Melissa Hernandez vs Carla Torres (29-07-2023) Full Fight

  • last year



00:00 at the 126 pounds.
00:02 Melissa Hernandez, an accomplished professional,
00:17 very long,
00:18 skilled career, coming off a 13 month layoff
00:24 after being stopped by what is arguably the,
00:27 probably the number one fighter in women's boxing,
00:29 Chantel Cameron.
00:30 She's looking to make a comeback bout.
00:33 Lefty versus righty,
00:36 going toe to toe in the middle of the ring.
00:38 Both fighters showing some crafty style,
00:46 measuring.
00:49 Neither one of these fighters are unfamiliar
00:54 from the big stage,
00:55 both fighting for a world title,
00:58 both holding multiple titles in their careers.
01:01 Torres lands a sharp right that pushes
01:08 Hernandez to the ropes.
01:10 Both fighters presenting is very good shape,
01:19 very crisp.
01:20 (crowd cheering)
01:22 After an incredible year of women's boxing,
01:33 the ascent of women's boxing,
01:35 to me the most influential,
01:38 I guess, evolution in the sport of boxing,
01:44 the migration of fans as a result of these
01:48 incredible female fighters.
01:50 Every weight class presenting it in super,
01:54 high level talent.
01:56 And Melissa Hernandez paving the road
02:00 for quite a bit of that growth
02:03 in her long and illustrious career.
02:05 Delivering a flurry against the wind,
02:07 Torres counters back,
02:09 brings it, very long,
02:11 impressive head movement by Hernandez.
02:14 She does sneak a few in, does Torres,
02:17 as they clench to the middle, pushing for position.
02:21 Torres countering masterfully
02:24 with the flurry that Hernandez gives.
02:27 Hernandez showing some sharp defense,
02:32 round one, very close,
02:34 very impressive work by both fighters.
02:37 Again, six rounds.
02:45 (crowd cheering)
02:47 Going into the second round of the co-feature bout
02:51 here at the Mayhem Immortal Seven.
02:53 Rosa Hernandez is enjoying this spotlight,
02:56 enjoying the moment, as is Torres.
03:00 Little gamesmanship going from the Hernandez corner.
03:09 Let's take a recap on some of the,
03:14 some of the action in the first round.
03:16 You know, Hernandez really tried to take her head off,
03:19 then she realized that she needed to just get tactical.
03:21 Torres coming off the ropes with the flurry,
03:24 showing how even that first round really was,
03:27 even with that impressive head work.
03:31 Very even first round.
03:32 See if this maintains.
03:35 Hernandez is a pro.
03:37 Every definition of the word, she is a pro.
03:40 So that first round
03:44 could have been a distance download, if you will.
03:47 But Torres comes out with a sharp right.
03:49 Big overhand right by Hernandez.
03:56 Doing a really good job keeping Torres against the ropes,
03:58 but then again, Torres is clapping back
04:00 with that counter work.
04:02 Catching and shooting right back.
04:04 Again, same, two straight rights landed
04:08 to the head of Hernandez,
04:10 and then a jab by Torres lands to the head.
04:13 Hernandez as a vet comes in with the body work,
04:15 breaks the guard, keeps her against the ropes,
04:18 even though Torres is firing back,
04:20 digging to the body with every blow.
04:23 Torres keeps showing that she's here for one reason,
04:28 and that is to win.
04:32 To stun this former world champion
04:34 and prove that perhaps she is the fighting pride
04:39 of San Juan, Puerto Rico.
04:40 Even though I do think it's Miguel Cotto
04:43 or Felix Trinidad, but that's just my opinion.
04:45 Torres showing a really sharp, long jab
04:54 that keeps a, I guess a shorter fighter
04:58 in Hernandez at bay until she breaks into the body.
05:03 That's professional movement,
05:05 but I don't know if it's sustainable on Torres' part.
05:08 'Cause she knows what she's doing.
05:09 Big, thick, strong legs on Hernandez.
05:13 It could really show to the last divot.
05:16 Big right hands landed by Hernandez.
05:18 That seemed to stun Torres a bit.
05:22 Still a lot of action coming from both sides,
05:25 despite being against the ropes.
05:27 Torres counter strong, but that strength of Hernandez
05:31 is pushing Torres to the corner
05:33 where that could gas both of them out quite a bit.
05:36 (crowd cheering)
05:39 See if this is sustainable.
05:42 A great end to round two in this sixth round affair.
05:47 Both sides showing quick, sharp punches,
06:03 landing as needed.
06:05 - Make sure you head to the bar.
06:06 - Body shots by Hernandez standing out to me.
06:09 Sharp jabs by Torres standing out,
06:12 countering off the ropes by Torres.
06:14 But that really, really strong footing
06:19 and foundation that Hernandez has
06:23 is going to benefit her as each fight
06:28 or each round passes.
06:32 (upbeat music)
06:34 Some great instruction in the corner of Torres.
