'm saying, being on this side of the wall,
32:16 like in the pen, not just in the feds,
32:18 in the federal penitentiary where this shit
32:20 locking down every day.
32:22 - Yeah.
32:23 - You could lose a relationship with motherfuckers like that.
32:25 - Right.
32:26 - Y'all locked down so much.
32:27 - Right.
32:28 - Losing a relationship.
32:30 - Right.
32:31 - You don't know that part.
32:32 - What's the first thing you gonna get to eat
32:34 when you get home, man?
32:35 - Gotta have a feast, man.
32:38 I gotta have all my favorite food.
32:41 I gotta have a whole table full of shit like,
32:44 everything, the real feast.
32:46 Shrimp, burger, hot wings, pizza, lobster,
32:50 man, everything.
32:52 - That nigga just said a bunch of shit.
32:54 - I'm just talking about everything.
32:57 - You be thinking about everything.
33:00 You be thinking about all that shit in there, huh?
33:02 - That's all I do is think, my brain, my head for the book.
33:06 - What books you reading now?
33:09 - My shit ain't bullshit.
33:11 So, I just got through reading,
33:13 like I be reading like all type of books,
33:15 especially knowledge.
33:16 I play with a couple of urban novels,
33:18 but that's when I was first coming in.
33:20 But when I'm like in a hole, if I be in a hole,
33:23 I been out the hole for a minute or I been doing good.
33:26 But, I just got through reading The Alchemist
33:30 and another book called Who Moved My Cheese.
33:33 - Yeah, okay, that's a good book.
33:34 Yes sir.
33:36 That's what I'm talking about.
33:36 - Y'all know about them giants?
33:37 - Yeah, did you ever get them books I sent you?
33:40 - Yup, I got your books too.
33:43 - That's what I'm doing.
33:43 - I sent you a lot of your shit back
33:45 and I was in, once you sent them, I was in a hole,
33:47 then when I was in a hole, they five months.
33:50 So, they said, like you can't get no books
33:51 or magazines or pictures or none of that back then.
33:54 - Yeah, I sent you a lot of shit from Amazon.
33:56 - You see, he ain't read none of that shit.
33:57 You sent him all, "Yo, you got my book, Frisky Old Heads?"
34:00 Nah, I ain't get your book, fuck you.
34:02 (laughing)
34:04 - What is it called?
34:05 What is it called?
34:05 What the God, what, get it.
34:06 - Frisky Old Heads.
34:07 - Frisky Old Heads.
34:08 (laughing)
34:10 - All this nigga would do is laugh
34:11 and he could be tripping in there all day.
34:13 See, you with the dumb shit.
34:14 You with the shit.
34:16 You keep encouraging him with the dumb shit, Pooh.
34:18 Pooh, you keep encouraging him to do the dumb shit.
34:20 - Crazy, man, that man crazy.
34:22 - He love that dumb shit.
34:24 - He like, "I sent you two books,
34:26 "48 Laws and Powers and Frisky Old Heads.
34:29 "It's about these old heads, they was in the joint,
34:32 "they was frisky, you stay away from them type of niggas."
34:35 Now, Pooh, you got a freestyle coming out.
34:38 What's the name of it?
34:43 For those that's listening.
34:45 - The Federal Contraband Part Two.
34:49 - Okay.
34:50 - Part Two, this is new motion right there.
34:52 Y'all got to stay tuned, you know what I'm saying?
34:54 Them hoes finna do numbers.
34:56 Them talking their shit on there, too.
34:58 - You know, 'cause the people on your page,
35:01 they keep telling you, "Man, drop something, Pooh.
35:03 "Drop something, drop something."
35:05 - Boy, man, they want it bad, you know what I'm saying?
35:10 I see how they like, at least when I be posting them,
35:13 me just dropping like, just missing man present period,
35:16 though, like I'm back in it, though.
35:18 I'm back on my bullet.
35:19 - I'm dying to ask him for like a 12 or a 16 or something.
35:22 - Yo, you got a verse for us?
35:25 - You got to keep this shit sneaky while you're here, man.
