Smile (2022) - Fake Therapist Scene - Movieclips

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Smile (2022) - Fake Therapist Scene - Movieclips
00:00 How are you feeling today?
00:02 [ Chuckles ]
00:05 Let me think. Um...
00:08 I'm pretty sure my fiancé thinks I'm crazy.
00:12 My sister has just totally shut me out.
00:17 And now...
00:19 my former therapist is making unannounced house calls
00:24 to ensure that I am not a danger.
00:27 So...other than that, I'm really good.
00:31 [ Telephone rings ]
00:34 [ Telephone rings ]
00:40 Should you get that?
00:43 [ Telephone rings ]
00:46 What?
00:49 Rose? It's Madeline.
00:51 I've been trying your mobile all morning.
00:54 I'm very concerned about how we left things yesterday.
00:58 Rose?
01:02 Are you there?
01:04 Hello?
01:10 No, no.
01:11 Rose?
01:13 Oh, no, no.
01:15 Almost time, Rose.
01:18 [ Crying ]
01:19 When the fuck are you?
01:21 [ Breathing heavily ]
01:24 Please. Please!
01:26 [ Gasps ]
01:28 No, no.
01:30 No, no, no.
01:32 No.
01:34 [ Breathing heavily ]
01:36 [ Laughs ]
01:39 [ Gasps ]
01:41 [ Screams ]
01:43 [ Tires screech ]
01:45 [ Tires screech ]
01:46 [ Tires screech ]
01:48 [ Silence ]
01:51 [ Silence ]