06:40 Hernandez just refuses to sit.
06:44 Enjoying the moment.
06:47 And here we go, round three.
06:51 Again, this is a professional women's bout
06:56 where two minute rounds are the status quo.
07:01 (crowd cheering)
07:04 Nice right hand by Torres.
07:09 It shouldn't be.
07:11 I don't think it is three minute rounds.
07:19 Hernandez countering.
07:30 (crowd cheering)
07:33 Lot of action, Torres might have snuck one in there
07:42 and buckled her a bit.
07:45 Lot of digging.
07:54 Oh, big right hand by Hernandez.
07:58 Another right hand by Hernandez.
08:01 Lot of action here, both fighters are throwing.
08:03 It's gonna come down to the jab, folks.
08:12 I don't think this is a three minute round contest.
08:18 Usually is not in the professional women's world.
08:21 Don't know.
08:24 (crowd cheering)
08:27 It has been confirmed, these are two minute rounds.
08:36 As both fighters pound against the ropes.
08:44 Big shot landed, another big shot landed.
08:49 Torres, really, really impressive work.
08:52 (crowd cheering)
08:54 Referee might have let that one through.
08:57 Big shot landed after the bell by Torres.
09:02 Lot of action going, Torres took the,
09:12 might have taken that round near the end.
09:14 (crowd cheering)
09:18 (crowd chattering)
09:21 And here we go, it's hard to stop when you're in the flurry,
09:26 that bell rang and that quick shot landed after the bell.
09:31 Could have, yeah, that could have been a disqualification,
09:36 justifiable disqualification, but the ref let it go.
09:39 Tough to pull back after you let them go.
09:44 Letting them hands go, both fighters letting them hands go
09:48 early in this fight as we approach round number four.
09:50 Of the scheduled six here in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina,
10:00 the Mayhem in Myrtle Seven, John T. Rhodes Sports Complex.
10:05 The fourth round of six, Chell Hernandez and Karla Torres.
10:11 (crowd chattering)
10:14 Torres is coming out sharp, lead right hands,
10:25 followed by jab, lot of activity coming from her,
10:28 seems very in shape.
10:29 Hernandez has an elusive style,
10:36 likes to keep her head off the line, changes levels,
10:39 Torres is predicting movement.
10:41 Nice body shot there by Hernandez.
10:44 Nice one-two, sharp jab by Torres each round so far,
10:57 switches her stance, lands that jab again, changes levels.
11:01 Great body work here by Hernandez.
11:05 (crowd chattering)
11:08 Lot of activity here against the ropes,
11:13 this time it is Hernandez with her back to the ropes,
11:16 Torres delivering the punishment.
11:17 Veteran move there by Hernandez, clenching.
11:24 Looks like a cut forming on the right eye of Hernandez,
11:35 as she delivers four punch combination
11:38 to the body of Torres,
11:40 met with sharp counters by the opponent.
11:43 Double jab one-two, lands flush.
11:53 Hernandez keeps coming forward,
11:56 that strength is gonna pay dividends.
11:58 And fighting flurries out of the corner.
12:00 Excellent round, excellent round by both fighters.
12:06 Torres has proven that she's here for a reason.
12:08 Hernandez is not willing to give up, neither is Torres.
12:13 This has been an exciting fight here
12:16 at the John T. Rhoades Sports Complex
12:20 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
12:22 This is a Christy Martin Promotions Country Box promotion
12:26 in association with
12:27 Anne Ocean, Annie's Resorts.
12:33 Here we are looking at some of the flurries
12:35 that took place in the last round.
12:37 Lot of activity, big jabs landed.
12:39 See that cut is forming over the right eye of Hernandez.
12:43 Neither opponent, that body work is pro level,
12:49 world class body work.
12:51 We are entering the fifth round
13:05 of a scheduled six.
13:06 Clock is going, even though the round has yet to start.
13:11 And here we go, we are underway in the fifth round
13:13 of a scheduled six round bout.
13:17 World title challenger, Melissa Hernandez
13:23 coming off a 13 month layoff.
13:25 Might have a little bit of ring rust,
13:27 but that also could be a very talented opponent
13:31 that is fighting her fight tonight.
13:33 (crowd cheering)
13:36 Big shot landed, big left hand landed by Hernandez.
13:42 Again, digs with the body, can she finish it?
13:46 That flurry off the ropes.
13:48 Torres seemingly willing to concede.
14:03 (crowd chattering)
14:04 Going backwards against the ropes
14:06 to set up that counter off the ropes very effectively.
14:10 Hernandez with a strong foundation, lands a big shot there.
14:14 (crowd chattering)
14:18 (crowd chattering)
14:21 In the center of the ring, Hernandez is still bouncing,
14:38 moving those hands, dropping those hands, moving that head.
14:42 Nice feint there by Hernandez,
14:46 seeing what Torres does, she seems ready and willing.