35:29 We're gonna set that up another time.
35:31 - Okay, okay.
35:32 - I hope you did it another time.
35:34 Y'all got me smacking, eating, all that service.
35:37 - Eating that plate right now.
35:38 And he got to be on his toes 'cause he eating that plate.
35:41 Hope you got your back to the wall watching the scenery.
35:43 - Nah, it's not up there.
35:45 You already know that.
35:47 - We got his back to the wall, peeping to see.
35:47 - Nobody tried to do a thong.
35:50 - Man.
35:51 - They ain't gonna play in here, though.
35:52 They know what's up.
35:54 - That's what I'm talking about.
35:55 - They know what's up, man.
35:55 I'm trying to come home.
35:56 I hope they don't.
35:57 (laughing)
35:58 I hope they don't come home, man.
35:59 I hope they don't come home, man.
36:00 - I don't feel like demonstrating on nothing.
36:02 - Tell me, tell me, street.
36:03 - Shorter than a music on his knees right now.
36:05 - Absolutely.
36:06 - Yo, yo, yo, you know, yo, yo.
36:07 - And the street's missing you, man.
36:09 - I pulled on an unbelievable demonstration one time.
36:12 I had to make an example out of somebody,
36:14 and you know, and a joint, you know what I mean?
36:16 The demonstration was Olympic worthy.
36:19 You know what I'm saying?
36:20 'Cause it was a little back and forth
36:22 between me and this one cat, right?
36:24 He said some tough shit, I said some tough shit.
36:26 But the next line of tough shit he said
36:28 was tougher than mine.
36:29 So I put a legendary track star demonstration on him.
36:33 And got the fuck away from him.
36:35 (laughing)
36:36 So I'm just telling you, if the shit get hectic in there,
36:39 put a demonstration on, Pooh.
36:40 You know what I'm saying?
36:41 But go to the beat.
36:42 But make sure your shit is Olympic worthy.
36:44 You know what I mean?
36:45 You sold records now you wanna--
36:46 - How do we get Olympic worthy?
36:47 - Yeah, you sold records now you gotta break records
36:49 with your track, with your feet.
36:50 You know what I'm saying?
36:52 I mean, don't go--
36:53 - You know what I mean?
36:54 So this is how it went between you and the nigga.
36:56 - I'm trying to tell Pooh, run, man.
36:57 Don't let that shit go crazy.
36:58 - Fuck you, you bitch ass nigga wallow.
37:01 - Nigga, nigga, nigga.
37:03 - Then you walk back, who the fuck you talking to, nigga?
37:05 Then that joint came out, what?
37:08 - No, he pulled that out and he said something
37:10 that was magical.
37:11 He told me, Pooh, well nigga, let's kill each other then.
37:15 I said, you know what, you won.
37:16 Perron.
37:17 (clapping)
37:19 I ran across the yard.
37:20 I said, that nigga said let's kill each other.
37:22 I said, whoa, I wasn't, my tough ain't that far.
37:25 I don't wanna die by my toughness.
37:26 That shit ain't worthy, Pooh.
37:28 So I'm telling you, Pooh,
37:29 'cause we need the family to need you back out here.
37:32 Just, if it get too hectic and his tough shit
37:35 sound more dangerous than yours,
37:37 go in the way of the red flag.
37:38 It's a tag battle, Pooh.
37:39 I mean, nobody, listen, but make sure you do it.
37:43 Make sure you do it in a closed area
37:45 'cause I don't want you to put no motherfucking
37:46 muscle on Memphis' jacket.
37:48 You see what I'm saying?
37:49 I don't wanna be like.
37:50 - Ah, they weren't counting the moves.
37:51 I'm closed, man.
37:52 Dog, crap, this shit ain't no way.
37:54 - I'm just saying.
37:54 - That ain't cool.
37:56 - You gotta get the fuck out of here.
37:57 - That ain't cool.
37:58 (laughing)
37:59 - How you gonna tell Pooh Shiesty
38:02 to be bitching at a rampant rate?
