Top astronomy events for November 2023

  • last year
From a close encounter of Jupiter to a famous meteor shower, here are the top astronomy events for the month of November.


00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Kicking off the month, get ready for the largest planet
00:08 in our solar system, Jupiter, shining bright
00:11 all night long on November 3rd.
00:13 The gas giant reaches opposition on this day,
00:16 the closest encounter to our planet
00:19 in its orbit around the sun.
00:21 In the middle of the month,
00:22 shooting stars will streak across the night sky
00:25 with the peak of the Leonid meteor shower
00:27 on November 17th and 18th.
00:29 The Leonids are known to occasionally produce storms
00:32 of thousands of meteors per hour,
00:35 but this year peak rates are expected
00:37 to be 15 to 20 meteors per hour.
00:40 To wrap up the month is the rise of the beaver moon.
00:44 It is the final full moon of the fall
00:46 and it's named after beavers making final preparations
00:49 for the winter season.
00:51 November's full moon is also known as the freezing moon
00:54 and the frost moon.
00:56 For AccuWeather, I'm Christina Shalhoub.
00:58 [MUSIC]