14:50 Very technically sound is Torres.
14:53 Really sharp hand position, great footwork,
14:59 moving in various angles, cutting that ring off.
15:02 Likes to go backwards,
15:03 but counters really well off the ropes.
15:06 Hernandez likes to move forward,
15:11 push the opponent against the ropes,
15:12 but she can bang right back.
15:16 Excellent round, both fighters.
15:18 Tough rounds to score.
15:21 Two minutes just seems to go by really fast.
15:25 Tough rounds to score, but I tell you,
15:34 that jab by Torres is really impressive.
15:37 Her game plan has been to kind of
15:41 catch and shoot off the ropes.
15:45 Not exert too much energy by trying to battle
15:47 that forward movement by Hernandez,
15:48 just takes it back and counters.
15:51 Great footwork.
15:52 Punches over her legs really, really well.
15:58 Strong foundation.
16:01 Hernandez obviously a veteran of this game,
16:08 knows that she probably needs to pick it up.
16:10 (crowd chattering)
16:13 And here we go.
16:18 Sixth and final round of the contest,
16:23 and our co-feature.
16:25 World title challenger Melissa Hernandez
16:32 after a 13-month layoff has come out
16:39 and is facing a tough, tough opponent in Carla Torres.
16:43 Seemingly prepared for all the movement.
16:49 Oh, although she did land,
16:52 Hernandez did land a big right, but Torres ate it.
16:55 Still with that sharp jab.
17:04 (crowd chattering)
17:07 Torres does a great job switching her stance
17:13 at the right time, unlike what we saw earlier
17:15 in this fight, or this show.
17:17 Some of these fighters are trying to switch,
17:19 but just don't do it at the right time.
17:20 It leaves themselves squared up
17:22 and susceptible to the big shots.
17:24 Torres does this very well,
17:26 switches her stance at the right time.
17:28 Again, allows herself to put herself against the ropes.
17:31 Came in like a snake there, viper shot.
17:34 Referee warning for the push, but eh, game's a chip.
17:46 Hernandez again pushing her opponent back to the ropes.
17:51 Seemingly exactly where Torres wants her.
17:56 (crowd chattering)
17:59 And here we are, 10 seconds remaining in the bout.
18:07 Strong six rounds by both opponents
18:13 as we are heading to the scorecards.
18:17 These veterans put it all out there
18:20 for an incredible co-feature here at the Mayhem of Myrtle.
18:25 I'm Jason Scazzone, your host.
18:27 New at this, having fun.
18:30 I don't normally get a microphone,
18:33 so I like to say things unfiltered.
18:37 It's been a good time.
18:38 Great showing by both fighters.
18:42 Tremendous heart.
18:45 Lot of excitement here in Myrtle Beach.
18:53 It'll be interesting, these two minute rounds,
18:55 tough to score, a lot of volume out of both fighters.
19:00 Lot of punches landed, don't have CompuBox,
19:03 so I can't tell you exactly what the ratio difference is,
19:06 but I really do think Torres did an excellent job
19:10 establishing that jab.
19:13 And Hernandez just did some great work to the body, so.
19:16 They were both prepared, excellent stuff.
19:24 We will see shortly which fighter prevails.
19:28 Either way, I think both fighters have quite a few fights
19:31 left in the tank in their professional career.
19:34 Yes, so we have our main man, Jeremiah Gallegos,
19:48 entering to collect the scorecards.
19:49 (crowd cheering)
19:54 I see it, I see it, four rounds of two to Torres.
19:58 Close fight.
19:59 A lot of activity, very impressive from both fighters.
20:05 Four rounds of two to Torres is where I have it,
20:09 but she is the away fighter in theory.
20:13 Both fighters just seem to be glad to be on this stage.
20:19 Really, really good stuff.
20:20 Again, both fighters have the opportunity
20:22 to fight in front of International Boxing Hall of Fame
20:25 with Christy Martin, which is always the truth.
20:29 Michelle Hernandez is having a great time.
20:40 You gotta love that.
20:41 Here we go to Jeremiah for the results.
20:46 (bell ringing)
20:50 - Ladies and gentlemen,
20:52 here from the John T. Rhodes Sports Center,
20:57 we go the distance.
20:58 How about a huge round of applause
21:01 for these two champions,
21:03 scrapping it out in the ring
21:05 for a historic night of professional boxing.
21:10 And now we go to the judges' scorecards.
21:17 Judge Claudio and Udega have this contest,
21:21 59-55.
21:24 And Judge Lindeman has this contest, 58-56.
21:30 To the winner by unanimous decision,
21:34 the Farty Pride of San Juan, Puerto Rico,
21:40 Carla Starr!
21:46 (crowd cheering)
21:48 - They got it right, folks.
21:49 I believe the judges got it right.
21:50 That is a tough, tough fight to judge, to score,
21:54 but Torres certainly came out ready.
21:58 (cheering)