38:04 Listen, man, be bitching at a rampant.
38:05 - No, make sure nobody don't see it, man.
38:07 - No, he, listen.
38:08 - 'Cause Memphis is on the way.
38:08 - Listen, he got through how he got through.
38:10 You get through how you get through.
38:12 - I'm just saying, I'm just trying to school you.
38:14 - That's tough shit.
38:15 Oh, we get there.
38:16 - That's big Shiesty, nigga.
38:16 - You know how it is, man.
38:17 You know how these other rappers and shit bitches, man.
38:20 I got nobody to get in the old way.
38:21 (laughing)
38:24 - They gonna cook you, Pooh.
38:25 They gonna have you running across the yard.
38:26 You know somebody got a phone in there,
38:28 they go, "Hey, Pooh, Pooh Shiesty running across the yard."
38:30 You know Academic gonna get that shit and play it?
38:32 He gonna have that shit all up on the joint, man.
38:34 - You know how they gonna do it.
38:35 I ain't gone.
38:37 What, your April Fool's Day?
38:39 - I mean, it be all those St. T's running across the yard.
38:42 They chase Pooh Shiesty across the yard.
38:45 Memphis.
38:46 - I'ma have New USA Olympic track star.
38:48 - Track star.
38:49 Memphis all-star, Pooh Shiesty.
38:52 He run across the yard.
38:54 - Hey, listen, let me tell you something.
38:55 A nigga got a sword big enough in his motherfucking head,
38:57 you fucking right, you better run across that fucking yard.
38:59 - If you see the sword, go ahead and just go ahead
39:01 and get your, activate Happy Feet.
39:04 You know what I mean?
39:05 They gonna call you Pooh Happy Feet when you get out.
39:06 But as long as you got another chance,
39:09 let us see you another day.
39:10 - Hey, listen, man, I just seen Happy Feet full of,
39:15 man, getting ass.
39:17 They called him A and E.
39:18 You know what that mean?
39:19 - What?
39:20 - Ass and elbow, he was gone.
39:22 Ass and elbow, that's all you saw.
39:25 That's all you saw.
39:25 - Yo, man, listen.
39:26 - Man, you so tough, man.
39:27 - I been there, it's been so, whoa, whoa, whoa.
39:30 In jail and in the streets, it was sometime I was A and E.
39:33 Man, I had to be, man.
39:34 You gotta let us see another day.
39:35 You know what I mean?
39:36 (laughing)
39:37 - Who we gonna call?
39:38 Wallo, my little A and E.
39:39 - Yeah, little A and E, man.
39:41 - See, Pooh, now you on some shit with Gilly.
39:43 Gilly done got you on some bullshit with him.
39:46 You on some bullshit, man.
39:47 Damn, man.
39:48 - Oh, man.
39:50 - Man, you the one that said you was ass and elbow.
39:52 - No, I'm just saying, yeah, yeah, I did say that.
39:54 - You gave it to G.
39:56 - I mean.
39:56 - Ain't nothing wrong with that
39:57 as long as you get your give back.
39:59 - I mean, he never got no give back.
40:00 He tapped out.
40:01 - No, no, Pooh, Pooh, I just thought,
40:03 why would I go back?
40:04 It's danger over there.
40:05 I might as well keep going, you know what I mean?
40:07 Fuck that.
40:08 - But listen, man, the one thing I wanna say, Pooh, is man,
40:13 you know, you took your time.
40:16 You didn't do no finger pointing.
40:18 You stood up like a man.
40:19 You in the slammer right now, and you smiling,
40:23 and you in good spirits.
40:25 So I just appreciate you for being a standup, you know,
40:30 for standing up for some shit you did wrong,
40:32 'cause a lot of motherfuckers out here
40:33 is pointing the finger right now,
40:34 so I salute you for that, man, for being a man's man.
40:38 You know, a lot of motherfuckers don't wanna
40:39 take they responsibilities, man.
40:41 They wanna be like, ah, nah, Ronnie, Mike, Ricky, Bobby.
40:46 Nah, you ain't do no pointing.
