Brit trapped in Gaza describes ‘desperate’ scenes at Rafah crossing

  • last year
Brit in Gaza describes desperate scene at Rafah crossingoriginal/ sent to Bel Trew


00:00 There's now a movement, people are saying it's about to open, I don't know, but there's
00:07 a list of names that are issued and I couldn't find my name or my family's name on the list.
00:14 My two uncles who are Jordanian, they have their name on the list. But anyway, I'm kind
00:17 of going back to Gaza now, well to Khan Yunis, to kind of convey news to those that are there
00:22 because we've not got comms. We don't have communication. There is a comms blackout.
00:28 I'm Mohammed. I went to the border today because one of my uncles I've heard from the Jordanian
00:33 government, his name was on a list. So I drove him to the border. I have like a fifth of
00:39 the tank of petrol left. When I got there I was able to see what was what. I managed
00:46 to get my hands on the list of people that were allowed to leave. I found out my name
00:52 and my family's names were not on it and I went back to convey that information. The
00:56 situation there was quite desperate. People are really afraid. Whoever can leave is trying
01:02 to leave and people got to the border, however it means they could. Some people arrived on
01:08 donkey carts because there is no fuel available for all the cars. It is imperative on the
01:16 UK and the US to actually stop this madness. There must be another way for Israelis and
01:22 Palestinians to co-exist together in one secular democratic state that ensures the freedom
01:29 and human rights for everyone. Everyone, not just one group of people.