40:48 You said, listen, it is what it is, what y'all give me.
40:50 I'ma do that, and if I gotta do that, I'ma do it.
40:53 And you do it, and you got a smile on your face, man.
40:55 So, and let me know the system ain't beat you down.
40:58 The system ain't kill you.
40:59 It ain't drain you.
41:01 It ain't take your energy.
41:02 You feel what I'm saying?
41:03 So I appreciate you for that, man.
41:05 - Real shit, bro, for real.
41:08 And I'ma be seeing that part, you know what I'm saying?
41:10 - Real talk.
41:11 - Once again, not to brag or boast,
41:12 but more of this gotta come back.
41:15 This is what I taught up.
41:16 This is what I was taught up, you know what I'm saying?
41:18 Grew up, and this is what I looked up to.
41:21 - Right.
41:21 - Oh, you know what I'm saying?
41:22 - Bro.
41:23 - This wallow tried to rat on me,
41:25 but that shit ain't working, man.
41:26 - He lying on me, man.
41:27 Know this nigga lying on me.
41:29 Pooh.
41:29 (laughing)
41:31 - What it was about, kid?
41:32 What happened?
41:33 - We was in this--
41:34 - See, he wasn't in the bullshit.
41:34 Go ahead, he wanna laugh 'cause he in the joint.
41:37 - Listen, listen, listen, Pooh.
41:38 - Don't do it, Pooh.
41:39 - No, no, no, Pooh, listen.
41:40 - Pooh, listen, listen, listen, Pooh.
41:41 - Tell him, tell him.
41:42 - We in the spot, right?
41:43 - Tell him.
41:44 - When we come out the spot, the police out there.
41:46 You know, I was always the athlete in the family.
41:47 I get to getting skinny, you feel me?
41:49 (grunting)
41:51 Wallow ain't so much an athlete.
41:53 They kick his back foot, he trip, he fall, they wrestling.
41:58 He's screaming, "Cuz, come out, they got us!"
42:01 And all this, I'm like, "Hey, nigga, they got you."
42:03 Fuck you mean, Cuz, come out, they got us?
42:05 - Oh, man!
42:06 (laughing)
42:07 - Hey, Pooh, Pooh wants some bullshit.
42:08 - They got us.
42:10 - He talking about Gil.
42:11 - You got your birthday game,
42:12 what, around little mountain statues out there, man.
42:14 - He talking about Gil,
42:15 "Oh, man, what you doing under that F-150?
42:16 "They got us!"
42:17 (laughing)
42:18 - No, you wasn't there, you was under the Lexus.
42:22 - Yeah, he told me, "I don't know what you doing,
42:23 "they got us, come out!"
42:24 - I didn't say that, hold on, hold on.
42:25 I'm just saying, well, Cory was in there.
42:27 I never said, well, Cory was in there.
42:29 I didn't tell the people that.
42:30 He lying on me, man.
42:30 Fuck you putting that mud on my jacket, man.
42:33 - He wanted me to go down with him,
42:35 now that's the thing.
42:36 - Listen, man, but you know what, Pooh?
42:37 It's good to see you, once again, you accountable,
42:40 you not bitter, you know what I mean?
42:41 - I don't know, I don't know.
42:43 - You in good spirit.
42:44 All right, man, that was it, man.
42:45 Tell Pooh we love him, man.
42:47 - All right, man.
42:49 - And we appreciate you, this is Pop, right?
42:51 - No, that ain't his Pop, that's one of the homies.
42:53 - Oh, okay.
42:54 - Nah.
42:55 - Well, we appreciate you one of the homies, you hear me?
42:58 - I mean.
43:00 (laughing)
43:00 - Let's look.
43:01 - But yeah, man, that was the episode
43:05 of Me and Oz with the Game, featuring Pooh Shiesty, man.
43:10 And I just wanna say,
43:13 this time is short.
43:15 - He coming.
43:16 - He coming.
43:16 So get ready.
43:19 - Get ready.
43:19 - Brr, brr, brr, and it's just like that.
43:22 - Right.
